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lordmogul last won the day on April 19 2024

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  1. That works and shows me logged in just fine. The "main" page tells me I'm already logged in, but refreshing any opened page or opening any new one shows me not logged in. Well, guess there is something amiss. Will just wait a bit to see when things are sorted out.
  2. I've spend a lot of time with the settlement building (including unlimited budget and place everywhere) and while I see it's merits, I feel like there are lots of things to improve. Setting up settlements and helping and equipping people should have a benefit. A return on investment if you so will. But instead the system gives the player more things to keep track off. A new settlement with walls and well armed settlers should be able to defend itself. And when attacks happen, the settlers should have a realistic chance to win that is factually dependent on the defenses, not some dice role. When raiders are stupid enough and attack anyway, the settlement should loot the attackers. Same with the kidnapping and radiant quest. The settlers are armed to the teeth, with enough turrets that even the brotherhood of steel gets scared, with armed patrols on concrete walls. With multi-layer gates. And somehow three raiders in a shed sneak in and grab someone? Instead of just the useless minutemen flare, why not a settlement radio to call in help. That brings in settlers from nearby settlments with the equipment you gave them. And after the fight is done, you can use their inventory to bring loot back to the settlement. Vendor stalls and farming crops should be populated by default. You can throw in hundreds of tato plants, and they still complain about not having food, because nobody had the idea to get something from the fields. Vendors are supposed to offer more stores, so more places to leave your loot and get necessary essentials like ammo, medical services, etc. but their offerings simply aren't great. Going into the bigger "towns" in the game is still more useful. For survival you want a bed, but you don't need people running around that constantly have issues. There is no benefit in raising a population, because that will cause more trouble than benefits. In general settlements feel half baked. The idea is great. Becoming someone who improves people's lives, getting a certain level of fame, letting the population return favours, etc. but instead you just get more work. If they include settlement building in any form in Fallout 5, it should be more thought out.
  3. Afaik there is a workshop limit of 65565 items (2^16-1) per stack. So if you have that much of an item in it and want to store another one it crashes. The game also gets more sluggish when you have a lot of stuff in the workshop. One reason why I don't store everything in my wokrshop. I tend to use rename anything to make dedicated chests for different things (one for chems, one for clothing, one for hats, armor sorted per type, etc) I also tend to pull food and water out of the workshop with contraptions stuff. (But that more so that the settlement continues producing) If crashes happen when you want to open the workshop inventory, might be worth either pulling stuff out with the contraption thing, or simply spam build stuff and see if that helps. The fact that it stopped crashing might be a sign that you crafted something, which consumed some of the scrap in the workshop put you under the 64k limit.
  4. Haven't looked for any as I don't need any, but afaik the pipboy uses whatever is normal in the area your language is spoken. So for example if you play in french, it would use the format used in france. Otherwise FallUI - Inventory, as part of the FallUI interface overhaul also allows changing the date and time format, if you want to switch back and forth. No requirements besides MCM
  5. My guess is that there is a mod with an item that take the main clothing slot but doesn't add any clothing (slot 33 if I remember right) When you trade with a settler/companion and press the key to equip the item and it disappears from their inventory. The equipped "main" piece of clothing doesn't show up in the trade window exactly so that the player can't make them naked. Like shoes, rings, masks, etc that only cover feet or hands but take the slot.
  6. What I would to do stay on the safe side is: Make a backup of the current installation. (To roll back if anything breaks) Following the guide to prevent updating for a while to give to give mod authors time to update their mods if necessary, and play with the old version for a bit (Never change a running system. And I generally tend to wait a bit for responses and reviews before doing any big updates, not just with the game, but other stuff as well. If all is fine and there aren't any reports of issues, then I update.) Update the mods that got updates. Update the game and see if anything breaks. At that point I have a backup of known good configuration that I can copy over if mods break. And if I don't see any issues with the update, I can delete the backup.
  7. If you want to test downloading it, you obviously need to have it uploaded first. I've only made one mod (a name replacer for a single NPC in New Vegas) but before releasing I tested downloading and installing it like any other mod, just to be sure it works.
  8. I haven't worked much with the CK, but from xEDIT I can see that it is no problem to have separate models for male and female on the same object: That outfit has a model only for female and simply refers to a vanilla outfit when used on a male actor. So no need to create a separate crafting for male, you can just use the existing object, but use a different model. Even if that model is not visible (by putting it inside the head or using a fully transparent texture for example) Abut the sorting: Not sure if it is by ID or alphabetically, but that should be easy to figure out. And if you use the same crafting entry for both (with different models) there is no need to have a separate entry in the first place.
  9. To follow up on that with examples. If Install a mod that adds any AR-pattern rifle in any Fallout game, that should obviously be there. Produced by dozens of manufacturers with numbers in the hundreds of millions. It would be weird not to find them everywhere, as random loot, at vendors, with enemies. They should be everywhere, so leveled list injection feels right, especially if the mod is well balanced. (And they canonically exist in the Fallout world, it's basically the standard rifle of NCR troops) If In install a WA2000, that is a different thing. Less than 200 produced, used basically exclusively by the german police. And it was too expensive even for that. They go for 40 grand at a minimum today. So finding one should be something special. Maybe in the hands of a raider boss, or at the end of a dungeon.
  10. I was thinking the same. It's still before the update launches, the entries in the appmanifest are still pre-update values, so simply setting the file to read-only now should be enough. And maybe making a backup just in case. I feel like that should be added to the guide, at least until the update drops. And obviously that "C:\Program FIles\Steam\" is the default path, and if you have steam installed elsewhere, the file would be on that location.
  11. For me it highly depends on the individual game. Am I controlling "myself" or a character? What kind of gameplay? What kind of input?
  12. I noticed that I spend more time with things around games than the games themselves. From reading up guides, to watching content creators, to modding, going through setups, etc. It is rather rare that I start a game, spend all day there, and the first thing the next morning is that I want to play more. Sometimes, very rarely, do I keep hanging in a new game, but that is mostly because it's new and I want to stick with it. But is it possible that people could be literally addicted to it, either physically, mentally, or both? I guess so. But that would mean that withdrawl from the game would have symptoms, not that someone loses their track of time in the moment. Otherwise books could be addictive in the same way.
  13. For me it all depends, and I see the best case when the mod author gives a choice. Between putting it in the mod installer, to in game options. I have armor mods in Skyrim that use a MCM menu to change leveled list distribution. I have weapon mods in Fallout 4 that ask you if you want the gun to be craftable, sold by vendors, and in the general enemy leveled list. (including some where you get a quest to find the gun, and after you did that, it asks. So you could have in theory a completely unique weapon. I have even done some of the work myself. Things like Skyrim armor/weapon mods that don't appear in the world anywhere and have to be added by console or those that just put an NPC in the developer room. Not too complicated to make them craftable. Same for Fallout 4. We have all these workbenches, so why not make the weapon available there. And it doesn't take any elaborate scripting, something simple like the old "craft at chem bench" thing is enough. Personally, I like to see the stuff show up in the world. (Unless it's supposed to be something unique and special). But obviously people have different opinions, so having it optional feels like the way to go. Throw it into a FOMod installer, where the player can choose, make it a MCM option, etc.
  14. Outside of very specific cases crime is the result of opportunity. Or rather the lack thereof. (the kind of truly deranged minds are that kind of exception) If crime is the only way out, people will take that way. Criminals don't become criminals because that is what they want to be. It starts with a small step and goes deeper from there. And the same applies for rehabilitation. It creates opportunity for (former) criminals to reintegrate into society and live a non-criminal life. The education and training that gives the criminal a way to find a job and a home once released. Gives them the opportunity to gain friends and colleagues as a social net. Punishments aren't a flat thing, but adjusted to the criminal and the circumstances of the crime. For the age, that obviously differs from place to place and even person to person. Not uncommon to have specially adjusted laws for criminal minors. Which can be applied after the point they are considered adults.
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