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Everything posted by IronAlpha

  1. My two cents: I don't mind incredibly OP guns being made, I just don't use them. However, I might use it if there was actually some effort put into it, or it's exceedingly difficult to obtain. Like for instance: I use the Gatling Alice mod sometimes. The weapons are extremely powerful, look at the Alice Grinder; it actually hits enemies so hard, it bends their meshes around, and sends them flying! But you know why I use it? For one thing, they're beautiful weapons. Check them out: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38762 Also, I'd say they're balanced, since they're incredibly expensive, except the Alice Grinder which you can get for free, but it has the flaw of eating up ammo at such a rate that you'll run out in a matter of seconds if you fire recklessly. However, the "Nuke Miniguns," and other such guns I will not use, but if others want to, I won't stop them. The majority of Weapon mods on the Nexus fit in the game. I can use those all I want. And if you just think guns are OP, it would take you maybe 5 minutes of editing in the GECK to rebalance it yourself. It's not hard. I'm making a semi-complex companion mod at the moment, but I started modding by making crazy\stupid weapons, like a lot of us did. (Mine was a .50mg 9mm pistol, thank you very much.) But I only got to really get into modding, and learn things by being encouraged by the community to do so. Telling people that their simple mods suck without offering anything constructive does far more harm than good, I assure you. Also, might I add that telling people to "Make a new mesh and texture." as if it were an exceedingly easy thing to do is not constructive. At all. It's like telling a 4 year old to balance your checkbook. They probably lack the skills and knowledge necessary to do so. As for the other thing; Vague mod descriptions, how about, instead of complaining about it, you try to help. When I see vague descriptions, I'll usually just tell the mod author to give us players more information. tl;dr No.
  2. Nah. That would make it more of a Modern Combat FPS than a Fallout game. Interesting idea, though.
  3. Is this what you're looking for? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/7531
  4. Name: Thomas Raleigh Whippet Age: 32 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian Personality: Cold as ice, and sharp as a razor's edge. Tom is a born businessman who never thought much of his employees. Weapon: A Thompson SMG that was standard in his line of work, and an Incinerate plasmid that he just recently found in Rapture. Appearance: A slightly regal man in an old suit. He has a large scar on the left side of his face that goes from the corner of his lips to his earlobe. He has a small beard that gives him a professional appearance, and his height is slightly below average. Clothing: An old suit that he'd inherited from his father. A black jacket, with a red tie. History/background: Thomas fought in the war, and when he returned home, he knew that he'd never adjust to a normal life again. He felt disillusioned from his friends, family, war buddies, everything he had seemed Inconsequential in comparison to fighting for his country, or just fighting for any old reason. He fell into a life of crime fairly quickly, and it wasn't long before the organized crime families in the area took notice of his talents. He was hired as a thug to the Don of a powerful crime family in New York, and committed many homicides, assaults, and other crimes in the don's service. However, he was told to kill an old friend, and ran out on the job. In the whispers of the elite he spent so much time around, he'd heard of a place; Rapture. A paradise under the sea. The don would never be able to find him there. He set out for Rapture, and found himself out of the frying pan, instead in the fire.
  5. Welcome! ENB is pretty good, and I haven't noticed many glitches. I'd also recommend you check out Fallout Wanderer's edition and Imp's More Complex Needs if you want realism.
  6. First of all; Welcome! Second of all, there is a mod for that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7245 Be sure to endorse it!
  7. What I'm looking for is someone to retexture the Mr. House Courier's Duster where the Spade logo had a 6 on it instead of a 38. Can someone do that? I don't need an ESP if you don't want to make it.
  8. Invasion of modders. We leave ride in with our fancy outfits and god weapons, and leave nothing but invisible walls and dancing NPCs in our wake.
  9. Elaborate. What do you want, exactly? By Roleplaying mod do you mean, like make the game more immersive?
  10. Likewise. Yeah, you do know he can get another gun, aye? You can salvage guns and stuff, like in the games. Yeah, she did come prepared. With a Katana named Courage, (the cowardly dog!) and Wisdom. Her plasma Rifle is just a Plasma Rifle. I'll probably have to do that. The Uberfalcon is powerful, but really difficult to use. The Plasma Rifle should have been called Power, then She'd have the Triforce. Courage the cowardly dog? We had the same childhood, I see.
  11. Thanks. Yeah, I just wanted a character that was Pre-war and absolutely no experience, and for some reason "Frozen Spaceman" is what came to mind. I think, even despite the crazy background, the funniest thing about this character is his gun. It's designed to be the most impractical thing ever, apparently. I haven't seen Duck Dodgers in years! I was sure no one else had even heard of it, since I never hear it mentioned. Ah, so you can have more than one character? That's good to know. I have a few more characters I may add later. I love ghoul characters, personally. I'd use one here if I wasn't so determined to have a character that's inexperienced. And two swords AND a plasma rifle? Someone came prepared! :biggrin: Anyway, I look forward to seeing you, and everyone in the Wasteland.
  12. Fallout Characters Name: Warren Bentley Gender: Male Age: 25 Race: Caucasian Karmic Alignment: Neutral Appearance: A handsome blonde man with blue eyes, or at least he did. He's exceptionally pale due to lack of sunlight, and has a sickly appearance. (This will change as Warren spends time in the wastes.) Clothing/armor: A space suit that has been modified with car parts for added protection. (Optional) Pet: None Starting Weapon: Experimental Uberfalcon (An experimental Laser pistol that fires an entire clip's worth of energy in a single shot for tons of damage. However, It's flawed design makes it take a solid 15 seconds to reload, and it must be reloaded after every shot. On top of that, it's prone to misfiring, and needs constant repairs.) Skills/Occupation: He Is skilled in energy weapons, and is trained in advanced repairs. He's also quite a charismatic guy from his celebrity status before the war. Personality: Potentially thoughtless at times, and optimistic when the world around him doesn't call for him to be. He's also pretty. . . Well crazy. He did wake up one day and find his entire world destroyed after all. History/Background: A hero in his day, Warren Bentley worked for Repconn as an Astronaut. He relished his fame, and together with his scientist brother, was the first man to use the Repconn Deep-Space Rocketpod, a spacecraft that allowed distant travel in space. He was sent on a mission to Saturn, along with a special laser pistol that was designed to "Battle the Alien Menace" according to the scientists working on the project. He set out, frozen in a Cryogenic tube. Unbeknownst to him, the project was funded by the Enclave. He was a guinea pig to test the technology they planned to use to escape the earth in the event of a nuclear war. 5 Years after he set out, the great war ocurred. After he finally arrived at Saturn the craft he was in was called back to earth. He crashed in the former DC area. At first he thought he had crashed on an alien planet, but he was soon attacked by raiders, and discovered the truth. He's looking for the vault his brother was sent to, since he has no idea how long he's been gone. ------------------------------------- Name: Wallace Thompson Gender: Male Age: 46 Race: Caucasian Karmic Alignment: Good Appearance: A tall, strong man in a Ranger's duster. His hair is black, and ragged from many days trekking the wilderness, and he has a beard to match. He wears an eyepatch over one eye, to cover old scars from the war with Caesar's Legion. Clothing/armor: An old beat up Ranger's duster, and an eyepatch over one eye (Optional) Pet: Ruby, His Brahmin Starting Weapon: A .44 Revolver, and a custom built minigun Called Anna Maria. Anna Maria has a Vertibird blade attached to it for close encounters. Anna Maria is currently damaged and unusable unless replacement parts are found. Skills/Occupation: A caravaneer, with skills in repairing guns, as well as some machinery. He's also quite skilled with big guns. Personality: He comes across as a world weary old man, who's just searching for a reason to keep breathing another day. History/Background:Wallace was born in the wasteland. Literally, his parents worked for the Crimson Caravan Company, and his mother gave birth to him in the middle of nowhere. For the early years of his life, he ran with his parents on their trade routes. Out there, he learned to live off the land, the value of caps in the wasteland society. His father used to work for the Gun Runners, but quit after he was married, since the Crimson Caravans and Gun Runners were rival companies and he didn't want it to impede his relationship. He taught his son everything he knew about guns. The most important thing Wallace learned in the wastes was how cheap human life was treated. Many times, his family would run across a settlement that had been decimated by raiders, and many times did he find children younger than him alone, and starving. He didn't know much about life yet, but he knew this was wrong. Life wasn't supposed to be this way. One day, when Wallace was fifteen, his family stopped at a small settlement for the night, and it was attacked by Slavers. They hit hard, decimated the town's whole encampent of NCR soldiers, and making off with Most of the townspeople, Wallace and his family included. Before they could make it back to the Slaver camp, the slavers started to fall. It easn't until after the men were killed that the would-be slaves even heard the shots. After the Slavers were wiped out Wallace and the others were unsure how to react. A few folks kept going towards the Slaver camp. Worse case sceneario, it was some unhappy remnants of The Master's army who were still picking up travellers. Wallace's father said they didn't exist, but they'd heard stories. Best case scenario, it was the NCR. Lady luck smiled on them. It was the Rangers. Just two actually. There had been at least ten slavers, but these two men took them out like it was nothing. Wallace thought the world wasn't right, and now he knew how to make it better. He was going to be a Ranger, like them. His parents were very supportive, and let him stay at the Ranger station. He started off cleaning the Ranger's guns for tips, then, he was repairing them, then building them. By the time he was Twenty, he was in the Heavy Troopers, doing upkeep on their weapons as well as the rangers.' There he gained an appreciation for big guns. After many years he finally made it. He was a Ranger. He fought the Legion in the Mojave Wasteland alongside his fellow rangers. He was in the first battle of Hoover Dam in 2277, wherein his squad promised that they would survive the battle and start a cravan together after the war. He outlived them all that day. He also reached the asteemed rank of Ranger Elite. He was known as a hero for his exploits in the battle, but he remembers it differently. As he told a young recruit a few years later when asked about the battle: "In battle, there are no heroes. Just men killing other men for a cause he don't know. My brothers all died in that battle, and I get called a hero for surviving? I was a coward. They were the heroes." Not much else happened during his tour of duty, but he did fight in the final battle. Afterwards, he was issued an honorable discharge after a Legionaire's spear pierced his eye, and he disappeared. Some say he took to the drink and died out there, and others say he left the Mojave to start that caravan he's planned with his squadmates. He did start the caravan, but he stayed in the Mojave. He drifted from town to town, selling the guns his daddy taught him to build. Made plenty of caps, too, but fate had other plans. He fell in with a group of wastelanders, and supposedly they did something big, but that's a story for another day. Point is, he lost his hard earned caps, his caravan, and even his minigun; Anna Maria. He split from his group, and headed off for greener pastures. He headed east. To the ruin now known as the Capitol Wasteland. -------------------------------------
  13. Yep, this basically. He was frozen in space, and returned home after his mission was over. Saturn is pretty far away, so it took him quite a while to get there and back. I already explained this above, I just wanted to say that I actually appreciate it when people do this. There's nothing I love more than being in a roleplay with people who actually know the lore, and contest people who get it wrong. My apologies, I must have missed that bit. I did not intend to cause any issues. I hope I have not. (If it double-posts, sorry. I got network errors) No, not at all. People not knowing the war happened 200 years ago is one of the most common screw ups I've seen in Fallout RPGs. I can't blame you for hearing a pre-war back story and assuming I didn't know that.
  14. I'll be posting my characters here. I have a few, and this thread might get updated over time.
  15. Yep, this basically. He was frozen in space, and returned home after his mission was over. Saturn is pretty far away, so it took him quite a while to get there and back. I already explained this above, I just wanted to say that I actually appreciate it when people do this. There's nothing I love more than being in a roleplay with people who actually know the lore, and contest people who get it wrong.
  16. Okay, here's my little application Name: Warren Bentley Gender: Male Age: 25 Race: Caucasian Karmic Alignment: Neutral Appearance: A handsome blonde man with blue eyes, or at least he did. He's exceptionally pale due to lack of sunlight, and has a sickly appearance. (This will change as Warren spends time in the wastes.) Clothing/armor: A space suit that has been modified with car parts for added protection. (Optional) Pet: None Starting Weapon: Experimental Uberfalcon (An experimental Laser pistol that fires an entire clip's worth of energy in a single shot for tons of damage. However, It's flawed design makes it take a solid 15 seconds to reload, and it must be reloaded after every shot. On top of that, it's prone to misfiring, and needs constant repairs.) Skills/Occupation: He Is skilled in energy weapons, and is trained in advanced repairs. He's also quite a charismatic guy from his celebrity status before the war. Personality: Potentially thoughtless at times, and optimistic when the world around him doesn't call for him to be. He's also pretty. . . Well crazy. He did wake up one day and find his entire world destroyed after all. History/Background: A hero in his day, Warren Bentley worked for Repconn as an Astronaut. He relished his fame, and together with his scientist brother, was the first man to use the Repconn Deep-Space Rocketpod, a spacecraft that allowed distant travel in space. He was sent on a mission to Saturn, along with a special laser pistol that was designed to "Battle the Alien Menace" according to the scientists working on the project. He set out, frozen in a Cryogenic tube. Unbeknownst to him, the project was funded by the Enclave. He was a guinea pig to test the technology they planned to use to escape the earth in the event of a nuclear war. 5 Years after he set out, the great war ocurred. After he finally arrived at Saturn the craft he was in was called back to earth. He crashed in the former DC area. At first he thought he had crashed on an alien planet, but he was soon attacked by raiders, and discovered the truth. He's looking for the vault his brother was sent to, since he has no idea how long he's been gone.
  17. This is an absolutely fantastic idea, it fits with my RP character perfectly, so I'll be very happy with this mod!
  18. Indeed, it does sound interesting. I'm shocked I didn't find that. Thank you so much for sharing!
  19. They could just never reference it again. Unlikely, but possible.
  20. Does it bother you how shooting a Nuka-Cola bottle with an Anti Material Rifle doesn't break it? It bothers me. I, unfortunately, failed in my attempt to make that happen. It looks pretty simple to me, but looks can be deceiving. My apologies if this was already done. I searched the Nexus for it, and found nothing.
  21. Can anyone find Shrapnel? It's nearly impossible to find these days.
  22. IronAlpha


    Hello, Nexus! I've been on this site for a while, but I can't believe I haven't been to the forums yet. I'm IronAlpha. I'm a huge Fallout fan, and and slowly teaching myself the Geck. I don't have any Elder Scrolls games yet, but I might do some mods for Oblivion and (Possibly) Skyrim. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself before I started posting. Happy modding!
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