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Everything posted by thousande

  1. If I understand the problem all this should be possible with xEdit / script.
  2. > I wonder if tables also would work ... You could always try. As I currently understand it, Adobe's Flash Player is responsible for rendering the terminal content among things (main hud elements, pipboy content). Eg. Flash's textArea with htmlContent support. Probably as an overlay as some web browsers handles/handled 3rd party plugins/runtimes. The Flash render implements a subset of the html tags.Mostly basic text formatting tags, I believe. The game's implementation/html support may have been adjusted too. Is the A (hyperlink) tag is rendered? Try it out. https://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/text/TextField.html#htmlText
  3. > Doesn't moving references out of a cell (in a worldspace) and into another cell "remove" the reference form that "original cell"? Sorry, If I misread the question here, but I think there is a bug where moving a placed reference to another cell (eg. select, drag drop to an adjacent cell), the ref's parent cell reference is _not updated. I think the issue is reported to CK's error log and xEdit should have a script that should correct the issue, "Put worldspace references in the right cells.pas"
  4. Agree on the activate solution here. If you go that route and OnActivate does not work, the npc's race data needs some tinkering. In order to interact/activate with a npc, the npc's race needs to have "Allow PC dialogue" checked. Open the race form for your Brahmin race and see if the previously mentioned flag is checked. If it is checked, you should be fine and OnActiavte etc. should work. If not, AND you only want this function for certain/your Brahmins, create a new race (I guess the easiest way is to just duplicate the existing Brahmin race). In the dupe, check "Allow PC dialogue" in the General tab. Remember to update the Copied Data section so Armor Race points to the copy source race. Eg. BrahminRace. Not sure if Morph Race needs to be set. Test it with None first :wink: You may tinker with the rest of the data, but for this scenario things should be good. Click Ok and open your Brahmin form and set the race to your new BrahminRace.
  5. I guess OP asked for effect shaders or something like that. Anyways, the FXDrips comes in variations. Large, small, slow, fast, few, lots etc. Search for "drip". Make sure to toggle on markers (M key) in Creation Kit. AFK, but when markers are on, the drip is drawn as circle helper/markers. One circle for start/source and one circle for destination. I guess it should be possible to duplicate the nif, open it in eg. NifScope and edit the source/destination coordinates etc.
  6. If you feel the kit fit your needs, nothing wrong re-use the vault interior kit. If you can afford it (time and energy), create new ones or do material swap on one of the other interior kits like RedRocketTV suggested. Or a bit of both. Create new pieces that is required. If you start of from scratch, I suggest start out inspecting one of the existing kits. Try re-use the width/height/depth dimensions and how the pivot point is positioned. That way things may not look too off in-game and the kit may play nice with other kits which opens up for possibilities. You could also release a stand alone settlement set later. Figure out the dimensions and start out with creating a couple of pieces with a dummy material. Eg. a straight piece and a turn/corner piece, then import the pieces to CK and test in a test cell. The point is to get the shape and pivot point right first so snapping/rotate etc. works from the start. Figure out the door(s) dimensions early. You may want to re-use the standard dimensions for single and double doors. Also, pay attention to the naming conventions used in the form IDs. If the kit grows, a predictable naming may helps when actually utilizing the pieces. Eg. when selecting a reference - Alt+mouse scroll for browsing.
  7. Just guessing here. It could be that you have exported the nifs with a clothing/armor configuration. In Outfit Studio, navigate to Shape > Properties, then the Geometry tab. Make sure Sub-index and Skinned is ticked off before export (I guess the Full Precision is not need either). These node types and flags are mostly handled by armor/clothing and may cause crashes when the nif is read by a static game object. The data can be removed in NifScope too. https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki/Shape-Properties
  8. Use the reference list next to the cell list. Navigate to the cell and try locate the reference in the list and you can select it from there :smile: Happens every time with the splinespark moveables as the nifs only has particle data and no editor helper/marker mesh data to grab, I think. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Cell_View_Window
  9. It depends on the script and how the script is used etc. Not sure whether a mod manager is relevant here. A script/pex can be reloaded with the in-game console command ReloadScript eg. ReloadScript "UserNamespace:UserScript" Quotes may be omitted if namespace is not used. The command simply reloads the pex. It does not 'reset the world'. So if the script has already run and the script has mutated the world, you may have to start the game / load a save etc. again to reset things. You may use bat files to automate certain tasks. Eg. CenterOnCell, StartQuest, SetStage, Sleep etc. I think bat files also supports some control structures like if/else. Not sure if the list is complete and you may have to google for signatures, https://gist.github.com/reg2k/bad5567d30787067dcaa42ba948ce87e
  10. Like remove the meshes so the cell leads to "the void"? Not sure what the consequences are, but you could try: In the Cell window, right click on the cell and choose Edit. In the Common Data tab find the Force Hide Land section. Select which quads that should be visible or not. Click apply. I think this will hide (not permanently delete) the cell meshes and all the children. I guess it is possible to move all the vertices below the water level too. Again, I am not sure about unwanted side effects. Test it out in a throw away world space first.
  11. Ok. I see for the most of it ;) I have not looked too much into LOD generation other than making a 'first pass'. I think landscape textures are outside of CELLs if you are going to map these (see xEdit's Replace Landscape Texture.pas) I you haven't tried already there is xEdit discord server. There is also the Modding Tools discord (https://discord.gg/fvHSEx) If Node.js / JavaScript is your jam, there is a Node.js wrapper for xEdit's lib here: https://github.com/z-edit/xelib
  12. Trying to learn this stuff myself so I am just throwing stuff out here. tesannwynn has an export command. There are some documentation with examples in the distribution/html file. http://projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/TESAnnwyn.html I can't find the discussions atm., but it has been said that Worldspace hasn't changed much since Skyrim and tesannwynn should work with Fallout4. In my own little experienceI haven't had problems regarding import.
  13. > But doesn't that XEdit thing only work for LOD "heightmaps" ? Probably a bad idea, I thought maybe the normal map could be used as a base
  14. Not sure how much of the height map functions in Fallout4/CK that actually works. Looks like old stuff that is partially ripped out. Only thing that comes to my mind at the moment is xEdit's worldspace browser (in Apply Script). It has some parameters and can create a normal map of the selected worldspace for save/export.
  15. I think I had similar problems with the feral ghoul. I gave up and did most of these tweaks in OS. Never had problems with the human skeleton, though.
  16. The reference skeleton can be changed in Outfit Studio's stettings window, see the settings section here: https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki/Installation-and-Settings I've seen people copy the skeleton into a OS directory. Not sure if it is the same. see https://youtu.be/igq6O2vY9II?t=1234 (around the 20:30 mark) I've used the second solution a few times and it works with objects from vanilla Blender or 3dsmax obj exporters. Not looked into it, but I suspect both ways here does the same job. Try it out your self.
  17. > Hmm. Would that cause some case issues? That's kinda, hmm curious. Mostly cosmetic, I believe. Eg. you print the string on the screen and the casing is wrong. Your code says the string is capitalized, but the string is always printed in lowercase because a mod before yours (load order) creates the same value in lower case. Head scratching may occur. Strings are case-insensitive so if-tests will be true if "gold" == "Gold" If the string is just used for presentation / screen you may get around it by adding a space before the variable, but then you have to make sure no one else uses it for logic/if/control flow :wink: More details here, https://github.com/joelday/papyrus-lang/wiki/Papyrus-Types (See String Literals / Character casing)
  18. You should do some testing :smile: Changing a string literal in a print statement should work, I guess. A bit related. String variables are stored in a case insensitive string cache. ; A mod creates a string value. someoneElsesString = "Gold" ... ; Then my mod creates a string value. myString = "gold" Instead of creating a new entry in the cache, myString value will just point to someoneElsesString value.
  19. Do you set the objective? Eg. SetObjectiveDisplayed(objectiveIndex) in Stage script/fragment https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=SetObjectiveDisplayed_-_Quest
  20. The animation happens in the nif file. A bit fiddly maybe, but it can be changed using NifScope. Look for the NiControllerSequence nodes in NiControllerManager. There should be one sequence for "open" and one sequence for "close". Look further and you'll find the rotate data. The arrow/marker is a static shape and has nothing to do with the animation other than acting as a visual clue for designers and if needed, you can use NifScope, copy/paste node(s). Just remember to have the marker flag checked if used. I suggest watching Razorwire's videos and do a (healthy) struggle with it first :wink: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbrqxlSxMxwyYdnoQYrGPEyItRY7R92a4 3DSMAX is also an option, https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Creating_Custom_Doors_for_Fallout_4
  21. > Is there actually a way to show LOD in the CK? Maybe even LOD meshes for a given object? Right click somewhere in the world space and choose preferences. Not sure if it is possible to toggle LOD/view for one reference. You open the Form/static and inspect/modify LODs for that form (Has Distant LOD / Specify Distant LOD)
  22. Completely without evidence, but after upgrading the ram from 8GB to 16GB about 6 months ago I haven't experienced sudden crashes yet (loading default settings, the main esm, Far Harbor and NukaWorld) I often get crashes when the nif preview window is open and browsing actors or furniture. Not sure if it is a specific nif that the preview does not handle or my browsing pattern is eating memory. I think it can happen when markers are visible. The markers are often very high poly meshes.
  23. I was thinking about the 'front faces', https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_(geometry) If you work with quads (usually the default) and use the auto triangulate in the exporter, the results may not be desired. It depends on the mesh, I guess. Here is mine (quads exported from the default Blender obj exporter) See the shade on some of the triangles. 'Set from faces' was all that was needed this time, After: You should try triangulate manually before export so you can inspect and fix any faces etc. (most 3d applications has tools to visual the normal, fixing etc.) Typically the faces should point straight out from the face, but each model has it's requirement so there are no answer for this, I guess. Use a triangulate modifier if you can or make a copy so you can continue iterating if needed. Blender's normal toolbox, https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/meshes/editing/normals.html Again, this may not fix your main issue.
  24. A shot in the dark, but could it be something with the normal? On the "before" image there are some triangles on foremost ring. Is that expected?
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