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Everything posted by vforvic

  1. I would imagine the most minimal approach you could possibly use would be to attach the following script to a helmet or sunglasses or whatever. scn YourNVGScript Begin OnEquip imod YourNightVisionISFX End Begin OnUnEquip rimod YourNightVisionISFX End
  2. For creatures this is easy enough because there is a Skeleton setting in the ModelList tab, but for humans not so much. They pick up the skeleton from the data\meshes\characters\_male and _1stperson directories. There is no setting to change it per race in the GECK...that I know of at least. I have not tried it, but you could try making a custom directory such as data\custom\meshes\character\_male and _1stperson and putting a custom skeleton along with all the other nif, idle animations and locomotion files and directories in place. Then in a custom race under the Body Data tab pick the Upper Body Models from those directories and see if it picks up the custom Skeleton in the directory. I have my doubts, but it is worth a try. I think in Ares the reason that works is because you are just using that BNB custom skeleton and not the egt, dds or nif files form BNB. I think the BNB skeleton is being used across the board for all NPC's, but you don't notice any difference because the skeleton itself does not show a difference in NPC's without the different egt, dds and nif files from BNB. Ares has the custom files that take advantage of the BNB skeleton to show a difference.
  3. I am trying to get a dynamic sorter working that allows the Player to add and remove custom weapons from a formlist that allows sorting to occur to custom containers. So any weapon added by a custom mod can be sorted to the container of the Players choosing...based on options given. For example, I have a container that says Sniper Rifles. A Player could take a custom weapon of any type, equip the weapon and using the menu options at a Activator sort that weapon to the Sniper Rifles container. Essentially any weapon added by any mod could be custom sorted to custom containers I set up. The problem is my poor scripting skills especially with FOSE involved. The code more or less works, but somewhere the getbuttonpressed is messing with me...I think. The script below is used for adding weapons to a formlist on the fly. Another script I have, which works, uses the various formlist's to sort into containers. I have If you look down where it says "showmessage Merc00AddWeapon" this is where the Message pops up asking where you want your equipped weapon to start being sorted. The problem is that the script is not going beyond the "if sort == 1" line. No matter what button I press on the Message it always sorts to the 1 formlist as if I were pressing the 1st button on the message. I do know that through testing it appears to only be getting the getbuttonPressed from the 1st Message at "ShowMessage Merc00ASKADD" (this message asks where to look for the weapon to scan...equipped, hotkey, etc...) and using it throughout the script no matter what buttons I press on the next popup message at "Merc00AddWeapon" which is supposed to be the message where you pick which formlist to add the weapon to. Do I have to reset the getbuttonpressed or maybe a endif is set in the wrong place? int Sort int i int endlist ref curRef ref testRef int inlist int equip int active ref list int button int valid Begin OnActivate ShowMessage Merc00ASKADD Set Active To 1 Set List To 0 End Begin Gamemode if active == 1 set Sort to getbuttonPressed + 1 endif if sort == 4 set active to 0 set Sort to 0 elseIf Sort == 1 showmessage Merc00MSGSCAN Set curRef to player.GetEquippedObject 5 if curRef != 0 Set i to 0 Set inlist to 0 set endlist to ListGetFormIndex Merc00WeaponsList Merc00Endlist Label 1 set testRef to ListGetNthForm Merc00WeaponsList i if testRef == curRef set inlist to 1 set i to endlist - 1 endif If i == (endlist - 1) else set i to i + 1 Goto 1 Endif showmessage Merc00MSGCOMPLETE if inlist == 1 showmessage Merc00MSGINLIST else showmessage Merc00AddWeapon if sort == 1 Set curRef to player.GetEquippedObject 5 ListAddForm Merc00WeaponsList curRef 0 showmessage Merc00FinishAdded set active to 0 elseif sort == 2 Set curRef to player.GetEquippedObject 5 ListAddForm Merc00WeaponLaserPistolList curRef 0 showmessage Merc00FinishAdded set active to 0 elseif sort == 3 showmessage Merc00FinishNotAdded set active to 0 set active to 0 Set button to 0 endif endif else showmessage Merc00FinishNOWP set active to 0 Set Sort to 0 endif endif End
  4. On the surface it sounds like you changed the Model Mesh, but not the 1st Person Model Object. When you open the Weapon in the GECK you go to the Art and Sound tab and you will see a section called Model. Model is what all NPC's show, including the Player in 3rd Person, when the weapon is equipped. 1st Person Model Object is what shows when you equip the weapon and are in 1st Person. This model is usually a higher resolution, but it does not have to be. If this section says None then it just uses the standard 1st Person Model Object mesh. World Model is what the weapon shows when it is sitting in the world on a the ground or shelf or whatever. If world model is not filled in with a mesh it will just use the standard mesh model.
  5. Sorry for the long answer, but I figured it might be beneficial for other people who read the thread now and in the future who might not have your understanding of the system. I guess the short answer to your question is no. :smile:
  6. Not that I am aware. As a modder it can be a real pain to work with how the GECK deals with enemy levels when you are trying to balance your mods. Let's start with how the GECK handles NPC's. They can either be set at a specific level or a percentage of the Players level. So you can set a Raider at level 15 or you can set it at say 125% of the player or %50 of the Player or whatever number you want. Spread out throughout the map there are what is called Encounter Zones. If you enter an Encounter Zone at level 1 or 30 or whatever then that Zone is set at level 1 or 30 or whatever for the entire game. The NPC's you meet that are set to a specific set level are not effected by this, but the NPC's that are set to a %, which are most, are based upon this level number for the entire game. So as an example. The Encounter Zone that covers the Vault 101 exit in the Wasteland. When you leave the Vault I think you are level 2 and immediately level up to 3. The second you walked out that door at level 2 then all NPC's in that Encounter Zone using the % method where set to their level based upon your level 2. So let's say I put a Raider outside the entrance at 200% your level or 2.0. as it says in the GECK. That Raider is going to be set to 2X using your level 2...more or less using its stats. I say that because when I say 2X I mean using it's base stats multiplied using your level 2 and not exactly 2 times your stats. So I play and play and play some more and at level 30 I come back to that same Vault 101 Wasteland Encounter Zone. All those NPC's in that Zone are still setting their stats based upon my original value that I entered the Zone which was level 2. So when they respawn they are still respawning thinking you are level 2. Oblivion used the same system. This is why it is possible to complete Oblivion and never level up at all. FO3 got around this by making the level ups not dependent upon sleeping thus forcing you to level up. This is why it seems some NPC's or Creatures seem easy and some seem very hard. You would think that 2x is 2x right, but not so much. You see an NPC at 2x % would give you a level 6 enemy to fight at your level 2, but a level 20 enemy at your level 10. One is only 3 levels higher than you, but the other is 10 levels higher than you. It all just depends on when you enter that encounter zone the first time as to how tough you fight might be with the particular enemy. I am not even taking into consideration the issues with the Player getting much better Weapons and Armor as the game progresses.
  7. No that is not it. The menu system for Armor is messed up a little. It looks like it is pointing to Ammo and I think the "aaaaGlowingitemsTerminalArmorl2" terminal level is missing. Armor does not work at the bottom because it does not work at all. I made the changes to the menu and it works now even at the bottom. I have checked and everything works for me with those 2 changes. Indoors, outdoors, in Megaton and everywhere else I tried it works. Well the glowing is not always the correct color because of the missing nif files, but the system works.
  8. OK I think I have it working now. I made some adjustments to the script by putting the Caps part higher in the script. Essentially I swapped the Caps block with the Weapons block. I just started thinking about the GECK and then I started thinking what is the most useless thing I could do the fix this script and then I thought well I guess I will just swap a couple of parts around and then it worked. Seriously though. I think it might have something to do with another part of the script interfering with the "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Caps001" line. I could see the script running all it's loops correctly and looking at each item in the cell, but it never came back with an ID that made that line true. Maybe the Misc block above it was doing it, but don't know for sure. Strange thing is that if I put "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Weap10mmPistol" down in the weapon block, where it is now, then it works great and only glows 10mm Pistols. But, I wonder if you were to put another weapons block above it to make all weapons glow if that would stop that from working as well. At least I have given you something to think about.
  9. Now that sounds familiar. I have had that happen more than once in the GECK. I make a tiny change, then change it back, then nothing works like it did before. The only way I ever get that little issue to go away is redo it completely. I redo it from scratch and it suddenly starts working again. Nothing different at all, but it starts working for some reason. The only thing I might change is the Global Variable thing. I normally stay away from Global Variables unless I have no choice. I usually go with Variables in Quest Scripts. I don't really think that is the issue here, but its just what I do since the wiki recommends it. I'll keep looking at it because I hate it when the GECK defeats me, but I am really at a loss right now as to why it is not working.
  10. It might be something simple, but I can't figure it out either. Of course I have very limited FOSE knowledge. The strange thing is that if you try to do the same thing with the weapons it works. For example, I can put the line "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Weap10mmPistol" in the script in the Weapons Block and it only shows glowing 10mm pistols as you would expect. For some reason the Misc stuff does not work the same way. It is strange that you can make all the Misc stuff glow, but not 1 item.
  11. I'll put together some options for you to look over. It may take some time, but I like the idea of the energy sniper so I'll work on it. Yes we are still working on MERC 2 together although its slow go. Drjones has had a major run of bad luck so he is not involved near as much. I had a lightening strike at the house destroy 6-8 months of very hard work on the 1.5 update so I am having to redo some major stuff. We still want to get the 1.5 update finished though.
  12. I don't think any of the Energy Weapons in my mods update are going to be suppressed, but I would not be opposed to looking into making it happen. I am curious what your parameters would be as far as being a believable weapon?
  13. I made a simple mod to demonstrate how I get this to work in my own mod. I picked this idea up from other modders over the years so most of this credit goes to other people smarter than me. :smile: You can use the GECK or FO3Edit to view what I did and ask questions as needed here or via PM or the mods discussion thread. If viewing with the GECK you can see my work has the prefix of MERC.
  14. FWE did not get the Bozar assets from a Bethesda made Fallout asset. The mesh and textures came from the mod Classic Fallout Weapons and even then was originally made by FalloutRaven or maybe even someone before, but I believe he/she is given credit on the main CFW page. FWE cannot give you permission because it is not theirs to give since they originally got permission to use it in their mod only. You would have to follow the trail to CFW and perhaps FalloutRaven. It is always a good idea to look through the readme files and credits to see where assets came from to see where you have to go to get permission since many mods use assets from other modders with permission for that mod only. In the end though. If a mod or asset author/creator says no then no is the answer. Even if you are not able to contact them to ask.
  15. I went ahead and made a small mod that increases the Intense Training to 30 levels. This should allow the SPECIAL Attributes to be maxed via this Perk. For educational purposes you can use FO3Edit or the GECK to see what I did. Essentially you have to edit the Perk and a small quest called Generic.
  16. If you go to Files - Categories on the Main FO3 nexusmods page you will see a list of file categories you can browse. The 3 that seem to fit what you are seeking are Guilds/Faction, Quests And Adventures and some in New Lands. You can look through and see which ones peak your interest. Not all offer everything you mentioned, but many do. You could also do a Files - Tag search and pick the attributes of the mod you are seeking, but I find that to not always be totally accurate since many modder's do not set the attributes.
  17. If you look in my mods Misc Files section you will see a file named Modified Hunting Rifle. Enjoy.
  18. This should be the file...I think. :smile: Oh wait! Your Noobs? I've broken the modders sacred code. :unsure:
  19. I have never worked with this mod or tutorial, but the first thing I would do is make sure the sound is in the correct format and plays in the GECK. Just open the GECK with only Fallout3.esm checked. Then in the tree go to Miscellaneous and then Sound. Open the second one which should be AMBComputerRackVault01LP. Click the button below the ID and browse to your wav file. Click OK and then OK again to close the sound. Open AMBComputerRackVault01LP again and hit Play. If you hear your wav playing then it is ok. If you hear silence then your wav is in the wrong format. This is just where I would start. You can close the GECK and just don't save.
  20. If you were to look inside those compressed BSA files you would see the directory structure you are expecting to see. Fallout 3 knows to look SECOND, more about this in a second, inside these BSA files for its resources. So for example to show the Vault Jumpsuit the game looks inside the "Fallout - Meshes" and "Fallout - Textures" BSA files which hold the Mesh and Texture files it needs. Fallout Mod Manager has a BSA viewer if you wanted to look. Now the FIRST place it looks is the actual Fallout 3 Data structure on your hard drive. If it cannot find the files it needs in that location then it looks SECOND in the BSA files for what it needs. This is how modders override Fallout 3’s defaults. They simply put their version of a mesh or texture in the exact same location on the hard drive that it is located in the BSA. Now Fallout 3 will use the modders custom files even if they don't do anything else like make a esp or esm file. Modders should place this correct structure in their mods. If you use Fallout Mod Manager or Nexus Mod Manager, and the modder did their job correctly, the mod should install in the correct location even if the actual directory structure is not currently on the hard drive. I tried to keep that simple, but I think I went over a bit. :smile: Prensa beat me by 1 minute. :)
  21. Well I might as well throw my information into the mix for future generations. If you are like me you have tweaked your ini from time to time and just deleting the ini to get back the default file is not your best choice. In many peoples case this might be best, but not for all. If you look inside GECKPrefs.ini with Notepad you will see the settings for all the Windows in the GECK. Using Render Window as an example you will see something like below. Depending on the exact window you are trying to control there might be some difference, but you should be able to read the window name in the line somewhere. Render Window X=59 Render Window Y=142 Render Window W=1777 Render Window H=898 The X setting and Y setting correspond to screen position and W and H are for size. So X=1 and Y=1 would put the Render window in the top left corner. What can happen is the settings get set to some wild numbers like X=3000 and Y=500. Essentially the Render window is now positioned off your viewable screen. This can happen most commonly when you switch from multiple monitors to 1 monitor or change monitors or when the GECK just wants to be the GECK. Just change the X and Y position to a smaller number to get it back in view. One last thing. The View drop down menu is buggy. It won't control the Render Window at all and will open the Show/Hide Window, but not close it. Maybe other bugs, but those are the 2 that come to mind.
  22. Make sure you are setting the Count: 1 and Depth: 16 Bits when you open the file in Photoshop.
  23. Let me tell you this much imformation about the GECK. Scripting itself is not so much important as knowing when to use the script and what scripts work when and where. You take a good script and it should work and it does not. Usually the reason is because where and how it is being used. Often times you find yourself having to get creative in how you implement the script in the GECK. In other words often it is not making the script itself work as much as adjusting your environment to make the script work. Sometimes the real annoying part is when you make one tiny change that should not make a difference and boom it starts working. Good luck and feel free to tap into my limited knowledge on scripting. :smile:
  24. A couple of things. When putting optional parameters you only put the parameter itself. Also, you did not put the thisRef you set. I'm a hack at scripting, but that should work. scn DeathDismemberScript short doOnce ref thisRef Begin OnLoad if doOnce == 0 set thisRef to getSelf KillActor thisRef 1 0 set doOnce to 1 endif End
  25. This mod will allow you to pick a time in seconds from a list. If you don't like any of the times offered you can go into the GECK. In the GECK go to "Gameplay" - "Settings" and you will find the EditorID that says "fEssentialDeathTime". Default is 10 seconds, but you can pick any number you like. Then save and give the ESP any name you like. I suggest using the mod though unless you want to learn the GECK a little or already know how to use the GECK.
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