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Everything posted by vforvic

  1. I do not think you can use DefaultBodyPartData since it applies to the non-creature NPC's and the Player. I cannot really think of any way to easily make this happen since this is all tied to the skeleton.nif which includes ragdoll and much of it is default set in the code. This is why all NPC's essentially have the same body style or shape. You can do it with robots and creatures, but not Human type characters...at least as far as I know you cannot.
  2. I think I can make the changes easy enough, but not upload it to the Nexus as a mod due to copyright stuff. I'll see about making the changes and PM you the file location for your use.
  3. I find the GECK is the epitome of if it's stupid and it works then its not stupid. Drives me absolutely crazy sometimes. :)
  4. If I understand what you are wanting you could do the following. Go to the Generator in the GECK and change its ID to something unique like ATOSgenerator and change the name to Generator. When you hit ok it will ask you to create a new form and you say YES. Do this again and on the second one change the ID it something like ATOSbrokegenerator and the name to Broken Generator. Now you should have 2 new unique generators with 1 named Generator and 1 named Broken Generator. Now it is a simple matter of using a script on the Broken Generator to disable the Broken Generator and enable the fixed Generator. Below would be the script you could use if you were making the change when the Player activated the Broken Generator. scn FixGeneratorScript Begin OnActivate Generator01REF.enable BrokenGenerator01REF.disable BrokenGenerator01REF.markfordelete END You could actually do the enable disable part in other places such as in a dialogue script, quest script or quest stage script. It all depends on how and when you want it to happen.
  5. From personal experience I can tell you that the GECK will sometimes show everything should be working and it just won't work. This is what I would do. I would first use FO3Edit to see more clearly what is overwriting what or if anything looks out of place. Even then you can't fully trust it is showing you things correctly. If everything looks good in FO3Edit I would delete all changes in my mod that are not working. Then make a clean mod with only those changes that you removed. This will at least convince you that you are doing it right in the GECK if that clean mod works in the game. Then you can try going back in and making the changes again in your mod or even merge the 2 mods. I can't count the number of times I have had to delete something I worked on and then go back in and do it again and then it works for some reason.
  6. FOSE has a GetEquippedCurrentHealth and SetEquippedCurrentHealth command that might work. It should keep anything at 100% when it starts to take damage. If you set an NPC as essential they will faint for a period of time. You could make NPC's fall into a "permanent" coma with the SetUnconscious command. Something similar to the below, but with a little more or less depending on how it is used and where. if MyNpcRef.GetKnockedState == 1 Set MyNpcRef.SetUnconscious 1 endif
  7. About the only 2 tweaks I use in the game these days, outside of those needed in the GECK for modding, is the Quad Core Fix and the 4GB LAA. I have used the unofficial patch in the past, but not in every game. It does fix some things, but nothing that really fixes any game breaking bugs so it is a take it or leave it thing for me. It does make a lot of changes to things so I can see where that mod author might say what he did about the possibility of conflicts with other mods. Of course the same can be said for almost any mod in the game, which is really all the unofficial patch is really.
  8. I just tested it. I changed the "DLC02ArmorPowerT51b" health to 3 in the GECK. I went into the game and used the console command "player.additem 01001F09 1" which gives me the "Winterized T-51b Power Armor" which is what the "DLC02ArmorPowerT51b" is called in the game. After taking a few hits from an enemy Plasma Rifle the Armor showed broken at 0. If it is not working for you then maybe it is the esp you made or another esp overwriting your esp.
  9. You might be confusing 2 different armors. The DLC02ArmorPowerT5 is the Winterized T-51b Power Armor in the game and it does have 9992000 health and thus degrades very slowly. The ArmorPowerT51b is the T-51b Power Armor in the game and has 2000 health. You might be wearing one set in the game, but changing the others in the GECK.
  10. Are you talking about every single weapon added by the mods you have installed or one mod in particular? Or maybe you are talking about what you directly modded yourself?
  11. Honestly you can merge just about anything and it will work...or it may not. I have merged some pretty complex mods and things worked fine most of the time. I usually do spend some time looking them over and cleaning them up if needed with FO3edit before the merge. Here is the thing about the bsa. As long as the bsa has the same name as your final merged esp name then it should be fine. As long as you click the "Respawns" box in the Geck then things should respawn. This will set everything to respawn though. You might be able to have a part of the Quest script run that uses additem to add things to the container that you do not want to respawn. Something like below. Now I am not sure what happens at the 3 day respawn though. Your added item might despawn, but I just don't know for sure. short addonce Begin GameMode if addonce == 0 SecureSafeREF.additem youritem 1 set addonce to 1 End To keep thefts from happening you might just set the "Ignored By Sandbox" or "No AI Acquire" or both. Depending on how you have things designed you can have it locked with a key on top that the Player can use, but NPC's will not...at least not until the player unlocks it. You might even set the ownership to the Player. These are all just suggestions that may or may not work. The ESP with the ESM Header is usually no problem Most programs use the Header information to determine how to handle it anyway. You can use FO3Plugin to change it to a ESP Header though for editing. You just open the file by itself and under Edit say Toggle Master and Save. This will change the Header information to say ESP. Backing up all the stuff is tedious when you are pulling form multiple locations. This is why it is always good to have your own directory structure under meshes and textures and maybe sounds. So in your case you would have /meshes/TLF and textures/TFL and then you could just setup sub-directories to organize below that point. Then for backups you could just zip up your TFL directories.
  12. There are a couple of ways I would try, but something like below should work. Have your own Quest with Quest Script that says something like below. When the Player completes the quest Future Imperfect (GOAT) your NPC will move to a location of your design. You could have the NPC just stand around outside the classroom while the Player goes in to talk to Mr. Brotch or have the NPC run a package walking towards the Vault exit. In either case once the GOAT is finished and Future Imperfect ends your NPC will move and the Player will never notice. I would not have them use a Travel Package for such a great distance because way to many things can go wrong between the start and finish point. scn MyQuestScriptName short MoveOnce Begin GameMode if GetQuestCompleted CG03 == 1 && MoveOnce == 0 YourNPCref.moveto RivetCityMARKER ;This can be a current Marker or one you make yourself. set MoveOnce to 1 endif End
  13. There are several ways/programs to merge mods. I personally use FO3Plugin and it does a decent job of merging weapon and clothing mods. I normally only merge weapon or clothing mods together as 2 groups and do not mix them together. It just seems to make it easier to look inside with FO3Edit or the GECK if needed after the merge. In your particular case you can probably just make 1 single group merge. Just use FO3Plugin to open a mod you want to merge. I would pick the largest. On the File menu you will see an option that says Merge Plugins. Just pick from the list and it makes the merge automatically. You can use the standard Hold SHIFT or CTRL to pick multiples if you feel comfortable doing multiples are once. Then just say File - Save As to save the merged work as a new esp such as Merged Weapons or whatever. Then go out and test in the game or use FO3Edit to give it a check. To add the items to a new container fire up the GECK and say File - Data and pick your new merged esp and set it as Active. You do not have to worry about any other esp or esm files. The GECK automatically open any required Master files such as Fallout3.esm. Look under World Objects - Container and open GenericSafe01. First thing is to rename this safe to something else so you do not overwrite existing game data. Name it something like TLFvault101Safe or whatever. Most modder's prefix their item names with a common type such as Bob or Zena or in your case maybe TLF. It makes it easier to find all your custom stuff in the GECK or FO3edit and keeps you from accidentally overwriting game data. I know some people do AAA or 1111 or generic stuff like that, but I do not recommend this at all. It can just lead to overall headaches later for yourself or other modder's. Imagine if you were working at merging 4 different 10mm Weapon mods and they all named their custom pistol zzzWeap10mmPistol in the GECK. It is just an issue waiting to happen. Delete the items currently in the Safe's Item List or change them to your items. When you are done adding items and click OK it will ask you if you want to Create a new Form and you say Yes. Now in the Cell View Window pick Wasteland at the top and then from the list below find Vault101Exterior. Double-Click on an item on the right to open the Vault101Exterior cell in the Render Window. There are two reasons I normally pick an item on the right side instead of the cell name on the left. First it can get you closer to where you want to be in the cell to start if you know generally where you want to place an item in a cell. For example if I wanted to place the safe right at the Vault 101 Cave Door I could double-click Vault101CaveDoorExterior and it would take me right to the area I need. The second reason is in some cells double-clicking the cell name will take you to a blank area in the cell. This is because you are being taken to the center of the cell, but all the items might be located some other location in the cell far from that spot. This is normally only an issue in interior cells. Now just find a spot you want to put your new safe. Then in the Object Window find your new safe and drag and drop it into the Render Window. You are probably going to have to use your mouse to drag and move it where you want exactly. You can hit F to drop the safe to the ground. You can also double-click the safe in the Render Window to use the 3D Data tab to fine tune the position and rotation if needed. In the Render Window you can use standard CTRL Z to undo your work if needed. When done just say save. Make sure to check your new merged esp in FOMM or NMM or whatever you use and uncheck all the files that were merged. Run the game to see how it all worked.
  14. If you intend to do a final release then you might as well put out what you have and allow others to beta test it as it stands. Player input might help you get ideas and do some tweaking. You might also find someone else willing to help on parts. Even if you never fully release a complete mod it is always helpful to other modders to see what you have done. There have been a few abandoned mods that authors have released as modder resources that I finished and used in my mod or in some cases their never finished mod gave me an idea for fixing an issue in my mod. They of course always get full credit for their work or ideas used in my mods.
  15. All you would have to do is add the dialogue option to the current vanilla dialogue. This is how they do the male or female thing. In the Conditions box of the Topic or Conversation you would add the GetIsRace Asian == 0 for the vanilla dialogue and GetIsRace Asian == 1 for the new translated dialogue you added. The new dialogue you would also have the same vanilla conditions as the vanilla. This way the game would pick one or the other depending on the Players race. There might have to be some adjustments for things like Mothership Zeta Crew or other Zeta mods that might change Toshiro, but the basis of how it is done would be the same.
  16. Look at your Cell View window and when you click Vault74a EditorID do you see all your Objects on the right side that are supposed to be in your cell? If you see them then double-click on an Object to go to that Object in the Render Window. If you just double-click on the Vault74a EditorID itself you will mroe times than not be taken to a blank area of the Cell. I can't explain why exactly, but I can tell you it happens.
  17. This can be a very complicated process depending on your skill level and exactly what you want to accomplish. Make sure you at least have a basic understanding of Dialogue in the GECK. Do you want the NPC's to randomly say a line of dialogue to anyone wearing a certain piece of Armor as they walk around? Your not going to be able to force the Player to say anything except in the context of a conversation. In other words you cannot just have the Player walk around and comment to NPC's without you making the action occur by clicking on them. Look at the Quest ConvMegaton and you can get an idea of how NPC's speak to each other. You will probably need a new Dialogue Quest and add a Conversation for HELLO that simply says "Nice Armor" or whatever. You can set it Random and Goodbye so that is all that is said. Set the Condition to GetEquipped and I think Run on Target and pick the Armor in question as the Function Parameters. You will also probably have to set the Quest Condition to get it to work on the NPC's using Voice Type or a Form List check. As a test you could just add it to the ConvMegaton and then walk around seeing if anyone in Megaton is saying your added line or lines.
  18. Are you making a custom item using the GECK or FO3Edit or are you just replacing the Textures and/or Icon for a Vanilla item? For the Vanilla items there are sub-directories below Data\textures\interface\icons\pipboyimages which are used depending on what type of item you are talking about. If you are going totally custom using the GECK you can make your own directory structure for the Icon. And yes it is DTX3 when you save.
  19. Interesting idea. If I was modding this I would make it part of a larger Hospital Quest. Make the whole thing about trying to get a real wasteland hospital going. Either using the current hospital or a new building...probably a new building just in case of conflicts. Acquire the building, find supplies and equipment, recruit Doctors and staff. Then of course recruit protection. I could see it becoming a nice series of Quests. Feng Shui could be used to adjust the hospital to your liking. In your case I guess you could still use Feng Shui to adjust a modded or vanilla building to look more like a medical facility. Perhaps make a series of Clinics in the wasteland and 1 central Clinic which could be your player home. Use a decent current player home mode as your baseline. I would use 1 of the tranquilizer gun mods out there as my main weapon. The upcoming version of my mod Merc 2 even has one. You could also use 1 of the Companion Recruit Mods like Companion Share & Recruit, Sharing and Caring Companions or RR Companions Vault also has a similar system. Do a search for "Companions" and "Recruit" to see what pops up. Your recruits could be to "staff" the Clinics or be your bodyguards and security.
  20. On the "Marker Data" tab make sure you check "Marker Data" and give it a Name and Type. Otherwise if won't show and won't give an error when compiled.
  21. I have found a few ways to make timers depending on the situation. Frankly I don't completely understand them at times and why one seems to work and another does not, but that's the GECK. I do not "think" you can have a timer in a Dialogue Result Script. At least I have never gotten one to work correctly. Something with the Gamemode block not processing correctly. Depending on the situation what I would probably do is have a Quest Script with the timer. Just have the Dialogue Result Script set the variable to start the timer in the Quest Script. In the Result Script set CG03.turnInTestConv to CG03.turnInTestConv + 1 set MyQuest.MyDelayTimer to 1 ;This starts the timer. Then in a Quest Script short MyTimer short Timer begin GameMode if MyDelayTimer == 1 if testtimer < 5 set testTimer to testTimer + getSecondsPassed elseif testtimer >= 5 set CG03.miGoatButch to 1 ;After 5ish seconds your variable is set set MyDelayTimer to 0 endif endif End
  22. Our mod is active, but right now we are in the final phase of testing our latest major update. In the near future we might have some use for some stuff as we add new content. What do you use for your 3d work? Your illustration work might also be of interest for a part of our mod we have not implemented yet.
  23. The first thing I suspect is your motherboard since it looks like that was not replaced and it would cause those symptoms. Especially since you are essentially having the same issues again after changing out most other suspect parts. Of course there is the possibility that your case is not venting efficiently and warm/hot air is lingering inside in certain areas instead of venting in and out cleanly. I suspect the motherboard is the issue though. You can always open the case and run it with a box fan, or similar, straight into the case side and see if that helps. If that helps then your motherboard is more than likely the issue. If it does not help, then your motherboard is still probably the issue. :)
  24. Hoss is not a true follower so he is not in the FollowerFaction 00037136. He simply has a Package that says to follow you until you leave that particular Worldspace. After that point he should not follow you.
  25. There is the Glow Stick Mod. The only possible issue with this mod is once you throw them down they are there forever...if I am not mistaken. Not totally a bad thing, but if you spammed it pretty bad it could lead to some save bloat. I think you would have to spam it pretty darn bad though for that to happen. Some people take issue because they think a normal glow stick would not last forever, but hey we are talking FO3 here so I am sure they are Nuka Chem Lights. I am working on a version for my mod that would expire after a time, but that may or may not ever work as I intend.
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