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Everything posted by kraag

  1. +1 For immersive first person view. Hopefully, LogicDragon can help out there with "Fallout 4 - Enhanced Camera" when F4SE comes out? Absolutely essential mods, thanks for those LD ;)
  2. I'm really not surprised at how dumbed down this game is, the whole planet is being dumbed down on a massive proportion by greedy corporations who just want tax paying cattle who ask no questions, but are happy with their iphones and well adjusted in their modern mediocre slave lives. Meanwhile, Paris burns due to government corruption...
  3. Maybe you didn't really notice, but being a firearm owner and someone who knows them literally inside out, it became quickly apparent that the Hunting Rifles in Fallout 4 have left-handed bolt actions, being fired by a right-handed shooter. And the animations show the shooter reloading with the left hand, this is a real world no-no as it is nearly physically impossible to hold a large rifle like that only by its grip [the weight of the rifle is too heavy, the front would tip down due to gravity.] If someone could rectify this, maybe Millenia? [that dude sure knows his guns], that would be sweet, cause it looks really stupid in game. My 2c. Durpthesda.
  4. How can one enjoy a bugged out mess of a game? The FO4 bug thread here is NINE PAGES LONG. The game is an arcade shoot-em-up, not an RPG like it should have been. Peoples hate for this expensive product is justified completely.
  5. I would sure download a mod that 1-bytes all the protagonists voice files so PC is a mute again, then redesigns the dialogue wheel into a FO3/NV-esque cascading menu system that shows exactly what your PC will say to NPC. All the lines are in the subtitles, so the meat is there, just need the potatoes and peas. As it stands, I already got a refund from Steam for this game - and depending on what mods come out, I may purchase it again later at a discounted price. >:(
  6. An argonian walks into a tavern and the bartender says, "Why the long face?".
  7. So I made the mod myself, check it out... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63773/
  8. In response to post #22995624. #22996854, #23004719, #23006974 are all replies on the same post. TES VI - DirectX 12 ?
  9. I use "Recruit NPC spell", which lets you recruit any 5 NPCs with a spell. Including regular skyrim followers. Works very well for me, very simple. It also still lets you recruit two followers with the default "Follow Me" dialogue. So 7 total followers. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10559
  10. Ah OK, I wasn't aware of that. I really don't want to install that heavy follower mod though as it will mess with my other followers (Inigo 2.0) I like to keep things as simple as possible regarding followers, so the only follower mod I use is "Recruit NPC Spell".
  11. Hey, I really looked everywhere for this but couldn't find anything. I even tried to make the mod myself for about three days solid, looking at wikis and CK tutorials etc, playing around with her AI packages and such - all for naught. I really do not like how Serana starts walking around (sandboxing) when you stop moving, she will walk right into you and bump you out of the way, or bump an NPC that you are speaking with out of the way, or during scripted scenes like Roggvirs execution, she will walk right up on stage and start using the grinding wheel while poor Roggvirs head comes unstuck! If someone could make a mod to just make Serana stay still like all other companions/followers that would be great. I just want her to not auto-sandbox. That's all. Or maybe someone could help me make the mod myself by offering some advice? that would be equally awesome. Or maybe there is already a mod that does this, and I missed it. That would be cool too ;)
  12. Bump I've also had this same annoying issue for as long as I've had the game - ~100 different mods of all sorts, all the latest memory managers, latest versions of everything. All is good running between 40-60 fps for around 30mins to 1hour, then change cells from interior to exterior a few times and the fps drops to ~10-15 on transition from interior to exterior, The interior to exterior thing is a definite, going back to interior straight after the fps has dropped shoots the fps back up to 60 every time without fail. Checked with performance monitor and memory is fine, tried MANY different INI tweaks over the years to the point of pulling my hair out. Any more thoughts? I7-2600k 8GB 1600mhz ram Nvidia GTX460 (Could be a bug with Nvidia cards? I use ENBoost (no gfx) so I might try setting DisableDriverMemoryManager in enblocal.ini to true...)
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