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Everything posted by Deleted4666244User

  1. Do we even know what was allowed or not? if not arguing over it is wrong. there is no logical conclusion because we do not have all the facts about it.
  2. Drop the Duel and this Topic, it is too biased in the game and on the forums. there is no details about what the rules are for Duels and there is also no recording other than the biased opinion of both sides.
  3. i do not think they believe in Talos. they prefer daedric Princes like Azura and Boethiah, so they have the right of not fighting since Talos worship is one of they Main reasons the Stormcloaks fight.
  4. just because as a nord, it is your people, does not mean it is your fight, since you are an outsider to them
  5. of the three meditation shouts only Force without Effort is really useful just so you all know, the others are only truly helpful if you use the shouts. Sorry, i just cannot see him being of much use for now.
  6. good guys in the Civil War are the Dunmer. they are right, it is not your fight, go straight through to the season Unending and deal with the peace treaty.
  7. Supporters of Both sides are biased. if you do no want to ignore any of them, it would be best not to participate in the war to begin with... Right Answer=peace treaty in favor of neither side
  8. then Alduin comes in and destroys Solitude/Windhelm (depending on whether you side with Legion/rebels, respectively)
  9. Yeah...plus the Imperials are healthier because they only drink milk :whistling: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!? lol just kidding
  10. how it used to be does not really matter to me. currently the Jarls rule their holds individually, and the High King is just a Vassal for Imperial rule. that is how it has been for Centuries and how i personally feel it should be as imperial soldiers, if both them and Stormcloak soldiers are the same level/training would kill the Stormcloaks due to the imperials having better gear...
  11. and yet, the Jarls each rule their hold independent of the High King....so i still say that the High King is a figurehead more than a real monarch. :ermm: In a time when the High King's position is largely redundant perhaps (because of the Empire) but back when Skyrim was still an independent nation? Certainly not. even then, the High King would most likely be in charge of mostly diplomatic issues and laws that pertain to the whole kingdom, but in the individual holds, forget the High King, he is not the boss of what happens to you unless you are already known to him....
  12. and yet, the Jarls each rule their hold independent of the High King....so i still say that the High King is a figurehead more than a real monarch. :ermm:
  13. i believe that even then Ulfric wanted to be High King, and Killed Torygg to prove that the High king is now no more than a figurehead. Look at a real world example of that: United Kingdom, they are doing pretty well. point is Ulfic is one man who wants to relive the Glory days of the Nordic people.
  14. i think both sides have their faults so there is no "GOOD" guy in this war: Empire-tyrranical to an extent and don't fully support nord tradition, but can provide better armor and trainig to its troops Stormcloaks-an army of fanatic soldiers can protect Skyrim and independence brings freedoms the empire gave up, but a lot of nords seem to mistrust non-nords in general also it seems to me that Ulfric wants to be high king and even goes as far as saying he does not want the position as it would be a better way to get the position he wants. just my opinion but i think that.
  15. i think really Ulfric had no reason to kill Torygg. Talos worship still exists in the empire-skyrim. heck A priest in whiterun is openly preaching and you do not see people telling him to quiet down or get arrested. Since no one in Skyrim seems to care about Talos worship being banned i think i have no real reason to side with Ulfric or think that Ulfric did the right thing in killing the high king.
  16. i believe i kinda meant the marriage option, not sure why i said choice, but whatever. :psyduck:
  17. could say Vampire lord=imperial tyrant forcing his/her will on the innocent and Dawnguard=Stormcloaks defending their right to live the way they want. :whistling:
  18. Still, Ulfric had choices, he chose the one he wanted and not what would have been best for Skyrim.... my opinion of course.
  19. i would not mind a choice like that, but i doubt it would happen.
  20. i think that the Dominion won't actually go to war with the Empire, but destroy it in a secret way/through Subversion. the empire may be the ones expecting an actual attack so it would be best for the Dominion to sit back and use underhanded tactics to destroy the races of men.
  21. Ulfric may be smart, but i do not think that personally, he would make a good high king. He killed Torygg, and during the Civil war, he replaces the Jarls with people that support him BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT IS THE ONLY WAY HE CAN BECOME HIGH KING. at least IMHO, that is what he was trying to do.
  22. Balgruff only sided with the Empire because a certain Shout-during-duel-user Jarl decided to Send the guy an axe that basically says "Join us or DIE!!" if Jarl Ulfric sent a letter then maybe things would have been better. FACE IT!!! Ulfric is a bully who did not get what he wanted from the school kids (markarth) and now he expanded to the rest of the community (Skyrim as a whole). then again if he gently explained to Torygg that Skyrim should break away from the Empire, the game would not be happening so...
  23. both sides were badly beaten from the war, i do not think either side had the military power to make anymore demands, the emperor had little strength and could not make any demands. That is the WGC, the result of a war that ended with little strength left to make any demands, so the AD stuck to the original.
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