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Status Updates posted by m14aria

  1. And if you like, i added you to my friends and gave a kudos to you.
  2. Happy belated Birthday.
  3. Happy birthday, have a good year.
  4. Hi guys, 2 days later school will start and i must read my Lessons, because i'll go university next year. so to 9 month later, i can't be online too much. Goodbye
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Hmm... Yeah, good luck with them. And come back one piece and with a less corrupted mind as possible. School could be tricky...
    3. solsikke737


      Good luck with school and everything :)
    4. hitmaqn78


      Thank you for your coment as well and for adding and for the kudo :)

      I gave you kudos back :)

  5. Happy birthday Arsham.
  6. Hi MissBasha, thanks for birthday wish.
  7. Nice done on Forever Darkness Ashes of Eris, and kudos for your work and and images and added to my friends.
  8. Hi zzjay, I have a little question.

    are there any wafer with name of Sando in Italy?

  9. Hi there,

    you was on vacation,or anything else?However I'm glad for your coming back.

  10. I know you gave it to me, but i forgot to give you one.
  11. Oh! Sorry. I forgot to give you a kudos to you.

    But now i give it.

  12. When i sawing my friends, Mistakenly i click the remove friend bottom of your picture and now again added you to my friend.

    Sorry about that.

  13. Your pictures are great and kudos for you and added to my friend.
  14. Good pictures and kudos for you and added to my friend.
  15. Amazing pictures and for that,a kudos for you and added to my friend.
  16. New music from Lindsey and some YouTubers:
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Good one, thanks for sharing. =)
    2. Naktis


      Hmm... nice. :)
  17. I add you to my friend for your great pictures and give you a kudos to be with 40 kudos.
  18. Thanks for your great comments on my profile and pictures.

    Good luck

  19. My first picture in Dark vs Wood Elves: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/125316
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Wow! Loved that magic effects on his hands!
    2. Naktis


      Badass looking character. Well done!
    3. MissBasha


      OMG.... Looks impressive! :)
  20. It's a great movie.
  21. And i agree seeing Sherlock Holmes II.
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