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Everything posted by LeonidasNerevar

  1. I'm finaly doing Voice Acting for the community!
  2. The Nexus is pretty cool. I like being a part of it.
  3. This is one of the comments I could leave. This is another one.
  4. This is the best comment I could ever make. Maybe.
  5. Well, I might as well add a comment. Who knows. By the way, I really like the Nexus.
  6. In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166, #56204241, #56205146, #56205391, #56216681, #56216771 are all replies on the same post. After doing a bit more research (which I should have done BEFORE posting my first comment) I found out that you're exactly right. Gamer Poets said the same thing. It's dirty, dishonest and piracy. No good. Thanks for bringing up the subject in the first place and spreading the word.
  7. In response to post #56208246. #56208656 is also a reply to the same post. Does that mean no one should be rewarded for their work? The OP already said it won't allow you to quit your day job, just add a reward system. The way I see it, the money they're giving to mod authors is the money we give Nexus by viewing their ads, so it basically us directly rewarding modders. I think it's a fine idea if executed correctly.
  8. I like that we're making progress with modding and finding a way to reward the mod authors directly with the money gained from ads. It lookes like they've tried to think of everything and not just half heartedly thrown something out there. I hope this system works and produces great joy to all. I do wonder though, will any changes be maid to the Premium system? If eveyone just paid $2 and lost all ads then there wouldn't be as much revenue to distribute amongst mod authors, right? He didn't mention it in the post but I'm hoping they didn't overlook it. Happy modding!
  9. In response to post #56181426. #56183116, #56186371, #56204166 are all replies on the same post. I just went to the ModDrop page and watched their trailer and read the site. Are you worried that ModDrop will pull users away from downloading from Nexus and switch to ModDrop? When I first started modding I would have loved installing with one click. Is ModDrop a bad thing simply because it's not Nexus?
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