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Everything posted by DrakeTheDragon

  1. If I recall correctly, there's nothing to "fix" here. This message is just telling you that an override file, which was specifically included in Kyoma's MenuQue download to disable old versions of the plugin, was not loaded, as it should not have been. If this purely informative message bothers you too much, you could as well delete the file it complains about. But it's not needed to do at all. Everything's working as intended. Somebody correct me, if I'm wrong.
  2. Happy, belated, New Year from me, too! Sadly I didn't get around to even launch the game anymore for years, so there's nothing new to tell. Alas, hope dies last, and some day I will get the time for modding this great game again. Here's to another year of fun and joy with (modding) this game for all of you! (P.S.: The subsection chosen for this looks fine to me.)
  3. Hmm, was anything of those contents perhaps from a mod? In the first cell everything worked normally. Only in the last cell nothing was aggressive towards you anymore. It was not AI overload or anything else AI related as far as I could see, but their aggression, or disposition towards you, for some reason must have been very much in your favor, all marauders in the wrong faction or not in the right one, if they even were as allied with you as to speak to you. Enemies don't do that normally, regardless of if they're already fighting you or not. As long as they're your enemy by game variables, they won't chat. So in this case, this last cell, the game variables must've said you're friends or neutrals. I for one would definitely check those NPCs.
  4. Reading the description it speaks of using TNR NPCs and, somebody correct me, if I'm wrong, but if I recall correctly, that was exactly the process TNR did it.
  5. Have you tried the button "Edit my About Me page" in your profile settings? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp
  6. To further elaborate on this, especially take care not to use names that only contain the letters used in hexadecimal numbers. For example, if you name your script something like "05cebab1" or "05cafe01" (sounds innocent enough, no? a scripted edible or a street cafe script perhaps), these will be perfectly valid hexadecimal FormIDs. If then the 6th plugin/masterfile in load order happens to contain any entry with these numbers, you'll have created yourself a conflict. Granted this especially is rather unlikely for you or a user of your mod to run into. But better not get the game even started into thinking it's a hex FormID, so it might not even consider taking it for a name anymore and break. (For some reason the rule of thumb only speaks of numbers and doesn't include hexadecimals as well. The reason for this is unknown to me. FormIDs can just as well start with <a-f> after all. But I know the game engine from modding it for 15 years and am full well aware of it most of the time not working in an expected way or making a lot of sense in how it does. So nothing is unlikely enough to be for granted.)
  7. I for one have only ever used "scn" so far, but according to this wiki page it's only an alias thing, so functionally completely identical writing one or the other: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Scriptname
  8. I don't know if the process changed at some more recent point, but the procedure I used and know is to always import an armature together with the KF. I usually set out to import the "skeleton.nif" of the actor/creature I want to use the animation with as "skeleton only (parent selected)", then tag the KF file along in the import dialog. Sadly all good documentation about the process seems to have gone lost. However, this is the next best I could find: https://blender-niftools-addon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/features/iosettings/import.html#user-features-iosettings-import If I need to see the "body" of the actor/creature for animating, I'll later import it as "geometry only (parent to selected)", having the skeleton armature selected prior to import. On export it's luckily possible to export the KF directly without any of the other stuff tagging along though. You might have to do some post-export NifSkope magic to render the file usable by the game though, but that's normal procedure for every export NIF/KF alike.
  9. You have to do that for every manager there is out there is what I said. No manager can understand all and there's definitely mods not every manager can understand. Luckily usually just a quick glance is all that's needed. There's archiving tools allowing you to just "look" inside without actually unpacking at all even. I heard some of the newer managers even have an "inspect" feature for downloaded mods like that and provide means for restructuring prior to install themselves. If it's a simple basic structured mod like above, every manager should be able to read it. Even BAIN understands those straight away, although they aren't exactly the structure BAIN uses at all. And yes, OMODs back with OBMM were a novelty, in how they provided a visual step-by-step wizard setup to configure your mod prior to install. However, such wizard-like installs can nowadays be provided by almost all the better managers as well. NMM and Vortex used Fomod XML files to create these, or still do. And the flaw that overwritten files from other mods are forever lost, even when you later uninstall, is the primary issue making OBMM not a recommendable tool anymore today. If you know of and can live with that flaw, however, everybody's free to use OBMM still at any time.
  10. Several of the older Oblivion mods will have to be re-structured, no matter which manager you're attempting to use. Every manager expects their own proprietary folder structure, some expect a shared folder structure, which was later brewed up by the community, the most common you could say. But too many Oblivion mods were created in a time where neither managers nor shared common structures were a thing, yet. There is 1 packaging structure every manager I know will be able to understand: No surrounding folder, only ESP/ESM, meshes, textures, sound, etc. folders on level 1, no options, no choices, and no post-extraction tasks such as copying and/or renaming folders or files. Basically every "part" of a BAIN archive consists exactly of that structure. But a BAIN archive itself can never be put into the Data folder 1:1, nor can a manager other than WryeBash/BAIN install it correctly. OMODs can even only be opened by OBMM. (Unless current latest managers introduced some file-format compatibility along the way.) But you shouldn't be using 2 managers at once. Best case just use OBMM to "turn into archive" the OMOD file, then unpack and restructure as necessary and usual. When using OBMM it's especially important to keep in mind it does not "manage" your installs. It only extracts once, overwriting everything there is without making backups, and if you want to change install order or priority later, you have to uninstall and reinstall all mods involved in the correct order again. Unlike WryeBash/BAIN it won't restore files or folders it previously overwrote. If I recall correctly, the last NMM was working the same way. Overwrite files without backup, and when uninstalling later, old files stay lost. Vortex is much better in this managing department, from what I heard, enabling you to effortlessly switch order/priority around and previously overwritten files will automatically return. But it of course struggles with uncommon folder structures of older Oblivion mods like every other manager does. However, this 1-click-install myth should really go away. You were basically just lucky the most mods for that game are packaged in a shared common folder structure almost everybody uses, and the conflicting parts of your mod collection were so insignificant they didn't need further work. But here we're working with a game engine where there's not even a guarantee the exact same 1:1 copy&pasted installation of mods that worked for 10.000 of users previously will also work for the 10.001-th still. It's working so inconsistently at times, not even a simple "missing texture" situation will cause the same error on every person's install. For example: Users of an older Oblivion version < 1.2 will have their games not even be able to "see" plugins created with a >=1.2 version of the CS and thus they can't use them at all. However, 1 out of an insane number of folks I helped with having missed updating their games in the past before actually was able to run one of my mods. Just half of my scripts were breaking on them, as their engine didn't have the functions I used. As my mod was definitely running for them, just not correctly at all, it was seriously a hard time figuring out their game version simply being too old was the cause for this. They were the only 1 ever in 15 years who was even able to run a 1.2 CS versioned plugin in a 1.1 versioned outdated game. An explanation for that is still sought.
  11. If those changes were scripted, an activation/choice popup would be a piece of cake. But if they're record-based, hmm...
  12. Hmm, did you step down from the trigger and wait for the remaining 600+ messages to pop up? I'm not 100% sure, but I do recall Oblivion having a message buffer, a queue if you like, and going by what I see in your video it was still running its queue down, just not remotely as fast as new entries came up while still standing on the trigger.
  13. Glow maps, like normal maps, are only assigned automatically through filename similarity. However, a glow map is just the black filter you throw over the glowing object. If the object doesn't already glow, the glow map can only make non-glowing glow even less. Check the eye NIFs if the eyes' NiTriShapes/Strips already have an almost-white "Emissive" property in their "NiMaterial" settings. That's what makes meshes glow.
  14. It doesn't seem to be a conflict for once, at least not between the mods listed above. None of them contain another body asset override for the Khajiit tails. The tail NIFs is where the claws were put inside. If you don't have claws on your Khajiit (on the hands, the foot claws were removed), then for some reason the body asset override is not taken, or the file was overwritten by something else later. Blockhead must be working though, or all the other overrides won't work either. So unless the body asset override function was changed by some later Blockhead release (doubtful), it must be something to do with the override asset file.
  15. This was quite the necro post but of course they still work as explained. Trouble is just people always, for whatever reason, get the wrong mod index number from their tools. Wrye Bash is very reliable when it comes to this, provided it is also the tool you "set" your load order with. Managing your load order with a different tool might lead to miscommunication between them and even WB not knowing your actual load order anymore. I don't know about TES4Edit, but I do know you can select an own group of plugins while using it. So not sure if it even provides you with your actual load order from the start or if people are just not using the proper feature to obtain it correctly. And the CS will "never" give you your load order. Every time the CS is launched you set up a new one, just for this editing run. Nobody ever gives the CS their entire load order, all plugins active inside their game, as it would crash spectacularly in no time by running out of resources soon. And of course the tool must give you the hexadecimal index number, not just a decimal count. I've seen tools giving the number of the plugin but not in hexadecimal, so it's not the same. And to make things worse I've also seen tools having the wrong sort order even though they have the same number of active plugins.
  16. Did you try my link from the 1st page of this topic? URLs should be the same on mobile still, even if menu structure changes.
  17. First off, the "My Mods" entry in the avatar drop-down is not gone for good. It was not removed. But if you happen to run into it missing again, you can just as well click the "Mods" drop-down on the top and then the "My Mods >" link, which will lead you to exactly the same place. I have to be honest: this is singularly unhelpful. I would appreciate a better explanation for the missing shortcut and a closer reading of my post. Oh, indeed, sorry for missing that last part where you already explained the way I proposed. Under this premise I shouldn't have responded at all. The other part is not up to me to explain, but it's a known issue that's still being looked into: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10280863-my-mods-button-is-gone/
  18. Hmm, that looks like it's the tongue sticking out through the throat. Really weird thing to happen. Interestingly almost every part of the head part meshes is replaced by the "OCOv2 Enhanced Beast Races patch", only the tongue is not for whatever reason. But if that was a Vanilla thing, there would surely have been more reports like that already. Or did you also install the optional "Alternate male Argonian head" download from this mod by chance, and this is causing it? The one mod loading later, "BAF", doesn't have replacements for the head parts, only for the heads. This can't be causing the issue all things considered. You can, however, still try uninstalling it temporarily to see if it even changes a thing. It's still a little unclear which mod's head mesh is actually used in the end here, considering there's so many in this list installing their own ones. Oh, and as they're all overwriting each other at least in parts of their files, not only your "load" order matters but also the order in which they were "installed" and then also with which manager of course. Then we'd at least know "which" mod's files are the ones currently used.
  19. First off, the "My Mods" entry in the avatar drop-down is not gone for good. It was not removed. But if you happen to run into it missing again, you can just as well click the "Mods" drop-down on the top and then the "My Mods >" link, which will lead you to exactly the same place.
  20. konKc007 banned. Reason: Spam account. Reference post
  21. Ah, found the article this was taken from. It's from 2020, when it was absolutely the right way, as today's results prove. And the "build back better" quote mentioned in the article was made by a different person. That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
  22. Now you got me curious. What exactly is happening in Germany, might I ask?
  23. This isn't exactly related to anything Vortex, so I'm moving it, but... As the news article linked is from 2008 and since then the site has been redesigned a couple times, urls and domains changed, an up-to-date link to the authors you track would now be here: https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/trackingcentre?tab=authors
  24. Well, I don't think KF files themselves even can be optimized. Has Pyffi an option for these, too? I meant more like animated static meshes, NIF files with animations from KFs baked "into" them, which I fail to see much potential for Pyffi breaking them. Only if a fitting EGM or TRI file is lying around in its folders, chances are good the NIF can break all too easily through optimization. Or better yet the NIF and EGM/TRI file structure becoming unfitting is what can crash the game.
  25. AndrewRoss26 banned. Reason: Spam account. Reference post
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