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Everything posted by Macman253

  1. Name: Sigma (Formerly Kent Carver) Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Big Daddy Little Sister: Kyla (His Actual Sister) Green eyes and red hair, she loves to draw and sing. Personality: Tough, and protective. His transformation into a big daddy fragmented his memories. He can remember most of his life but when he thinks of his family he cannot seem to recall having any other then his parents but he remembers talking too a sibling that was much younger then him. Weapon: Hes armed with his signature drill hand and he carries a double barreled shotgun and a spear-gun. Appearance: His diving suit is different then the usual big daddy suit. A large E like symbol painted on his diving suit. He is somewhat smaller and his suit is actually different then the Generic Big Daddy, its actually a darker color and his helmet isnt so many portholes instead its actually only got five portholes (Three in the front, two in the back) Clothing: His suit is of the Alpha series design, built to be strong and durable and giving him respectable mobility. Sigma was Number 6 in the Alpha Series, Being a alpha series his drill isnt built into the hand so it allows him to have a free hand but he must disengage the drill and drop it to do so. History/background: Kent Carver and Kyla Carver came to rapture to flee their past. Kent had taken his sister there when he got a job offer to be a policemen in Rapture. Their parents had died in a car accident and Kent had been expelled from the NYPD for his over-protective nature. Kyla his very young half sister was his only family and when the brother of one of the men he killed during a botched bank robbery he responded too tried to assassinate his sister, he shot the man. The shooting got press and reporters involved and he was put on suspension. He then received a letter to be a policemen for a special city being founded. He came to rapture and asked that Kyla be brought after he arrived. He was thrown into the Protector Program because of his strong protective instincts. Kyla was turned into a Little Sister and assigned to him. He took to the transformation but his memories were altered, most big daddies loose their memories but he was allowed to keep most of his. He was tasked with keeping her safe and keeping Arcadia and a few other districts in repair. During one of his ADAM tours with Kyla he was attacked by a large group of splicers. They took his Little Sister and hit him with a powerful electro-bolt that knocked him into a coma-like state. Now he sits in Arcadia, his body still and waiting for someone to come along and awaken him...
  2. Days Later... King stepped out of the shack, Lady trailing behind him. His walk was slow and he walked with a limp but he had to keep moving. After saying farewell to Katerine and taking some food he made his way for Tenpenny Tower. "When I get there I hope for some answers..." He thought as he painfully began his walk.
  3. Niko stepped off the shuttle, the herd of passengers rushed by him. Some talking on commlinks others chatting with people they met on the shuttle. He lit up a cigarette and looked around at Citadel station. The nebula it resided in gave the space around it a technicolor look. A large Asari dreadnought was waiting just outside the now opened arms. Tourists all gawked at the ship, they all took pictures and talked about how beautiful it was. As he looked at the big dreadnought he couldn't help but comment in his heavy russian accent "That it looks like a big fish.." As he stashed his duffle bag in a locker, he slid his predators into his belt just behind his back and folded his T-shirt over and took off his jacket. Just as he closed the locker door and locked it two asari women walked by and gave him glancing smiles and wandering eyes. He smirked and headed for Choras Den to meet Alex. Just as he got there the club was in full swing, two large krogan bouncers tossed a drunk guy near fifteen feet and he landed with a loud thud against the metal mag-plate flooring. The burly krogans stood there and watched him enter. The first one looked back at him as he walked by and said "Two drink minimum a**hole.." and with that he chuckled. Niko didn't really care, he walked in to the deafening music and the countless dancers all over. Most of them asari but a few humans too. As he looked around he saw a young man, maybe in his late teens sitting at the furthest table and facing the door. His jet black hair and pretty boy physique drew some attention but he seemed to know how to stay out of the way. Niko approached and sat down. "The wind blows southerly for me my friend..." He said, the accent nearly throwing off the code phrase. Alex smiled and nodded. "The wind always blows at my back comrade" He replied with a fake russian accent. "Good, now we can get to business..." Said Niko as he ashtrayed one of his cigarettes and ordered a drink with a wave to the bartender, a woman dressed in a skintight black suit that revealed her curves and her cleavage. She came over and sat a beer down in front of him and quickly departed. Alex laughed alittle and smiled. "Well my friend I've got a job for you. Can be done on this station but I need you to prove to me you can handle it." He explained the situation in great detail and sat back, awaiting his approval. Niko smirked and lit another cigarette and thought hard. "So that's it, find the contact get the goods and then silence him?" He asked, to confirm that this is what he wanted. Alex nodded and handed him a sealed envelope. "Take this too him, you had better hurry hell be in the lower market. Hes a volus that goes by the name Constantin." He said as he sat back and drank from his Asarian Sunrise. Niko sat up and walked out of the club, leaving his tab to alex. As he exited the loud mouthed krogan spoke again. "What couldn't handle the women in there weakling?" The loud mouthed bouncer said as his cohort laughed. Niko was already in a foul mood decided to correct that Krogan. He stopped and smiled then with lightning speed roundhouse kicked the krogan in the jaw, a loud snap filled the air as his jaw shattered from the steel heel in his boots contacting the solid bone in his face. The Krogan hit the floor with a sickening thud, completely unconscious. The second Krogan charged, pushing Niko up to the railing and trying to push him over. Niko clasped his legs around the krogans neck and held him there until the krogan stopped moving and fell to the floor. Niko laughed and stood up, lighting a new cigarette. "Dasvidaniya." He said over his shoulder as he left.
  4. You guys still taking charecters? if so heres mine. Subject 110772-A File: Cerberus Operative Dossier: Name: Niko Tokarev Race: Human Class: Vanguard/Shock-Trooper Description: Tall, athletic human that has 80% of his body covered in burn scars. Favored Weapon: Twin Predator Pistols. Favored Biotic Ability: Multi-Throw Geneticists Report: "Subject One shows great promise despite his birthing and his mental disability from the prototype L2-XL implant. We were afraid in our preliminary tests that a cloned Operative would be less functional but Niko has proven us wrong, and the age acceleration has brought him into combat status years ahead of schedule. When he is about seven years of age he will be around seventeen physically, his body is also designed to withstand great force of impact. At the age of ten, which would put him around twenty one his growth and age acceleration will end and he will mature naturally past that point. I look forward to seeing his physical tests. He may be physically around the age of ten but he was birthed last year using one of my interns as a surrogate. She has named him Niko after her father." Instructors Report: "Niko, Subject One is performing at green levels across the board, in the live fire combat situation he destroyed all the hostile forces. His biotic abilities spiked much higher then L3 and L4's have doing the same tests. Tommorow we will put him through the live fire situation with some of the clones. Hes ready for his final test." Additional: "Niko performed excellently, he dispatched the clones of himself without the use of his biotic abilities or a weapon. They were rejects anyway. The eggheads at the genetics lab tell me his socio-something behavior could be congruent to our goals. Personally I think he's shaping up to be a damn fine soldier." Psychiatrists Report: "Subject One is showing signs and symptoms of his former life, having flashbacks of his death and life beforehand. We have used memory suppressants to eliminate these hallucinations and we have doubled his psychiatric evaluations, Also I caught the Instructor boasting of his combat prowess in destroying some failed test subjects. I maintain that this sociopathic behavior will be corrected next month at his scheduled genetic-upgrading but the hallucinations and memory flashbacks will never be eliminated, only suppressed with medicine." Overseer's Report: "Today we had a breakout, Subject One escaped by killing The Instructor with a fork during meal-time. He then dispatched two of my best men and stole a shuttle. As the overseer of this project I have to say this marks the end of the project, as a scientist and a father its like having your child rebel in the most obscene way but also it feels as if seeing your perfected work flourish like a masterpiece painting hanging in the most sanctified galleries." Additional Information: After he escaped the facility at the age of ten he fled to the farthest place he could, He fled to Omega. Living on the streets for near six years he eventually took a job as a mercenary with The Blue Sun Company, there he learned the trade of a Merc. Traveling to distant worlds and completing contracts. During one such contract he was exposed to a incendiary grenade that burned over half his skin with second-degree burns. He left Blue Sun after that and headed to Omega to work as a freelancer, needless to say his reputation got there just before him.
  5. King awoke to the growling sound coming from Lady, when he opened his eyes he glanced around. He was naked in a bed inside a rundown shack. the stove and fridge were running and a pot boiling. The radio blaring and laying down in front of it was Lady, her fur was clean and brushed like she had a bath and she was chewing on a still fleshy brahmin bone. King looked over to find his gear and clothes atop a dresser nearby, he leapt up and cringed in pain. His bandages still bloody, he felt every nerve strain with the shooting pains from his wound. Outside came a loud crash and he heard light footsteps. King leapt across the room, ignoring his wound and grabbing his sawed-off and aimed it at the door. When it opened he fired with both triggers at a woman walked through. A look of shock on her face as the gun made two clicking noise, she made a sigh of relief when he checked the barrels to find them empty. "Who are you, why did you bring me here?" He asked with a heavy tone. She looked at him with piercing green eyes. Not saying anything as she vanished behind the door for a minute and reappeared with food and some fresh water inside a plastic crate. She sets the crate on the table next to the stove and then turns to face him. "I found you, near dead about half a mile away. Brought you back here and mended you." She answered as she turned and drew a kitchen knife and began chopping some carrots. King watched her movements, she seemed to be accustomed to having a gun in her face. Her hands moved with a practiced grace as she used the blade. He knew this woman was more then she seemed. "You're name?" He asked again, lowering his weapon. She glanced over her shoulder and paused, as if she was thinking if she should tell him or not. After a second or two she relented and spoke. "I am Knight Katherine Sorvino." She said calmly and continued with her cooking. King sat down and smiled as he slowly donned his gear, checking his weapons were loaded and sat his sawed off by the bedside table. "My name is King, I was contracted by Lucas Simms, the sheriff of Megaton to find a caravan." He explained as he worked. She smiled shyly and kept about her work, her dress well kept even though it had patches and tears here and there. Her hair a stunning red and her skin as white as snow. "May I ask why you aren't in D.C.? He asked, remembering a former adventure in D.C. where he helped a wayward squad of knights through a mission in their first year here. Back then they hadn't split yet and they used locals as guides and scouts. She went about her work, ignoring his question. "Dinner's almost done." She said as she dished him out and set it on his lap. For the rest of the night, they didn't speak much.
  6. Username: Macman253 Character Name: Sparrow (Real name unknown) Gender: Male Race: Imperial Age: Unknown Appearance: Young, wears his old thieves guild armor but with a cowl and cloak. Personality: Young and brash, expert thief and he is cocky. Pulls of complicated jobs for fun and renown. Has a burning hatred of the thalmor because of his parents. His father was a imperial legate that was assassinated by the thalmor and his mother being a member of the Blades was killed during one of her infiltration missions. History: Grew up in the imperial city, his father a noble and his mother always away he never had much in the way of a childhood. He found acceptance in his teenage years with a small gang of pickpockets and thieves. Spending more and more of his time in their presence then that of his family's social wants and needs of him. Promised to a beautiful woman from a rich merchant family he grew to resent his status. Regardless of how his father and mother tried to keep him contained he found more and more ways of escape. From jumping out of a window to picking the lock with a piece of straw. Nothing could contain him. His mother dubbed him Her Sparrow from her childhood pet being a Sparrow. Sparrow loving his mother far more then his abusive militant father he fled when his father disowned him when the imperial watch-captain brought him home from a night drinking with his friends. He fled into the city streets, there he joined the thieves guild and practiced his trade. Eventually he became one of their greatest assets but his wanderlust and bravado proved to be too much and he was sent north to skyrim. There he had issues with the way the thieves guild was ran so he left, becoming an exile once again he sought out his own path as a mercenary and thief. Faction: Unaligned Other: Carries a staff that is designed to telescope between that of a baton (3 1/2 feet) to a quarterstaff, around (6 feet). He also possess bolas, shuriken and caltrops. Along with picklocks and smoke pellets. Hidden in his left gauntlet is a retractable seven inch piercing blade, his only lethal weapon besides his shuriken.
  7. Totally up to you, your charecter
  8. Sry man, lol I can change it if you wish.
  9. Name: Daniel Howling-Coyote Gender: Male Race: Caucasian Description: Large build, tattoos and long hair, large Crow feather tied into his hair as a symbol of his tribal heritage. Weight: 210 Equipment: Compound Recurve Bow, Combat-Survival Knife. Quiver with (60 barbed arrows, 20 Knockout arrows and ten explosive tips) Bedroll. Transport: Vittoro (Mustang) Occupation: Waster Birthplace: Chochapee, Kiowa Reservation Attributes: Str 8, Per 6, End 8, Char 5, Int 5, Agil 7, Luck 8 Skills: Survival, Sneaking, Guns (Repair, Medicine, Barter, Scavenging) Background: The outbreak didn't come to the reservations for quite sometime. The Kiowa were nearly slaughtered. Daniel escaped with his family. Using his tribal upbringing they flourished in the wilds. As they traveled they came across a small Utah town. There a group of mormon's took them in and they lived there peacefully. The people accepting their tribal ways let them live in the town. Daniel helped the militia and trained them in the ways of survival, and they taught him the ways of peace. This union kept on for near five years. Then a group of raiders attacked in much greater force then usual. The fortified village fell, its occupants slaughtered. Daniel the sole survivor. He buried his family and left to pursue the Raider Tribe with a fiery vengeance.
  10. Call it the honor system. If you cheat thats your choice. unless its fairly apparant but still. If they are cheating thats their fault. All you can do is go, "hey they want to cheat. I don't" if they do don't worry unless it effects you.
  11. I admit you have a point. That is why you can choose not to go by this system. the leveling and skills and attributes are not mandatory. You can choose to use it if you want but if you choose you can. It just adds depth to the game thats all its for. You can create your character anyway you wish, within reason. Play how you wish, again within reason. If you want to use the leveling system to give your character more feel go for it but if you want to just have fun and write the character's story Go for it! Noone said you had to use the SPECIAL system (Yes i ripped that off from fallout, sue me)
  12. http://rolz.org/ Just use D20. This is how this works. You take your skill value. Say your skill in medicine is 29. You roll a d20 and you get a 10. Your total score is 39 now that isn't bad but for your action which is amputating your arm you will make it. But your going to need something for a tourniquet and some power painkiller. Should be in your medical kit. you tie off and dose yourself. You now have to roll an endurance test. Your endurance is 7. You roll a d20 and you get a critical of 20 (Nat 20) that makes your score from 27 to 47 (Effectivley doubles the outcome) you cut through your arm without having issues and you manage to cut it just enough that you can get a replacement prosthetic arm without complication. Prosthetic Limbs. I forgot to add this in my last post. Prosthetic limbs are mechanical limbs. They are commonplace but they have drawbacks. They need to be maintained, if they aren't well maintained they will make noise and sometimes malfunction or not work all together. Also the human body can only sustain so much. The nervous system can only translate to a maximum of three limbs. Past that point youll suffer a superb Agility and Intelligence loss because of Cerebral Shock. Getting Auto-Limbs. Hubs and some other places like trading centers have Auto-Clinics. Places where your Auto-Limbs are bought, implanted and maintained. They generally come at a hefty price and since currency has no value you'll have to take out a work debt. Someone will front the bill for you as long as you perform tasks for them for a selected number of years. But there are some few Auto-Clinics that will perform the surgery for free or cheap. Aftermarket Auto-Limbs. There are a number of Aftermarket Modifications to Auto-Limbs, nicknamed After-Mods. They include geiger counters, retractable knives, small pistols, tools, blow torches and almost everything else under the sun. Generally to get those you gotta go see a Mechanic. All auto-limbs with a basic mod receiver can hold up to four mods.
  13. The period its set in is 2032, certain things are different. Most weapons and vehicles remain the same. I did this to allow people to sorta free form their equipment. To encourage roleplaying. And for your loving pleasure there are energy weapons in the form of particle (rail) technology. Magnetic energy used to sling projectiles at near 10x speed of a high velocity bullet. But they require a powerpack on your back and are prone to malfunction. Most vehicles that predate 2015 are non functional but after that point due to political climate and lack of fuel the machines are electric/hybrid and some military vehicles are EM shielded so they survived. The charecter sheet looks like this. Name: Gender: Race: Description: Weight: Equipment: (1 set of clothing, a weeks worth of food and water, two weapons with 10 magazines of ammo or 15 shots. Some medical gear and a full set of camping gear (cooking utinsels, bedroll, campfire kit and survival tools) Backpack, spade, and the ever useful Towel) Occupation: (Scavenger, Reclamator, Bounty Hunter) Birthplace: (Post or Pre Outbreak) Attributes: Skills: Background: (Your attributes start at a value of 5 each, you can remove one point in one attribute and place it anywhere else. You have 4 neutral attributes which can be used to add anywhere. The maximum for an attribute is 15) Strength (Carry more equipment, move heavy objects easier and swing melee weapons harder) Perception (Better ranged accuracy, higher sense of smell, hearing and sight) Endurance (More resistant to Infection, damage and pain) Charisma (How charming or good looking you are. With males if your endurance is over 7 add a plus one to charisma) Intelligence (How smart you are, better at hijacking vehicles, hacking computers or repairing technology) Agility (How nimble you are, how fast you run and how well your reaction is) Luck (pretty self explanatory, high luck means odd things happen to people who wish you harm, how good you are at gambling. And allows you to commit a "lucky shot" when doing an action. IE Escaping walkers by jumping over a ravine in a car. low luck can be just as beneficial....sometimes. Low luck people can project their bad luck. Their foes can make mistakes that cost them the advantage in a fight but you also make a mistake that lowers your advantage. For example. A man tries to rob you and as you back up in fear the magazine of his gun slips out giving you time to draw your pistol and kill him but the recoil of the gun took you by surprise and smacked you in the nose and breaks it.) You also possess three Trade Skills. Example: You are a bounty hunter, your trade skills are Guns, Survival, Unarmed combat. Your trade skills advance by 5 everytime you Advance. Higher your intelligence more Trade skills you have. +1 trade skill for every 2 points in intelligence above 5. Basic Skills, in addition to Trade skills you have Basic skills. These are your secondary skills. You gain 4 basic skills. They increase only through Leveling or Use. The skills are as follows: Guns Dodge Legerdemain (Pickpocketing and Sleight Of Hand) Repair (Vehicles, cars, guns and toasters.) Hacking (Accessing computers, dealing with computers in general) Survival (Food foraging, tracking, skinning and butchering animals etc) Unarmed combat Melee combat Running Explosives (Handling explosives, disarming traps and mines) Medicine (treating wounds, performing surgery and recognizing various chemicals) Scavenging (General finding for goods. Example: You walk into a liquor store. You decide you want a bottle of jack daniels. That is scavenging. The better your skill the more likely you are to find something great.) Barter (better you are at trading) Bluff (Better you are at talking your way out of situations, or talking your way into a hookers bed without paying =) All of your skills have a value so write them down somewhere. Your skills start off at 25 unless they are trade skills which go to 35. You increase skills by committing certain actions. Example: You scavenge through a pile of junk and manage to find a working flashlight, you decide to continue searching and find batteries. Youve gained +1 point in scavenging. Now you can choose to do this via a charecter sheet by using skill values. Doing this allows you to maintain and create a indepth and independant character. For example. You really want a person that is a survivor. So you shun people and make your own way. You live by surviving on the land during the day and hunkering down in a self made shelter at night. Treat this style of play as a ongoing self generated character. This way allows you to create your own character and his/her story in this future. Or you can play a character on (Easy Mode) and not roll dice or use these skills really and just go off the main idea of the character. I preferably go for the former option because it is much more fun. Instead of being a all-the-time badass you can be the guy that has moments of terror and true near death experiences. Not the guy that always knows whats to do and always wins. Its called godmodding in some occassions but people prefer the easy style of play because it requires less thought and concentration but it also makes the charecter a Build N Burn. You make it because its cool and then you burn it when the story is over. The latter style is that. a lot of fun for awhile but in the end they burn out quick. A Charecter you build is one you cherish and remember. Advancing (Leveling) there is no level cap but you advance after gaining 15 skill points in any field. Trade skills are harder to develop but they profit more towards your skill points when you do. When you Advance you gain 5 skill points to adjust anywhere you wish in your trade skills and basic skills. When you advance you also gain one Attribute point. To spend anywhere you choose. How Your Charecter Progresses: You ARE the writer, each and every character is written by YOU, noone else. Your story is how you make it in the setting provided. Now im not saying you can't change things but to change everything you need to work at it as a goal and with help from others (Player help only, the only time you require other players) But a goal like that is lofty and cannot be dealt with in 5 turns. A goal to cure the Infection requires time and supplies you cannot normally get on your own. Your goal is going to be very very very very far down the road. Your Goal will be the reward for the completion of a hundred minor objectives. Some you can do on your own others must require help from NPCs or players. (with their approval) And they have to dedicate a number of turns (Replies) to helping you. They can do out of their good will or for profit on their own end. The Rules Of Infection: Im sure this is a topic everyone is curious about. So ill explain, you can be bitten by a Walker and NOT turn into one. 9/10 you turn but if you can survive the bite, the infection and fever that usually kills the infected you are immune to the virus from them on. Now to make things clear, this event is only availible if your Endurance attribute is 8 or higher, otherwise if your bitten your screwed. Fighting the infection can be done at anytime but those with a remote chance of survival require Endurance 8 or better. Types of Walkers. Walkers are not just zombies, the infection has given rise to certain types. Shuffler: Basic zombie, tough can only be killed by extreme force or headshot. Runner: Fast moving, they are easy to trick but they can run for quite some distance. Sniffer: Blind, but they have great sense of smell and hearing. If you do not move or make any noise they will lose interest and leave. Thinker: Thinkers are very very rare. They are not easily tricked. All walkers will stare at bright lights. (Fog lights, flares flashlights and Fireworks) Until the light source extinguishes. Thinkers do not do this and as long as a thinker is present neither do other Walkers. Gnawler: A Gnawler is an ape or monkey that is infected. They move in packs and are extremely dangerous but they are fairly rare. Easy to kill but they range in the great many. They CANNOT infect you if your bitten. But they can overwhelm you and rip you apart. Crusher: Crusher is a gorilla that is infected, they like Gnawler's cannot infect you but the infection has given them extremely strong skin and bones. Large caliber rounds suggested when facing them but they are extremely rare. End Note: Ive devised these rules to allow for more fun for everyone that doesn't take away from the game. So please do not abuse them. Create your character, make your way in the desolate future that is the Dead Wastes.
  14. The world has ended, twenty years ago. A virus struck the planet. turning all that died into zombies and those already dead. Society was destroyed in the in fighting of survivors aswell as the dead. Most of the major cities are merely giant dead-filled cities. Commuters are folks that live in small cities that dot the Dead Wastes. usually xenophobic but some are known for being open trade routes. Radiation is a big killer but only limited areas have lethal doses of radiation. The worlds superpowers decided to respond to the zombie threat when their soldiers were dying and then coming back to eat their brothers in arms. They nuked London, Moscow,Paris,New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles. The remaining major cities besides Denver, Dallas, Chicago and Seattle are confirmed to be in survivor occupation. The remaining capitals are assumed to be under zombie control. New Orleans is now called The Dead-City. Scavengers often raid this city but because half the city is flooded and the other half is covered in the dead. Pittsburgh also known as The Pitt. Its owned by a raider chief named The Lord. His raider tribe is full of psychos and rape-gangs. the city is a den of vice and misery but anyone that is tough enough can make a good living there. Seattle. This city is watched over by The Council. Most of seattle is a heap of rubble but the skyrises that dot its landscape is considered the major Hub in which people survive. There the Chairmen send out mercenary Reclamation Teams to scour the countryside. Raiding abandoned towns for supplies. Seattle has earned the renown for being a haven to anyone that can make the journey. Denver is the most secure city from the plague. But it's also extremely difficult to gain acceptance. The denizens of Denver are violently xenophobic. Often raiding nearby towns, occupied with the dead and living. They have also been known to enslave other survivors to keep their population in control or as a work force. In this hellish world, you are a Waster. A person that wanders the Dead Wastes looking for Fortune, Food or Safety, Either way you are a survivor or your not. Choose your profession, take up your gun and your Survival Guide and take to the horizon. The Survival Guide: A book was printed sometime after the zombie plague that found its way into refugees hands, people were clinging to it more then they were bibles. Most Wasters have one and those that don't are usually dead. Printed on the first page is the ten rules to survival. #1: Get A Gun, keep it clean and conserve ammo. #2: Carry enough food and water for yourself and one other for five days. #3: Water, Bullets and Food are worth more then money. #4: Assume the other traveller is going to rob you and kill you. He most likely is. #5: Do NOT Risk Your Life For Foolish Reasons. #6: Do NOT bury the dead, put a bullet in their head and no matter how hungry you are never eat a corpse of a human. Even if its cooked. #7: Scavenge what you can before you leave. Get some kind of transport and sleep only during the day. Zombies are less active during the day, they also see a third as far their eyes cannot handle sunlight. #8: If you find a group of refugees lead them to the nearest town that you know is safe. Either point them the way or take them with you. Caution, Be Sure They Are Refugees. #9: Get a buddy, they will watch your back and be a second gun incase you are surrounded. #10: Dog meat is safe, the infection only transfers to humans. Walkers (Zombies) Walkers are the walking dead. They are NOT like you see in movies. Walkers generally shuffle around but if they spot prey they will break out into a sprint but they cannot sustain this so you can outrun them. Also Walkers freeze if you shine light into their eyes. Giving you precious seconds to run or pull your gun so Always keep a flashlight with batteries. Aim for the heart or the head, anywhere else and you become Walker-Chow. Walkers hunger for human flesh, they tend to ignore other animals but if they are hungry enough they will try and eat other things. Another thing, Walkers cannot distinguish between human stink and rotting flesh. But they can smell soaps and other body cleaning products. So bathe when you are safe but when you are out in the wastes its safer to go without a bath. The Waster: The Waster is a person that doesn't want to, can't or isn't yet a member of a city or community. They are drifters. Often coming into a town to trade and seek safety. Many are hired by the leader of the village to perform tasks that they cannot do themselves or will not do in exchange for food or lodgings. The Commuter: A Commuter is a person that lives entirely in a small community of people. They are the farmers, survivors and refugees that have founded a community out of the wreckage of the old world. Most often they take over small towns and wall them off, living inside during the night and working the fields for food during the day. The Raider: Raiders are people who took to pillaging and raping the landscape, they steal, burn and loot everything they can. Usually moving in groups of 3-8 and they often jury-rig a vehicle to carry them great distances to do their foul deeds. Its widely known that Raiders own the highways. If your brave enough to travel on them you wont find Walkers but you'll find a all new kind of trouble. The Hubber: A Hubber is a person that lives in a Hub, a Hub is a beacon of trade and commerce in the wasteland. Often a capital city or large city that is ruled over by a despot or council of some kind. There thousands of people scratch out a living under the gaze of mercenaries and assault rifles and surrounded by the stench of desperation and the electric hum of electrified fencing. The Rules Of The Game: Do Not Godmod (I.E. I shoot all the walkers with my .22 pistol) Do Not Control Another Charecter/Player That Isn't Apart Of Your Story. You Do Not Start With A) A Car B) Tons Of Ammo C) Tons Of Food. Be Realistic. Have fun.
  15. Looks like noone is interested. Figure I might try and make a zombie survival RP...never been in one...
  16. Name: Helgrim Stormhammer Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Nord/Werewolf Occupation: Mercenary/Ex-Stormcloak Rebel Place Of Birth: Whiterun Description: Tall, formerly blonde hair but now silver. He earned the nickname during the Skyrim Civil War Helgrim The Silver Wolf. When he changes his fur is a snow white. Unlike most werewolves he was born a werewolf meaning he has control during his changed state and he is stronger. His pack is known as the only For Hire pack of Werewolves, often hired by factions in Tamriel for their savagery and strength. He is the packmaster of the Silver Fang mercenary company. For the right price, he will do whatever he can to complete the contract.
  17. I was thinking around ten or so, but im always open to more as it progresses. Mostly just want to see how well it does, if there isnt ten by the end of next sunday Ill start the RP in full and just let things go as they may.
  18. Name: Charles De Leone Alignment: None, Mercenary Captain. Place Of Birth: Veluca. Description: Tall and handsome, scar under his left cheek from a duel in his youth over the heart of a woman against the son of a noblemen. Long dark brown hair with a blue eye and green eye. Status: Bastard son of a noble and a prostitute. Equipment: Carries a rapier, he took countless lessons in fencing and his considered a expert duelist and professional Rake (A man of non-noble birth that fights honor duels for a noblemen) He is also a marksmen with a pistol and musket, often carries twin dual shot dutch pistols. He sometimes wears a chestguard during battles but prefers his armored jacket. His horse Sophia a mare that has been with him since his cavalry days. Background: Born to a prostitute mother and a Rhodok Noble, he bears his mothers Swadian name but considers himself a man without a country. He joined the Rhodok military to escape the wrath of a wealthy merchant after he was caught in the room of the mans daughter. he fought his way to becoming a captain of a Free Company. After he was discharged for drunken brawling he was hired by various nobles as a Rake; there he learned the machinations of Calradias nobility and the warmth of ladies in waiting, with that in hand he was expelled from teh court's and never allowed to work as a Rake. He spent the next few years in a drunken stupor and was eventually found by an ex-member of his free company. With his help he reforged the men into a new Mercenary Company and now works as a freelancer. His first contract was to hunt down the now exiled and fugitive noble that was his father. He had been proven to be a traitor to the kingdom and was sentenced to death, but he had fled before justice could be exacted.
  19. Ive been working this over for sometime, I like the historical aspect of Mount&Blade and I like the period and idea of the game series. So i propose an open-ended charecter driven roleplay. Play as a Lord of Swadia, a Knight Of Vaegir or even a mercenary or bandit lord. Since the third expansion went into our history Im going to do abit of re-editing and add taht the same countries in the time of fire and sword, pistols and muskets are commonplace and field cannons are used in sieges aswell as other blackpowder weapons, but the are unreliable and the bow and sword are still the main forms of war. In this Roleplay all you need to do is post a description, faction alignment, heritige (Noble or Non-Noble) gender, three weapon skills and equipment. (Try to keep it within reality) You can start out as a member of a army and work your way to command one or start out as a impoverished noble that seeks revenge on another lord for his misdeeds, challenge rivals for a ladies heart, marry for love or status, become king or lead a rebellion. Siege castles and claim them as your own for King and country or for yourself.
  20. This is the first time ive made a request but I was hoping someone would make a Retex of the Pacencia hunting rifle. I just want the flag on the stock to be the old world flag if possible and the weapon to be chambered to 45-70 with a 5 round magazine. Wouldnt mind if you could change the name to Liberty.
  21. King and Lady walked quietly along the road, King singing some old pre-war song to himself as they strode along, his new Henry Repeater resting in a cobbled together rifle harness on his back. Lady following at his heels and wagging her stumpy tail. The gunfire in the distance of Tenpenny had ended so he figured the battle was over. He had another ten miles before he'd be there. Lady begun to growl and stopped, her eyes fixed on the cluster of bushes a few yards in front of them. King instinctivly leveled his rifle at the bush and levered in a round. Lady moved closer, carefully choosing each step. King watched quietly as he looked for any signs of movement. The still air was pierced by a loud hooting noise and then he realised what trap they just stumbled into. From the bush in front of them burst a ghoul, wielding a large makeshift sword, one more ghoul emerged from the back of a wrecked truck with a crappy bolt action rifle and the third man was actually a female ghoul that sprung from the nearby pool of water with a pair of large combat knives in her hands. King fired the first shot into the ghoul with the swords face, showering the bush he arose from with bits of skull and brain matter. With deft hands and his charecteristic lightning speed and reached up to his shoulder and leveled his sawed off at the female ghoul. He gave her both barrels and the concussive force of the shot sent her flying back into the pool of water with a large bloody splash. The third ghoul got a shot off that stuck King square in the chest and sent him sprawling. The round had gone through his chest armor and dug its way into his abdomen. Blood poured from the wound, The bandit struggled with his gun as he tried to unjam the round, which gave King enough time to crawl behind a nearby boulder and quickly reload his sawed off. He glanced around just as the bandit unjammed his rifle and took a shot, the shot nearly hit him in the face as he peered around the corner of the rock, it ricocheted off and into the distance. King got a glance that his rifle was sitting in the dirt not far away but if he jumped out, the bandit would have a clear shot at him. "Hey you! throw out your guns and caps and I might let you live." Said the crazy ghoulified bandit as he aimed his rifle at the stranger. King thought for a moment and realized if he had more ammo the bandit would have rushed him by know, so he only had maybe one or two more shots. King was good at quick decisions but this would take some planning. Another shot hit the rock just a few inches from his ear that gave him a head splitting ringing in his ear. King shrugged it off and drew his .44 Lady laid under the upturned truck not far from where he sat on the side of the road. King realized that if he could get the bandit to fire at him he might be able to instruct Lady to attack, but he had to move if he didn't she would be killed. He did have the element of surprise if he popped out from behind the rock, he had maybe a half a second. So he breathed quietly and focused. Another shot rang out but missed entirely, then the bandit growled as he tried to unjam his rifle again. King leapt up with his sawed off in one hand and the revolver in the other. He fired a shot from his revolver that hit the truck and both from the sawed off, which peppered the ghoul. The ghoul let out a scream just as King dropped his sawed off and fanned the hammer on his .44. The rounds tore through the light metal of the truck and into rotting flesh, causing the ghoul to fall back on the ground behind the truck. King gave a loud whistle to Lady, she growled and ran off behind the truck, there he could hear the bandit scream as the dog finished him off. King gathered his gear and reloaded his weapons, as he racked in the last shot for his repeater Lady came around the corner, her lips covered in blood and a odd smile on her face. He checked his wound and saw that it had gotten worse, with a curse of contempt and bandaged himself and stood. His body racked with pain from the wound. He used his rifle like a cane, steadying himself with the butt of the gun as he walked. After a mile he looked back to see a large blood trail he left and with that he blacked out. "Lucky I won't feel the pain of hitting the ground..." He thought as he descended. With a loud thwack he hit the road. The last thing he remembered thinking was that the fall hurt like hell, and with that he finally slipped into unconciousness.
  22. sorry about the double post, it was an accident
  23. King walked the wastes, solemly heading for Andale. A small town not far from Tenpenny tower. In the distance he saw gunfire, the report of the guns in the air, the smell of gunpowder and blood. "Small humbers, one or two people injured..." King thought as he fished in his rooksack for a pair of binoculars and scanned the horizon. A man wearing cobbled armor and what looks like a small force of robots duking it out near Tenpenny Tower. King shrugged and tucked away the binoculars, Andale was just over the hill. The "town" of Andale consisted of four homes. Nothing really all that bad, most of it was in ruins but he had heard that Andale was close enough to Tenpenny that raiders ignored it and it managed to survive on its own, with the occassional caravan going through or near it. For some reason the highwayman back at Megaton had it marked with a skull. He figured it would be a future target. Lady appeared from behind a bush, a squirrel hanging from her mouth. Her dinner for the night, King glanced at the sky. "Early afternoon, blood on the air but..." He thought, feeling the breeze come from Andale, not the battle in the distance. This scent of blood was a mix of old and new. "Strange..." He knew the citizens of Andale were odd, stories spoke of folk disappearing on the trail to Andale or near it but that happens a lot in the Wastes. He decided to wait until nightfall and then recon the town after dark. His gut feeling was saying that this town wasn't as it appeared. Hours passed...Night had fallen early and dark. Lady waited at the campsite, watching his bedroll and their food. King moved through the brush quietly and quickly, with expert grace like he'd done countless times as a Regulator and as a Mercenary. Sneaking close to the fence behind the largest two story house, he could smell the blood coming from the shed at the back. He took a glance around, the night air was stale, no breeze. Means if there were any watch dogs they wouldn't smell him. He listened like the Deathclaw, waiting for the moment to move for the shed. No sound, just the faint sound of birds. He moved further along the fence after he was sure it was clear, he came to the shed door to find it was pad-locked but he knew an old trick to get around locks, pulling out his boot-knife he pried the hinges of the doors up and the door popped out of place with a sharp clank, King ducked into a nearby bush and listened, the seconds creep by as his heart pounded in his chest. After several moments he was sure that noone had heard, he slipped into the shed, only to find himself bombarded by the scent of death and decay. What he saw he would never forget. Bodies and body parts strewn about the shed, laid about on tables and hanging up like meat. Some fresh others not, some naked and others still clothed. The worst of it was the fact that they appeared to have been butchered for meat like cattle. A woman had her head missing and her arms were flayed, the meat sitting on a cutting board not far away. King nearly wretched at the sight. "Cannibals..." He said to himself as he glanced around, soon finding a locker filled with the belongings of the dead people. He did find some stimpaks and even a bobby pin that he tucked into his leather wristband he used to cover a tattoo and various clothes as he browsed he thought he found something very useful. It was folded in a piece of cloth but it was heavy, as if it was made of metal. It was long and shaped like a rifle, when he unwrapped the cloth it revealed to be a Henry Repeater, with a polished bronze housing and vernier sights. The stock was made of worn oak. It had the look of wear and use from a long time in the wastes but he knew this was a great find. As he rummaged he found a bandolier with ammo that looked like it matched. With a smile he gladly threw the bandolier over his shoulder and took the rifle. Tucked in the pocket of a pair of jeans, a journal. He glanced through it and noticed it had been written by one of the caravaneers. They had departed from Rivet City and had hit a number of settlements, finally he mentions taking on special cargo from Tenpenny Tower that was meant for a man here at Andale by the name of Jack Smith. He was to swap the meat in the shipment with the "special meat" he had there, the caravaneer went on to think about this to eventually come to no clue. It was then supposed to go to Megaton. This was supposed to be the norm for the forseeable future since they were paid for the next five shipments. He tucked the book into his jacket, a creek at the top of the stairs turned him around, there he saw a man wearing a red flanel shirt with a angry look on his face. In his hands was a large lead pipe that he used to smash King across the face, King spun spitting blood from his mouth and going face first into the table in the center of the room. He slid down and turned to look at his attacker, seeing the man approach and grab him by the shirt just as he lost conciousness. In his slumber he dreamed of his wife, the beautiful Cassandra, and their son, Nicholas. His peaceful dream soon turned bad as the walls of their home ran red with blood and a bullet hole formed in each of their heads, his wifes eyes gone glazed over and her skin pale. At that point he snapped awake to find himself lashed to a metal bedframe, his arms and feet tied to the posts. The room was empty but he could sense that it was still night. He guessed he hadn't been out for more then an hour. As he got situated and begun considering he heard voices from downstairs, two women, two men. They were talking about him. One was saying they should kill him and eat him, one nixed that with a stern authority. He figured he was the man that struck him in the shed. One of the women said they should find out why King was there, the other then added they could kill him after they talked. The leader of the group said that was on the table but the stranger had seen too much he added and began up the stairs. King looked around for an immediate escape but decided to fake asleep when all options were exhausted. Then strode in two men, one older. His mid forties the second younger but not by much, early thirties he figured. The two talked quietly as they confirmed the plan, still thinking he was asleep. King had his eyes cracked enough he could see without giving it away. The two men deliberated for a few seconds then the one wearing the red shirt kicked the bed-frame to wake King, he faked like he'd been startled awake. The man knelt down and looked into Kings eyes. "Who are you stranger?" He asked. King knew his name meant nothing here but then again things travel so he came up with a name. "Lucas..." King replied, glancing around to see that the man in front of him as a knife tucked in his belt behind his back, the second man had a pistol. A small .32 in his hand. The older man peered deeper into Kings eyes, looking for a sign of deception. Satisfied he wasn't lying he relaxed alittle and pulled a chair from the side of the room to his spot and sat down. "Well Mr. Lucas we have a problem, you know our secret and by all rights we should kill you for it, but our question is how did you know about the shed, let alone how did you get in so easily and quietly?" The man asked, once again peering into his eyes looking for a hint of deception. King knew that if he said he was a bandit they would kill and eat him out of hand, but of he lead them to think someone was after them they might keep him alive long enough for him to escape. The second man stirred in the back, wrought with anger and fear. As if it was a severe threat of his presence. The older man sat back alittle. "I was sent here to track a caravan that disappeared, we suspect that it had been waylayed. Im looking for the supplies and the men, their destination needs them more so now then ever." King said truthfuly, the older man nodded and relaxed further. "My name is Jack, we understand that but we survive because people don't know of our...secret." He added with a crack to his voice at the last part. "We will be back in a few minutes." He said as he stood and left, the younger man following. King abruptly foguht with his restraints, the metal hand-cuffs tough and the chain rusted but he knew that if he were to break them he would'nt have time to sit up before they burst in, then his mind wondered to the bobby pin in his bracer. King twisted his arm until he could get the tip of the bobby pin out enough his fingers could grasp it, his hand hurt like hell as he moved the pin around in the lock, moving the tumblers. After a few moments the handcuff came loose and he quickly undid the remaining restraints, by the time he was finished he heard footsteps up the stairs and he laid back on the bedframe, his hands in the place they once were but he didn't relock the cuffs, just clicked in the locking teeth enough they fit loosely around his wrists. The younger man came in with a loud kick to the door and he stomped across the room, the pistol aimed at his head. That's when King stuck, unlatching himself he grabbed the cuff off the restrainted and drove the metal fang into his wrist and placing his hand over the mans mouth as he screamed like a stuck pig into his hand, the sound muffled enough not to raise alarm. With a quick thrust as he wrapped his other hand around the cannibals head he heard the neck snap loudly and the body thumped to the floor. King quickly grabbed the .32 and checked the revolver's load. "Five shots, three people..." He thought as he slid the window frame open and then disappeared into the nearby closet and hid in the dark space. Three more people entered, the man from before and two women, the first wearing a suit with glasses and blonde hair, the second wearing a dress with dark hair. He watched quietly, steadying his breathing. They looked around confused and at the body of their comrade. "Victor is dead, Willy will not be happy." Said the dark haired woman. Her eyes full of tears over the dead cannibal. King leveled his pistol at the man's head. "Hurry, he must have gone out the window." said the man and he with the two women left the room. King waited until the front door closed and then he burst from the closet like a mole rat fleeing a yao guai, he bounded down the stairs and looked around quickly, soon finding his gear in the cabinet in the hallway and darted out the back door and into the night. Without waiting he returned to his campsite, Lady laid there chewing on the remains of her squirrel. He grabbed his pack and rooksack and waved for her to follow. They vanished into the night, bound for the tower in the distance.
  24. King walked the wastes, solemly heading for Andale. A small town not far from Tenpenny tower. In the distance he saw gunfire, the report of the guns in the air, the smell of gunpowder and blood. "Small humbers, one or two people injured..." King thought as he fished in his rooksack for a pair of binoculars and scanned the horizon. A man wearing cobbled armor and what looks like a small force of robots duking it out near Tenpenny Tower. King shrugged and tucked away the binoculars, Andale was just over the hill. The "town" of Andale consisted of four homes. Nothing really all that bad, most of it was in ruins but he had heard that Andale was close enough to Tenpenny that raiders ignored it and it managed to survive on its own, with the occassional caravan going through or near it. For some reason the highwayman back at Megaton had it marked with a skull. He figured it would be a future target. Lady appeared from behind a bush, a squirrel hanging from her mouth. Her dinner for the night, King glanced at the sky. "Early afternoon, blood on the air but..." He thought, feeling the breeze come from Andale, not the battle in the distance. This scent of blood was a mix of old and new. "Strange..." He knew the citizens of Andale were odd, stories spoke of folk disappearing on the trail to Andale or near it but that happens a lot in the Wastes. He decided to wait until nightfall and then recon the town after dark. His gut feeling was saying that this town wasn't as it appeared. Hours passed...Night had fallen early and dark. Lady waited at the campsite, watching his bedroll and their food. King moved through the brush quietly and quickly, with expert grace like he'd done countless times as a Regulator and as a Mercenary. Sneaking close to the fence behind the largest two story house, he could smell the blood coming from the shed at the back. He took a glance around, the night air was stale, no breeze. Means if there were any watch dogs they wouldn't smell him. He listened like the Deathclaw, waiting for the moment to move for the shed. No sound, just the faint sound of birds. He moved further along the fence after he was sure it was clear, he came to the shed door to find it was pad-locked but he knew an old trick to get around locks, pulling out his boot-knife he pried the hinges of the doors up and the door popped out of place with a sharp clank, King ducked into a nearby bush and listened, the seconds creep by as his heart pounded in his chest. After several moments he was sure that noone had heard, he slipped into the shed, only to find himself bombarded by the scent of death and decay. What he saw he would never forget. Bodies and body parts strewn about the shed, laid about on tables and hanging up like meat. Some fresh others not, some naked and others still clothed. The worst of it was the fact that they appeared to have been butchered for meat like cattle. A woman had her head missing and her arms were flayed, the meat sitting on a cutting board not far away. King nearly wretched at the sight. "Cannibals..." He said to himself as he glanced around, soon finding a locker filled with the belongings of the dead people. He did find some stimpaks and even a bobby pin that he tucked into his leather wristband he used to cover a tattoo and various clothes as he browsed he thought he found something very useful. It was folded in a piece of cloth but it was heavy, as if it was made of metal. It was long and shaped like a rifle, when he unwrapped the cloth it revealed to be a Henry Repeater, with a polished bronze housing and vernier sights. The stock was made of worn oak. It had the look of wear and use from a long time in the wastes but he knew this was a great find. As he rummaged he found a bandolier with ammo that looked like it matched. With a smile he gladly threw the bandolier over his shoulder and took the rifle. Tucked in the pocket of a pair of jeans, a journal. He glanced through it and noticed it had been written by one of the caravaneers. They had departed from Rivet City and had hit a number of settlements, finally he mentions taking on special cargo from Tenpenny Tower that was meant for a man here at Andale by the name of Jack Smith. He was to swap the meat in the shipment with the "special meat" he had there, the caravaneer went on to think about this to eventually come to no clue. It was then supposed to go to Megaton. This was supposed to be the norm for the forseeable future since they were paid for the next five shipments. He tucked the book into his jacket, a creek at the top of the stairs turned him around, there he saw a man wearing a red flanel shirt with a angry look on his face. In his hands was a large lead pipe that he used to smash King across the face, King spun spitting blood from his mouth and going face first into the table in the center of the room. He slid down and turned to look at his attacker, seeing the man approach and grab him by the shirt just as he lost conciousness. In his slumber he dreamed of his wife, the beautiful Cassandra, and their son, Nicholas. His peaceful dream soon turned bad as the walls of their home ran red with blood and a bullet hole formed in each of their heads, his wifes eyes gone glazed over and her skin pale. At that point he snapped awake to find himself lashed to a metal bedframe, his arms and feet tied to the posts. The room was empty but he could sense that it was still night. He guessed he hadn't been out for more then an hour. As he got situated and begun considering he heard voices from downstairs, two women, two men. They were talking about him. One was saying they should kill him and eat him, one nixed that with a stern authority. He figured he was the man that struck him in the shed. One of the women said they should find out why King was there, the other then added they could kill him after they talked. The leader of the group said that was on the table but the stranger had seen too much he added and began up the stairs. King looked around for an immediate escape but decided to fake asleep when all options were exhausted. Then strode in two men, one older. His mid forties the second younger but not by much, early thirties he figured. The two talked quietly as they confirmed the plan, still thinking he was asleep. King had his eyes cracked enough he could see without giving it away. The two men deliberated for a few seconds then the one wearing the red shirt kicked the bed-frame to wake King, he faked like he'd been startled awake. The man knelt down and looked into Kings eyes. "Who are you stranger?" He asked. King knew his name meant nothing here but then again things travel so he came up with a name. "Lucas..." King replied, glancing around to see that the man in front of him as a knife tucked in his belt behind his back, the second man had a pistol. A small .32 in his hand. The older man peered deeper into Kings eyes, looking for a sign of deception. Satisfied he wasn't lying he relaxed alittle and pulled a chair from the side of the room to his spot and sat down. "Well Mr. Lucas we have a problem, you know our secret and by all rights we should kill you for it, but our question is how did you know about the shed, let alone how did you get in so easily and quietly?" The man asked, once again peering into his eyes looking for a hint of deception. King knew that if he said he was a bandit they would kill and eat him out of hand, but of he lead them to think someone was after them they might keep him alive long enough for him to escape. The second man stirred in the back, wrought with anger and fear. As if it was a severe threat of his presence. The older man sat back alittle. "I was sent here to track a caravan that disappeared, we suspect that it had been waylayed. Im looking for the supplies and the men, their destination needs them more so now then ever." King said truthfuly, the older man nodded and relaxed further. "My name is Jack, we understand that but we survive because people don't know of our...secret." He added with a crack to his voice at the last part. "We will be back in a few minutes." He said as he stood and left, the younger man following. King abruptly foguht with his restraints, the metal hand-cuffs tough and the chain rusted but he knew that if he were to break them he would'nt have time to sit up before they burst in, then his mind wondered to the bobby pin in his bracer. King twisted his arm until he could get the tip of the bobby pin out enough his fingers could grasp it, his hand hurt like hell as he moved the pin around in the lock, moving the tumblers. After a few moments the handcuff came loose and he quickly undid the remaining restraints, by the time he was finished he heard footsteps up the stairs and he laid back on the bedframe, his hands in the place they once were but he didn't relock the cuffs, just clicked in the locking teeth enough they fit loosely around his wrists. The younger man came in with a loud kick to the door and he stomped across the room, the pistol aimed at his head. That's when King stuck, unlatching himself he grabbed the cuff off the restrainted and drove the metal fang into his wrist and placing his hand over the mans mouth as he screamed like a stuck pig into his hand, the sound muffled enough not to raise alarm. With a quick thrust as he wrapped his other hand around the cannibals head he heard the neck snap loudly and the body thumped to the floor. King quickly grabbed the .32 and checked the revolver's load. "Five shots, three people..." He thought as he slid the window frame open and then disappeared into the nearby closet and hid in the dark space. Three more people entered, the man from before and two women, the first wearing a suit with glasses and blonde hair, the second wearing a dress with dark hair. He watched quietly, steadying his breathing. They looked around confused and at the body of their comrade. "Victor is dead, Willy will not be happy." Said the dark haired woman. Her eyes full of tears over the dead cannibal. King leveled his pistol at the man's head. "Hurry, he must have gone out the window." said the man and he with the two women left the room. King waited until the front door closed and then he burst from the closet like a mole rat fleeing a yao guai, he bounded down the stairs and looked around quickly, soon finding his gear in the cabinet in the hallway and darted out the back door and into the night. Without waiting he returned to his campsite, Lady laid there chewing on the remains of her squirrel. He grabbed his pack and rooksack and waved for her to follow. They vanished into the night, bound for the tower in the distance.
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