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Everything posted by Macman253

  1. Ronin was wary that the stranger didn't lower his weapon entirely. His uniform signed him off as a Regulator, Ronin remembered after he escaped Caesar had his Frumentarii place a bounty on him with hopes that they could recapture him. This Regulator wouldn't like it if he found out he killed four Regulator's before the bounty was lifted. "If you truly seek peace, I suggest you lower your weapon...Vigilante." He said coldly, he used his dreads to cover his eyes, his hand drifting near the stone knife on his belt. "They were bandits, they stunk of murder and insanity." He didn't like having orders barked at him. "Lower your tone, or I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to you..." He said, his voice full of defiance.
  2. "I have hunted Blacke for sometime, he is resistant to silver, the only known form of killing a werewolf. If you break the neck or remove the head they also die but I have never gotten close enough to be able to do that. I have never heard of an alpha werewolf but I'm sure they are out there." He explained. He knew that most hunters hated werewolves but he never considered himself a werewolf, only a infected human. "I myself understand your uncomfortability at having a supernatural creature so close but I consider myself a hunter first and a infected human." He added, he downed his scotch and set the glass down on the bar counter.
  3. Wind smiled, and drew back his hood to show his face and dark hair. "Varric has a big mouth for sure, but that is why he's probably the only real friend I have here in Kirkwall. his recent advances in trade came with the aide of my blades." Wind said as he walked, the sound of his footsteps almost inaudible. He noticed the other elf coming from the forest and reporting on the troubles ahead. "Shame." He said, "I could do with some fun..." he continued with a wry smile on his face.
  4. Sigma continued his work, after awhile of tinkering he hooked up a cable to a external battery and flicked it on and the food processor fired up effortlessly. Sigma put his tools away and forced himself to stand up, blood poured from a slash in his suit and he groaned in pain.
  5. He heard the growling of a dog and a man's voice. Ronin thought heavily on this, could be raiders trying to trick him but the gunshots and the sounds of battle put that possibility into doubt since one of them screamed it was a regulator. Ronin wiped the blood free of his Machete and slid it into the sheath on his back. "Someone who won't kill you..." He said, his usual calm tone and rough voice reverberating in the air.
  6. "Trust me it is no totem. I have been hunting him and his pack for nearly ten years, he is strong. Only way to stop him that I know of is to kill him. My belief is that he may be an Alpha." Deuce explained as he poured himself another scotch and glanced at the catholic priest. His mind drifted to an event in his childhood, during his first turnings the local father would chain him in the basement while he turned to keep him from hurting innocents. He still kept a bible given to him by Father Mackey, inside it was a silver dagger. Father Mackey said if the pain was too great to take himself to god. He found it strange that a catholic priest would ask him to commit suicide but Deuce had interest to ask the preist if in taking his own life to save innocents if he would enter heaven. Deuce looked at the hunters, one of them looked uncomfortable with having a werewolf in the room. The woman was young and good looking. "Miss July, do you dislike me being here?" He asked carefully.
  7. The deep red sun rose over the Mojave, Ronin awoke early and packed his gear. Sam trodded alongside him as he made his way along the highway, passing travelers and caravans as they stared at the man that walked away from Vegas. All of them were headed to Crimson Caravans offices or The Strip. He had a mission, to go to Nelson and kill as many of the legion there as he could. As he got close to Helios One he saw the large billboard, he knew it was a prime spot for ambush. He reached to his hip and pulled the sawed off winchester out of its holster and levered in a round. He drew his machete and sunk the weapon into the loose soil and placed his ear to the hilt. "Ok, our mark is down the road, when he comes close we open up on him." Said one voice, two others spoke up but he could barely hear them. Ronin pulled the blade free of the earth, he checked his grenades. They were the standard M-67 frag grenades but the Alexander always put smiley face stickers on his grenades as a joke. He looked at the sticker, it was worn and pale with age. Ronin moved closer, keeping his footsteps light as he got close to the billboard. The voices were clear now. "Ok, he should be in range lets go!" The leader yelled and they charged from behind the billboard. The leader had a compound longbow and a large quiver, the two women had lead pipes and a baseball bat. Ronin sprang up and charged, his first slice took the startled bandit by total surprise and it parted her head from her shoulders. The second woman swiped at his head with the baseball bat but Ronin slashed at it and cut the wood bat in half, the raider looked at the broken weapon and ran as fast as she could. "f*** this I'm going!" She yelled. The leader fumbled with the bow, trying to knock it as his hands shook with panic. Ronin drew his winchester and aimed. The bandit drew the bow back and fired, the arrow caught in the rifles housing and went through the metal like it was made of paper, the arrowhead stopped only inches from his face. Ronin threw the destroyed gun at the bandit and it struck him in the testicles, the bandit doubled over and clutched his groin as he moaned in pain. Ronin silenced the man with a quick strike from his machete. After looting the corpses he found some caps, a few things of Cram and he took the bow. It was of exquisite make, the arrows were straight and the heads sharp, the bow was in excellent condition. He gladly took the bow and slung it across his body and strung the quiver to his bandolier. He remembered hunting with bow and spear, his fathers words rang in his head. "A gun makes a man foolish. Knife, bow and spear make a man smart."
  8. Deuce laughed at how the woman caught on, he knew if he was to gain their aide he needed to come clean. 'I am an abnormality, so is the creature I hunt...the leader of te' pack you saw at te' gas station is named Blacke. He is special...an' he turned me." He explained as he poured himself a glass of scotch. "I was adopted by a family, my adoptive father was a hunter...he specialized in hunting Werewolves. Blacke hunted him down an' killed my adopted family, he turned me ta' spite my father." He continued after sniffing the glass of scotch and then he downed it in one shot. "He is like me, an abnormality. Most werewolves loose sense of their humanity during te' turn, Blacke and I don't but he has a unique ability. He can force other wolves to change...as to how I do not know.."
  9. Deuce took the cocktail and smiled, He wasn't used to hunters being kind to him. He had to admit to himself that it was foolish to walk into this den of hunters but he might need their help. "I'm sure you all have questions as to my...unique quality. I am willing to answer questions if you have them so..ask." he said before he downed the cocktail and took another bite of his apple.
  10. "Just came to say hi, mostly to give my thanks for not shooting me back at the gas station.. he said as he tossed the half-eaten apple over his shoulder and caught it with the other hand. He walked up towards the loud mouthed girl in the fancy clothes and smiled, "Most of your kind just shoot mine..." He added and took another bite of his stolen apple.
  11. Deuce watched the chaos begin, as a priest all of a sudden burst in the room. He smelled the fanaticism on him, he rank of cleansing oils and holy water. Deuce stepped inside and leaned against the wall, he noticed a basket of fruit nearby and helped himself to an apple. He chomped down on the fruit and watched the proceedings with a wry smirk.
  12. Deuce returned to Gizmo's store not long after his mission, he dropped the vampire teeth on the counter and Gizmo looked at him and smiled. "Give me a few weeks to arrange everything, until then keep yourself out of trouble." he said as he handed Deuce a brown paper envelope. Deuce smiled quietly, his mind kept drifting to the other hunters he had encountered. "Hey what do you know of a group of female hunters in the area?" He asked as he counted the money in the envelope. Gizmo thought for a moment, "You must be talking about Amy, July and Raven?" He said as he checked the chamber of a Desert Eagle and set it aside. "They mostly operate seperately but I know one of them lives the high life in Ritz-Carlton not far from here." He went on to explain. Deuce had the intention of meeting these hunters, maybe they could help him track down Blacke and his pack-mates, he thought on this for awhile and decided he needed a beer and a hotel bar seemed like a good place. Deuce rode up to the hotel and walked inside, he felt so out of place in this high society hangout but he caught the scent of one of the huntresses. He bribed the bellboy to get him to the penthouse and he walked calmly down the hallway, he could smell them inside, a hint of gunpowder and the familiar twang of silver drifted across his nose and he knew they were armed with silver bullets, despite these dangers he knocked on the door. He was sure to check his pistols were chambered and re-holstered them before anyone opened the door.
  13. Ronin walked into the flourishing Gun Runners trading post, The 188 had become a respite for travelers on the highway. here caravans came to resupply and trade. The NCR had a small outpost here in their agreement with The Gun Runners because they were the primary supplier for the NCR. Ronin knew that tribals had faced bigotry and even violence at the hands of NCR troopers recently, the war with Caesars Legion has escalated these feelings of resentment ever since The Battle Of Hoover Dam. He kept his head low and walked on, the soldiers looked at him and mostly gave him looks of disgust and spat at him, calling him savage and cannibal. He ignored them and sat down at The Slop And Shop. he threw a few caps on the table and the girl behind the counter gave him a nuka cola, he checked the cap and saw a blue star on it and smiled, he pocketed the cap and drank from the ice cold soda. He listened to the radio, New California Free Radio, a local pirate radio DJ that like to broadcast on the war, the soldiers listened to it because it kept them in touch with the going's on and also made them aware of enemy activity. "Hey! This is The Wolfman Jack callin' you all in the NCR 1st battalion stationed at Forlorn Hope, be careful out there cause Caesars boys are reported to be hopping about near Nelson. This is New California Free Radio and your man Wolfman, so see you lata'." said the voice over the radio. Ronin glanced around to see two NCR troopers stumble out of the tent, one of them wearing a brand new lieutenants stripes and beret. They saw the dreadlocked figure sitting at the bar and walked over. The other trooper lit a cigarette and laughed as the lieutenant smiled and stroked one of his dreadlocks. "Tribal, these look important...wonder what happens if I cut one of them off." he said as he reached for his bayonet, Ronin grabbed the mans hand and twisted the blade from it, he hit him in the face and tripped the mouthy Officer, as he fell Ronin grabbed the mans 9mm pistol and leveled it at the nearby trooper before he could draw his own pistol. The trooper raised his hands and stared at Ronin, expecting him to blow him away. "Your supposed to be the great liberators, your nothing but cowards..." He said coldly as he ejected the round and skillfully dismantled the slide and tossed the pieces aside and walked away. The officer got up, his nose was broken and bleeding and he glared at the Tribal that humiliated him. The girl behind the counter laughed at the troopers, The lieutenant turned his glare to her. "Whats so funny Michelle?" He asked in a threatening tone. She looked at him and smiled. "Your lucky he didn't kill you..." She said as she cleaned a cup. The Officer glared at her and then asked. "Who is he?" Michelle set the cup down and threw the rag over her shoulder. "His name is Ronin, he is the best scout and tracker in the Mojave." She replied as she watched him walk away. "He was a tribal scout, until Caesars Legion enslaved his tribe, now hes the last of them." She added and then walked in the back of the shop. Ronin approached the weapons vendor at the 188, the lower section was the official market, it had food vendors, armor vendors and junk vendors plus Alexanders Gun Emporium. The Gun Runners used this place as a stopping point for their shipments and Alexander oversaw all the shipments coming through and set himself up a nice little business selling weapons. Alexander smiled as Ronin approached. "Ronin good to see you man, how has the wastes been treating you?" he asked as he pulled the bolt back on a NCR standard issue Service Rifle and checked the chamber. Ronin grunted what could be determined as a 'Okay' and looked over the weapons. He saw a few claymores and a bandolier of frag grenades and pointed to them. Alexander tossed them over to him gladly and smiled. "So that will be, four hundred caps for the claymores and five for the frags.." Ronin reached into his pouch and drew out a large quantity of Legion Denarius that he had taken from the bodies of hunted legionaries. Alexander smiled and looked at the gold coins. "See you next time pal, here take some ammo for that Mares Leg." he tossed him a box of .357 rounds, Ronin caught it and tucked it into his rooksack. Nighttime would be soon so he left the 188 and camped just outside of it on a small ridge overlooking the valley in which it sat in. He had caught himself a Igauna and stuck it on a stick and let it cook over the fire. After enjoying his meal, he sat on his bedroll and stared out over the valley. Sam laid on the ground nearby, chewing on a brahmin bone he had dug up somewhere.
  14. Ronin walked north-west, he had to get more ammo and get word on Legion patrols. The best place for that was the 188 trading post. The banks of the Colorado were littered with mines and waiting Legion ambushes, over the last few months they have been pushing deeper into the Mojave. He walked quietly, Sam panted somewhat loudly but he could hear it in the distance. Footsteps, he took his stone knife from his belt and stuck it in the dirt and got down on his knee and placed his ear on the hilt. The vibrations of footsteps, maybe half a mile on the road to the 188, from the sound it was ten men..."Caravan."He thought but he also heard the motor of a robot. "Mercenaries, plus the Caravan. Look's like Crimson Caravan goods.." He thought as he removed the blade from the dirt and stuck it in his belt. He threw back his coat and drew his Mares Leg and spun the weapon to chamber a round. He moved up the hill quickly and looked down onto the 95, there in the distance he could make out the Caravan, from what he could see it was four teamsters, a driver and five guards plus the Sentry Bot at the rear. He knew that they would have to circumvent the 188 since that was Gun Runner territory, but how he wondered. He moved on from his place and continued onto the 188.
  15. Wind awoke a short while later, when he stirred the sleep from his eyes he jumped off the wagon and began walking to stretch his legs. He walked next to Isabela and smiled. "I don't think I introduced myself, I am Wind senora." He said with a charming smile and the extension of his hand. The air smelled fresh, he hadn't been out of the city for some time, he remembered being in the forest a great deal as a boy but had always hated it. He remembers learning to use a bow and how to stalk through the forest, but the face of the man that taught him still shrouded in his mind.
  16. Normally i'd say yes but this i'm going to say is a maybe depending on the character
  17. It was midday on the western bank of the Colorado River, two men and a woman walked along the edge, holding lever action carbine rifles and wearing the armor of the New California Republic Rangers. "Smith, what are we doin' out here anyway?" The one at the end of the squad asked the woman at the front. Smith replied "Were on patrol, lookin' for legion in the area." The Ranger smiled "Good, I hope I kill me one...I hear the Quartermaster at Forlorn Hope pays for Legion Ears..." One of the other Rangers laughed. "Yeah he does, but don't go takin' my ears Dobbs." Dobbs picked up a rock and playfully thew it at the mouthy Ranger. "Screw you Coulson, I'll be the first to kill a legionary today." Coulson nodded and moved his hand like a talking mouth and made a sarcastic face. Smith peered around them and as Dobbs and Coulson began to argue back and forth like children she shushed them, a nearby cliff drew her attention. "For Caesar!" The Legionary yelled as he charged from their rear, at that call they descended like vultures on the three man squad. Smith blasted the first with her rifle and he dropped, Dobbs struck one running up to him with the stock of his rifle and Coulson drew his .357 revolver and shot the nearest Legionary in the face, the round tore out of the back of his skull and the body went limp and fell to the ground. A Legionary stood up on the nearby ridge, about ten feet above them and aimed as he drew back to throw his spear, as he pulled back a large flat bladed sword erupted from his chest and turned, the legionary spat up blood and lifted off the ground slowly. The man behind him kicked the dying legionary off his sword and the body fell to the earth below the ridge. He threw back his coat and pulled out a sawed off lever action Winchester that had the stock and barrel sawed down to make it a pistol sized weapon, The Stranger fired a round at the charging legionary and he dropped instantly as the bullet went into his face and the body slid to a stop at the Strangers feet. The Rangers held their own against the legionaries, Dobbs took a spear to the shoulder that pierced through his body and left his arm dangling lifelessly at his side. Smith emptied her gun after killing another Legionary, she grabbed it by the barrel and struck another legionary hard across the face with the stock of the rifle, his jaw shattered like a glass cup being hit with a baseball bat. Coulson pistol whipped a legionary as a hatchet thrown by a charging legionary stuck itself in his chest. Coulson spat up blood and dropped to his knees, The legionary drew his machete and stepped up, he lifted the sword high, his eyes full of murder and the blade struck home on Coulson's neck and his head dropped to the ground at his feet. "NOO!" Yelled Dobbs as he drew his sidearm and fired three rounds into the Legionaries chest and stood. Another Legionary swung at him with his sword but Dobbs rolled to his side and drew his knife, he jammed the blade into the Legionaries stomach and kicked him away and forced himself to his feet to run to Coulson's side. The Stranger appeared from behind a rock and sliced down with his Machete, the Legionary screamed as his arm was taken off at the elbow as he tried to take the head of the weeping soldier. The Stranger kicked hard and the screaming Legionary fell back on his back as blood spurted from his arm. The legion ambush was broken, the remaining legionaries retreated back into the desert. Smith stood up, her face bloodied and her armor stained. Dobbs weeped at his brothers side and clutched his head in his arms. "Who are you?" Smith asked the Stranger. She looked at his foreign appearance, his duster was a dark blue and covered in dirt, his hair was fashioned into braids. His skin dark and covered in countless scars and tattoos. She looked closer to see that they were of tribal origin., his braids contained various beads and a large Raven feather latched to the braid. Various colored beads hung around his neck and a long string with tufts of human hair of various colors hung on his waist. The sleeves on his longcoat were torn off and the bandolier across his chest had spare rounds for his rifle. "I am...someone.." He said in a deep raspy voice. he slid his rifle into the holster on his leg and walked over to the Legionary's corpse and took a stone knife from his belt and sawed off the scalp of the legion soldier. Smith watched in amazement as the Stranger took the scalps off of each of the Legionaries and tucked them into his rooksack at his side. "Tell me who you are!" She yelled as she drew her pistol and aimed it at the Stranger, He looked over his shoulder and sighed. "You can kill me but he won't like that..." The Stranger said as he nodded to the large mongrel growling loudly behind her. She looked at the dog and the stranger and lowered her pistol. "Please tell me who you are..." She asked, The Stranger turned to her and smiled. Smith looked at him oddly, seeing he had no love of the Legion. "I am Ronin...He is Sam." He said as he pointed at the dog behind her. She saw the tribal tattoos on his arms closer and aimed her pistol at him. "You are a tribal savage aren't you?" She asked, her pistol shaking in her hand. Sam barked at her and she turned to look at him, in the split second she looked away Ronin moved on her like a deathclaw. He grabbed her hand and twisted her wrist causing her pistol to fall from her hand and he had his machete to her throat before she could scream in pain. Her eyes wide with fear she peered closely into the eyes of the stranger. His eyes were cold, like they have seen countless amounts of death and blood. He looked and moved like he was born in battle and he practiced the art of war his whole life. "I won't kill you...if you don't try and kill me." He said, his voice always calm and reserved. Katerine Smith had her life flash through her eyes, her childhood on the brahmin ranch in california, her departure to the Mojave and her induction into the Rangers along with the death of her commanding officer and husband at the hands of Legionaries at Hoover Dam. Katherine had no love of Tribals, not since her father died in a 80's attack on their ranch when she was just a girl. Ronin removed the blade from her throat and wiped the blood off with a hide rag and slid it into its sheath across his back. He whistled for Sam to follow and he vanished before she could say anything to him. Katherine went over to Dobbs who had fallen quiet to see he had died to blood loss from the spear sticking through his shoulder. She took his and Coulson's dog tags and left for Camp Forlorn Hope.
  18. This is the RP section, The Rules are simple. No Godmodding: Example "I Kill the deathclaw with my 9mm pistol." Do not control another players character(s): Example "I swing my sledgehammer at Joe, joe goes flying into the wall" Have Fun! With that out of the way, I wish you luck...The Mojave Awaits...
  19. I believe we can do that, i'll start us off. But on AAN's Character, I lovet he concept I just think minor tweeks like that would make him so much more awesome.
  20. Heres the thing, all casino owners in Vegas report to Mr. House, becoming a casino owner like that requires a lot of leway with House. And he isn't known for being kind nor keeping The Strip open to everyday people. The buy in for the strip is over 2000 caps which is a fortune to most the people in the wasteland. Only the rich get to enjoy the strip, the rich and NCR troopers really. Plus your character has no real drive. Nothing to push the character forward. Now if you made him an Omerta looking to one day control the Omertas and Gommorah then there is a very nice character plot. I'm not picking on you I just think that you'll get bored of the character real fast when you realize everyone has progressing characters and your really doing is drinking and partying. You can still be hedonistic if your an Omerta lieutenant because they run the most hedonistic casino on the Strip, basically place that character in Gommorah with the intent of becoming boss and one day taking over. Make that a long term goal and you set out to use your cunning and wits to take over. Just killing Nero and Big Sal will get you killed you have to have enough support to be able to take over.
  21. King kept moving, he walked far past Tenpenny Tower, Lady trodding behind him quietly. Her panting echoing each footstep. As he crested the ridge he saw it, the statue of Paradise Falls, the slaver compound. He pulled his binoculars from his rooksack and peered at the gate, a guard sat sleeping on watch. He knew he'd have to disguise himself to get in. He levered a round into the chamber of his repeater and aimed. He set the vernier sights and exhaled slowly as he concentrated. He squeezed the trigger and the round sped through the air and caught the sleeping guard at the chin and exited through his neck, he died instantly. After taking the guards uniform he turned to Lady and said "Go! go back to Megaton." Lady knew what he meant and left. He leaves his rifle and rooksack outside the main gate and strolls inside. The place is full of drunken slavers, the bar they built is in full swing, nearly all of them armed but he does notice that the guards that are watching the slaves are paying more attention to the girls dancing nearly naked on the poles then the slave pens. He moves through the crowd and keeps his head down. The stench of the Slavers fills the air as he walks through them, subtley pushing some and moving quietly. One guard on the platform overlooking the court-yard scanned by him with the minigun in his hands, if he opened up with that everyone would be butchered. Including himself. He got to one of the pens and saw it contained two men, a woman and a corpse of what looked to be a ghoul with its head missing and bits of gore spattered all over the other slaves and the walls. "hey, are you apart of that caravan that was going to Megaton?" He asked quietly. The Girl looked at him oddly then nodded. "The slavers took the others away, killed our boss but we buried the cargo..." She explained, she got up to move closer but King shook his head. "Don't move, look I'll get you out of here if you get the stuff and get it to Megaton." He said, speaking softly. The woman nodded and he made his way back to the party, going around the platform he crawled up the ladder and approached the guard. He pulled out a cigarette like he wanted a light and as the guard fiddled in his pocket King drew his knife and drove it into the slavers heart, He grabbed the minigun and opened her up as he sprayed down the bar. The six barrels glowing red hot as the rounds tore into flesh, limbs were torn off, heads exploded and chests bursted as the 5mm rounds impacted with their bodies. The bar looked like a slaughterhouse. King jumped from the platform as he heard the familiar thunk of a grenade landing on the platform, the platform exploded sending the minigun aside and King hit the ground hard, his arm snapping as he landed on it. Blinded with pain he forced himself up and drew his .44 and ran as fast as he could for the Slave Pen. He fired a shot into each of the locks as he passed by, their occupants ran out and grabbed the dead slavers weapons to turn them against their guards. The caravaneers ran for the exit. The slaves took Paradise falls in mere minutes, King left with the Caravan and left the hell that was Paradise Falls behind.
  22. Sigma stepped through the door, his diving helmet clanked on the door frame as he walked through, he shook it off and walked inside. He looked around the room and found the food processor, he knelt down in front of it and reached behind his back. He grabbed the bag of tools and set it down on the metal floor with a loud thunk and began to rummage around inside, he removed a screwdriver and wrench and unscrewed the main panel and removed it to reveal the inner workings. He began to repair the food processor, he remained quiet. Not knowing what to say to them, His mind kept drifting to the red haired woman, he was so distracted by her presence he dropped his screwdriver. He cursed to himself but it just came out as a hollow moan.
  23. Take your time, write up one you'll enjoy.
  24. Deuce had lost the pack, it wasn't much longer that he arrived at his destination. The Town of Bennet was small for sure but it had a lively logging community. Deuce arrived at around noon and the small town as at its busiest. He got a call from Gizmo as he waited at the light in the towns main intersection. "Hey Gizmo whats new?" He said, barely audible over the idle of the V-Twin engine. Gizmo laughed. "Well my friend your on a vamp' hunt so you need a weapon for that, "I've left you a dead drop at a place called Del's Diner. Should have all the toys you'll need and some new stuff I want you to test out." He said. Deuce smiled, "Okay thanks, whats te' callin' code?" He asked. "The calling code is 'I'm here for my order of pizza, the person at the counter will give you a pizza box..." Replied Gizmo and then hung up. The light turned green and Deuce took off, he arrived at Del's Diner and parked in the alley behind it. He went in, got his pizza and left. As he opened the box he saw a machete that was close to three feet long, its blade made of silver and heavy. Perfect for vampire hunting, in there was a box of .45 hollowpoints and a note. The note read. "Deuce, these are for you, the machete is made of silvered-steel so be careful. Built it the way you like it. The bullets are .45 hollow points filled with Dead Mans Blood, shoot the bloodsucker and it goes to work plus it hurts like hell. Have fun and good luck." Deuce filled his magazines with the new ammunition and smiled as he took a few practice swings with the machete. The balance was perfect for a weapon its size, sharpened to the point of near perfection, could cut through flesh and bone with ease. Deuce donned his suit and hat and rummaged through his gear for a fake FBI badge and decided to hunt for information. He arrived at the local police station and walked inside, He flashed the badge at the woman counter as she tried to stop him and she just remained quiet and picked up the phone to pretend to be busy. He strolled into the commissioners office and flashed the badge again. He said in perfect american accent. "My name is Agent Stern I'm with the FBI." The Commissioner sighed, he was a larger man with a burly build and hairy beard. He scratched his beard as he thought. "What are you here for?" Deuce smiled. "I'm here looking into the missing persons cases, what do you know?" He asked, pulling a notepad from his jacket and clicking his pen to take notes. The officer laid it on him, "Well, the three girls went missing a few days ago....They all vanished when going to a regular highschool party in some old barn last month, the guy that owns it lends it out for parties. The guy's name is Kenneth Brannagh, his daughter is one of the missing girls, Kaylee Brannagh.." He said and handed him the case file, Deuce took it, said goodbye and left. He rented a room at the Holiday Inn and went over the files, after two nights of googling local sites and hacking one of the kids' facebook account he realized they were all connected as friends. With this day and age where every teenager posted their locations and their thoughts it wouldn't be hard for a vampire to follow their movements. As he searched he got the time of the next party, tommorow night. He did notice the guy that funded all the parties was a guy named Ray Kent, likely he was using this as a way to get food for his group. He grabbed his keys and loaded Dead Mans Blood Hollowpoints into his pistols and left, it took him twenty minutes to get to the house not far outside of town. When he arrived he could smell the reek of blood in the air, but no bodies..."That's interesting..." He thought as he approached, he tucked the pistol in his belt behind his back. He knocked on the door and waited. A tall man answered a few moments later, his chest bare and long blonde hair draping over his shoulders. Deuce flashed his badge and smiled. "Are you Ray Kent?" He asked, giving a glance in the house. It looked like a bachelor pad, marijuana laid on the table and half drank or empty bottles of booze on the tables with a large stack of empty pizza boxes that stank of rotten food. The man nodded, "Yeah I'm Ray Kent?" He replied, crossing his arms and looking at him menacingly. Deuce just smiled and pulled his pistol, he fired point blank range and the bullet ripped through Ray's stomach and imbedded itself in the vampires spine. The vampire's fangs extended and it hissed painfully as it fell to the floor, clutching its wound. The skin around it began to turn black. "Ouch, I'm sorry..." He said cockily in his usual irish accent. He walked in and closed the door, the vampire writhed in pain on the floor. He cursed loudly as the blood seeped through his veins. "Now your going ta' tell me about te' others of yer' kind..." Deuce said as he drew the Machete from behind his back, he dipped the blade in a jar of dead mans blood and held the tip of it to the vampires throat. The vampire looked at the blade and at him quickly, he nodded and Deuce removed the blade from his neck. "We throw the parties to find food, occassionaly we get a new vampire out of it. Lucas, he likes young boys...likes to make 'em scream before he drains 'em...They hang out at the old church outside of town, if you want them they are there." He said quickly, Deuce smiled "Thank you." He said, the vampire smiled and relaxed. "So your not goin' to kill me?" He asked. Deuce laughed and pointed at him. "Nah I'm not going ta' kill ye'." He said with a smile, the vampire began to laugh with him. "But the thing is..." He said before lopping the vampires head off with a deft flex of his wrist, "I lied..." He said and left. He rode out to the church, when he got there it was nightfall and he had three hours before the next change. He watched the church, loud rock music blasted inside and he could hear the vampires drinking and partying. The full moon rose and he could feel the change come about inside of him. His claws slowly extended and his fangs came, he ripped off his jacket and shirt to reveal a large pentagram tattoo across his shoulders with the words "Only God Shall Judge Me" across his shoulders. He grasped the Machete in one hand and the .45 in the other and felt his blood boil. Lucas sat on the ruined couch and drank from a bottle of vodka, he was an old vampire. Over three hundred years...The girls danced on the table while Rip and Torn, the twin brothers gawked at the naked women. He didn't see the color in revelry anymore. The cage across the room held four of the local teens, they had provided sufficient food and fun for the vampires here, RIp and Torn had liked to spend time with them more then anyone but they were nearing the end of their freshness. He longed for a real fight, his sword sitting not far from him at all times. The recent death of his lover Charles disturbed him. He had known Charles for near two hundred years, even turned him. A loud piercing wolf howl filled the air, it was close and it was a big one. Stacey began to cheer when the wolf howled, holding her bottle of whiskey in the air, the others began to laugh and cheer at the strange event, he sniffed the air and smelled it. "Werewolf!" He yelled just as the beast crashed through the wall, the werewolf fired a bullet into Rip's face before he could even act and the vampire went down quickly, Torn pulled his pistol and fired, the bullets tearing through the werewolves chest but the wolf just smiled and growled, his Machete decapitating Torn in the span of a heart beat. He cut and chopped his way through the vampires as they scrambled for weapons. One of the girls picked up a shotgun and fired, the slug hit the Werewolf square in the chest and sent him flying across the room, he knocked over one of the candle-stands and the drapes ignited. The old church quickly set alight and the werewolf stood up, the girl vampire Stacey was fumbling with the jammed shotgun when the Werewolves Machete came down on her neck and her head rolled off her shoulders and hit the floor with a wet thunk. Lucas watched as in just a few seconds the entire group of vampires were slaughtered by this beast, it was just him and the wolf. He drew his sword and smirked, the wolf must have had a sense of honor since it dropped it's pistol and brought up its bloody machete. Deuce charged the vampire with the sword, swiping at the bloodsuckers neck. The vampire ducked and thrusted. Deuce dodged and countered with a kick that landed. The force of the blow knocked the vampire down to the ground, Deuce stabbed down with his machete but all he got was the wood floor. The vampire had dodged and rolled away, Deuce wrenched the blade free and slashed wildly, the vampire struggled to match the speed and quickness of the werewolf but the vampire was a skilled swordsmen, something Deuce was not. He slashed Deuce across the chest with his sword, he could feel the burn and realized it was a silvered-steel blade. "You have provided me with something I have not had in quite some time wolf." The vampire said coyly as the church burned around them, the smoke was lingering but not thick yet. Deuce smiled and charged, the vampire was surprised at the raw speed of this wolf and raised his sword to parry the heavy bladed machete, The Machete connected but Deuce planted a hand on the floor and double kicked the vampire hard and he blew out of the church through the wooden wall and landed outside on the ground. Deuce heard the whimper of the girls, he looked through the smoke to see them fighting with their bonds. "Help!" one of them screamed, Deuce leapt across the room. The girls began to scream at his appearance and tired to move away from him, he sunk his blade into the lock and pried it away, quickly moving inside he hacked the chains away and let them go. The girls looked at him warily and he pointed to the exit. He picked up his pistol and tucked it into his pants belt and sheathed his machete. The girls ran out of the building followed by Deuce, just as he cross the threshold a wooden beam struck him hard across the head and he blacked out. Kaylee looked back to see the monster laying unconcious on the ground, "Come on we need to save him!" She yelled to her friends, Lana and Tori. "Hello no, that thing is just like them!" Said Tori, Lana the blonde girl nodded. "Lets leave it it will just kill us." She said too. "If it was a monster why did it kill those things and then save us?" Kaylee asked them, the other girls looked at each other and they all dove for Deuce, they pulled him out of the wreckage and drug him away. Kaylee looked over the monster, he had claws and fangs but he was human and in her opinion he was hot too. She saw the tattoos on his back, the pentagram and the wording. "Only God Will Judge Me." she said to herself as she ran her hand over the words. Deuce came to a few hours later, the sun was rising and the girls were there with him, his head was pounding with pain. He stood up, the memories of last night were flashing in his mind. The three girls, a dark haired, blonde and redhead all watched him warily. He walked over to his bike and loaded a fresh magazine. "What are you?" the redhaired girl asked. The two others were standing close to him, he realized he didn't get out of that fire on his own. They must have saved him. He looked over his shoulder as he threw on his coat. "I'm a werewolf, they were vampires..." He said as he holstered his pistol. The brunette girl smiled "Just like twilight.." said the blonde girl. Deuce smiled, knowing of the books she talked about. The red head though, looked at him differently, she had a curious look to her. "What's your name?" The brunette asked. Deuce smiled as he turned around to face them. "It's not Jacob..." he said with a quirky smile, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a crumpled pack of cigarettes and lit one. The blonde and brunette began whispering to one another as the redhead reached up and touched Deuce's cheek. Kaylee was astounded, a real werewolf. She looked back at her friends and smiled at his joke, she touched his cheek. His skin was crossed with faded scars but it was smooth and silky despite the rough appearance. "I'm Kaylee, shes Tori and shes Lana." She said, pointing to each respectively. Deuce smiled and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "I'm Deuce..." He said to them. He looked around and saw a car parked not far away. It was a two seater and he knew he would have to give one of them a ride. "Who here can drive?" he asked, the blonde girl raised her hand. "Alright you take Tori home, I'll take little miss red head, I already know where she lives." He said as he straddled his bike and started the engine. She climbed onto the back and he dug into his saddlebag and gave her the only helmet he had. He drove her home after the other girls left and then headed back west again.
  25. "I am...unique among my kind fer' sure but...That wolf that was leading the pack...he turned me. I want revenge fer' that and many other crimes hes committed. My name is Deuce..." He said, as he began to shift back, slowly. "I hunt my own, those that hunt me...more or less." He explained as he drew each of his .45's and checked the magazines and chambered them. He could smell the others gathering, these wolves were only Youngbloods, besides the beta. There were atleast a dozen out there. He thought about getting on his bike and leaving them, but his sense of morality told him otherwise. "Ye' had better pack up and leave, those wolves will come back twice as strong, Blacke is...special like me." He said as he straddled his bike. He checked his phone, three hours till sunrise. "Get out of here, hunker down 'till sunrise." He said to everyone and then started his bikes engine. "I'll take 'em off yer' trail." He said before gunning the engine and peeling out as he rode off.
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