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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. So if the last poster wins.... which movie do you think the winning poster will be depicting? *word meaning twist intended*
  2. A note on that texture template thing. I stumbled across doing that myself last night on a little project for myself. (editing one armor piece to make clipping parts invisible with another armor piece). When I extracted the template if I chose clamp it wouldn't be lined up properly. If I chose wrap everything was in the proper place, easy to tell when you make a test mark and check in game to see where it shows up at. So in some cases its best not to be hard set specific about certain settings but make notes that experimenting with certain values may allow it to work when otherwise it wasn't.
  3. yeah Wrye Bash will complain about load order after BOSS corrects it. This is cause BOSS changes the order of the plugins, but not the load order numbers in Wrye Bash's internal list. Therefore it complains but re-assigns the correct numbers based on the new order by BOSS. In fact any time you manually change load order in Wrye Bash and switch to another tab it will complain when you go back to the mod tab.
  4. That 'ritual' is also noted in the Creation Kit's own initial tutorial However I personally don't follow that as whenever you press save for the first time without having opened another esp as active the CK will prompt you for a name. So I go ahead and do my work and then save. The really important thing is to make sure that you don't have the wrong mod mistakenly set as active, else you'll screw that mod up. At any rate it won't hurt anything to make an initial save if the mod you intend to make is going to need an esp file. Some mods like texture and script mods don't necessarily need an esp. In the cases of textures and scripts CK is primarily used to track down which files need to be extracted from the various Skyrim BSA files. Saving an esp for those cases is pointless as it won't be needed. the only way to screw up the game files is if the mod utilizes loose files and they don't all get removed when the mod is uninstalled. Those leftover loose files would get priority over the game files. This is why installing with a mod manager such as NMM is very important as it can backup and restore what was there prior to installing a particular mod. Manual installing and uninstalling is just asking for trouble.
  5. Good place to start for a lot of it is at the Creation Kit's own listing of Tutorials http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials
  6. to be honest the culprit could be any mod, if the maker accidentally included a modified script or accidentally edited one mod when they thought they had a different one open and included changes which shouldn't be there. Only suggestion I have is to disable all the mods and start the game and see if it happens in a vanilla state (which it should not). Then slowly add mods back on and test 'em out. If you got lots of mods try doing in sets of 5 or 10 that way if it does happen you'll know which 5 or 10 to go back thru individually to find the culprit. Not much anyone here could do until you've narrowed down exactly which mod is causing the problem.
  7. You've only scratched the surface then. On any page of the Nexus (not the forum), hover your mouse over the little circle with a down arrow next to the word Files, a drop menu should appear, select Categories. You'll see that there are lots of mods in different categories. Armor, houses and weapons might be the largest groups but that just means that people have varied tastes and so do something for themselves cause others haven't done it yet. there are several survival mods out there already. Usually they are found in the "Gameplay effects and changes" category as far as the economy, might want to check out Economics of Skyrim. You can't just sell stuff off to buy something really cool on your first trip to Whiterun any more. Prices are high and merchants buy really low. It makes going out and hunting for hides/pelts to get leather more practical. It makes going out finding ore veins to mine to get the ore to make the ingots you need more practical as the prices are really high otherwise especially with the regional settings where in some cities you may not find certain items and if you do they'd be thru the roof. Believe it or not Breezehome is cheaper than most weapons, especially the enchanted ones. Oh and General merchants they sell goods that the people living in the city might need. they don't sell stuff that only the Dragonborn would want.
  8. You may have done some of this already, but you never know it might help 1. defrag your hard drives especially after reinstalling the game & all those mods or after doing any large amounts of data writing/erasing 2. make sure all the mods are up to date as well as the game being fully patched up 3. double check the documentation for each mod, sometimes what worked with one version will no longer work with a newer version 4. use BOSS to assist in getting the correct load order. Manually place what it doesn't according to the mod's directions. If it doesn't have any directions leave it at the bottom to be safe. 5. use Wyre Bash to merge leveled lists and to check integrity of save games as compared to your mod list. 6. clean your computer. if you don't need it on your hard drive (especially the drive with Windows) remove it. if it is important, back it up somewhere else. if it isn't important and you don't want it, trash it. more space means larger swap file for Windows to utilize. every little bit in processing power can help. 7. if you haven't consider starting a brand new game and testing out each of the problem areas. It is still possible that your save files got messed up somehow. 8. try saving and reloading different types of saves in the affected area. perhaps manual saves will work where quick and/or auto saves won't. 9. if you've got anything running in the background that might try to run at the same time, disable it while you play. Its possible that whatever is in the background might interfere with the game. 10. try temporarily running the game with lower graphics, perhaps there is too much happening for even your card to render. 11. I don't know about power supply but if you didn't replace it with one that was at least the same rating as the one previous, then there may not be enough power for all the components to fully function. 12. Seek additional help cause after all those I wouldn't know what to do.
  9. What was their character level in that video? Did they say? Character level also plays a factor in the armor damage and weapon ratings. If they had an uncapper mod or some other type of mod that adjusts multipliers then that might explain the difference between what you are seeing in game and what you saw in the video.
  10. I don't know the item in question you are referring to. However, if it is worn like a hand piece but is really a shield and you want it treated like a hand piece instead. Might be able to reassign the body part in Nifscope and then in CK. I've not actually done it but I read somewhere that you've got to change the mesh assignment in two places. Only issue being that if you want it to be use alongside another hand piece you'll have to use one of the 'unknown' or free entries for body parts. That said you'd then have to check all armor/accessory pieces you wish to wear with said hand shield switched to hand piece and make sure that you don't use the same body part entry as any of them. this might help: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number EDIT: found this. walks you right thru the process I was talking about. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/576983-tutorial-assign-meshes-to-new-body-parts
  11. This is an animation challenge for anyone willing to give a crack at it. 3D CG is not my strong point it is worse than my understanding of papyrus scripting which is horrible (and I've done two simple papyrus mods). Thus I present this challenge. 1. Take a look at the image in spoiler tags. 2. Devise some way for the arrow to actually be notched on the string. 3. Would like all bow & arrow combinations to appear properly. In the image: stock Long Bow stock Iron Arrow side effect of this fix may be that lengthened arrows are no longer needed ************************** Some additional examination has resulted in that the male characters stop their hand and the arrow at the proper position. It is only female players that draw further back. I have found the hkv file which is responsible bow_drawlight (or something close to that - going on memory here) but whether there are separate files for gender or if they both use the same I do not know.
  12. Exactly. from wiki about Torygg If Ulfric weren't such a hothead there probably wouldn't have been a civil war of Skyrim peoples but rather a conflict between all of Skyrim and the Empire. Which given the Empire's standing against the Thalmor may or may not have happened. Its usually this bit of information from Elisif herself that leads me to the in game decision to join the Legion. Its possible if I never spoke with her that I might join the Stormcloaks, but once I did speak with her I'd probably want to jump ship and that option isn't built into the game. Ulfric did what he did so that there would be a more interesting world to play in and to have a much better game start than say that of Morrowind (never played the others) -- (I hated those questions in Morrowind, I like to just play the character and develop the skills I use not be forced into some class cause I answered a question wrong)
  13. Before there were weird modders there were only weird users. :P Seriously tho it goes both ways. My modding background comes from the Baldur's Gate series. So I'm not new to modding, just new to Skyrim modding. Something I learned is to take it slow. Do small mods that do one thing and one thing only. It may become part of something bigger later, but it is functional and releasable in its own right. I 'continue' to mod BG cause I feel obligated. It's not really fun any more. It was when I was learning how to make things work, but not now. I do it cause, I'm the one who opened his big mouth and said I'd make the 'updated & modernized' unoffical fixpack long before I knew what the heck I was doing. Still don't to be honest. Completed the game once before getting involved with it and haven't really played since, only testing stuff out. It's not fun. I even took at two year break, played an online game and spent time with my youngest who is two. Tried to get back into BG and all that. But there is this new enhanced edition that's supposed to be coming out and I'm really feeling like why bother when they're going to re-release the game and one of my 'team' has already given them the list of bugs we've found and patched. My work isn't needed any more, good time to get out. If that don't make me weird then I don't know what does, but something does cause my nine year old tells me I'm weird all the time. Skyrim, it's gonna be different. I'm still playing the game, been testing out mods trying to see what I like and what works. Tweaked a few things here and there. Some I've even shared here on the Nexus. The first mod I posted here, I was thrilled with the comments I got. The ability to get feedback in a specific location tied to the mod is wonderful. I'm 'anti-social' in real life, just ask my family. My 'social' life tends to come via forums and the like. Now THAT is weird :P Oh and if we are ranting... I dislike people who respond and say things like "wish people would learn to read". When I ask a question it's cause I don't understand why something is happening. Had one mod that it said in the description that a certain skill would level SLOWLY, it didn't explain how slowly or why this was the case. My definition of slowly is different than the other peoples. I'd leveled twice because of this skill and hadn't done anything other thing than a direct line to Riverwood and on to Whiterun. So I asked about it. Mod author never responded cause it 'was in the description'. The other people keep trying to tell me that my thoughts were all wrong, in the end I decided to drop the mod altogether. They can think what they will about me, but I don't need people telling me that I have to think like them to play the game. Another thing I don't like and this is as a user, modders who say to use Wyre Bash to merge their leveled lists with other mods if necessary and then state that they don't know how to do that themselves. I've yet to find any kind of serious instruction on how to use Wyre Bash with Skyrim mods. Most talk as if you've used the program with other games. What I need is Cliff's Notes on the Idiot's Guide to Using Wyre Bash for Noobs of Skyrim and TES Games in General kudos for the weird title? okay maybe not....
  14. That's an interesting mod. It didn't come up on my search of 'wood chopping' so I was unaware of it. However it does more than I would like especially in the mining area.
  15. I do want to do it myself (there are mods that require firewood for crafting arrows & other stuff), but I'm tired of after every 6 pieces having to recenter the view so I can click on the chopping block. With the adjustment, I can chop wood till a logical stopping point rather than going on for a very long time as in the mod I had previously mentioned. Maybe if I can learn how to make interface options (probably would require SKSE), then the player could be given options for customizing a specific wood chopping event or modifying the base default value for all chopping blocks. However, I'm happy with chopping till max carry weight.
  16. New post because all my stumbling around in the dark paid off!!!! I just got something that compiled without error and when I tried it in game IT WORKED!!!!! Now the way I understand this is that followers who chop wood will still chop at intervals of 6 pieces of wood. However the player will chop till just before they reach max carry weight. here is the source code. I'll highlight the part I put in. If any papyrus gurus could take a look and see if there is any way to make it better, I'd appreciate it.
  17. I've done some looking and there is currently a mod out there that does indeed change the max # of pieces of firewood available to be gathered in one setting. That mod does not stop chopping even if the player becomes encumbered. I have an idea that would allow for non-stop chopping until the player is about to reach max carry weight. I don't know anything about papryus scripting and frankly doesn't make that much sense to me. I can understand some things like specific entries but not how it flows. If anyone who understands papryus is willing to help me to convert this default script so that it will examine the player's carry weight and determine at what point to stop the chopping prior to becoming over encumbered, it would be much appreciated. The first thing I'd do with the script is test it in game and the second thing I'd do is offer it to the existing wood chopping mod that is out there. Only then if that author didn't want to use it would I make it available as a resource/plugin. The default script (in quote form so I can highlight the line that I believe needs to have the modified # ... in spoiler form to reduce in post length) I would think that it needs a formula like: (max carry weight - current weight) / weight of 1 resource = variable to be used to be on the safe side whenever possible it should be rounded down. The purpose is to prevent going over the player's max carry weight and abusing the ability to chop wood non-stop. Again any help would be appreciated. I'm willing to do the coding and testing, I just need help with implementing the formula into the script. In the meantime, I'll be looking thru CK to see if I can find the variables for the player's weight. side thought: i suppose if the behavior is changed to stop the chopping at just before max carry weight, there would have to be something in place to define what happens when the player wants to chop wood while encumbered. Simplest might be a fail safe to the default method? Not sure... ****************************** looks like player max carry weight = carryweight player current inventory weight = inventoryweight default firewood weight = 5.0000 so however the variable values are actually fetched would be followed by: (carryweight - inventoryweight) / 5.0000 = firewoodtoget IF firewoodtoget <= 0 THEN MaxResourcePerActivation = 6 ELSE MaxResourcePerActivation = firewoodtoget ****************************** I don't really know modern programming and it really is confusing, but I push on and read tutorials that don't make sense LOL I'm guessing from what I've read and examples I've seen so far that I'm looking for something like this? but I've no clue if any of it is actually in proper syntax or what it means int playersMaxCarryWeight = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("carryweight") as int int playersInventoryWeight = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("inventoryweight") as int int firewoodtoget = (playersMaxCarryWeight - playersInventoryWeight) / 5 if (firewoodtoget <= 0) int property MaxResourcePerActivation = 6 auto elseif int property MaxResourcePerActivation = firewoodtoget auto endif Can anyone shed further light on this?
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