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About karios525

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  1. Well that was weird couldn't access bethesda.net on chrome but could on edge, meh got the ck now uninstalling beths rubbish software
  2. In response to post #39286780. #39810040, #39986590, #41800640 are all replies on the same post. Skywind will be switching to the remastered edition so you might as well get it in readiness, makes perfect sense considering how unstable 32 bit bugesda titles are in comparison to the 64 bit remaster, I can run everything in 4k with a full enb/reshade combo no fps dips, no annoying micro stutter
  3. despite the whole virus checking being understandable since the attack nexus they're useless it's taking too long and annoying too many people, I mean respectable mod authors like the author of skyfalls uploaded his update hours ago and still not scanned, tell the company doing the scanning to get stuffed, they're wasting our time
  4. Am loving the mod so for just curious with my papyrus logs rapidly filling up due to you're script checking for the load bug and level lists, will/could this cause any save bloat over time as my current game starting from scratch is already 8 and a half mb which am assuming is due to a lot of scripts from quest/worldspace mods firing though nothing error wise in the papyrus logs?
  5. Try the FollowersHireContinued-CharismaCheck-NoKarmaCheck esp
  6. Every time NMM loads it no longer detects me as premium and the download options in the NMM to download off premium servers is grayed out, though the nexus does recognise me as premium on the site, so assume it's just a site issue?
  7. Was more thinking of creating a merged patch just for the factions as quest mods/SkyRe/Falskaar etc all seem to have random faction conflicts...
  8. mindw0rk2 Are you using the updated esp for Real wildlife? Realistic wildlife is like over a year old so might be causing you're freezing? You could always try keeping real wildlife and use the light version of SkyTest so that the new ai will apply (theoretically lol) to real wildlife. Freezing like that is my issue too, though in my case it was monster wars the updated version, which have since removed. Freezing like that as i understand it is generally caused by mod conflicts or just pushing you're pc too hard.
  9. Is there any kind of list of mods known to cause save bloating? Using alternate start (am testing a new mod setup) beginning in Riverwood my first save in 'the cell' was 6.70 mb which I simply put down to the mods I have running scripts (SkyRE, Interesting NPCS, northern encounters, icicle valley, the rabbit hole, winterhold expanded ruins (the cleaned version) Vilja Lurking in the shadows deadly dragons aesir armor ASIS ) all the latest versions, and after just short of 25 minutes my save file had grown to 7.74 mb should I be worried yet? Or will my save file size increases level out. Oh and should mention that I also run the mods return from Helgen, House Redoran and Telvanni Hall from the engineering guild, and the unofficial skyrim/dawnguard/dragonborn patches. Might sound a daft question but could a bad load order cause bloating? The mods BOSS didn't recognise which I placed manually I think I did right. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. I dont use skyrim realistic overhaul anyways and my game still looks pretty perfect, there are texture overhauls for Solstheim as well. The sexy cities have run fine for me so i see no reason why they shouldn't for you too. I don't tend to look through posts too often so pm me with anymore questions
  11. Any more questions am still flitting around lol
  12. Be careful with towns and villages enhanced in regards to compatibility with other mods. If you opt to use TES5Edit for checking for conflicts it can often give you false positives, I have had to learn the hard way hence why am very slowly building up a stable skyrim, with a few quest mods to be included as soon as they get updated.
  13. There are textures and meshes in the TPC which improves resolution but personally I use the sexy cities mods as I simply like the look, Markarth is the only one sexy cities never covered so I used Markarth the white city. Just a word of caution with the TPC in particular if you use a newer version of skyrim flora overhaul than the version explicitly mentioned in the TPC you will find weird texture and lod issues. Personally after installing the TPC sexy cities, markarth, I add forested skyim, glowing ore veins (at least now you can actually see the veins lol) overwriting as required, as I do for mystical signs (I remove the included esp as I am happy with the signs on all day) then summer skyrim HD v 3.1 which seems to blend pretty well with the TPC, always remember, then I optimize textures and textures in the BSA's with SMCO (if you do decide to use SMCO and want to optimize the bsas, when you select the bsa tab make sure you select dds only from the dropdown menu at bottom)
  14. I add uncapper to data folder, restart NMM and it recognises the uncapper, install it, and then provided skse is installed properly you should find an SKSE folder within the data folder, open it to find a plugins folder, open that and you will find two files, the dll file leave alone, the ini file you can use the tweaked version in SkyRE, create you're own setup, heres mine, to give you a good starting point, just remember the settings which are toward the top of the ini file o disables 1 enables anyway heres my ini setup.... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW WORKS AND HOW TO MODIFY AN INI FILE PLEASE READ:; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file;; Anything behind a semicolon is considered a comment and has no effect;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [General] ;DO NOT MODIFY THIS VALUE;INI file versioniINIFileVersion = 3 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the plugin;Default value = 0bEnabled=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the AutoUpdate functionality. IT MIGHT NOT WORK WITH CERTAIN SKYRIM VERSION! ENABLE AT YOUR OWN RISK!;Default value = 0bAutoUpdate=1 ;Duration of the Uncapper Splash Window using milliseconds. (Set to 0 to disable);Between 0 and 10000;;Default Value = 1000iSplashWindowDuration = 1000 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Level Caps;;Default value = 0bUseSkillCaps=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill caps inside formulas governed by skills.;Default value = 0bUseSkillFormulaCaps=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the ingame Enchanter Uncapper skill caps;Default value = 0bUseEnchanterCaps=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Experience Gained Multipliers;;Default value = 0bUseSkillExpGainMults=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Experience to Player's Character Experience Multipliers;;Default value = 0bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of perks gained, set by the Uncapper, at each level up;Default value = 0bUsePerksAtLevelUp=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of health points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseHealthAtLevelUp=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of magicka points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseMagickaAtLevelUp=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of stamina points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseStaminaAtLevelUp=1 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseCarryWeightAtHealthLevelUp=0 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseCarryWeightAtMagickaLevelUp=0 ;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen;Default value = 0bUseCarryWeightAtStaminaLevelUp=0 [skillCaps]; Set the Skill Level Cap to; Between 0 and 10000;; Using too low or too high values may crash the game. Handle them with caution.; Default game value = 100 iAlchemy=999iAlteration=999iArchery=999iBlock=999iConjuration=999iDestruction=999iEnchanting=999iHeavyArmor=999iIllusion=999iLightArmor=999iLockpicking=999iOneHanded=999iPickpocket=999iRestoration=999iSmithing=999iSneak=999iSpeech=999iTwoHanded=999 [skillFormulaCaps]; Set the Skill Formula Cap to; If your skill level is higher than the cap set below, then the skill level showing in game will be capped and displayed in red color (like if it was affected by a negative enchantment); Between 0 and 10000;; Using too low or too high values may crash the game. Handle them with caution.; Default game value = 100 iAlchemy=199iAlteration=199iArchery=199iBlock=199iConjuration=199iDestruction=199iEnchanting=199iHeavyArmor=199iIllusion=199iLightArmor=199iLockpicking=199iOneHanded=199iPickpocket=199iRestoration=199iSmithing=199iSneak=199iSpeech=199iTwoHanded=199 [EnchanterCaps];However high the Enchanting skill is, the following values set an Enchanting skill level cap when using the ingame Enchanter.;If bSkillFormulaCaps is enabled, then the following values are also capped by iEnchanting inside [skillFormulaCaps], if iEnchanting is lower.; Between 0 and 10000; ;Max Enchanting skill level for enchantment magnitude.iMaxEnchantingLevelForMagnitude=199 ;Max Enchanting skill level for enchantment charges;A value higher than 199 will cause inconsistencies in vanilla Skyrim.iMaxEnchantingLevelForCharges=199 [skillExpGainMults]; Set the Skill Experience Gained Multiplier to; betwen 0.0 and 10000.0; Using too low or too high values may crash the game. Handle them with caution.; Default game value = 1.0;(Setting bUsePCLevelNotBaseSkillLevel to 1, will use Character Level instead of Base Skill Level for the subsections) fAlchemy=1.0fAlteration=1.0fArchery=1.0fBlock=1.0fConjuration=1.0fDestruction=1.0fEnchanting=1.0fHeavyArmor=1.0fIllusion=1.0fLightArmor=1.0fLockpicking=1.0fOneHanded=1.0fPickpocket=1.0fRestoration=1.0fSmithing=1.0fSneak=1.0fSpeech=1.0fTwoHanded=1.0 bUsePCLevelNotBaseSkillLevel=0 ; All the subsections of SkillExpGainMults below allow to set an additional multiplier depending on the base skill level, independantly for each skill. ; The format is PlayerLevel = Multiplier. You can specify many different levels. ; If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.; Default value: 1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Alchemy]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Alteration]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Archery]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Block]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Conjuration]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Destruction]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Enchanting]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\HeavyArmor]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Illusion]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\LightArmor]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Lockpicking]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\OneHanded]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Pickpocket]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Restoration]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Smithing]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Sneak]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\Speech]1=1.0 [skillExpGainMults\TwoHanded]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults]; Set the Skill Experience to Player's Character Experience Multipliers to; betwen 0.0 and 10000.0; Using too low or too high values may crash the game. Handle them with caution.; Default game value = 1.0; (Setting bUsePCLevelNotBaseSkillLevel to 1, will use Character Level instead of Base Skill Level for the subsections) fAlchemy=1.0fAlteration=1.0fArchery=1.0fBlock=1.0fConjuration=1.0fDestruction=1.0fEnchanting=1.0fHeavyArmor=1.0fIllusion=1.0fLightArmor=1.0fLockpicking=1.0fOneHanded=1.0fPickpocket=1.0fRestoration=1.0fSmithing=1.0fSneak=1.0fSpeech=1.0fTwoHanded=1.0 bUsePCLevelNotBaseSkillLevel=0 ; All the subsections of PCLevelSkillExpMults below allow to set an additional multipliers depending on the base skill level, independantly for each skill. ; The format is PlayerLevel = Multiplier. You can specify many different levels. ; If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.; Default value: 1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Alchemy]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Alteration]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Archery]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Block]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Conjuration]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Destruction]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Enchanting]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\HeavyArmor]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Illusion]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\LightArmor]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Lockpicking]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\OneHanded]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Pickpocket]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Restoration]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Smithing]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Sneak]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\Speech]1=1.0 [PCLevelSkillExpMults\TwoHanded]1=1.0 [PerksAtLevelUp];Set the number of perks gained at each level up. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is one perk per level (you can also use float as value, for example 1.25 per points per level); Level (2..10000) = Perks (0..255);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 1 perk per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 2 perks per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 4 perks per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no perk at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=1;10=2;30=4;95=02=2 [HealthAtLevelUp];Set the number of health points gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 10 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=2030=10 [MagickaAtLevelUp];Set the number of magicka points gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 10 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=2030=10 [staminaAtLevelUp];Set the number of stamina points gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 10 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=2030=10 [CarryWeightAtHealthLevelUp];Set the number of "Carry Weight" points gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 0 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=0 [CarryWeightAtMagickaLevelUp];Set the number of "Carry Weight" points gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 0 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=0 [CarryWeightAtStaminaLevelUp];Set the number of "Carry Weight" points gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.;Default game value is 5 points per level; Level (2..10000) = Points (0..10000);;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 10 points per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 20 points per level at and from level 10 to 29,; then 40 points per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no points at all per level for level 95 and above;;2=10;10=20;30=40;95=02=5 So you will see instead of getting 10 points to spend on health/magicka/stamina I get twenty, until I reach level 30 then its back to 10 per level, and due to the increased number of perks (still tweaking this bit) I currently get 2 per level.
  15. How about video ram how up to date is you're processor and graphics card? HiAlgo boost is great to remove skyrim stuttering as well. If you feel that you have a powerful(ish) system have a look at http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801 (texture pack combiner) a lot of helpful people on the forums there as well, when I do use an enb which I do rarely as I am pretty happy with the way Skyrim looks as dynavision work perfectly as depth of field without any save bloating like previous versions, runs off the mcm menu like most mods running off SkyUi do now. I tend to use project enb as it seems to work well with climates of tamriel.
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