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Everything posted by DrakeTheDragon
Haven't seen that one in ages. But I still find a lot from Toaster's Companion Share and Recruit, which, if I'm not mistaken, became a framework of its own similar to CM Partners. Maybe it was recreated/incorporated into that one? Many authors of old did remove previous, in their eyes inferior, versions of their mods once they released, in their eyes, better/improved solutions later.
DrakeTheDragon replied to Pellape's topic in Oblivion's Oblivion Construction Set and Modders
I'm not sure what will happen, if you set it to values below of what your game can supply. But I doubt it'll be anything else but skipping those runs which would otherwise start while another one is already running. -
Yes, the key problem here I think was that the target locations/markers were in one plugin while the scripts porting to them were in another. You cannot use EditorIDs from one plugin inside another, unless they are parents/masters of it. Every plugin will know all Vanilla game IDs (from Oblivion.esm) as all are by design parented to it (unless created differently) but none other. Though I'm really getting massively confused lately with so many people reporting their mods didn't work, because they were using obviously erroneous syntax in their scripts, but their compilers never threw an error on saving them. How can that be? My CS would've complained multiple times in succession, had I tried to type an (unknown) EditorID into one of my scripts that's not from inside the same plugin. Why doesn't it for so many people lately? What weird versions of the CS did they get a hold of I wonder? No idea what you could be meaning with this part though: Could you perhaps elaborate some?
Unplayable would mean they can't even see them anymore, not just being unable to equip them. It's used to "hide" items in your inventory, so you don't know you actually have them there, like tokens and such. I wonder what exactly happens when you say you can't equip them? Does the game give you a message of sorts, either a popup box or a short blinking text in the top left corner of the screen? There's also the situation when some very invasive idle animation plays, like from some of the many pose animation mods. You'll get a message saying you can't switch weapons or armor while in combat in that case. Only after the pose was reset will you be able to change your equipment again.
Well, actually the "Ni" at the start of all properties or the like in a NIF stand for "Net Immerse", the creators of the NIF file format. And no, the "name" of a material isn't always immaterial (pun intended). There are very well hardcoded material names which cause special effects to be applied to the mesh ("mesh" != NIF but NiTriShape or -Strips block here, the actual geometries inside a NIF). For example "EnvMap2" will render the "environment mapping" effect all over the mesh, so it looks like reflecting the surrounding some. There's also "EnvMap", I think, but it's rarely used, if at all. And let's not forget "skin"/"Skin", without which no body part inside a clothing or armor item will ever have actual skin. The "APPLY_HIGHLIGHT" in the NiTexturingProperty makes the surface really shiny, like plastic, but it does not cause any reflection effects on its own without material being "EnvMap2". However, I fail to see how any of this has any relation to the CTDs occurring with only the one crown still and not the others. It can't just be the material settings or some such alone. I have already witnessed some outside-all-rules weirdness before with certain meshes and their settings, so I won't outright deny any potential cause. I had meshes loosing their rigging, i.e. which skeleton bone their parts stick to and how much during animations, and shooting off into infinity, only because the mesh was missing its normal map texture file. (Only 1 known case of this ever so far) And I have some weird crystalline eyes in a wearable item of mine, which work correctly in 5 out of 6 variants I copy&pasted them into, but in 1 they float static in the air instead of sticking to the rest. They also cause other surfaces in vicinity to be overlayed with weird opaque colors in different camera angles increasing over time to boot. So don't tell me something cannot go wrong in a completely unexplainably random way for no discernible reason at all, I've had a lot of this so far. Still wondering what the reason for the CTDs here could be.
Yes, never mix up different approaches to Archive Invalidation. And also remove all traits of earlier attempt whenever you try another. I think even now that you're using SkyBSA you should definitely remove the dummy BSAs of the other approaches and definitely any left-over "Archive Invalidation.txt".
Yes, NifSkope is invaluable. I need it every time after exporting some new NIF from Blender. It will almost never work just as is after export. Some things will always have to be done post export. Additionally it's my #1 debugging tool when it comes to mesh or texture errors in game. The 1st thing I always do is take a look at the NIF in NifSkope. I'm really sad the tool is considered of use for mod authors only. If just every user who reports a problem to me could take a look into the NIF with NifSkope under my guidance, we could diagnose most issues in less than a minute every time.
Sadly there's not many slots suitable for things like crowns or tiaras in this game. Anything equipped to the head slot, as you noticed, will replace the entire head. This is for full-face helmets and the like. Anything equipped to the hair slot will replace your hair and ears. This is for open-faced helmets and the like. So the only slots left for these things usually are either amulet (self-explanatory I think) or tail, for when amulet already is no option. Removing the tail on a tail-less race is always an option. Unless it's a tailed race, then the tail slot is not that great a choice. Still wondering what could be up with the ground model of your crown. And "mip map" isn't really something you yourself need to know all about. It's simply part of the DDS texture file format, in other 3D games also with other file types. Mip maps is what gives you differently sized textures for objects at different distances. When you only see a couple pixels of the object, there's no reason to put the entire 1024x1024 resolution texture over it. That's why such textures then are usually stored in different sizes all put into one file, 1024^2, 512^2, 256^2, 128^2 and so on, don't know how deep down it goes. I've seen pictures of it looking like the famous drawing of the artist drawing the artist drawing the artist and so on. But that's just for visualization's sake. The graphics app you're using to create the texture will take care of all of it for you automatically. You can just toggle generation of mip maps on and off on saving.
WIP - The Companion friendly Hobbit Home
DrakeTheDragon replied to Pellape's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Yeah, for whatever the reason most CTDs come rather from the messaging functions using placeholders they shouldn't or values not fitting than anything else really. It's remarkably surprising how often it's simply a message that CTDs. -
Well, no, you can't really mod or play Oblivion on a Mac just like that, not without use of Wine and similar or like I do it a Windows install in a virtual machine (which I already have for work necessities, thus just abuse for modding in my now-non-existent free time). Basically packaging up a mod for release is just taking out files and folders like an "excerpt" from your Data folder. So when other people install your mod into their game, they'll end up with exactly the same folder contents you now have. Just don't miss any and take care not to include something not needed by your mod or not needed to be downloaded, as it's already part of everybody's games.
Just a slight correction. Don't make it "meshes/BSR/", "textures/BSR/" exactly like that. There's resource types which, like icons, will need to be inside a very specific path under "meshes" or "textures" as well. For example I for one always put my resources into this folder structure: "meshes/clothes/DrakeDragon/<name of item>/", "textures/armor/DrakeDragon/<name of item>/" and so on. Inside the respective "clothes" or "armor" subfolders for example you have basically free reign with the folders you use. Outside of them, however, not so much. But at the end of the day it's mainly for a cleaner folder structure. As long as the game doesn't complain, you're in full control of where to place what files. (Unless it's replacements, of course.) And I for one prefer 7-Zip (.7z) for packaging my mods. There's been several reports of users being unable to extract certain mods lately, which have been packaged in a much-too-new version of RAR, which almost no other packaging program or mod manager can unpack as of yet. They call the downloads corrupt in their reports, but it needs only to find the exact right version of packaging app which is able to unpack them in fact. However, if I need to fire up my Windows virtual machine, which I use for modding, as absolutely no packaging app on my Mac is able to even open it, something tells me it was not a good choice of packaging format or tool. Always keep your potential users in mind. They are not at all tech-savvy or in possession, or even knowledge, of all the tools in most cases. Oh, and there's also some fancy tools floating around (was it TES4Files?), which can actually scan your ESP and extract all files it references to from your Data folder to put it into a mod for you. However, it really catches "all" files referenced, even Vanilla ones, which you don't really need to pack in with your mod, as everybody already has these. So it's not really the perfect solution either. ... Hmm, no wonder there's always day-1 immediate fixes released with many new-coming mods, because 1 or 2 files were missed when packing it all up.
Well, you can create your own BSAs from loose files, of course, but only very few mods actually did it so far. Mostly the really big expansion ones, which would otherwise dump some millions of files, a few GB in total size, loosely scattered all over your Data folder. However, using BSAs also comes with disadvantages. One, you cannot have any replacing files inside a BSA. The game does not know an order or priority in which to load BSAs, and as such it becomes random from which BSA (the original game's or your replacement's) which file gets loaded. Granted, there's nowadays ways to get around even that, SkyBSA coming to mind here, turning the entire resource management of the game into Skyrim's under the hood, but that's that. And two, folks over the years were reporting mixed results in test runs, spanning from better performance due to loading out of memory directly to significantly worse performance due to having to extract everything from the archives first, with most siding on didn't change a thing so far. So it's usually only chosen for really huge amounts of files and mostly only for sake of a cleaner Data folder. But that's all still debated even today. Most people use the loose file concept instead, that is creating a folder structure in their mods which mirrors the folder structure you find inside the BSAs. When the game starts it's like the BSAs get unpacked first, just not physically, nothing's put into your folders. Then the files inside your Data folder get loaded and added to it in a way. The result is a mixture between what's inside the BSAs and what we call "loose files", what's inside your Data folder. When Archive Invalidation is correctly set up, loose files will even override BSA contents with the same path and name. That's what's called replacements. The only difficulty you'll have initially is that all the game's files are safely tucked away inside the BSA archives (dumb choice of name, as BSA already means Bethesda Softworks Archive, but they are archives after all), and those can't be accessed from e.g. NifSkope or the CS' file browsers. So if you want to select an existing Vanilla resource for your new item or the like, you'll be having a hard time browsing to it. Extracting it from the BSA first is one way to get a hold of it, but you shouldn't leave it around in your game folders needlessly. Replacing a Vanilla file from inside a BSA with an identical 1:1 loose file copy without any change makes no sense at all and is only cluttering up your Data folder needlessly. What you can also do is putting an empty file with the exact same name at the exact same place as where it is inside the BSA. You then can browse to it and select it. Then you can safely remove the empty placeholder again. But both aren't really... ideal. The CS can load everything right from BSA files quite fine. You just can't browse to any of those archived files with the selection buttons.
"Invalid directory" usually pops up, if you try to point a game record to a resource in a path outside of where this specific kind of resource is expected to be. Many resources in Oblivion can lie scattered around almost anywhere, as long as it's inside the Data folder. But especially in case of icons and the like they are only allowed within a very strict location. Take a look at the paths of other existing icons where those were placed and keep the top-most folders for where your new icons are identical by all means. There's some additional confusion going on with different resolution icons found in different folders but you only allowed to select 1. I'm by far no expert myself, but have a look at this CS Wiki page explaining all about icons, their file format specifications and where they must be put and why: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Icons If your door is floating some above the ground inside the game but perfectly aligned when looking at only your mod inside the CS, then there's other mods loading into your game which change its surroundings some, landscape mods maybe, or it's close to another modded location perhaps. You could make your mod so the door's position will always be perfectly aligned to when you use those other mods, or you might have to do patches for use with -and- without those mods. Or maybe find out what's altering the landscape in the area and how much, then move your door to a position close but different enough for the changes to no longer make it float in either case.
Help needed with visual glitch
DrakeTheDragon replied to MercerMeka's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Now look at that, a geometry hole neatly filled by the raised landscape grid underneath. That's how it should be in all those places. However, with the new gaps popping up I'm wondering, did I never see them because I was always using the Unofficial Oblivion Patch right from the start in every run? Wrongly offset or dislocated objects/models are in abundance listed among the things it fixed after all. -
Help needed with visual glitch
DrakeTheDragon replied to MercerMeka's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hmm, so the elevated sections with stairs always looked that way even in a Vanilla game? Why did I never see it then? But coming to think of it... I also wasn't exactly thinking of the stair-raised sections particularly. Accommodating their height-offset with the landscape mesh... yeah, no, I can easily see Bethesda slopping with that. I definitely have to give these places a visit myself some time next and see it with my own eyes. Or maybe I'm already using mods which fixed these holes? -
Help needed with visual glitch
DrakeTheDragon replied to MercerMeka's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hmm, some things also bake into save games, but... not this. -
Hmm, that's definitely a missing dust particle texture there. However, which mod is changing these and in a way so the game now points to a file that's missing? Shouldn't they normally just replace the texture file, that is provide a loose file replacement for the original one stored safely away in the BSA? How can messing in any way with the loose files cause the game pointing to something missing then instead of the safe and protected original? Unless, of course, something weird was done in terms of Archive Invalidation, like using archaic ways to it which never worked really correct to begin with (using the file "Archive Invalidation.txt", or the destructive method of "Archive/BSA Alteration" directly editing the original BSA thus destroying the way back). And did you know that leaving an entry inside the "Archive Invalidation.txt" pointing to a replacement file you uninstalled will actually "cause" the missing texture error, as it's pointing the game to a missing file? Even having switched later to the better methods, having the file with rogue entries still in your folders can and will still force the issues.
Help needed with visual glitch
DrakeTheDragon replied to MercerMeka's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
How did you fresh-install your game? Any leftover files still from the previous install? A clean Vanilla game does not have these wrong landscape mesh offsets. Only mods can have introduced that, changes to ground level and all that. The 3rd and last image isn't missing a chunk of the street. The ground mesh is just normally way higher up, so it closes the gap off with a small grass section. -
Can't select the script for my NPC.
DrakeTheDragon replied to Dimitrisgb's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I was asking, because this: Unknown referenced object 'VALAhdrisa'. reads like you're still using the wrong one in the result script. -
It was officially surpassed by these newer tools, yes, especially when already using OR.
Can't select the script for my NPC.
DrakeTheDragon replied to Dimitrisgb's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Which one is the right EditorID, "VALAhdrisa", like you post, or "VALAdhrisa", like you said the NPC is named? -
Loose Camera After knockdown
DrakeTheDragon replied to dpguitar's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
We definitely could use your mod list. This usually happens when using a mod with so-called fake 1st person view or similar, which requires all animations to be replaced with ones working in said view, and then even a single unreplaced/unfitting animation playing will offset the camera permanently. There's other causes as well, of course, but to spot these we still need to know the mods you're using which could be causing this. -
Well, "GetEquipmentSlot" will only give the slot a specific object occupies, so that's not even what we need here. But "GetEquippedObject 17" should already return "0", if no ammo is equipped. This can very well be checked for.
Mod request for BBB/Horns and tail
DrakeTheDragon replied to NicholasRaven01's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
For mod requests this is exactly the right location. But please also mind the pinned topic on the very top. Can't help you much with BBB, but I think I found a few mods which might contain useful resources for you: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39242 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7765 This should definitely give you some wearable demon-style horns and tails. There's much more resources like this out there in the database, but I'm afraid most of them are just parts of a full-fledged custom race. -
Should Social Media Giant's Keep Their Immunity To US Libel Laws?
DrakeTheDragon replied to edgeburner's topic in Debates
Isn't this whole debate based on things seen in reverse? Before news aired of stuff getting censored more and more on social media networks, news aired of governments left, right and center, especially here in the EU, deciding to more and more hold those networks liable to what people post on them, because they don't do their part and moderate appropriately to their own terms. They were close to losing their immunity completely over here. "That's" when they reacted and started censoring finally. And yes, make them liable, take away their immunity, and they will "have to" censor you left, right and center just for means of self-defense. They've been law-free crime-supporting zones for far too long by now, and their denial to interfere is starting to cost them.