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About Khundiann

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  1. What a class act ladies and gentlemen, advocating that Nexusmods should host patches for paid content. Hosts his mods pretty much everywhere except on Nexusmods.com. What a joke!
  2. Your truth, the truth of someone who is not actively contributing to the community aside from downloading mods. And probably couldn't care less about mod authors or the community in general, and only has a stake in this issue because he could be personally inconvenienced in the future while downloading collections for his games.
  3. How about you stop insulting people personally?
  4. Sending any form of confirmation to beth that asking money for mods is acceptable, especially buying the paid mods is bad. If anything is going to move them to change the TOS or EULA in relation to mods is the profitablity of these CC and VC schemes. I can tell you that Skyrim has lived this long because of mods, and beth knows they have much of their continued revenue to thank to modders and mod websites like Nexusmods. They would have to be in serious denial not to acknowledge that, hence the reason they want to have control over the modding ecosystem and monetize it. Nexusmods would have received a cease and desist pretty fast when they introduced the CC platform, if beth didn't value this entity as a money maker for them. I'm pulling out of this discussion, I have said my piece and seems there will not come anything productive out of it anymore.
  5. I'm not missing the point, I'm talking about the decades of modding before greedy beth turned its gaze onto it and created CC and VC. Modding was, is and should stay free period! This is where opinions differ, I refuse to believe that this is a lost battle. Let beth change the TOS in relation to mods and watch their games fall flat after a few months or a year. Let them release bugged out games that will not get fixed by mods anymore. I'm not sure after the Fallout76 and Starfield release debacles they have much respect left from the gaming community apart from the plethora of mods that are available for free for their games. How about they focus on their actual purpose in the gaming sphere, fixing bugs in their games instead of re-releasing it countless times, or better yet.. finishing Elder Scrolls 6?
  6. Do you have any guarantuees that EULA or TOS changes will not happen anyway in the future if Nexusmods hosts patches to paid mods? You can't possibly be thinking that this whole Creation Club thing and paying mod authors is something Beth is doing out of the kindness of their hearts right?
  7. Because it makes no sense for Nexusmods to host files that can only be used along with masters of paid mods. Modding has existed for decades without significant problems, it's only when greedy corps got involved that the community got split up like this. To put this situation on Nexusmods is just hilarious to me, they're just rolling with the punches. There was never a missunderstanding about what modding is, now it gets flipped into "what Nexusmods thinks it should be". Nexusmods holds to these core values, and I commend them for that. One who makes money from his mods can put in the work himself to patch and set up his own distribution channels for patches and fixes.
  8. And between the release of the horse armor and now, creating a platform to monetize modding isn't raising an eyebrow? Ok then...
  9. FYI, I live in a trilingual country and English is my 4th language. Education system comments coming from the US, now thats rich! My point is that Nexusmods provides a FREE service to both mod authors and mod users, they are not profiting from mod authors their work in the same way that Beth is profiting from it. Nexusmods doesn't make anyone pay to use their website or upload/download mods, the only thing you pay for is the premium website features. Nexusmods' existence is directly related to the historically "free" nature of mods, as there was no legal framework to profit from the intellectual properties by mod authors or websites like Nexusmods. Now some of the greedy corps are tapping into the modding community and monetizing it, why would Nexusmods be obligated to help anyone destroy the free nature of the modding community and by extension jeopardize their own business plan? If Beth had their way we would be paying for every small mod you can imagine, remember the Oblivion horse armor anyone? If i'm not mistaken this is widely regarded as the root of the evil we know today as crappy paid DLC. This is just the beginning imo, wouldn't suprise me at all that in the future the TOS of Beth games will change to only allow mods to exist on their own paid platform or something. I applaud Nexusmods for taking a firm stance against publishers trying to wiggle their way into and exploiting the modding community!
  10. Last I checked mod authors do not need to pay Nexusmods to host their mods, and mod users don't need to pay for downloading mods. On Nexusmods you pay for premium website features, not the actual rights to download and use a mod. Comparing apples and oranges here imo.
  11. All this red tape BS just because companies that are already making money hand over fist, want to exploit modders and modding to make even more money by doing less themselves. In the process of making these rules and agreements with Nexusmods they are trying to get their foot in the door by playing nice, while in fact undermining the very existence of websites like Nexusmods that are dedicated to modding. All the years of hard work by the community creating tools, guides, etc. and these hustlers are going to step in and monetize this hard work and lay down restrictions going forward. I would tread carefully while dealing with this corporate scum, just my 2 cents!
  12. An old post, I know.. but maybe it will still help some people The Remove Online Options for In-Game Menus mod had it as one of its features:
  13. Sorry for not replying earlier to your question, I haven't visited the forum for quite some time. I'm pretty sure the problem will have been the dawnguard skeleton overwriting the XP32 Maximum skeleton, wich should be impossible because loose files have priority over files packed in a .bsa file. If anyone experiences the same problem, installing dawnguard file first and the XP32 maximum skeleton second should eliminate this issue too. In the end, I'm glad you managed to get it working without any help. Might have taken a bit longer, but fixing something yourself is much more rewarding. :smile: PS: changed the order of step 1 and 2 to avoid this issue completely
  14. I was wondering how interested the community would be in custom story missions. Currently building some missions for fun, this made me think about creating a DLC sized story. Please share your thoughts, and send me a pm if this is something you would enjoy being a part of.
  15. WICO - Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul is deffinately worth a try. It includes presets. SkySight Skins - Ultra HD 4K 2K Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes best male skin textures in both versions of skyrim.
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