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Everything posted by rhowington

  1. To each his own. Thanks for the feedback. Oh, and please send me links to your mods so I can be impressed.
  2. His level is too low for the magic. Give him a dagger or raise his level in ck.
  3. Look folks, my latest mod The Return of Thorald GreyMane is winding down. I have a new one in the works as stated above. I read these forums and see all the people needing help (which I happily give) and the others that want to get into modding. Here I am, asking for help producing a mod and no one wants to give it a try. Don't get me wrong, I am not angry or PO'd, just confused and disappointed. I mean it isn't like I make crap mods, and I am offering someone or someone's a chance to get their feet wet and credited for their assistance. Well, I am not a being grumpy gus. I have a lot of fun modding and am perfectly capable of doing the whole mod by myself, it will just take longer to release. But, if you read this, my last request, and want to give it a try, let me know.
  4. Use low settings. Turn off shadows and use low detail. don't download any 2k textures. You should be alright.
  5. I have made lots of followers and never had a problem with the relationship. What you might want to watch is the factions. If you leave them the same they can cause a problem. Really, don't over think what you are doing. Make a copy of a follower change the name and save the esp.Then load the esp you just made and make your changes. Now, if you want to voice him that is a whole different set of actions and you do need a good tutorial and practice.
  6. You know, it used to be people would jump at the chance to be part of a mod for Skyrim. I miss those days....
  7. First, if you aren't familiar with my mods, a little background. My mods bring back characters mentioned or met once in Skyrim and then are gone. See the spoiler tag below if you need more information about who and how I mod. My next mod brings Loraine to Skyrim. Who is Loraine? At the beginning of the game, during the Bleak Falls Barrow quest. the Player happens upon the body of Thomas that has a note from the bandit leader Loraine. There is no other mention of her. This mod will bring her back. It requires 2 quests, one to find her and one to kill another bandit boss. Loraine will be voiced, so a female voice actor is needed. The quest subjects will need to be voiced as well and the bandit boss (male or female voices.) All this may require some minor scripts which I would like to keep to a minimum. A bandit camp populated by higher level bandits for the final bandit boss fight will be necessary. All this is beyond my abilities to do in any reasonable amount of time on my own, so I would like to assemble a team. If interested or have further questions, please feel free to PM me.
  8. Use xp32's skeleton for BBP. Read the instructions in the texture blender and follow them. If you want skimpy armor with BBP download Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide and BBP by ChronoTrigger77 and use body slide to insure it fits your custom body.
  9. You would probably be better off creating a "bat" file to do what you want instead of constantly entering console commands. Actually, for what you want, you would likely need several to kick in a different times so you don't become over burdened.
  10. Try moving your tint mask folder to your desktop. Start your game and play for a few minutes looking at npc's faces and lips. Save your game and quit. Put your tint mask folder back then start the game again and see if you can tell the difference.
  11. Do you use a face mod such as Coverwomen, Pretty Face, Realistic Female Face, Better Females by Bella?
  12. First, you don't need the last 2 in your list. Read and follow the directions of the body slide and you can make any type of body. After you have your body sized right then download and install either SG Female Texture Renewal or Mature Skin Texture and Body Remember though, you change the breast size using the body slide and preview window, then create the body.
  13. Have you tried starting a new game to see if problem persists? If your save game is corrupted there is nothing that can be done.
  14. Yes, I am testing with the keyword now. I have to find some spiders I haven't killed. I may just have to go wait and respawn them.
  15. I think I looked into that but I will go back and look again. After frustration sets in it is easy to miss something. Thanks
  16. Thanks Ishara, I thought of that and it's too much work. All I want is the guy to run from spiders, never thought it would be this hard.
  17. Does anyone know the integer for Frostbite spiders for the Condition Function GetIsCreatureType in CK. I am stuck. I want my mod actor to flee when spiders are present. What I am doing is using the Flee SubType under the actors dialogue. I don't know, perhaps this is the wrong way to make him flee.
  18. Can you post a screenshot, either here or better on tumbler or other site so we can get a better look at the problem. It may just be a weighting issue.
  19. Look at the mods I used for The Return of Thorald GreyMane, he doesn't have a neck seam. If you have questions PM me.
  20. Art, if you want I will look at your mod, I can easily change my testing computer to your config and have a vanilla save to use for testing. PM me if you want me to take a look.
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