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About BarbasTheDog

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  1. Thank you, Robbin Scott, for being so honest about the situation. You show the attitude of an exemplary administrator. I'm proud to be a part of the Nexus community :)
  2. In response to post #10252176. #10252894, #10253016, #10253371, #10253416, #10253430, #10253473, #10253502, #10253525, #10253564, #10253731, #10254191, #10254460, #10254546, #10255438 are all replies on the same post. I have nothing against banning users from the comments section (in fact, I think it's great). My problem is with blocking users from the mod entirely. It is true that users will be discouraged from trolling, but people think quite differently from each other, so something that might sound offensive for one of the parts may sound inoffensive to the other. Also, often I've seen non-native English speakers comment things that, if out of context, sounded rude just because they didn't dominate the language. As stated above, I think it'll mainly discourage people from posting their opinions because they don't know how the mod author will react to them.
  3. The name of the thread might seem confusing. What I want is: when you enchant Stalhrim with frost, the enchantment is stronger. I checked how this happens and found out that there is a perk with an "item" and an "enchantment" conditions; what I want is to modify the strength of the enchantment based on which soulgem is selected (obiously I'll be making new soulgems) I just can't think of a way. If anyone has one, please answer.
  4. You could put a trigger in that area. When the actor enters the trigger, it would have it's fall damage reduced to zero. When they leave it, reset the fall damage. Add a script with OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerLeave adding an ability that's linked to a perk that removes fall damage when the actor enters and removing it when the actor leaves. But make the trigger very tall, or the delay of the script may cause the actor to die when they fall. Hope this is of use. :biggrin:
  5. Thanks! So when the player equips the piece of armour I'll run GetWornForm() on each slot and if it returns the same form for two different slots, then this armour occupies them both! Something Like: Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) INT Index = SlotList.Length - 1 ;<- Contains the hex. of each slot. INT ResultIndex INT[] Result = New INT[32] ;<- Hex. of which slots akBaseObject occupies. While Index >= 0 If akReference.GetWornForm(SlotList[index]) == akBaseObject Result[ResultIndex] = SlotList[index] ResultIndex += 1 EndIf Index -= 1 EndWhile EndEvent Thank you very much! :D Kudos!
  6. Through SkSE I can get the Slot Mask, which is the sum of the hex. indexes which the armour occupies, but I wanted to get each slot (biped object) individually. E.g.: INT[ ] BipedObjects = New INT[32] BipedObjects = HelmetProperty.GetSlots() Which could return as an array or anything like that which the index of each individual biped object.
  7. It can be either through vanilla scripting, which I dare say, is impossible, or through SkSE functions, Thanks.
  8. @Brandy_123 - Since you touched the subject of the Vigilants, I should inevitably say that I think they're quite hypocrites, since I don't think that the God of Mercy would want people to be slaughtered just because they don't worship their gods. Besides, they quite remember me the Inquisition, so it's another rule I follow that I didn't mention. I always kill them on the rods, even if it means getting a bounty :)
  9. I see your point, but that's why I mentioned I specially don't like Ulfric, this prejudice comes from him. In my mind, my character doesn't ever yell "Skyrim belongs to the nords!", instead he yells "The Empire no longer deserves Skyrim!". I have no prejudice for any other races whatsoever, in fact, I generally play an Altmer and like to think he came to Skyrim to fight for the Stormcloaks because he worshipped Talos. The problem of being a Stormcloak is exactly the stereotype they carry.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif P.S.: My hatred is really for the Thalmor , The Empire is just an obstacle in the way, since they won't join us against the Thalmor, instead, fighting us, we will remove them from the way. As simple as that. :)
  10. Throw voice (because it's quite funny) and Aura whisper (Knowing exactly where your opponents are is just priceless.)
  11. It seems I'll be the only Stormcloak in this board, but those people bullying the dark elf in Windhelm or the bandits that yell "Skyrim has no use for your kind" are extremists. Extremism is bad, not the races. I personally really like Altmer, they're my favourite race. Not all have to be like thalmor, just like not all nords are Stormcloaks and not all imperials, well.... Imperials.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif
  12. As for me, part of my behaviour is determined by me and part by my character's personality. Never (EVER) casting Fury on innocent people. Fast travel should be called "too lazy to explore". Only scenic carriages and horse riding. Always eat, sleep, drink. Independently of any mods, because every mod I've found so far is either unbalanced or poorly coded. Believe me, I've tested THEM ALL Followers have needs too. I know they don't, but I always give them food and water. Even though I cant force them to sleep, I like to think that they sleep when I do. Always give coins for those who beg (I wish I could give them a lot at once, instead of clicking over and over). The beliefs of ones should not be the law of others! I'm a Talos worshipper Stormcloak and I will not bow to an emperor who traded our gods for his crown! It doesn't mean I like Ulfric. Not at all. In fact I would love if Brunwulf Free-Winter was the leader of the rebellion. Always sell the worthless junk to the mean people. I love selling buckets and wooden bowls to Grelka (with the proper perk, of course). I always sell the jewellery to Madesi. Whenever there's a Thalmor encounter, I don't even start dialogue, I just yell "For Talos!" and introduce them to my sword and ice spike. When there's a Stormcloak vs. Imperial encounter however, I always cast a calm spell on all of them until I pass. I don't like to see sons and daughters of Skyrim murdering each other. Never pickpocket beggars, always pickpocket guards... And KILL NAZEEM. I never do "In My Time of Need" because I can never know who was really right. In the Abandoned Shack, I always kill the three. The Khajiit because I think he is the Fur Trader. The soldier because I don't like him, and the Old woman because it must suck living with her. Oh, and then, depending on the character, I kill Astrid.
  13. Great! I've not been able to download mods for two days now. And can't use offline mode. Hopefully this new version fixes the problem.
  14. Well, I'm confused then. I do not know anything about AI, I'm a scripter but, as far as I know, it should work fine. I'll take the code home and meditate a little on it. Now it's a matter of honour, I must find what's wrong http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif
  15. Oh, damn, I forgot to include a "if they are in the cell, unlock" condition. Here's the updated code: ScriptName AutoLockDoorWhenActorIsNotHere Extends ObjectReference {Must be linked to the door that is INSIDE the cell} Actor Property DoorOwner Auto {The actor that we want to check for presence in the cell.} ObjectReference Property OutsideDoor Auto {The linked door that links from the outside.} FLOAT Property TimeToLock Auto {Lock the door at} FLOAT Property TimeToUnlock Auto {Unlock at} Event OnLoad() RegisterForUpdate(10) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If GetParentCell() != DoorOwner.GetParentCell() Lock(TRUE, TRUE) Else Lock(FALSE, TRUE) EndIf If GetHourOfDay() >= TimeToUnlock && GetHourOfDay() <= TimeToLock Lock(TRUE, TRUE) Else Lock(FALSE, TRUE) EndIf EndEvent Event OnUnload() UnRegisterForUpdate() EndEvent FLOAT Function GetHourOfDay() FLOAT Time = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() Time = Time - Math.Floor(Time) Time = Time * 24 Return Time EndFunction Hope it works now. Also I don't know of only one side of the door would be unlocked (due to how the game engine works). If you try to enter the cell and the door is locked, try using COC to enter the cell and see if the door is unlocked from the inside.
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