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Everything posted by rhowington

  1. Go to HP support and download their latest drivers for your graphic card. Actually, it should automatically switch.
  2. The surest way to instal mods properly is manually. That being said, search the forums, this has been answered before.
  3. You might want to try Pretty Face since it comes with its own meshes and textures.
  4. Make sure their esp is checked and active. If you have a follower mod, make sure they are above unless you use UFO then they should be below the mod.
  5. On your c: drive make a folder called games, download and install Nexus Mod manager to that folder. Then just copy your old mods folder over to your new hard drive.
  6. Just copy the folder Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim/Mods folder.
  7. The only caveat I will through in is if you use an ENB. Right now Nvidia cards (I have an Nvidia card so I am in the same boat) have a problem handling sun rays with any version of their drivers after 314.xx. AMD Radeon cards do not have this problem and will give similar performance. I don't mind the sun ray problem but it really bothers others.
  8. NMM should have been installed in a Games folder on the C: od D: drive of your choice. If you still have the old drive you can simply copy the whole folder to the new drive or reinstall NMM and copy the contents of the Nexus Mod Manager folder on your old drive to the new drive and reinstall those mods in the order the mod authors suggest.
  9. After using UFO any save you have is kaput. as vlaka says, start a new game with AFT.
  10. You cannot have UFO and AFT running at the same time. UFO is basically an abandoned program and not recommended for use. AFT or EFF should be your follower mod and yes, after uninstalling UFO, you will have to start a new game, but most of your problems will disappear.
  11. It sounds to me that what you are really saying isn't that Skyrim is gender biased (which it is) but hetrosexist. You want more realism of how things were in a medieval world, where is the raping. Yes, I said rape, a well known action by bandits and conquering armies through the ages. The latest example being what Japan did to China and Korea during World War II. You want realism of how women were treated, think of harems, slavery, and todays sex trade. Want to talk about homosexuality a thousand years ago, there wasn't a closet to come out of, it was a kill or be killed world, nobody cared about your orientation as long as you kept it private and were ready to fight when the king called. Skyrim is a game and not meant to reflect reality. Females are the most modded companions because they are in demand and get the most endorsements. You give the consumer what they want just like the rest of society. If you play a fantasy game you get fantasy and not everybodies fantasy is the same but, as always, majority rules.
  12. Make sure his Factions haven't been changed in CK. If not see if other followers still have the dialogue. Try validating your cache in Steam.
  13. Did you dismiss him before making changes? If not you will probably have to go back to a save before you made the changes. Also, make sure changing his voice didn't cause the loss of follower status and relationship.
  14. Stranger posters....please read vlaka's post above and pray your saves aren't corrupted.
  15. Hearthfire shouldn't be the problem, it really doesn't change anything. With your screen going black when you try to open a follower's inventory, it is likely a UFO problem. UFO is very out-of-date and not really recommended. I hope this translates. :blush:
  16. I used Realvision in the past but never paid much attention to his recommended mods since I already used most of them. I haven't lately because I find E ENB more to my taste. I never had a problem with it though. I can't see where an enb could affect the armor you wear. If you take the d3d9.dll out of the Skyrim directory, can you put on the boots then? Either way I would verify my cache on Steam.
  17. Just make the directory called Games on the C: drive. Steam is what you need.
  18. Delete everything in your games folder and install NMM there. The games folder should be empty until you install NMM.
  19. Ewis High ini and prefs files for GTX 660 or better by ewi65 you will need to open the ini and change to your graphics card. Easy, and really works great with 4 cores or more.
  20. Try using Skyrim Save Cleaner. Are you sure there isn't another conflict? There are several things that can cause a Whiterun crash that have been discussed in this forum.
  21. I might give it a try as long as there isn't a lot of jungle growth. I hate large plants in dungeons and caves. You need to be able to disable and revert back to vanilla easily.
  22. Using the outdated NPC editor will not fix an in game Lydia and it will certainly cause more problems. There is nothing that is going to fix the male animations except using one of the mods (not UFO) and starting a new game. There is nothing you can do to your save game to change the fact. I am sorry and not trying to sound harsh but, you are working so hard to fix the unfixable that you probably could have started a new game and been well into where you were with your old save.
  23. When was SMIM integrated into the USKP? I would never remove SMIM. Just make sure you install it per the instructions.
  24. There is an online tutorial here but some things have changed due to later releases of the Creation Kit so you also need to watch some of the video tutorials he links you to also.
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