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Everything posted by DrakeTheDragon
Non-Aggressive Creature Mod
DrakeTheDragon replied to GHETTOHOOPSTAR's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
A passive wildlife mod has actually been a thing before already. Hmm, let's see if I can't find a link again. Well, there seem to be multiple different approaches. I can't vouch to the functioning of either, as I haven't used them myself. Maybe someone else will know which one's more up-to-date, better, new etc. Otherwise just give them each a try and judge for yourself I guess. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/1945 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/1845 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2635 -
Hmm, this is quite new territory to me, too. But going by some observations from moving things around in my own mods, maybe try putting the "enable" lines after the "player.MoveTo"? Could be the game's a little laggy and doesn't finish enabling things that aren't in the same cell. Another idea could be waiting a frame or 2 between enabling and moving the player to the enabled thing, e.g. by putting the "player.MoveTo" line into the GameMode block. (It should trigger only after the ScriptEffectStart block. Otherwise use a ScriptEffectUpdate block perhaps.) I'm not quite sure what the "move dummy to home, then move home to dummy, with different offsets each" deal is about, but maybe it's just for grounding, setting the ship's location in the sky at a constant height from whatever current ground level.
Pitch-black dungeons and caves please. How?
DrakeTheDragon replied to GHETTOHOOPSTAR's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Wrye Bash's "Bashed Patch" is considered the epitome of compatibility measure when it comes to this specific game. By using so-called "Bash Tags", that is short codes assigned to most mods up to now specifying what their primary changes are, the Bashed Patch loading at the end of your load order re-introduces all important changes from other mods, which have been lost to yet other mods changing the same areas (not places but of effects) loading after them. There's also several kinds of changes, which cannot even merge correctly by the game engine alone, but the Bashed Patch will take them apart and preserve them anyways. For example the game doesn't have gender difference when it comes to changes to race records. Change anything about Breton males and all Breton females are back to Vanilla settings. With a properly set up Bashed Patch the mods telling they contain changes to the males will be extracted only the male changes from and merged back into the overall resulting configuration without touching the females as well. Only the bashed patch can achieve that this easily. And that's where the term "rebuild the bashed patch" comes from. Every change to your load order, by adding, removing or moving around plugins, must result in the bashed patch being rebuild, otherwise important new or modified changes can still get lost. And back to topic, it could be some other mods affecting some of the cells Cava Obscura affects will have undone its changes to the darkness factors as well. By using the bashed patch those changes would then be preserved. -
Definitely take care of Archive Invalidation at the earliest, or use SkyBSA instead straight away. The Steam versions are notoriously needing even more invalidation than the disc versions for "replacer"-type mods to ever work. Especially the "last modified" dates of the BSA archives (god, I hate the repetition of the A) are always way too recent and will trump all other attempts until redated.
WIP - The Companion friendly Hobbit Home
DrakeTheDragon replied to Pellape's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Borders around a table so Havok can't cause its namesake to items laid on top of it anymore... brilliant! -
Post your best looking character!
DrakeTheDragon replied to animen1y's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Why am I hearing the music in my mind when I'm reading the lines? -
I never listened to music during modding either, but listening to music when I'm not modding always lead to more ideas, inspiration, for further modding tasks. Though what music exactly... always changed regularly, whatever inspired me most at those times. But mostly it was game music for some reason.
If you want to have changes only in a save file but not in another, using plugins is not an option. Enabling plugins applies their changes, disabling plugins undoes them (in most cases anyways). The only way to have changes only in 1 save file (or all successive save files stored after this) is through using console functions instead. No mod can do that.
Object Window, Preview Window, (empty) Render Window... where's the window with the cell contents, the references? You're only editing Base Objects, where the properties you seek are not to be found. It's the references you need to get a hold of. The window that's missing in your screen. https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Cell_View_Window
Get Cell name?
DrakeTheDragon replied to Pellape's topic in Oblivion's Oblivion Construction Set and Modders
Ah, I totally missed that one when I looked for an answer. Yes, and when you really want the "name", as in for display/reading, there's always calling "GetName" on the return from this function. -
The problem with this is, in Oblivion there are 2 slots where head-worn items can be equipped in. Head - Where everything you equip replaces the entire thing, head mesh, face parts, ears and hair/horn, Hair - Where the head mesh and face parts remain unaffected but ears and hair/horn disappear. That's why so far the only head items made which "show" ears all include some kind of "fake" ears to do the trick. This, however, comes with the exact same problems as a face mask with ears in real life does, like in carnival etc. The ears and/or hairs included will always be static, mis-matching the rest of the head, and never adapt to neither race nor shape or skin color.
"Open world removal" mod possible or not?
DrakeTheDragon replied to Tytanovastatos's topic in PC Gaming
100% depends on the game. Nexusmods is now hosting files for ~1600 games. The answer could be different for every single one. But going by those open world games I got to know, closing up the relevant locations without accidentally interrupting the overall game flow, rendering the entire game unsolvable in the process, will be exceptionally difficult. -
Mods Not Working In Game
DrakeTheDragon replied to UnworthyGold64's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
New, and clueless, to collections myself, but as they're installed through Vortex, this sounds like a Vortex (-setup) issue to me. If no plugins or master files show up in the Data Files as shown from the launcher, then none of the mods were installed (correctly). Vortex isn't a virtual thing like MO/2, so the files (actually links, but the OS makes no difference between the two) should physically be present inside your Data folder and the Data Files dialog "must" show them. If they are not, then something went wrong during installation (or Vortex game/path setup). The collection you used is massive. No single usual issue alone can cause what you describe. Replacement resources would not be used without a proper Archive Invalidation means, but you're missing more than only that, so that's not it right now. OBSE mods not doing their thing, because OBSE is not installed/set up correctly, is also not to blame for once, because there's way more than only OBSE-dependent plugins inside. If no files at all show up, everything I know screams "installation error" to me, either caused by the installation actually physically failing for whatever reason or the game paths not having been properly set up previously. I may not be a fan of the scope of this collection, instructing folks to use multiple mod managers to install different mods, while with a bit of work in restructuring every mod in existence can be installed and managed with every manager out there, so you only ever need only 1, people mistaking the use of Wrye Bash for yet another manager, while it's only used for creation of a "bashed patch", an inevitability in heavily modded Oblivion games, and the introduction of a readily-made bashed patch inside the collection, while it's paramount to always re-create the patch after every change or addition to the list of mods every time and even 1 single additional mod in a person's load order prior to installing the collection with a ready-made patch can break it all, if it isn't re-compiled afterwards... but that's just my personal nitpicking from being old school myself and all that. Your current most important problem right now is Vortex did not properly install these mods. Every future upcoming issue can be taken care of separately later, after that major one is fixed. -
Personally never had a problem with the CSE myself so far. Only both CS' crashing when trying to "browse" for KF files, so I always had to "edit their path" instead (something that wasn't possible before the CSE). No idea why the preview won't work for you. Never heard of it not working for anybody else. But it's OBSE and using graphics enhancements, hardware-accelerated instead of only software as prior to CSE. With this there is of course possibility of wrong settings, hardware or render configurations to cause the same issues some games have with unknown/unsupported graphics cards or outdated drivers. The only way possible to add items to inventories in all versions of the CS is by drag&dropping them from the list they are found in to the inventory they should go into. Having multiple windows open inside the CS will quickly become inevitable. Don't know why you were told you could directly browse to files inside BSAs though. NO CS can from all I know. The only thing it can do is "read" assets and textures from inside BSAs, so you can preview models without extracting everything first. The "invalid directory" errors you are getting though are most probably correct. Both CS' are very picky when it comes to referencing files. All files must be inside the Data folder for one, and then additionally inside some very specific sub folders depending on their type. If you just extract a BSA file with any tool, chances are very high you extracted them to somewhere "outside" of the game. And even if you thought of extracting them "into" your Data folder, there's still the second line of required sub folder structures, which also has to be met or you will get exactly this complaint. The CSE adds, improves and fixes a whole lot of things. It definitely makes the whole thing quite a bunch more stable and less crash-prone, too. But from what you were expecting to get here, nothing is among these.
If you want to "remove" an entire mesh from a NIF (one NIF can consist of multiple meshes), you should rather right-click and use "remove branch", to remove the entire NiTriStrips/Shape branch as a whole, instead. Knowing the game I don't want to know what everything (un-)imaginable the engine actually still does with size 0 meshes inside its rendering pipelines. I'd rather not want to risk it to begin with. But more often than not you'll run into large singular meshes where you want to cut a piece away from rather. This, however, will require use of a modeling app, as the otherwise invaluable NifSkope can't work down to that detail of changes.
MoveTo command NOT working!
DrakeTheDragon replied to justinrpg's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Well, MoveTo will move whatever is currently selected (the Ref-/FormID at the top center of the screen when console is open), so either having yourself selected or using "player." will be somewhat paramount... ...But I think the primary problem here is you need to put the hexadecimal FormIDs in quotes when trying to use them like that in console. However, as FormIDs are always 8 digits (first 2 digits for their origin plugin's place in load order + 6 digits for the form, both groups always 0-padded), I'm a little bit unsure this FormID as typed above will work even in quoted notation. -
Creating new .tri files from morph .obj files.
DrakeTheDragon replied to RatB0Y68's topic in Blender
That's an interesting question, but sadly one I can't answer, as I don't know the internals of Blender's subdivision scripts. One other thing I just recalled, the vertex order is not maintained on import/export from/to OBJ by default but reordered for better topology probably, unless the checkbox to preserve it by all means was specifically checked. But beyond that this is getting way above my expertise now, too. My own experience only involves manually shifting vertices around 1 by 1 to create another shape from an existing head, without ever touching anything else during the process. -
I for one am getting 12 entries, but that doesn't necessarily mean much thanks to the role and rights. However, I saw your mods were both marked with adult only content flags, extreme violence/gore and swearing/profanity, which will definitely make them "not" show to logged out visitors. To view adult content, you must have enabled it in your profile options. Not being logged in means no profile, no options, and thus no adult contents. So if that's the reason, then yes, it'd be normal I think.
Creating new .tri files from morph .obj files.
DrakeTheDragon replied to RatB0Y68's topic in Blender
Don't know which game this is for and I'm definitely far from an expert in this, but if it's any way like the previous GameBryo games, then an identical vertex count and order between all OBJ files is paramount. TRI files usually contain vertex offsets from the base location per vertex index. So any change to the vertex count or order by whatever automated or scripted tool in Blender will create a mismatch between the base head and the morphs, making them move different (seemingly random) vertices instead of the right ones. If the count doesn't match anymore either, I don't think the tool will even be able to create a working TRI again at all. As you upscaled the head mesh and made it high-poly, you definitely changed vertex count and order in at least 1 file. The question now is, did you (re-)do the upscale process in every morph OBJ file separately or did you create new morph OBJs from deforming the original upscaled file? The latter should work, if necessary precautions are taken, and the vertex indices remain identical in base mesh and all morph OBJs. While the first has a high chance of having made them mismatch now. But like I said, I'm not at all an expert. Just telling from experience with doing remotely similar things for Elder Scrolls: Oblivion a longer while ago, where there's no other tools but conversion from TRI to OBJs and back again. -
Mod authors should have made a master list of locations
DrakeTheDragon replied to hucker75's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I think the biggest problem of the very idea/concept and why it is faced with so much negativity is its inherent lack of usefulness. Let's say we go by the original proposal of managing such a list of touched locations (cells) and make it so it's used to prevent touching locations again, which already have been touched by another mod. A cell in Bethesda games is huge. Take an entire park area for example and a mod moves only 1 tree. This would render the entire park inaccessible for any other mod to touch it, by the premise originally expressed. After a strictly limited number of mods (as many as there are cells inside the game) no more mods affecting locations could be made. Restricting modding the game like such is not of much use to anybody. And even if we ignore the original premise and only manage such a list. While the number of cells inside the game is limited, it's definitely quite high. We're talking of hundreds, if not thousands, of mods touching the same cell, making for quite a long list. But then we also have to keep in mind only very specific modifications to the cell will even have a means to actually conflict. Take the park example, or make it a wood, and make it a hundred mods only moving trees around (for example to make room for pathways or the like), then it is even possible none of them actually conflict at all, as they all move around different trees. So we have a list with 1000 entries of changes to the same cell, while in reality almost none of the changes causes any conflict. Add to it you won't know which mod moved which trees, and the list will quickly be entirely useless to you. Now let's even assume we'd add every detail to it where it "might" conflict with other mods "theoretically"... and I say theoretically, because the number of things one mod can conflict with another in is practically unlimited, as even the core design of the game can be expanded by mods... then, no, we can't even assume that, because it's simply impossible to do. It is not even defined what a "conflict" even is. Not all conflicts are a problem. Even a "patch", be it for improvement or for compatibility, is a "conflict" still technically. So in summing it up it's the inherent uselessness of the list and the practical impossibility of the task of managing it, which makes authors here so opposed to the idea. And the game didn't have a conflict check for much the same reasons. What even is a conflict? By technicality every "plugin" is a conflict with the master file. And then add to it that the game can't even "detect" conflicts of mods outside of plugins. Sometimes even conflict detection by tools is pretty useless, as the conflicts they detect are all "intentional" rather than troublesome. -
onesiessizzle banned. Reason: Spam account Reference post
Hmm, the design did look very familiar once I saw the picture. Unfortunately I couldn't find any exact match though. However, I did find quite some mods which might contain something of interest to you... and if you have to edit one or two to create something closer to what you're looking for for your own personal use: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48973 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48972 - a different piece from Gothic even https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48923 The lady has only high quality work and not all of it is revealing/mature, for those not interested in that. And there's more where I found those. Haven't found an outfit that's exactly matching this robe, yet, though.
Man, I seriously have to give this Vanilla NIF a look at one point. The bra has its own bone node and an un-applied translation in the original NIF? That's so not how clothing items are usually done. Only shape-morphed (helmets, hairs, heads and face parts) are doing it like that (un-applied translations), so their 0-based morph files will work no matter where in the scene they are located. Glad you got it figured out. Yes, every NiTriStrips/Shape node, unless in a separately rigged context like sword and hilt in the same NIF or similar, belongs directly onto the root level, a direct child of "NiNode 0 - Scene Root". And yes, the 1:1 copied and deformed bra will have completely different, non-aligning rigging now compared to the body mesh underneath. So during movements / in animations/poses both will always move apart or clip into each other. The only way to do this part properly is through the use of a modeling app and re-rigging the model, for example by copying bone weights from the body to the bra or redoing all weight-painting by hand or similar means. This, sadly, cannot be achieved in NifSkope that perfectly.
Mod requests need to either match the interests of the author who might make it or make them interested in making it. Posting at least a few pictures to show the armors you'd like to be made will help immensely in this. Even if the aspiring author doesn't know the game or its contents, the pictures might make them interested in giving it a try. Sadly I myself don't have any time for even my own projects anymore. I was totally into dabbling with custom fantasy armors and clothing last before my free time completely died.
The way you're copying sounds about right to me. If it worked this exact way with other meshes but only with this Vanilla bra doesn't, I'd rather check the Vanilla bra itself instead. I'm currently without access to the NIF files, or I'd quickly check myself. So could you check the material (its name) and the node name (of the NiTriShape/Strips node) of the bra inside the Vanilla NIF? I'm especially thinking of it being treated as a body part (material being "skin" and node name one of "foot", "hand", "upperbody"/"arms", "lowerbody"/"legs", actual material and texture in game overridden by the race and FaceGen properties selected) and the bra texture not being used or the like. Or if it's not showing at all, it could also be a normal vector or normal map issue. Normal vectors can be inverted, pointing to the inside, so the outside faces are not shown/see-through. And a missing normal map file ("..._n.dds") can make it either pitch black or invisible. Does it look fine in NifSkope at least? So is it a problem with different appearances in- and outside of the game? Or does it already not work at all right after copying? If everything fails, you could as well show us some pictures, both from NifSkope (especially showing the NIF tree structure) and inside the game. (Using spoilers should have you covered about not showing nude pics.)