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Posts posted by Alixen

  1. I like companions... I just tend to lose interest in my characters before I can gather (m)any.


    My current character is Paige; a young human refugee fleeing from the troubles in Morrowing with not much to he rname, except an expensive ring given to her by her enigmatic garndfather. What she doesn't yet know is that it is a symbol of friendship with the supposedly extinct Dragons of Akivir and that in a time of trouble it will infuse her with a tiny ammount of dragons blood. At that point, her grandfathers old companion will come join her - Jaadir the young red dragon (Akatosh Mount). From that point on she will slowly become a Dragon Knight, and I doubt even the armies of Mehrunes Dagon will be able to stand against them together.


    Since it's such a different concept i'm hoping that it will hold my interest.


    Characters I plan to have with her over her adventures?


    Vilja - Always first; she is by far and away the best companion you can get. It's almost like having a real second player with you thanks to all the voice actign and comments on Ambient scenes. She roleplays more than *I* do. The only thing I feel is missing with ehr is the lack of a romance subplot; but on one hand I suppose her general storyline could be taken as a slow progression from friend-to-wife if your a male character. She will make a good best friend for Paige though. My problem has alwasy been she initially wants to come with you because she need sprotection, and until this character my 'hero's have all been normal people for the great majority of their playtime since I liek them to progress slowly from peasant to hero. This means that not many of my characters are around long enough to pick Vilja up.


    Viconia / Saereleth / Stoker - These mods are second only to Vilja; the problem is if you want to roleplay a lore-friendly game you simply can't use them. Despite attempts to fit them into Tamariel the crossovers with the Underdark just break my immersion immediatly. It can be rationalized slightly, beign fantasy, as a rift between realities but that only goes so far. My main Knight of the Nine character (Thorne, farmer turned Knight) is playing in a crossover world, and as such is in a romantic sufferance with Viconia. Saereleth is teachign him to be a Knight. Still, sadly I don't feel these characters will 'work' with Paige. Stoker is the closest and would ahve perhaps worked as a romance option... but sadly his quest STARTS by taking you into a fight with Beholders, and not low level either.


    Ramy - Honestly? I forgot she existed until thsi thread, so thank you. I used to have her back when I was an Oblivion newbie, but I had installed her incorrectly and she had no hair and body. I think i'll pick her up and that she'll make a good 'little sister' to Paige. I don't ahve any experianc ewith her so can't comment beyond that.


    Dairanath Avari - He is new to my modlist, and is supposed to eb a roamnce companion. The fact that he seems to be a Daedra may make this unviable really, since I'd like Paige to have a human husband, but we shall see. Still i've yet to have a character that ventures down to the location he is found at (middle of nowhere, in a suprisingly busy Inn) but that shouldn't be a problem for a Dragon-Rider. If I remember right for the literally 5 minute testing I did with him he also talks about you as a powerful warrior, which again until this character has been immersion breaking.


    Neeshka and Neeshka-based companions - Sadly, I've always found these companions just a little too simplistic. Not to say bad; they are really good and better than I could make. They just require a lot of imagination as roleplay companions, and I already have to use enough imagination to make things seem to go smoothly.


    Quest-Given Comapnions - Honeslty? I have HoD and The Tears of the Fiend questline. Problem is i've never got a character to the level that they can be done. Here's hopign this will be the one. xD


    I plan to kep two or three companions with me (not counting my Dragon) but it's going to get frustrating at times since I can fly across Cyrodil in a game-day or less, but walking/riding with companions it's much slower. I suppose from a roleplaying point of view that you wouldn't want to have a dragon aroudn constantly anyway; it would scare people. So likely i'll have to just call Jaadir into hard battles, or use him to get my character to high places. There will also be times when i'd otherwise be alone for story reasons that could work too.

  2. Over the years i've seen screenshots of people fighting a Dragon, or Drake/Wyvern, but i've never been able to track down the mod that adds it to the game. It would be the ultimate achivement for my Knight character.


    Just wondered if anyone could shed light on any mods that add enemy Dragonkind.

  3. Hehe, some fun thoughts. Doesn't even need to be that complicated though; the mod Whispered Warnings allows you to warn the other DB members and things are arranged so that decoys are killed instead. Then the NPCs who were warned (Marie in this case) turn back up again after the true traitor has been killed and continue as they used to be. At least thats the theory; I haven't gotten far enough to actually use that mod yet. From an RP standpoint it doesn't even ahve to be metagaming; your a murderer after all, so you may not paticularly care if {Insert NPC} is the traitor, just that for whatever reason you want to warn them.


    If it's that simple would anyone please be kind enough to make Antionette into a CM companion? I'd probobly install the CM Companions mod for that.

  4. Heya.


    I like to roleplay my characters daily lives and experiances, and if I have my most recent character (who just joined the DB) 'live' the questline she is going to end up at the highest ranks of the Brotherhood in weeks. This is... unrealistic. I can get away with having her 'train' from peasant to capable murderer intially, but not forever. :P


    It would be nice if there was a new NPC or a 'contract board' in the sanctuary that gave none-rank specific quests to go kill randomly generated NPCs around Cyrodiil, and if it was semi randomized so that you could do them as many times as you wanted until you were ready to continue the main quest. This isn't a request; this is just askign if this already exists, since i'm sure it does in some form or another, I just don't know how to find it.


    I've tried searching; but i'm not even certain what to look for name-wise.

  5. Marie is perhaps my favorite character in Oblivion, if only because of how... likable she is, while at the same time being horrible morally. She takes just a little too much joy in her work.


    I was suprised that there was no companion mod for her. I can't be the only one who found her utterly adorable, if a little terriying. The DB questline has been 'fixed' for me by the Whispered Warning mod. Sadly, I still can't take Marie outside the Sanctuary and on adventures. :(


    Anyone willing to make her into a companion please? I would really appreciate it, especially if there was an 'Essential' toggle, because she could be a fulltime ally.

  6. Life as a Courier not working out for you...? Getting shot and left for dead more often than the paltry pay merits...? Sick of hunting down the deadbeats...? Or maybe you are just sick of death and destruction...?


    Maybe it's time to settle down and build a life. Have a little garden to look after. Maybe even go all the way and start farming?


    Oh, wait. You can't. You are the designated hero/ine of the Mojave. Farming tools are way beyond your ability to use. No, no, it's a gun that belogns in you hand.




    I'm a roleplayer at heart, and personally i'd like to be able to plant things, use water to grow them, and then harvest them (making the plant disappear so the land could be reused). Perhaps through getting seeds also when you harvest other wild plants. That way you would get a seed, and a harvested-plant when you harvest your crop.


    It was done in Obivion, in a coupel of mods. There was a farm mod where you 'bought' the seeds, dropped them, and when the Cell refreshed there would be a plant where the seed had been. These plants woudl never respawn and were then useless makign the mod of limited utility. However there WAS a spell that deleted plants. So you could plant, harvest, and destroy the plant. This may not be the best way (or even possible due to the spell) in NV, but better to mention the existance.


    I'm hoping that someone sees some potential in this and decides to try their hand at this.

  7. Heya


    Posted this on the official forums, but not sure it's as active as the Nexus, and the people there may not be an knowledgable on mod-game interactions. :)




    I've taken screenshots of my problem rather than just explainign it. That single white speck on the bed randomly appears, and there are usually three or four, if not more. Usually it appears on shadows. The stretching appears with terrain and character models and flesh. Please can anyone help? I can't figure out what graphical settings are causing this. My graphics card is powerful and new. This shouldn't be happenings. :(


    I love Oblivion and this is making the game practically unplayable.


    My card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, and lots of mods, too many to turn off 1 at a time, but as far as I know none that would cause any of this. Most are combat tweaks, idles, new models, and such. Nothing that should affect the visual affects and such. That, and it was fine one day, and then it just started. As far as i know I run cool enough that it's not a heat problem. I don't have these problems with other more recent games. Tried deleting the .ini. Sadly it made no differance. I also tried altering lighting and shadow options and nothing really helped with the speckling. The 'riping' is hard to test because it's not predictable.


    Just discovered/noticed that the graphical glitches even extend to menus. Title Screen included. Speckling and glitchy squares. This is insane. I can't even do a clean install because I don't know whats causing it. If it is a mod then putting back all the mods I use could mean the problem stays.


    Please can someone help?

  8. The Brotherhood have always been my favorite faction. I'm pretty sad to see them brought so low in NV. One little bunker when the NCR and Legion are everywere? Sad days.


    Of course I prefer Lyons Brotherhood if i'm being honest. They blend the BoS ideals with guarding the common wastelander well. Pretty much the reason the BoS is in such bad shape in Mojave; NCR 'adopt' places they beat into submission and try to merge places peacefully into themselves if they can, wheras the BoS pretty much just breeds within the ranks and steals tech. I'm sorta hoping there are more branches of the Brotherhood in other areas of the west coast that are faring better. Unlikely though if sights of the BoS have become pretty much none existant.


    I'm undecided on the NCR. They seem to be pretty much the only way forwards since no other goverment body of equal size has stepped up (though I expect since the Lyons Brotherhood takes on recruits that they may eventually become just as powerful - Sarah and the LW are potentially the next leaders.) if people want to have goverment. I don't in paticular, but thats because i'm not having to fight off bands of raiders interested in 'aquiring' my home and wife/daughter. A few patroling NCR soldiers make the difference. Still, they are a goverment and full of corruption just like any other. So I dunno. They'll do for now. And i lurv their Ranger armor. :P

  9. It's odd that it's not in the game already. One of the first thing peoples think to search for.


    It's my opinion that there is a reason for such a small Enclave force and no Area 51. DLC. I reckon that we are going to get a Broken Steel style DLC; just after you claim the dam for a faction (one way or another) the Enclave, who have been waiting patiently for years, attack the battle ravaged forces from their base in Area 51.

  10. After playing New Vegas and seeing how powerful the NCR have truly become, this would be in interestign item for FO3.


    Using an alternate start mod it would be a lot of fun to play as an NCR Ranger scouting out the situation in the Captiol Wasteland and getting caught up in events. It would be interesting to start the game intending to see how best to 'deal' with the Brotherhood of Steel only to realise this branch is different, and would perhaps be a strong ally for the NCR, and then to be confronted by the Enclave. But it would only 'feel' right if you could put on the awesome Ranger armor. Now i know it's not allowed to 'port' things across from one game to the other, but one of the DLC mods worked so that you had to own the other game to use it. All it used was an .esp to 'pull' the mesh, texture, and stats from a copied .bsa file. Perhaps this would be a way of doing this?


    Hope to hear some feedback.

  11. Bumpity. This was falling behind some.


    Just so I know, does Boone ever actually ever show even tthe remotest amount of interest in a female Courier? I've actually not picked him up yet, but understand that he is basically guilt given legs and a gun over his wife. It seems unliekly that he would be interested int he Courier, but then he's a young man with his 'whole life ahead of him'. Is there even a hint that given a few years he could move on with the Courier? Both Cass and Veronica flirt, was just curious if the only straight male companion dropped any hints.


    I do believe there is a reminder from up high not to bump? Beware of that, don't want to see anything bad happening to the folk in such a good thread.


    In FO (all of them) I alternate between male and female characters for replays. My first character in this one is female and she has had Boone with her from the start. Although he revisted the scenes that caused is dour, and they have theraputic effects upon him. It doesn't look like he will ever want another romantic partner at all, male or female.


    So for romance, My female character has the option of Veronica (who is cute regardless of what the "Prettier Veronica" mod makers say), Cass if she has enough to drink (that's the impression I get?), or some casual stuff from one of the Westside hookers or Red if you have jumped through enough hoops for her. As a counseller, I'd be worried about anyone (even a wastelander) who had a dependency upon the man who shot her in the head! I have also downloaded a couple of companion mods that aren't sexually/romantically specific, one being a new female companion from Bella's Bunker (a fine mod with a complete bunker - though overstocked), and the other turned the sweet little Sunny into a follower. Possible in-game males... one is gay, the other a ghoul (I don't think ghouls breed? I don't think that part functions?)... have I missed anyone? Dogs and eyebots don't count.


    But again, none of these (even the downloadable ones) have any romance options.


    Think i'm oaky, even though it was a bump I also had a question and relevant thing to add. I think it's if 'bump' is the whole content of the message that it's a problem.


    Very true. Sucks if you play your characters as straight though and play females. Not encountered Red yet. Oh, anythign with Benny is definatly not the most normal thing, but they... as is pointe dout throughout the game someone shot you in the head and your CHASING them. Your not exacly supposed to be 'all there'. Sunny is a good option; especially if there is an flirtatious unused conversation anywere in the GECK. I unfortunatly can't bring myself to take her when I leave Goodsprings; as far as I know you can't set Cheyanne to essential, and I can't brear makign ehr leave her dog or letting her lose it. Seems cruel when she has a life in Goodsprings.


    Cass and her comment on woman and drink... Personally I take that to be just her way of saying she is bi. She's practically always drunk anyway; and your sexual prefrance doesn't change when you drink, you just loose your inhibitions. When i'm drunk another guy flirting with me makes me just as icked out as when i'm sober. The inclinations need to be there in the first place. It's likely she just prefers men.


    You know... on looking at the grand whole what exacly was on the various writers minds when creating Vegas? A large portion of the characters you run into that are romantically interested are sly. Companions especially. And the ones who arn't just flat out aint interested.


    It's a shame about Boone; but there's always time. He's actually the youngest companion if i'm not mistaken. He's twenty-six. Cass has a good decade-and-one on him. He's still grieving and full of rage in the game; i'd dare say that given another dozen or so years and he would be ready for something. Maybe sooner if your Courier helped him with everything.

  12. Yo


    I've been looking around and almost all the player houses are either too fancy (aimed at an adventuring character with tons of caps), unrealistic (Enclave-level tech in a shack), and/or are designed around certain concepts. As far as i can tell they are all simply 'found' and taken over. This makes sense if the house is in the middle of nowere and the previous owner is nowhere in sight, but it makes no sense in a place like Goodsprings.


    I loved the mod that allowed you to buy the Tenpenny suite for 2,000 caps. I liked how you weren't given the best house in Megaton until you saved the town.


    in places like Goodsprings the community is 'tightly knit. They would likely want to be selective about who moved in and perhaps have funds to go to the town so they didn't just get a freeloader moving in. Trudy would probobly be the best bet, since she seems like the most liekly candidate for town-treasurer.


    I would like to see something like with Tenpenny for New Vegas, and with more modest houses, not too far removed from what the vanilla houses are like for NPCs. Storage, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, ect. No super computers, no medical droid, ect. That way no matter what my characetr concept was they could fit in. An NCR Ranger could use it as a safe house, a gambler a resting place (or palce to lie low), or a simple cowboy who prefers the rurual life could live their full-time.


    Just a thought.

  13. Bumpity. This was falling behind some.


    Just so I know, does Boone ever actually ever show even tthe remotest amount of interest in a female Courier? I've actually not picked him up yet, but understand that he is basically guilt given legs and a gun over his wife. It seems unliekly that he would be interested int he Courier, but then he's a young man with his 'whole life ahead of him'. Is there even a hint that given a few years he could move on with the Courier? Both Cass and Veronica flirt, was just curious if the only straight male companion dropped any hints.

  14. If you are just sick of how your character looks, just type showracemenu...


    Ignore what this person just said. Doing this console command will ruin your perks.


    Instead you should just use:


    showbarbermenu (Hair)

    showplasticsurgeonmenu (Face)


    To answer OP's Question, Sergio is still the only person that gives haircuts, which sucks really.



    You kidding? D:


    I've been using the ShowRaceMenu command for ages for just this reason. I also use it to tweak my characters after leaving the Docs house. I had no clue that It would mess up perks. Ah well. D:

  15. Actually i'd say it's gone the other way around this time.


    It's young men who have few options. Cass (Damn, did the maths and realised she's the wrong side of thirty, though this hardly matters cos you can make the Courier the wrong side of sixty if you so wish), arguably the best (but she's bi, which emans girls get her too) and Arcade. Thats it.


    Young women have Boone if you wish to impose RP wise that while he has his problems, after his personal quests he is starting a new life with the Courier. You have Veronica who is utterly adorable and I wish was straight. Cass makes it clear she is bi if enough alcohol is involded; and lets face it, with her thats all the time, and I just take that line a a subtle hint she doesn't care either way if your a woman. Add to this that you can choose to resolve the Benny situations with a 'romantic' (I say that tentativly) ways, this gives female characters the most romantic options in the game, even between straight and not so.


    I think we've gone the opposit direction from Fallout 3. Male LWs had Amata (if you wanted to play with a tragic end - with only the faint hope that she was honest when she said she would reopen the Vault one day), Clover, Sarah (what a gal; even if she was in her thirties while the LW was under twenty. Still, after BS i see this as cannon, with a whole lotta UST since she decided nothing could happen, and your part of the Pride.), and plenty of other NPCs who showed interest. Female characters got Butch, Jericho, and Charon. And Burke. Ewww. Not exacly the best lineup, though Butch wasn't such a bad option really...


    Of course these are just my opinions, since any romance never goes beyond flirting. Thats what this thread is about fixing after all. :D

  16. Yo


    A lot of people who downloaded TGND (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914 - Warning, NSFW) body really liked the scars that Luchaire had on his example images. However, sadly the scars are part of a character that obviosuly has sentimental value, and the scars will not be released to the public. Did a search around the Nexus and so far have found no other scarred textures for HGEC. I suppose the problem is that the textures would be on every other woman in the game. This however would easily be avoidable by having the textures asigned to a custom race, which can be done with even the most basic toolset knowledge.


    It woudl be fun to have a character start out unscarred; then after a paticualrly nasty encounter use changerace to swap to the custom scarred version of said-characters race.


    Does anyone know if there are any such scar textures out there, and if not, would anyone be willing to make any?

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