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Posts posted by Alixen

  1. Thanks so much, I too would really love it as I am planning on playing my Nerevarine in Oblivion in a week or so (once I finish up in Morrowind).
  2. -A few select people (maybe two versions of the mod, one with datable men and one with datable women) with different personalities, backgrounds, etc. to fit a variety of character's matches.


    -Of course, plenty of scripts and dialog.


    -Be friends first, and gradually and naturally build up to a relationship.


    -Take your relationship as far as you like (just friends, casual bf/gf, committed relationship, marriage, sex, etc.)


    -Lots of thinking and planning involved. Most of these dating mods falter because they are too simple. I know this means more work, but this kind of mod will fail without it.


    Anyway, that's my suggestion!


    Vilja has just been updated, and has been given a romance option. By her nature she is intended to build up as a friend over a very long period, and the romance is the same way if you toggle it on. Honestly though, I don't think anything in the vein of adding a 'true' dating simulation has ever been added to the game, though wth Skyrim having the bones of such it might get more mods like it. I magine Vilja is the closest you will get, and she is very good.

  3. Hey there


    I've seen a spell on YouTube of a spell that made boulders fall from above and pile up; it could be used to block passages or crush enemies. It was basically just the same thing as the traps in dungeons and caves. Thng is I can't seem to find it, can anyone tell me where I can get ahold of it? Prefrably as a stand-alone mod?


    It would be useful to have.



  4. Your the one being kind enough to make it. On a lore front however, i'd say no actually, since the Fighters Guild are more... grounded. If you can fight well they want you, even seek you out to join them whenever you talk to a Fighters Guild npc. They don't seem to have that 'exclusve club' vibe. =D


    Thanks for being willing to do this.

  5. Heya


    It makes no sense that beggar off the street who learned to throw a weak fireball, and not even that with game mechanics, can walk into the Mages Guild in any city and join up. Free bed, meals, potions, books and clothing. No wonder there are only one or two beggars per town; the rest are what makes up the Mages Guild. Its just a well diguised soup kitchen.


    To be more serious, I want to be able to roleplay a peasant who has to work his way up to joining the Guild. Which means learning some magic first. However, that shouldn't really be enough, as magic is pretty common. He could even be just an alchemst. At the very elast there should also be a (relatively) high fee to join them, to cover at least your first few months of expenses.


    Perhaps 1000 septims? It's not as high as buying a house, though more than some horses, and it would take a level one character with no combat skills time to earn. Perhaps a 'donation' required for each advancement or reccomendation also, just to 'keep the riffraff out'. It would allow for ingame spacing between quests that isn't self imposed.


    Anyone willing to help with this?

  6. Yeah, it was hilarious a few moments ago, watching him try to kill a mudcrab in a narrow space. He would summon his spirit, lightnign and fireball the spirit because it was between him and the crab, then resummon it, and repeat until he finally didn;t have enough magicka left to summon the spirit and killed the crab with a single fireball.


    Still, found that m02-somethingorother-Lich just below the MakarCamaron fighting style doesn't use bound weaponry, since its intended for a Lich I assume. It uses mostly destruction, with a hint of paralysis, and in wide spaces will work very well i'm sure.

  7. Yeah, found he has a nasty habit of summoning an ally and bound-weapon despite Apothisis being much better, typical npc Mage AI that results in me stabbing them. I've tried one or two different Mage combat types, but have yet to try Lich or MankarCamaron. About to try them now.


    At the end of the day he's mostly an excuse to fight Mannimarco without becoming the Ach-Mage. He'll be fun to partner up with during the Mages Guild quests.

  8. Hehe, thanks he looks cool. Thank you very much for going to the trouble.


    Once I download him i'll likely tweak him a little in the CS, since that at least I can manage, and then he shall take the Mages Guidl by storm. And by him, I mean me, while giving him all the credit. =P

  9. Hey there.


    I'm still using Modular Oblivion Enhanced r17; i'm unsure if much of it is outdated by this point, but I still prefer its Alternate Start mod to any other. You get off a ship in Anvil, Kvatch is whole and locked up, the Empeor is wandering the Elder Council chamber and the Dragon Fires are lit. To start the Main Quest you just ahve to get arrested. I much prefer it to stumbling across the Amulet outside the sewer or a vision. Just personal prefrence.


    However, it also stops the official DLC kicking in, which is kind of a pain becaus eI like to do Knights of the Nine before the main quest.


    From what I managed to find through google its something to do with the DLC being started when a certain quest stage in CharGen is triggered but the posts didn't quite register in my head. Does anyone know what console command I need to input to trigger the official DLC, and more importantly if I do will it have any negative effects like breaking the Alternate Start mod or my stats? I could use some help.

  10. I'd really appreciate that. I'm not fond of CM. =)


    I've actually recently downloaded (though not installed) Jo'virr. Looking forwards to using him. The 'male' companion count is finally starting to catch up the female ones. At one point my ingame party tended to look less like a group of heroes, and more like a hen night; Tamariel style.

  11. Hey there


    I'm currently getting ready to do a special playthrough; but my character needs a 'mentor' character. A Companion I can substitute for myself (mentally) in the Arch-Mage questline so that I can roleplay my character -not- being the leader of the Arcane University after so few quests and time.


    The only Mage companion I can find is Ramy Effant and that would be even less fitting. What i'm looking for is a grey and wrinkled character, perhaps a Mer (Dunmer prefrably, to counter-balance Mannimarco being Altmer) to really push the 'sage' feeling, offset to be always ten levels higher than the PC and with only Mage skills. He would be overpowered but thats the point. He's supposed to be powerful enough to be Arch-Mage of all Cyrodiil. A lore-correct name would be appreciated too. He wouldn't really need 'flavor' text unless the creator wanted to go the extra mile; I roleplay most things, so his personality would be mostly made up by me as I played, unless there was something there for me to base off of.. Just the basic companion commands.


    I would really appreciate it if someone could help.

  12. I always liked this idea but sadly have yet to see it done properly. Closest i've found was the adopting Bryan Wilks mod for FO3 - and at the end of the day a nineteen year old LW is more like an elder sibling than parent. Still, you can effectively treat him like a companion. You also sort of get a form of this, again sibling-like, with Sally in Zeta even though she never leave the ship.


    I like the 'Lone Wolf and Cub' feel to the idea. A wasteland desperado, or Ranger, or even a Regulator whose kid comes along since they have no home or the father has a task that he can't abandon.


    I've actually tended to play the reverse-this. I've used player.age agerace -1 to make me a kid, used player.modav to set all my physical S.P.E.C.I.A.L and combat skills to '0', and then taken a companion on to be the guardian. It works really well up til the point you get thrown into, say, Dead Money or the Pitt when it just makes the story twisted to the point of being unpleasant and you physically can't complete them without cheats since they expect the main character to be able to kick butt when push comes to shove.


    When I do this however I try to keep the companion in character. Arcade because his compassion won't let him leave a child wandering alone. Cass to give her another purpose; and she is her late thirties without a family. Boone because of memories of his lost child and Bitter Springs. Lily is awesome for this. Raul makes some small sense with a little girl due to memories of his sister. Back in FO3 it was harder; all that really comes to mind is Charon because of the contract and perhaps Fawkes if you can ratonalize getting that far in the main plot without a companion already. Companion mods, like Lucy West, worked okay since int hat she effectively invites you to live with her.


    If pregnancy came into it'd actually vote for two options. Shortcut (a few days) and a full-9-months version. Tracked by ingame date of course so that timeskips wouldn't result in a 2 year pregnancy. I roleplay my characters day-by-day and as realistically as possible. As such I would enjoy the nine-month-pregnancy rather than an immesion breaking week long pregnancy. I just wouldn't use it if short was the only option. What would ruin it would be the appearance of a fully grown child - immersion dead in the water. I'd prefer to have a bundle of cloth shaped roughly like a baby added to my inventory to 'place' in my home or even better a harness containing a baby that I could wear and pretend that my PC was looking after it. Maybe the ability to interact with the bundle and recieve a short randomized text box describing feeding or soothing the baby.


    It never growing up isn't really a problem since it would require over a year of gameplay AFTER carrying it for nine-months for anything more to be required. Even my longest running characters haven't lasted more than six-months before I switched ideas. Still, the more fluff and immersion I can add the more likely i'll make a character I can play indefinatly.

  13. Hey Nexus


    I'm really getting annoyed at the way DLC blocks out companions. We have a few mods i've found; such as being able to take companions to Zion after completing it, but for the life of me I can't find any that allow you to atel, say Veronica with you on Dead Money, or Cass with you to Zion. These things wouldn't quite fit; but with a bit of imagination they are awesome. Having Boone find and use the desert ranger armor. Imagining Veronica smashing her former leader for what he's done. Imagining filling Cass' invertory up with gold bars as she struggles to bring it all home.


    More recently the fact that after Old World Blues my character would be doing his damn best to get the teleporter to bring Arcade to Big MT. It's much more his scene and would give him a place of refuge and somewhere he could do good at the same time.


    Dead Money I can understand; your effectively kidnapped and without a mod you never go back. However, Honest Hearts has no good reason why you couldn't talk Jed into letting along a companion, especially if they lose Ricky as Cass would be a much better replacement. When my current character goes through Old World Blues she wants Christine and Joshua at her back. It's not too hard to imagine a companion being an unexpected addition and sliping away; it happened before according to the story.


    Fallout 3 had a mod that allowed this stuff within a few hours of release on each DLC. Thing is, i'm wondering if they are already out there and i'm just missing them. I've searched DLC, Companion, Follower, Big MT, Zion, the DLC names, ect and yet have only come across Followers in Zion which is only when you return. However, the mod that allows Joshua, Christine, Dean and so forth is also not easy to find since its not named simply.


    If these mods don't exists perhaps someone would be kind enough to tell me what i'm looking for in the Toolset to make them? I'm trying to leanr more about modding as it is, and this -should- be a simple place to start.

  14. I wasn't too fond of Zevran myself originally. However I gave him a chance and he ends up being a more loyal friend than many others in the group if you treat him wth respect. To the point that in a lot of endings (even if you don't romance him) he travels with you as a good friend. I'm sure you know this, just expressing why I learned to appreciate him.


    I've had problems with getting new discs of Oblivion. For exacly that reason I don't like to download Bethesda games. However Oblivion has gotten just old enough that the price for discs is waaay more than i'm wlling to pay for replacements. I'm reduced to buying the Oblivion/Bioshock boxset. D=

  15. I've gone through Fallout (and Oblivions) character creation so many times i'm actually pretty good at getting an attractive character. Albiet i'm better at getting women looking right than men, bit thats mostly because I tend to just mess with the Mad Max preset (guy wth strong jaw, nose, blue eyes and blast back hair) for them. Early on though - yuck. Practice makes perfect as they say. And by the way: some of that sounded waaay too much like Zevran. May want to cut back on the DA:O. xD
  16. Hm, after looking on the Beth forums i've been semi-convinced that unless Bethesda decide they want to make up a reason to bring the Enclave back, they are done. Though I think that there are very high chances of that personally. Still, for now it does seem they are pretty much gone, with a small base in chicago all that is left. Guys over on the beth forums have apparantly talked this through dosens of times.


    They may be in an Area 51 DLC. They may not. Wouldn't be the first time a story has been changed or had things revealed to add interest.


    For now though looks like my love for the power-armored high-tech factions will have to stay with the Eastern Brotherhood, even if they have fallen back to using inferior armor and normal guns. With the western BoS forced into bunkers and weakening they don't really seem like a faction anymore. :(

  17. Name: Chloe Autumn


    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Race: Caucasian.


    Combat Style: Ranged, energy weapons, and to a lesser extent solid-projectile weaponry and blades.

    Specialties: Plasma weaponry and power armor. Infiltration and spying.


    Weaknesses: hatred of mutations (ghouls, mutants) and compassion for some of the people of the wasteland whom as an Enclave Captain she should not care about. Veronica, which is just going to end badly.


    Likes: Apple Pie, her father, Veronica (unfortunatly since they are both opposing sides), pure water, and most of all the Enclave. Addendum; watching vertibirds airstrike things.

    Dislikes: what has become of the USA. BoS. NCR. Legion. Raiders (except perhaps the Boomers). Everyone who is either mutated or a borderline-savage. Irradiated food and water. Getting shot in the head.


    Wants: to make her father proud, take the Mojave for the Enclave (via the Yes Man who can easily be reprogrammed by Enclave scientists), conivince Veronica to come around to the Enclave way of thinking, cleanse the wasteland of mutants.


    Fears: the idea of a wasteland without the Enclave. Shaming her family name. Losing her Veronica.


    Friendly Factions: ...hm. Not appilicable.

    Enemy Factions: Everyone?


    Companions: ED-I. Veronica.


    Love interest?: Veronica, and if the worst happens, Sarah Weintraub.


    Parents: Colonel Augustus Autumn.


    Early life: Spent being indoctrinated, er, 'taught' the values of the Enclave and her duty to bring the American way back to the wasteland. Also being doted on by her father.


    Teen/Adult years: Training as a soldier and officer of the Enclave; rising through the ranks quickly due to her skill and dedication. By the age of 24 she is a Captain and has been a member of a Sigma squad; her Hellfire armor her most prized possession.


    How did he/she become a courier?: The Enclave have lost much over the years; they have decided that if they could somehow snatch the Hoover Dam from beneath the NCR and Legions noses, while also assassinating leaders and military commanders of both, it would give them a solid base in the West Coast to reclaim what they ahve lost - and rebuild. To this end they send the grieving daughter of the late Colonel Autumn, trained in spec-ops, to infiltrate the Mojave first as a Courier (as cover) and then to work her way into the NCRs trust, to assassinate who she could, and then use that to earn a meeting with Casaer - at which point she will call an airshtrike on his Fort and the Enclave would attack in force. However, none knew of the platinum chip, and how much easier it would make the Enclaves take-over.




    Thought i'd make my playthrough interesting with Enclave Starter Pack, Yangtzee Enclave House, and most of all Enclave Commander. Using COC TheFort and calling an missile strike in Casaers throne was a special kind of beautiful.

  18. I'm still not so sure its as simple as all that. After a lot of thinking and looking at the wiki, the East Coast Enclave was the remnants of the West Coast who relocated. The Enclave also does have a form of goverment; and we have never even seen, let alone killed, anyone but a couple of presidents and military commanders through the two games the Enclave appear. Our kill-counts can be impressive, in the hundreds, but this is the remnant of the entirity of the whole US Goverment - which knew what was comings and had plenty of time to prepare. There could very well be thousands of them, if not hundreds of thousands.


    There are still many places that the Enclave could dwell. They may very well be doing a BoS and be waiting in massive underground complexes. They could be in any of the areas in the US we haven't seen in a Fallout game. In New Vegas, if they introduce it, I wouldn't be surpised to see they are keeping quiet in Area 51. Their vertibirds gave them amazing range of transport for the wasteland.


    No, I think we haven't seen the last of them on thinking about it. And, if we have, I think Bethesda may be making a mistake. They seem to be setting up the EC BoS as an Arthurian Knightly Order; complete with little Arthur Maxton growing up destined to lead the Brotherhood of Steel, which now seems to consist of pretty much just the East Coast Brotherhood and potentially a lot of closed bunkers across the West. They need their 'rival order/corrupt knights' as a mirror/counterpoint. I think that as long as the Brotherhood exists so will the Enclave; and both are iconic Fallout factions.


    The NCR are all well and good but i have to admit I don't find them enthralling; nor did I find the Legion that interesting, so aside from the fate of the Mojave i'm not hoping to hear more about them. There arn't a whole lot of large factions that are intersting in New Vegas (imo, of course). Playing the Enclave Comander mod in NV is a joy. Watching six men with Gatling Lasers take out the ENTIRE Legion Fortress by themselves was amazing. As was calling in a missile strike on Caesars tent. The Enclave are the 'awesome badguys' with all the superior tech. It'd be a crime if they are gone. So, at this point i'm just deciding til proven otherwise that they hold other areas of the wasteland. =D

  19. Thanks for all the responses. Some interesting stuff. Spent the last two play sessions exploring options.


    It's actually pretty easy to make it to Vegas going north with some of my damage mods; though I often arrive almost full-body-crippled and in need of Followers medical aid. The raiders in the ruined town just above Goodsprings drop just enough loot that if sold will get you straight into the strip. Hardest part is sneaking past the Fiends alive. While i'm there its not too far out of my way visit the Crimson Caravan and get Cass' quest. Then its just a matter of going to see House, killing Benny to get the Chip, and returning it. Then, as evilneko points out, its pretty easy to justify walking out and heading back to Goodsprings to 'settle down' for a while.


    It's all pretty easy to justify for most characters who are going indi-Vegas - House or No. Choosing to go with an NCR character really is whats causng the issue. As an NCR supporter she wants the Dam in NCR hands as quickly and efficently as the NCR themselves. I'm just going to have to roleplay that the ambassaor never contacts her til i'm ready to finish the game. I'll pretend that the head Ranger recruits her directly as a Vet Ranger (considering all you do in the game i'd say your plenty qualified) and then just do what strikes my fancy from an rp POV.


    I still prefer how many different chances you had to bail out of the main quest in FO3; but glad to see it still isn't too hard for a roleplayer to do in Vegas either.

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