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Everything posted by Enatiomorph

  1. Elsweyr. And bring back acrobatics, spell creation, attributes, degradation, speed variable and the cut spell effects.
  2. Grow up and learn more about the ES. We already know Dragon riding is going to be a cut off linear thing anyway.
  3. How long are you gonna keep saying that? You have no right to say what ES is, only Bethesda does because they made it in the first place. If you wanna go and tell them what their franchise is, go ahead, but they'll laugh in your face. Cool story. Don't like it, dont read it. All vets have a right to say what the ES is, we bought it and have been here since the beginning. Guess that's why the majority on TESF didnt want dragon riding and it was shot down as if guns were being proposed. Know what you're talking about before responding next time.
  4. Lol you're such a fail troll. Learn what the words you use mean before responding, kid. Don't like my opinions, don't read them. Guess that's why the TESF vets, aka the vets of the series know exactly what I'm talking about. Pointless gimmick crap made for the twitchers they marketed this game to. Sorry, but we didn't need arcadey dragon riding (in a cut off zone no less). That's not ES.
  5. Cool story. Don't like my opinions, dont read them. Get over it.
  6. Cool story. Don't like my opinions, dont read them. Get over it.
  7. So if we like the direction Bethesda is taking Elder Scrolls, we suddenly 'don't care' about the series? Dude, you're one of the people that will hate Bethesda no matter what they do with the series, they could add spears and throwing weapons and you'd probably hate those, too. Not really, know more about everything before replying next time. Actually its true. I can see it now: 'Should have added Spell creation instead' Not really. When you assume, you look like an ass, while I point and laugh. Just because you get owned in other threads, doesnt mean you have to come over and troll this one.
  8. So if we like the direction Bethesda is taking Elder Scrolls, we suddenly 'don't care' about the series? Dude, you're one of the people that will hate Bethesda no matter what they do with the series, they could add spears and throwing weapons and you'd probably hate those, too. Not really, know more about everything before replying next time.
  9. Sorry that I care more about the series than you.
  10. ...You can tell the game was rushed by all of the cut content, and their PR.
  11. They already said that the dragon riding is going to be in its own cut off area. Regardless though, dragon riding is AWESOME! Fixed. Only for the twitched COD kiddies.
  12. They already said that the dragon riding is going to be in its own cut off area. Regardless though, dragon riding is lame.
  13. The selling out, dumbing down, and the PR pretty much tells you all you need to know about their greed and direction.
  14. Meh, honestly. Saw a lot of this stuff in Morrowind, and since Morrowind is still totally accessible to play, I wanted something new. And not something lame like dragon mounts. A bit of nostalgia, but I didn't really need it. Make a real DLC and bring back spell creation.
  15. No it isn't worth it, but it's ES so it gets bought regardless.
  16. Rather have spell creation. Have her work six months on that instead.
  17. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Factions_G You can even be a guard at Cidhna Mine. But yes, you would have to put yourself in the guard faction for each hold, or whatever hold you wanted to RP a guard of. They can be found in that glossary under the hold name X guard etc.
  18. There isn't going to be a 30 day exclusive. I believe that deal ended with Hearthfire.
  19. That isn't really what a JOAT is. What you are describing is simply sticking to your build/class, not JOATing, or MOATing.
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