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Everything posted by Macman253

  1. Viktor Van Hal, Van Hal Estate Viktor sharpened his sword as he waited, his loyal men preparing for a strike on an known vampire hideout nearby. For Carmala. Viktor checked his bolts were fitted with silver heads and the grip of his silver sword was tight and secure. As he sharpened the blade his finger touched the metal and gave a painful hiss, with a quick jerk he ripped his hand away and the burn mark had vanished. He had known these Vampires, the leader Sofie Levessuer, a breton woman that at one time had been a huntress but succumbed to a bite she had received. Kelak, a burly nord man that had dozens of scars and was missing his right eye burst in. "Milord, the men are ready, should I mobilize them?" He asked, his ex-legion armor painted black and decorated with various Nord battle paintings. Viktor turned, his longcoat swaying as he walked. Viktor knew that this would be a rough fight but he had assurances his men would prevail. He stepped out with Kelak at his side and sniffed the air deeply, the sweet smell of the fresh night air was sweet to him, along with the blood red moon that shown overhead. Fifty men stood in perfect order in from of him, fifteen armed with powerful dual-shot crossbows and polished armor, the rest armed with shield and sword with heavily armored men wearing mail coats and kilts, bearing the tartan of Kelak's clan. These men were known as Kelak's Chosen, all able to swing the mighty claymore and as tough as a snow troll from the lands of Skyrim. "As you all know of my curse, I am cursed to rid this world of the machinations of the evil necromancer, the bloodthirsty vampire and the savage werewolf. We Van Hal's have been on this crusade for hundreds of years, my father Lord Van Hal who gave each and every one of you a purpose was assassinated by one of our own. The witch Sofie Levessuer, she is a hunter like you all and she will know all your tricks but she is lacking in one crucial thing. She does not know the strength of our righteous cause set apon us by Talos himself. For the free people! For TALOS!" Cried Viktor as his men began cheering loudly to the speech, The Sergeants gave the call and they marched to war. Kelak smiled and placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "Good speech my lord, shall I prepare your horse or would you prefer the alternate route?" He asked coyly as he checked his sword, sliding it in and out of its scabbard to make sure it was oiled properly. Viktor smiled and called for his horse, with expert grace and agility he mounted the horse and spurred the animal. Taking off at a fast gallop to the lead the group. His men cheered as he passed, it wasn't long before they arrived at their target. Sofie must have known they would arrive that night since her ramparts were covered with skeletons wielding longbows and dressed in ragged and aged armor that they once wore in life and now in death. The occassional Vampire could be seen on the wall, a crossbowmen would take a shot and the bloodsucker would vanish. "Kelak! Order the crossbowmen to setup on the hill, have them a hundred yards away from the wall. have the men-at-arms use the siege walls to advance behind while our crossbowmen give them cover." He said just after Kelak approached, a tent was erected quickly and the table laid out a battleplan. He knew Sofie had a number of necromancers in her service and he knew that to storm the castle now would just be suicide. He proposed that they hold their position and Viktor would enter the castle and kill the necromancers and Sofie, this would stop their resurrecting the dead guards. "But milord this means you'll be alone in there, noone to protect you?" Kelak said with his heavily accented tone of concern. Viktor chuckled and gave his ally a reassuring smile. "My old friend, you served my father well and I consider you my greatest friend and family but a few necromancers and walking corpses I can handle, just stay here and make sure these men stay alive." A woman's voice came from inside Viktor's head. "Viktor Van Hal, the predator taht hunt's his own kind. You are my greatest agent on Mundus but you must destroy this coven, I know of your 'connection' to this Sophie but do not let your emotions lead you astray my champion." Spoke the voice of Meridia, the Daedra Prince had been a long supporter of the Van Hals since the Great Purge but for her gift she required one thing. The male heirs of the Van Hal's were stricken with the same curse they sought to eradicate, the curse of vampirism but with her own blend of irony viktor thought as the daedra's voice slipped into the dark recesses of his mind. Kelak and his men went over battle stratagies just before the horn sounded, the castles portcullis ascended and three vampires stepped out, one was Sophie and she held a banner of truce.
  2. Blood-Tracker surveyed the local area quietly with his Falcon, heat readings showed the Marine patrol was five men strong. Blood-Tracker needed to test himself, he needed the thrill of the hunt. He leaped from tree branch to branch, his thermographic vision showing the array of footsteps on the jungle floor. The voices of the humans was picked up on his audio sensors long before he heard them. "Hey lieutenant, why are we out here in this overgrown garden anyway." Said one of the Marines to the man up front, leading the pack. The Lieutenant looked back and smiled. "Edwards, were here because the brass says we need to be here. Supposedly two days ago a unknown object fell planetside here. Brass thinks its just a meteor but the eggheads want us to check it." Revealed the Lieutenant as they walked further. Blood-Tracker leapt from his spot on a large branch across their path and landed in the split trunk of a tree and dug his claws in. "Wait they got us out here tracking a rock again, one fell planetside two weeks ago and they sent out four teams for that one, never found it...they found a trail that it left in the trees but when they got to point of impact, there was nothing it was strange." Another Marine said as he walked quietly. The female marine laughed and elbowed the other marine. "Tiggs you need to stop reading into those conspiracy stories, when this patrol is over I wanna head to the club and find me a fine lookin' girl and shake of the boots..." Said the female marine, Blood-Tracker noticed her pheremone levels spiked and she seemed to be sexually stimulated. A sense of curiosity coursed through him but he ignored it. Edwards raised his hand in the air. "Wait up I gotta take a crap, be right back..." Said the marine as he walked out of eyesight. This was Blood-Trackers chance, the youngblood landed on the ground quietly and stalked through the jungle. The Marine began to relieve himself, the others in the distance were swapping stories of sexual conquests of their preferred gender. Blood-Tracker extended his dual-wristblades and waited until the Marine picked up his weapon. "Hey Edwards, spray before you go we can smell that s*** all the way over here!" One of the marines yelled, Blood-Tracker grabbed the marine by the mouth and sank his wrist-blades into the marines neck. The human looked into the cold eyeslits of his facemask as the life left him. With a hard jerk the humans head popped off and the spine came with it, a perfect trophy. The Youngblood leaped up into the trees once more as the wet slap of flesh that was once the marine struck the dirt. Tracker tuned his masks vocal mimic to that of the dead marine. The female marine left the group to go looking for the missing soldier, as she walked she heard edwards voice come from her left. "Over here!" she heard. "Yeah i'm comin' want me to wipe your ass too Edwards.." she said as she walked through the underbrush, when she got there she about let out a scream but as she looked upon the grizzly scene she was lifted in the air, two large metal curved blades protruding from her chest. Blood-Tracker pulled his blades free, hand on her spine and ripped the trophy free of her corpse and the remains hit the earthen jungle floor. Two trophies in as many minutes, Blood-Tracker moved silently through the forest floor. two down, three to go. "Hey lieutenant, where is Edwards and Vasquez? They have been gone awhile." Asked Tiggs as he checked the magazine of his pulse rifle. The Lieutenant looked around and smiled, "Where do you think they are?" he made a thrusting motion with his hips and the pair began to laugh. Blood-Tracker gave off the mimic of the woman laughing and the pair of marines went back to back with their rifles leveled at the forest. "Vasquez!?" Tiggs asked, "Edwards?" asked the Lieutenant. Blood-Tracker dropped down quietly next to them and dropped his cloak and roared ferociously as he sank both pairs of wrist-blades into the marines and lifted the pair up off the ground. Tiggs died nearly instantly but the Lieutenant struggled, blood pouring from his mouth. He grabbed his sidearm and fired a shot into the face of the xeno. Its mask came off to reveal a horrific face. "You're an ugly mother fu..." He said as he expired. Blood-Tracker roared as he claimed his trophies.
  3. I call this a stupid moment for me, I wrote a charecter for this rp but never used it, anyways about my guys backstory I did write it but it must have been cutoff when i posted it. But it looks like we aren't rping this anymore or what im not sure so i'll update my character to be sure. Name: Viktor Van Hal Occupation: Vampire Hunter Age: 27 Race: Imperial Personality: Quite, doesn't talk much. Cold and calculating but fair in terms of leadership. Weapon: Silver shortsword, steel longsword and torch with a crossbow and quiver. Appearance: Stocky, well built and scarred from years of fighting, dark green eyes and slick long black hair. Armour: Leather armor with a wide brimmed hat and longcoat History/Biography: Raised to a clan of Vampire Hunters, The Van Hal clan had been known across tamriel for their famous Crusades, clearing vampire dens and protecting villages. The group was lead by the Matriarch of the family clan, Leliana Van Hal. Over the years the activities of the Van Hal's stayed in Cyrodiil. There they operated out of a fortified manor in the woods outside Skingrad. One night, the vampire clan known as The Cabal set upon the manor, they slaughtered everyone. Viktor was out with a few others tracking a bandit that had been operating in the area, the locals asked the Van Hals to deal with the situation. When they came back the next morning everyone was dead. Broken and enraged Viktor declared a Vendetta, he discharged all those tied to the family and became the last Van Hal. Determined to hunt all vampires to extinction.
  4. King stepped out of his place to see the stranger and Versing chatting, and with that he decided to go for a walk upstairs. He needed to find something on the location of his Caravan. He started up the main stairs and took the elevator up to the top floor, there he found the largest penthouse room and discovered something he had been waiting for for years. As he entered the Penthouse he could smell the stench of human waste, he drew his double-barrel and walked calmly, hearing a slight scratching noise. King checked the rounds in his shotgun were indeed bean bags and then a figure burst out of the closet across the room and made for the Balcony, King reacted and fired a shot that hit the man and dropped him to the floor. King holstered his shotgun as the man groaned in pain, he toed the old man over to find Alistair Tenpenny alive and well. Some years back he had chased this old murderer half across the wasteland for killing a teenage girl. King knew the Regulators wanted him but he knew the girl which is why he took the job. "Alistair Tenpenny, the Butcher Of Liberty..." King said sadistically. The old man held up his hands and tried crawling to the balcony. "Look I didn't do it, I'm just a survivor like you...please don't kill me!" He cried, he reeked of s*** and desperation. "Been in that closet for awhile now, my guess since those Legion guys came in and butchered your so called 'elite' huh Tenpenny?" King said angrily, remembering the corpse of the girl he found, savagely raped and murdered. King grabbed a rope from his bag and tied the man up and set him next to the railing on the balcony, he drew his .44 and removed 5 shells from the six shot revolver, he smirked and spun the cylinder. "Were going to play a game, I need to know what happened to a caravan that was meant for megaton and your going to tell me..." He aimed at the old murderer. Alistair spit at King in defiance and King smiled and pulled the trigger much to the old mans shock, but instead of the expected bang only thing heard was a loud click. "Hah! didn't work!" he yelled in personal triumph. King just smiled and kicked out the cylinder, he slid in a second shell and spun the cylinder again. "Now, same question. Everytime you don't tell me what I want I load in another bullet." He aimed again and pulled the trigger, the gun didn't fire again. King repeated the process and when he aimed Tenpenny finally broke. "Okay! Look I sold out the caravan to Paradise Falls, I watched as they took the caravan and its crew." He said desperately. King holstered his revolver and nodded, believing the old man. "Thank you son, for not killing me..." He said in relief. King smiled and grabbed the old man and brought him close to him so they were face to face. "You wanna know something funny, It's not the fall that kills you...." And with that he threw the murdering psychopath off the balcony and over the railing to fall forty floors. "Its the stop at the end!" He yelled as Tenpenny fell, screaming like a little girl all the way down until he was silenced by a wet smack of meat on pavement that ended the depraved old man. King lit a cigarette and looked out over the Wasteland and smiled, knowing that girl was finally avenged.
  5. King didn't show much reaction to the childish outburst, Lady ducked back further under the gurney when the man started yelling. Jack wasn't much of a childish man, years of being a Regulator and many more of being a waster has conditioned him to be serious and calculating to a fault. He shot the man an angry glance for his outburst and the fact that he scared his dog. After he'd finished his work he gathered his gear and checked the cylinder of his .44 and holstered it with a spin. He left the room, pushing past the stranger in the door and entered a room off the main room. A place called Boutique Le Chic, various mannequins and high end clothing items scattered about the room. "Lady, come..." Lady happily came up to him and sat down as he kneeled down, her tail wagging quickly. King had an affinity for dogs, they liked him. He remembered the group of Raiders he found trying to kill Lady, after he had stopped them Lady tore out of one of the bandits throat ash she nearly got the drop on him but Lady was faster. "Lets get you some food..." He rummaged through his Rooksack and found a can of Kibbles dog food and he reached down and pulled the bowie knife from his boot-sheath and placed the tip to the edge of the can and slammed down on it hard and it broke the seal of the two hundred year old can of dog food, He cut the can open and set it on the floor, Lady greedily ate and King lit a cigarette and lounged in a chair and pulled a half empty bottle of whiskey out of his bag and drank it with the intent of finishing it and not remembering the rest of tonight.
  6. After he had sterilized his equipment using a special combination of crushed Rad-X pills and a half-shot of Med-X with some whiskey for good measure he dipped the needle and stitching wire inside and began binding her wound. His hands careful and practiced despite the obvious trauma to the left hand from a large caliber bullet. King had more then a small amount of experience at battlefield medicine. His time in the Regulators taught him that. He felt the presence of three firearms carefully aimed at him and perhaps three more outside. A part of him thought he'd never stay alive after healing her. He reached into his rooksack at his side and pulled out a half-empty bottle of anti-biotics and set them next to the girl after he finished stitching her up. He looked over his handy work, the slightly slanted stitches held strong and still gave slack for movement. "There you go, now Sandro would you kindly remove that scattergun from my back..." King said calmly as he washed his hands in a bowl of hot water.
  7. 4 members and the RP starts so we need one more
  8. Name: Blood-Tracker Race: Yautja (Youngblood) Gender: Male Kit: Pair of Wrist-Blades, twin Razor-Disks. Wrist Computer with cloaking device and self destruct module. Speargun and Netgun. Predator Falcon harness and bird with special tracking mask that is capable of thermographic and nightvision. Backstory: Blood-Tracker earned his name from the fact that although he is a Youngblood he is a superb tracker. He single-handedly tracked a escaped Bad Blood for his clan and killed it, earning his Blooded kill and gaining much respect. His mask is made of the Bad Bloods skull and his armor made from the hard bone plating and bits of other animals hes tracked and killed which he integrated his tools into. His Falcon, Bloodwing has been his closest ally. Despite the Rule Of Three where packs hunt in threes he entered the Great Hunt on his own when he heard one of their best had become a Bad Blood and escaped to the surface of the reserve (Calavera). The Bad Blood being Jungle Stalker, Blood-Tracker's father. Jungle Stalker killed a female Yautja by the name of Huntress, she found out about Jungle Stalkers plans to ignite a clan war between the Vornskyr Clan and their own clan and confronted him, she was killed. Her mate Blood-Tracker gave The Final Vow, a hunt is declared against a single opponent for the sake of honor. The only way the hunt will ever conclude is if one of them perishes.
  9. :thumbsup: I like it, approved.
  10. King walked into the medical clinic and looked at the young girl, glancing over her wounds and he set about preparing himself. Taking off his gloves to reveal a large bullet scar on his left hand as he prepared the tools. "What happened to her?" he asked over his shoulder as he washed his hands. Lady slid into the room and hid under a gurney to watch as King began to treat the young girl.
  11. he thought for a moment on the ghouls words but he didn't mean any of them harm so he didn't really care, then his mind drifted to the girls injuries and nodded. "I've dressed more then a few wounds in my time, what happened to her?"
  12. King smirked at the ghouls remark, he hadn't much liking for ghouls but this one seemed alright. "Jackson King, but call me King." He said as he outstretched his hand to the ghoul. Lady growled at the stranger but King shot her a glance and she quieted and sat down. The red furred dog still stared at the ghoul, smelling the rot on him reminded her of the men that ambushed them earlier.
  13. He looked her over once again and then relaxed his stance and offered his hand. "I'm King, I was hired by the Sheriff of Megaton to track down a wayward caravan. They passed by the Tower and I need to ask your friend if shes seen them..."
  14. King looked over the stranger for a second as he asked his name. His hand drifted near his pistol and he looked at the man warily. "Someone, what happened here?" he asked.
  15. For a long while I've been considering this. So I sat down today and did the rules. Here they are and they are simple. Species: The Hunter (Predator) The Yautja are a group of aliens that seeded the roots of civilization on early earth for mankind. Seeing them as hosts for their greatest prey. The Serpent. Hunters are nomadic groups that live in starships, There Homeworld is Yautja Prime. A clan-ship is large and powerful but they are limited, they act as exploration craft and warships in equal measure. The Hunters pursue the hunt much like a religion, their Elite are considered their greatest but a Clan Overseer is considered a priest. Given significant respect and on the day of their deaths A Great Hunt is issued where they descend on a seed world to hunt their favored prey. Although strong they have a great sense of martial honor. If one is not armed they will not kill, no sport but they have been known to take a challenge to melee combat if prompted. Most Yautja don't have names literally just phrases they adopt that has been given to them by prey, mostly human. Those that are remembered are often remembered by the terrain they hunt in like Jungle Hunter or City Hunter or by their specific task in a Pack like Tracker, some are even given names by traits or through legendary acts in their first hunt. They communicate mostly through a series of clicks, whirs and body language. But their masks translate these things into audible speech. Female predators are commonplace, not stuck in a breeding and feeding manner many females are considered great warriors and more often then not are clan leaders. the defining feature of females is slender but well built bodies and breasts, they also have less rugged mandibles and longer dreadlocks. Females hold an equal standing in their society and in some cases prized. A hunter will go on very dangerous hunting missions for the chance at courting a female, a daughter of a honored hunter or particularly good hunter. While capable of living for thousands of years most do not make it to a old age because of their lifestyle but the average youngblood is around three hundred years old. The Yautja generally have single births but one male can take multiple females if hes earned the right by having many trophies and honorable kills. Same goes for females, there are many females that have multiple mates because they have been given the respect and earned that right. A yautja that succeeds in killing a Xenomorph Queen becomes an Elite and therefore a title member in his or her clan. A little known fact is that consuming the flesh of a Yautja will give a human incredibly long life. To about 200 years and it reduces the effects of aging. This is only disclosed to apprentices and it is encouraged when the apprentice wishes to travel with them since it takes many years to learn the ways of a hunter. In some situations Yautja fall from their strict honor system and are deemed Bad Bloods, mostly for attacking unarmed foes, killing other Yautja without permission via Adjudicator or Clan-Leader and killing forbidden prey (the sick, injured or pregnant women). These Yautja are often executed but some escape and become Bad Bloods. Some are given chances to redeem themselves by going on a particularly difficult hunt and coming back with a grand prize, this usually is going as the fourth man on a hive extermination hunt or hunting a Queen Serpent with only Wrist-Blades. Usually this ends in the hunters death but if they return alive and victorious they are pardoned of their crime, this pardon however is only offered once and if they should re-offend they are executed on the spot. If a Yautja should go on a hunt with his Pack and his Packmates perish yet he survives and returns home with no prize, he is irrevocably dishonored and often commits a ritual suicide in the completion he regains his honor in the afterlife. the Yautja very clan by clan, for example in some clans the females are larger and stronger where in others its the reverse, in others the older they get the stronger they are or they are a group of Bad Bloods that banded together. Clans form on their own but the clans themselves are watched over by a leader and that leader reports to the Adjudicator's a group of Yautja that are the elite of the elite. Centuries to thousands of years old they have survived hunts by themselves that whole packs failed to complete. Their word is literal law amongst the Yautja, akin to gods they are the end of all disagreements and the leaders of their people. The Predators Weapons: Wrist-Blades: The signature weapon of the hunter. A dual bladed weapon attached to a gauntlet that can retract. It is also resistant to the effects of Serpent blood but extended use will destroy them. Some of the younger predators, the Youngbloods have recently come to favor a pair of Wrist-Blades on each arm, and have adapted them to fire at their opponent, while only useful at close range it makes them much more deadly. Razor-Disk: A fast moving weapon that tracks via the targeting laser built into the Predators Mask. Also capable of refracting off walls and striking with extreme force. The Razor-Disk will always return to its owners hand. Plasma Caster: The shoulder mounted coaxial plasma weapon. it is powerful but its shots are limited by the self-charging battery. A quick burst-shot consumes little to no power but is non-lethal, great for knocking an opponent down and then closing for a coup de grace up close. A charged shot is fatal to all but the toughest enemies. Combi-Stick: A spear like weapon that retracts to a small staff. This weapon his very personal to each hunter, handmade by him upon his initiation into the Elite. A very deadly spear that can be used as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. Prox-Mines: An energy-based landmine that can be used as a tool or weapon. it requires energy from your power-cell before use. Mask: One of the most useful pieces of equipment available to the Hunter. It contains two vision modes, Thermal and Low-Light. Thermal is the most useful for tracking Humans and Synthetics since they give off heat, Low-Light is used mostly to traverse dark areas but Serpents armor and skin glow in the view of Low-Light Visionmode or Humans goggles. The Predator Falcon: A tool that is widely disused by Yautja but some like to have it, it requires a bulkier mask because of the added electronics and a shoulder to dedicate to it, which most prefer for a Plasma Caster but those with the desire for greater tracking capabilities usually have this setup. The Falcon is a biomechanical bird that can see in a broad array of spectrums, the owner can also see in these spectrums. The bird itself flies with a small anti-gravity propulsion system and an engine but it can fly silently, giving it an edge when tracking opponents. The Survivor (Colonial Marines) With the advent of space travel humanity has settled the stars, with that the Xenos were found not on a distant planet but on earth itself. With that the Weyland-Yutani corporation has set out to discover lost technologies through exploration. The Federation Colonies has been contracted in support and offered their assist wherever needed. Because of this partnership the Marines have been given access to every weapon, vehicle and piece of hardware under the sun and a surplus of funds. The Marine Arsenal: The Assault Rifle: Full auto, high power standard issue weapon. A Marines closest friend. 32 round magazine and has a built in air-burst linked grenade launcher. The Flamer: Standard flamethrower, pretty basic in what it does...its pilot light doubles as a handy cigarette lighter aswell. Sidearm: a .45 caliber, JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) round pistol. Good for upclose and personal or last effort, either way besides the knife this is one of the best close range weapons. Mossberg: Close range, pump action shotgun. Favored with Synthetic Assault Troops. 8 round magazine and can be loaded with special Hot-Shot Slugs. Slugs that when they impact burst into large inflamed shards. :CAUTION: Fire Spreds. The LMG: A heavy machine gun that acts as squad support weapon, held onto the solider with a special target tracking system and a full out or tracking burst fire modes. Developed after the Xeno's Outbreak on Tetis IV specifically for 'Bug Hunting' as the marines call it. Yutani-Arms Milspec Personal Armor: Every Marine has one, capable of stopping a blade or bullet with ease but Predator weaponry such as the Combi-Stick or the Wrist-Blades cut through it, The Aliens Daggertail and their Claws penetrate well but not as well. Yutani-Arms Motion Sensor: A personal device that can be held in the offhand or mounted to some weapons like The LMG or the Assault Rifle. It keeps track of movement by using a broadband sound to follow the minor vibrations in metallic objects or by obstruction like sonar. Marine Vehicles: The Armadillo: A general all purpose APC that can be Orbital-Dropped by Valkyries. Fully encloses with all-terrain tires or Tread-Pods for cold weather travel. One turret at the front next to the driver and another over the rear hatch. The Kodiak: A large all purpose tank, rarely seen but when needed nearly unstoppable, it carries a large 200mm Cannon with a coaxial 20mm Rotary Autocannon. Its armor is nearly impenetrable but its sole weakness is its dependency on electronics for firing. Plasma weapons can temporarily disable this function. The Valkryie: The Orbital Dropship/Transport/AttackCraft used by the Colonial Marines. Carrying twin Rotary Cannons and four missile pods of Air-To-Air and Air-To-Ground plus Rocket pods it is a strong craft. Powered by twin-rotational turbine engines this VTOL vehicle is called the 'Workhorse' because it can airdrop nearly anything, including the monstrous Kodiak. F.C.S. Icarus: The Forward Operation Craft and battleship in the Calavera System. The majority of the colonial forces reside in this ship above orbit. The Serpents (Aliens) The Serpents are a strong race of buglike aliens that reproduce through a host, they come in classifications such as. The Drone: The soldier and the worker of a Hive. Equipped with a extending tongue like bite along with razor sharp claws and a blade tipped daggertail. Efficient and deadly, cold and calculating. The Drone is smart and the perfect ambusher. By themselves the drones are fairly weak to a Predator or a squad of Marines but they come in large groups and stage ambushes. Capable of seeing through a predators cloaking device making them a good line on a predator since they tend to attack the first thing they see. The Runner: A fast moving alien that moves on all fours constantly much like a Drone they can cling to nearly any surface and move along it quickly. Although they do no possess the daggertail they have the ability to spit an incredibly corrosive and fast acting acid at an opponent. Making them a lethal ranged opponent, physically weaker then the drone but they are still tough because of their quick speed. The Praetorian: A colossal alien that acts as the synaptic core of a Hive with the exception of the Queen. Praetorians are rare on the immediate front but they are always present in the Hive. If the former Praetorian of a hive is killed and time allows a Drone will Metamorph into one. Heavily armored and amazingly strong they are one of the few things that could openly take on a Marine Kodiak and survive but their large size makes them incapable of wall crawling or extreme speed. The Queen: The Center of the Hive. Tall and powerful, she is a praetorian but much stronger and much meaner, Kill her and the hive dies since they are unique. While she is suspended in her egg laying state she is largely immobile but when she is injured or when she calls all of the Hive responds so be prepared for waves of opponents. Given sometime she can seperate herself from her eggsack and is free to attack and move. Calavera Prime: A remote system of five planets orbiting a binary star, Calavera Prime is a jungle world rich in Oil and Therosite. Two resources that bring The Federated Colonies. When they discovered Calavera they came across a series of ruins many thousands of years old. There they mistakenly unleashed The Serpent Queen that had been slumbering there. Kept in a cryostasis for future hunts by The Hunters. With the death of the great clan leader Kolthak the Great Hunt has been called. The greatest of Elites and the most promising Youngbloods are sent there to claim honor and victory, the last hunter to survive is the winner. Since the discovery of the 'Lost World' that is Calavera many factions have come to plunder its resources. The Colonial Marines came for the oil and Therosite but because the original founders of Calavera, a group of independent explorers, Weyland-Yutani used a loophole in their contract with the group in their purchase of the ships they used to travel there, one which crashed and another lost during travel, the Third acts as a home to the independent settlers that have flourished after ten long hard years. Weyland-Yutani sent a ship after them once word had traveled back, Five years after the word had reached them The battleship Icarus was dispatched with a permanent military force and occupation of Calavera, Weyland-Yutani sent its own force equipped with state of the art Synthetic security forces and researchers with contracted personnel and equipment. Five years later they descended as allies. But the harsh conditions soon changed that, seeing the long trip home and once only five years are they resupplied they split their temporary alliance and became rivals, at first it was disagreements but a number of events sent the two at one another and blood ran the streets. After nearly fifteen years the independent group known as 'Calaverans' or "Locals" as the Marines call them created Calav City, now the locals pick the bodies clean after a skirmish and survive in their scavenged city. Generally peaceful the locals number one enemy is the Xeno's, The marines like to call themselves the best Bug Hunters but in reality it is the Calaverans, they have been fighting them for nearly twenty five years and they are still holding strong regardless of the constant attacks. Their despotic leader and religious leader, a pious man named Jedidiah Kane has ruled over their Republic Of Calavera since its creation. he keeps his people in line but its rumored that his leadership was stolen from the former captain of the craft that came here by way of mutiny but noone left aside of Kane himself can prove or disprove that rumor. Despite all of the Calaveran peace their is rumors of religious based atrocities being committed because a small faction within the group believe that they should be liberated from Kane and his Red Guard army. This group has contacted and is secretly working with The Colonial Marines to do such a thing but over the last three years nothing but a few skirmishes and the occassional bombing occur, mostly uncoordinated strikes and random riots spring up. The Colonial Marines in general see them as 'Peasants With Peashooters' but General Marcus keeps close ties with the rebels, hoping to someday overthrow Kane and secure the abundant resources they have claim to or atleast, gain a foothold. Chief Executive Smith has been supportive of Kane's regime for many years and has been supplying him with the arms he needs to maintain control. When the Colonial Marines arrived they took over the Derelict. A crashed exploration craft sent there many years before, in which its entire crew vanished with no trace. Not even corpses were left behind. They populated it and turned it into a fortress from which to base their operations planetside. The Serpents work from The Pyramid, a large structure on the southern end of the planet. There the primary Hive exists. Over the years since the exploration team released them smaller Hives have sprung up and they continue to harass the Colonial Marines. The many groups of predators work independently on the surface, usually in Packs. Groups of three, one veteran to lead the group and two Youngblood apprentices. The Clan-Ship resides in a distant orbit around the star where small ships are dispatched to the planets surface. Weyland-Yutani Corp works from The Refinery. They use an small personal army of Synthetic soldiers to guard their researchers and workers as they mine the Therosite and harvest the abundant resources including, wildlife and oil. Your Role In The Conflict: You as the player will be one of these races (Treat synthetics as humans but allied with Weyland-Yutani) You could be a Drone in the Hive, a veteran squad commander in the colonial marines or a youngblood predator looking to make his mark. Your character sheet looks like this. Name: Race: Kit: (weapons and armor or gear) Backstory: Simple but useable, the rules are easy. Don't god mode. Predators are strong but they are weak to the motion tracking systems of the marine and their cloaking devices only work against humans and synthetics, Serpents see through them. Serpents are stealthy but weak unless in numbers, as a Drone player you have Synaptic Command of other Serpents besides Praetorians and Queens. The Marine has all the toys but you are dealing with ambush-based opponents. Remember to check your flank and use your scanner but your strength is your teammates, your weakness is yourself. Physically you are weak in comparision so you rely on your robust technology. Finally, have fun. Good luck on Calavera,
  16. King walked calmly through the wake of corpses, many of then dressed oddly, Lady began to growl as they approached the gate. he saw a man there cleaning a rifle. Slowing his steps and unlatching his .44 revolvers strap he approached. Lady growled a warning for him not to move and King looked at him warily as long as he held the rifle. "What happened here?" He asked the stranger.
  17. I like the challenge actually lol
  18. Sigma turned and continued down the hall, after the red haired woman left his mind kept drifting to her and her likeness to Kyla. He missed her and he didn't know how he was going to find her. Sigma wandered around a corner and then heard a distinct scream of a little girl. Like a lion chasing after its prey Sigma took off at a run. "No! No! Stay away!" the girl cried just as Sigma got to the balcony, down below were four splicers, one looked like he was a giant ape but he had bull like horns and he carried a sledgehammer like a baby carried a rattle, one of the splicers was fighting with the girl for her syringe that had been filled with Adam, a dead Big Daddy laid not far away. With a roar of a demon rising from hell Sigma leaped over the railing and landed behind one of the splicers that was carrying a lead pipe, He quickly grabbed the splicer and hurled him with outstanding force into another one of the splicers and charged the pair, Just as they connected he fired up his drill and rammed it home, piercing both Splicers simultaneously. They both screamed in pure agony as the huge bit augered through them, sending bits and pieces of gore and blood flying everywhere. Sigma watched in horror as one of the Splicers aimed a pistol at the little girl, she cried and cowered in fear. Reacting on pure instinct he turned and aimed his Drill-arm at the Splicer and tapped a special red button on his elbow and the drill began to spin furiously and then a pair of rockets fired and sent the drill careening towards the splicer. The bit shed the remains of the other Splicers in flight and striking the Splicer holding the gun square in the chest with enough force to send him flying into the wall where it imbedded deep and finally stopped. Sigma let out a triumphant moan just before the large brute splicer charged into him and sent him flying. He hit the far wall hard and landed on the floor, he blacked out for a few seconds, when he awoke the world was fuzzy but he could make out the Brute coming towards him. "You ghosted three of me' boyos tin papa!" Said the brute in a thick irish accent. The brute picked Sigma up by the handles on his diving helmet and lifted him to his feet. "An' 'fer that, I'm gonna kill you and then i'll take ma' sweet lil' time with the girl..." he said with a cackle, he was cut short when Sigma punched him in the chin hard enough for the Brute to release him and stagger back holding his chin. Sigma leveled his wrist-mounted Spear-gun and fired, one of the Spears pierced his hand and pinned him to the wall. The brute cried out like a stuck pig, Sigma fired a second shot into his other hand that pierced him there like a strange mockery of the crucifixion. "I'll kill you for this Tin Man!" Cursed the Splicer as he strained to pull himself off the spears holding him to the wall. Sigma calmly removed the Drill still stuck in the wall and attached it to his arm, as he did the young girl popped out of her hiding place behind a un-mounted door laying on its side next to the wall where it had been ripped off its hinges. She looked at the stuck splicer and stuck out her tongue. She ran over to Sigma leg and clutched on, he groaned with what could be determined as a laugh. "You're mean and my Daddy kicked your ugly butt!" Yelled the spunky little girl. She looked up and beamed at Sigma as he picked her up and placed her on his shoulder and turned to walk away. As they turned the Splicer forced one hand off the spear and reached for a pistol laying on the ground and aimed at Sigma. "Daddy lookout!" The girl cried out just as Sigma turned with astonishing speed and drew the double-barrel from his back and fired both barrels into the Splicers skull. Sending enlarged bits of brain matter and flesh flying about the room, adding more gore to the already gore filled room. "Thank you for saving me papa..." She said as she hugged his huge diving helmet and smiled.
  19. The Big Daddy landed on the ground with a loud metallic thud and his spinning drill stopped, he looked at the now headless Splicer and the young woman, he thought she was fit for her age and her sprawling red hair reminded him of Kyla, how he missed her. He turned his attention to the young girl cowering in the corner and crying. He knelt down gently and held her in his bulky arms as she cried. He held her lovingly like a father held his newborn daughter and he let out a light moan like a whales song and she stopped crying. He set her down and then she saw the woman and fled behind his leg. "Make her go away papa!" She moaned in a otherworldly echoed voice. He stared at the young woman as she laid down her shotgun, The Little Sister behind his leg whimpered in fright as she clutched a handmade doll that looked like him. He casually picked up his shotgun and sheathed it in a holster on his back next to his air-tank and he stared at the symbol on his hand, the same one on his helmet. He turned and wrote a single word in the frosted glass of the window. and took a step back and pointed at it then himself. The word read "Sigma" in hastily scrawled letters. Sigma watched her closely and then knelt down to his Little Sister and extended his hand and she took it, he easily lifted her up and carried her to the vent. She crawled inside and dropped her toy. Sigma bent down, groaning with his injury as blood seeped down his diving suit and he picked up the toy and handed it to her, she took it and hugged it with joy and kissed him on the forehead plate of his diving helmet. "Thank you papa.." She said and with that she vanished into the vent. He strained to stand as he clutched his side. As he stood the blood flow kept up and he tapped his palm, with a moan of relief as the pain subsided and the pleasant sensation of relief washed over his body, The yellow glowing porthole in his helmet peered at the young woman intently as he calculated the threat she posed, after he deemed none and turned away and dislodged his drill, the heavy metal weapon hit the floor with a loud clunk as he walked over to the wrecked Circus Of Values machine and he corrected the overturned device. The machines audio track cycled between various phrases but made no sense and he set it back on its legs then with a meaty fist he gave it a hard thunk and a large pep-bar fell out. He picked it up and tossed it towards the woman and nodded in thanks for her help.
  20. its sorta required, I was thinking he could communicate through his little sister. he says something and she translates or he does it by sign language and writing stuff down
  21. Gonna let you all know that Big Daddies cannot communicate normally. While Sigma is one of the Alpha series which means he has free-will but he is Pair-Bonded. Meaning his Little Sister only sees him as her daddy, not other Big Daddies.
  22. The two splicers inspected the Big Daddy further, one of them kicking it hard in the head. It didn't move but the bulk shuffled around some of the rubble and a large piece struck the Big Daddy on the head with a loud metallic thunk and then hit the floor. "Ehhh I think its dead boss..." Said Pete as he looked into one of the portholes in the Big Daddy's helmet. The lead splicer laughed and pushed Pete aside to try and remove the helmet. he strained himself but to no avail. "Ehh, search him see what he has.." Ordered the boss splicer as he lit a cigarette and stuck it in the mouth piece of his mask. The other splicer produced a double-barreled shotgun from the rubble. "Hey boss look!" He cried out as he held out the shotgun. The leader took it gladly and looked around, he saw one of those vents a Little Sister used and pounded on it. Ruffling could be heard and the girl stuck her head out "Daddy?" she asked, The lead splicer pulled her out as she screamed for help and aimed the shotgun at the girl. The Big Daddy rose quickly to the sound of the screaming girl, he raised his left hand with a box-thing attached to it and it fired a huge Dart that pierced the unsuspecting Splicer in the back and struck with such force he was pierced to the wall a few feet away, his death throws only moved him further along the dart and he quickly died. The Big daddy leapt up into the air with a ear splitting moan, the drill on his hand whining as it spun hot and he descended towards the frightened Splicer, still clutching the screaming girl.
  23. Yeah sorry about that, just been waiting for a Bioshock rp to come up. But otherwise plasmids removed. Funny Plasmids are basically my weakness.
  24. (I know i havent been confirmed but I love bioshock so much and wanted to rp in this so badly i jumped the gun. If so ill delete this post later if you all wish) Three splicers entered the room, the leader carried a large pipe wrench while the other two had pistols. They wore ragged suits and masquerade masks. They rummaged around a broken Circus Of Values vending machine, behind it was a large pile of rubble one of the Splicers had climbed on. "Hey boss, look I'm the king of the world!" Cried out the Splicer as the rubble gave way and he fell, his pistol fired a single shot into the air and he slid down the pile, a head of andrew ryan's statue that was destroyed and piled up in the rubble came down and crushed the splicers head, spattering his teammates and the area with bits of blood and brains. His two cohorts began to laugh hysterically and kicked his body. The leader of the group looked up to see the face of a Big Daddy sticking out of the rubble. "Hey pete look at this.." The Boss called out to his friend, who was poking the dead splicer with the barrel of his gun. The dead splicers leg twitched erratically as the residual nerves fired off from the brain being destroyed. Pete looked up and saw the face of the Big Daddy and leaped up and ran over to help the other guy to dig out the Big Daddy. "Wow, hes...different." One of them said when the revealed most of the buried giant. "Yeah, hes smaller and...hes got that strange letter inked onto his diving suit." The other said as he looked closer.
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