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Everything posted by Deleted4666244User
I am talking about simply triggering the darn quest. I have tried Vault three, Main NCR camp place and Nelson/Cottonwood cove. Nothing. I thought about all the other things but I think that the issue is that she just bugged on me so I have to re-roll my "Enclave Descendent" character, again. any help on this Nuclear missile of a quest?
I am pretty certain this does not belong here, but I tried the official forums and it did not seem to help me. I am looking specifically for the perks and certain choices for a RP build. My current courier, Alicia is a descendant of the Enclave. My problem is what perks I should take. I have the tagged skills of Energy Weapons, Repair, and Science, and might take Tagged for either survival or Medicine. Level 2 perks is always RP for me, so start at level 4. The choices I need to know are the endgame choices for the DLCS and strangely what this character type should do about the BoS.
Tell us about your character
Deleted4666244User replied to SoggyWaffle's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/182/5/c/alicia_fnv_by_jeremius310-d6bjcno.jpgDo not have apic or anything yet, but: Name: Alicia Race: Caucasian Age: 28 Skills: Energy Weapons, Repair, Science, Survival Occupation: Courier, "Prospector", Bounty Hunter, Hero. Story: Alicia was born to a renegade Enclave soldier. They moved around lot because of her family's connections. She lost her mother to raiders when she was 16. She picked up the gun her mother had and killed the raiders in a blind rage. That was when her blackouts began. She became a bounty hunter but was thrown out at 24 when she kept killing bounties instead of bringing them back alive. she then became a courier for two months when she met a girl known only as "Talon". Talon and Alicia became best friends, especially since Alicia was lesbian and Talon was bi-sexual. They pair traveled and scavenged most of the tech they could find. a couple years after that, She and Talon ended up splitting and going their separate ways. Alicia then went back to her old job as a courier.The next two years were spent travelling, meeting and 'befriending' people, and doing simple courier jobs, until she got a mysterious package that would change her life... Now she finds herself in a war over the Mojave, and the innocent people are caught in the crossfire. -
Well, My courier will disappear and try to resurrect the Enclave instead of ruling the Mojave so...
- 34 replies
i wish there was a way to say "i do not need either of you two" after you get the elder scroll and get to that point.
Despite their bias, these books have value or it would have been pointless for Bethesda to have included them in the first place. If nothing else, the presence of these books and others (e.g. The Talos Mistake) is a demonstration that the intelligentsia of the Empire have become Thalmor sycophants. That is a sign of the failing health of the Empire. The establishment is pushing propaganda aimed at pleasing the Dominion and no alternative viewpoints are being published. But there is something else. When the bias is so clearly detectable, it is possible to read between the lines, discount the bias, and get some idea of the true state of affairs. For example, The Bear of Markarth gives us the basic fact that there WAS a deal between Ulfric and the Empire regarding Talos worship, regardless of whether we believe the assertion that the deal was a result of blackmail by Ulfric. I doubt the author would have admitted the existence of this deal if he could have pinned the arrangement on Igmund and Torygg's father, leaving the Empire entirely blameless. But the fact is so well known that he has to admit it and resort to the blackmail story to get the Empire off the hook. Likewise we can compare the author's claim that the Empire wanted to negotiate with the Forsworn, leaving those people free to rule themselves, with other facts at hand. If this is truly what the Empire wanted, why didn't they release Madenach from prison and give the Reach back to him once they had taken control back from Ulfric? It seems obvious that the Empire never did want the Reach to be independent, but they were forced to negotiate because the Legions were still too weak from the Great War to reconquer it. (Remember that this all took place very shortly after the end of the Great War.) Ulfric did the Empire a huge favor by reconquering the Reach for them, which the author is forced to admit if you read between the lines and ignore the scare quotes he uses when writing of the Empire's gratitude. I find these books quite worthy of discussion. those books, along with everything else about Ulfric/The Empire is just biased opinion, brought them up so i can get to my point, That Ulfric may want revenge on the empire fpr locking him up.
everything about Ulfric in-game points to one thing: Him wanting revenge pure and simple. what about all the things people say in-game, should that not be discussed because it all is clearly biased as well. EMPIRE-Ulfric Murdered the high king, he has to die STORMCLOAK-Ulfric Killed the high king In an Honorable duel. HE is the true high king this is just the essence of it all but it shows that no one and nothing in Skyrim is to be trusted. WHATSOEVER.
I personally Think that this whole silly war is just Ulfric trying to get revenge on the empire for locking him up. If they made a deal, like "You can have the silver mines, Heck we would even help you take over Skyrim. Just Please do not do anything else to Incite another War with the Thalmor, we need more time to build up our strength." things would be different.
Awww. Poor wittle Empire was forced by big meany Ulfric to make an evil agreement as the only way to save the suffering Reachmen from his criminal overlordship? I find that very hard to swallow. The author that claims that the Empire was "forced" into the deal is a Thalmor suckup who was trying to divert all blame for the treaty violation onto Ulfric and paint the Empire as his innocent victim. He might as well have written: "Please, dear Thalmor masters, don't blame the Empire! Ulfric MADE us do it! HE'S the Bad One, not us! We just wanted to get the poor Reachmen out from under his iron boot, and that's the only reason the Legions went there at all. It had absolutely nothing to do with the silver mines and other resources that we desperately wanted under Empire control, and we weren't at all grateful that Ulfric got them back for us at no cost to the Legions at all. Honest!" that same author who wrote the book condemning Ulfric's Actions wrote another book condemning the Empire's treatment of the reachmen, namely the fact that the empire treated them like BANDITS when they never took gold from travelers. Plus the legion went there to RESTORE order in a City which was likely chaotic after the battle. Here are links to the in-game books detailing it all: The 'Madmen' of the reach The Bear of Markarth note that the first books describe who the forsworn REALLY are: a people of their own, they have their own culture and their own religion and everything. and the Bear of Markarth mention that the reach while the forsworn were in charge, other than a few crimes here and there, was peaceful overall. so even if they are biased, they are biased toward a party NOT EVEN IN THE CIVIL WAR.
I've said before that if man couldn't stand together then it would fall divided. If the Bretons break away from everyone they'll eventually be drawn into the eventual war whether they like or not, unless somehow the Dominion is completely blasted into Oblivion when the war starts (hence not necessitating the complete unity of mankind). And if Ulfric decided to go to war with High Rock, he'd start losing support pretty fast. Fighting against the Empire was one thing, fighting against a relatively unimportant nation (to Skyrim's status that is) is another altogether, particularly when they've shown no aggression. (and if HIgh Rock is aggressive against Skyrim, well, then Ulfric or whoever ends up in charge would be obligated) And if Hammerfel Said to leave them alone, What would Ulfric do? if he went to war with them he'd lose men like that. Same thing goes for bretons, if he attacked them, his forces would die due to the Bretons being the best HUMAN magic users. The Empire sends a letter to Balgruff explaining the reasons he needs the Empire's Help against Ulfric. Ulfric sends AN AXE with the ultimatum of "join our cause or lose your hold". Also back to the Markarth Incident, after the forsworn were driven out of Markarth and when empire came back to get the place under control, what did Ulfric do ? HE FORCED THE EMPIRE TO ALLOW OPEN TALOS WORSHIP. now if Ulfric engaged in diplomatic discussions over it, i would be okay with it. But Ulfric is a man who would easily fight someone if they do not do what he wants.
I may have to argue that with a question. What would Ulfric Do if The bretons brok away from the Empire but do not want to join up with him? He seems like a "You're either with me, or against me" kind of guy. i would not be surprised if he went straight to war with them instead of trying diplomacy. For all we know the Empire is having secret meeting with the leader of Hammerfel looking to make an alliance for the coming war.
let's look at it all logically. Who caused all this to happen in the first place? MARTIN SEPTIM because he had to choice but to sacrifice himself to save HIS empire. now look what happened between then and the Medes Taking Charge: Black Marsh broke away and took Morrowind Thalmor take over Summerset Isle and rename it Alinor. Oh and Chancellor Ocato was assassinated. SO if you Stormcloaks want to blame Somebody, blame the guy who sacked his own life to Save you all!!!!!!
just one question, Can i Still recruit people for the blades before the Paarthurnax quest, or did they change that to make the choice to kill him more difficult?
On the contrary, that's why marrying her would be appropriate. In any other decent fantasy story, the wandering diamond-in-the-rough hero marrying the young widowed queen after helping her win her throne would have been part of the plot. But in Skyrim, Divines forbid you marry anyone who actually matters. :rolleyes: That's what I don't like about the marriege feature - it mostly feels like something they stapled on as an afterthought, as opposed to a legitimate part of the story. it would be like marrying Torygg if Elisif died protecting her hubby. Marry for prestige. do not think Skyrim looks kindly on that.
What's strange about wanting to marry Elisif? she is not that popular, and her being a jarl...awkward
strangely enough i want to marry Elisif, but do not want to console it .
Who are the "Good Guys" in this war?
Deleted4666244User replied to kaindjinn's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
i am going to say this once (maybe one more time) but i do not think that Ulfric has any claim to be high king if the moot (the meeting of the other Jarls) do not give him that claim (by choosing Elisif over the man who killed Torygg. -
Why Ulfric was right to kill the High King
Deleted4666244User replied to SubjectProphet's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
for those who are reading, i am not saying that Ulfric has no right. He does, but if the other Jarls side with someone else, Ulfric has no chance of getting it, Because the moot did not agree with his tradition. -
Why Ulfric was right to kill the High King
Deleted4666244User replied to SubjectProphet's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
two things: A true warrior never kills an unarmed opponent- Ulfric using a shout to disarm the high king, even if it was something like Unrelenting force. if it knocks his weapon out of his hand, he is an unarmed opponent and that makes Ulfric a coward. A true warrior never runs away. Ulfric did, he is a coward. look at it this way, Ulfric using a shout to disarm the high king, that made him a coward as a warrior has a code of honor where he never kills an unarmed opponent. He ran away, making him more of a coward. Tradition does not make a coward a hero. -
Why Ulfric was right to kill the High King
Deleted4666244User replied to SubjectProphet's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The Trial by combat is meant to depose the High King and his family. As I've said elsewhere, you don't duel a High King for his throne just so his wife or his sons or whoever else in the line of ascension can take it. There is no point in it and these duels NEVER would have been created to serve that purpose. If that purpose needs to be had, a simple and clear assassination is in order. Not a trial by combat. I don't see where the High King's death = The High Queen has a claim to his throne. And no, by tradition the Jarl of Solitude doesn't just become High King. Nor does the Jarl of Windhelm. That is a concept created by the Empire installing puppet kings. ITP: There isn't an impending Moot and much of the Civil War questlines aren't devoted to building up your chosen claimants claim to the throne. What are you, 7 or something? my question was legitimate, if ulfric had a real claim to the throne, The elisif would not be the Jarl of Solitude either...Becaus he also killed the Jarl of Solitude in a duel (Torygg was not just high king) :wallbash: why do you guys think Ulfric is trying to Replace the other Jarls, or the empire? it is because they know the other side is holding their leader back. If the other Jarls agree with the candidate, it validates their claim and invalidates the other one's, pure and simple. that is why Ulfric started the Civil war, Tradition did not give him the throne because a majority of the Jarls belong to the empire and as such believe that Elisif is the rightful high queen. Elisif is not high queen because of Ulfric and his "tradition" converting some of the Jarls to his side. tradition does not matter if the Jarls agree with someone else as it is stated in Skyrim's rule "if there is no heir, a moot is convened to choose the next one" it does not matter if he has tradition, if the other Jarls side with Elisif he is thrown to the back of the line, again. it is all about the Jarls, not tradition, because if s, the Elisif would have no claim whatsoever, but she does so what does Ulfric's "tradition" mean if the majority of the Jarls do not agree with him in the first place. Ulfric has to play that way because the Empire is doing exactly the same thing. Do you really believe the Empire will allow a High King to be elected that they can't fully manipulate? With Skyrim being torn and an impending Thalmor threat, they don't really have any other option. i know that, that is what i am saying. Ulfric cannot get the throne because Elisif's Claim being Legitimate by Imperial Law and the ancient tradition of the moot (majority voted for her). Ulfric may have his own tradition that bumped him to the front of the line, but what most stormcloaks don't get is that the Moot chooses the high king, not tradition. the tradition just makes it so that Ulfric is in charge when the moot comes into play, as they would all vote for him. But not this time, so he has to switch the Jarls around so he can use his tradition to get the throne. Just because he has tradition, does not mean he has the vote. he only has part of it. Same with the empire, they may have the majority of the vote, but they do not have all of it.