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Everything posted by Enatiomorph

  1. LOL, I have 67 serious RPs, when I post them on forums it takes the page 15 seconds to load properly. I'd post them but even with spoilers, I believe the pic limit would still lag the topic.
  2. 965 Black, 6950 2gb, 4 gb ram, 1 tb HDD. I max any game in 1080, and max Skyrim with about 42 mods.
  3. Does this make staves show up? Any known bugs with this?
  4. Well, if you want to get semantic about it, I said "Rigid Classes." Name 1 NPC who leveled ever skill up to 100 and has 80 perks? Don't say J'zargo, because he's a fairly rigid Mage with heavy Armor, he can't even Sneak, and he's a Kajit! Every skill to 100 isn't a class. It's a newb that doesnt know how to role play. What are you even talking about? Race does not make the class, skill use and prerogative does. J'zargo's Class is the Sorcerer.
  5. But doing whatever you want doesnt always end up being a class (or what your trying to be). Plus you could do whatever you wanted in every previous ES with custom classes, sans Arena. Spellswords do have illusion as a skill. And technically there are still classes in Skyrim as most NPCs have one, from followers to enemies. An ES without classes would suck.
  6. A Spellsword uses both Restoration and Alteration. Your 'typical' one that is.
  7. A Spellsword is basically a Battlemage (mage with armor) except more reliant on combat skills, opposed to magic skills (per Beth lore on Spellswords). Armor, magic, weapon=Spellsword. Just more combat focused, less magic, unless you want to be a Battlemage. It is still subjective to the player what he wants to make, but that's just "prototypical" of ES classes.
  8. Er, without mods you shouldn't be doing kill moves except on the last enemy.
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