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Everything posted by slainia
Definitely. i have atvir dres installed, although l'm not using him *at the moment* and honestly his personality - especailly the snarkyness - makes everything worth while. (just waiting on him to be updated to be a bit weaker, that's why l'm not using him atm.) not every follower is going to suit the character a person's playing - l think some of the frustration people experience has got to be from choosing a follower that doesn't fit their play style. dont' get me wrong - there have been definite times where i've been so annoyed with lydia or jenessa that l wonder why i'm playing with them. on the other hand, those times are rare enough - not as rare as l'd like,b ut not overwhelming - that l can ignore them. using amazing follower tweaks takes care of the major issues l do have with followers. and honestly, as a mage with the typical narrow passages bethesda did for the normal dungeons n caves? l couldn't survive on master, not without a great deal more frustration.
l see this complaint about follower stupidity, and can't help but wonder - when you're picking a follower, are you picking one that compliments your play style? ie lydia's great if you can shift your char to the side as a mage/ranged player. i like jenassa if i'm going to be in tight quarters a lot, she stays behind me more frequently with her bow and arrows. yeah, the ai definitely needs a lot of work, but l always play with one. if i pick the right follower for the character l'm building, it works out quite nicely, and even compliments my weaknesses.
yeah thats the one l found. looking forward to placing some of it in the modded winstad manor l'm working on. it doesn't let you place the more unique items as far as l can tell, tho - the dibella statues etc. l wanted to be able to place the stuff ingame by myself as l found it, that's the problem. if i did it with scripts, sure it'd look good, but... it wouldn't have really been collected by me etc. tbh l'm sorta losing interest in the game in general l think. was hoping l'd be able ot buy db for christmas, but since that didn't work out obviously l just kinda... meh. lol.
So i have a clutter mod i've been 'working' on - haven't in over a month. Did some playtesting with it before christmas, and nearly all the items I'd placed were next to impossible to place in my house, which was the entire point of the mod in the first place. Is anyone else noticing this? There are obviously workarounds and mods that address the weighted issues, but so far none of them have really worked out for me. To be honest, i'm wondering if it's just something I should forget about for skyrim - it was much easier in morrowind, but with havoc it just...seems more frustration than it's worth. if you can't place the stuff you find, there isn't much point to collecting it, either - the weapon and mannequin racks are great, and I did find a mod last night that might let me put potions etc on shelves, but that doesn't effect the neat statues, bug jars, or...any of the neat stuff in skyrim. Anyone else getting frustrated with this? i haven't worked on the mod simply b/c the enjoyment of taking the stuff ingame is gone. Kinda seems like bethesda let one of the biggest draws of the series fall by the wayside. Unintentionally obviously, but still. Thoughts?
for future reference, check out newegg.ca/com (depending on your location) and tigerdirect.ca - they're both electronics/computer websites with a lot of computer build options. you may have to get someone to help you put the computer together depending on what you chose, but it works out quite well. i got a 700$ desktop last year thats playing skyrim on high settings with no problem whatsoever from newegg - only thing i don't like is limited hard drive space. (l went with the smallest one for $ reasons.) good luck at any rate :)
Heya. Been a little while since I posted, but anyway. I'm wondering if anyone has some advice on something. In Winstad Manor, I'm making several modifications so that the house suits my needs while still allowing me to haave the full set of bedrooms and library. So far, what i've done - and hav eworking - is a fully equipped outdoor smithy to free up some room in the basement. I've built a small shack, and after a week or so of fiddling finally got the armorer workbench to stay in place. (For some reason it seemed to revert back to certain places, typically inside the forge regardless of where I put it.) Anyway, I just finished converting the bottom part of the alchemy wing into an enchanters wing - it didn't make ANY sense to me at all that the alchemy wing was split into two sections in the first place, since you can only access it via the stairs in the front hall. Problem is, now the changes aren't showing up in game. I originally fixed the issue with the armorer workbench moving by uninstalling hearthfire & redoing it, but I don't really want to do that yet again, if I can avoid it. I did try several *days* worth of fast traveling back and forth, to see if that would help any - not 30, but 6-8 l think. Any other options? If I waited 30 days, do you think it might help, or is it an issue with this being an in progress save?
you sure it's not the flaming familiar spell? you get it from a quest l believe...
yeah it's a mod called the haunted. at the time l think l probably thought it would fit in more - ie l didn't see the screenshots he'd provided, or just didn't look. i think if the name hadn't been capped though, l might've been more prone to checking it out more thoroughly, but anyway. I expect - or hope - the name was done that way on purpose. Anyway, the mod can be found on TesAlliance. Can't seem to find the link atm, but it's a halloween challenge from this year. Thanks for the replies, l felt kind of stupid when l realized what it was. lol.
Would anyone be interested in a newspaper mod?
slainia replied to littleork's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This is awesome... if you have a list, l could submit an article or two. I'm not positive how accurate it would be to the style of speech for skyrim, but i can try - if you don't think it fits in, don't use it. Dyou have a basic format you're using? ie newspapers in the real world use the heading + content with the catch/hook in the heading itself - would l be trying to draw attention, the "this just in" equivalent in skyrim? Or would you want something else? -
I have a question, somewhat related to this - what about people modding skyrim and posting said mods on kickstarter? l saw someone from here do that, with a goal of 40k. Seemed kind of...extreme to me.
I take *great* pride in ensuring his immediate, sparky demise. There's something poetic about that. >.> Plus, I tend to have to run around for half an hour like a chicken with my head cut off cus he's so much tougher than me. Even when I'm going imperial, I kill him. And his assistant, too. Jerks.
are any of you using the npc reduced distance greetings mod? l've noticed this too,b ut always figured that was just a side effect of the mod to stop them from spamming me.
:confused: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=110329303 so i'm heading south from winstad manor when a dragon flies by on the northish road. deciding to kill the two frostbite spiders that're already attacking me, l venture forth, only to find... a pumpkin. Yes, a pumkin. His name is Gob, and he has a swarm of siblings. WHY is he in my game? I almost never use mods that add new content to the game, so l definitely haven't downloaded a joke mod. Wtf is it? There're a few screens uploaded to my steam account, but when l killed the first Gob, a series of new ones came over the hill. edit - figured it out. supposed to be a horror mod, but... doesn't fit in at all. /sigh
@ TVD - i'm downloading that, + the vamp lords can loot mod linked on that page. First time I saw the looting one I thought I read something about icnreasing the damage they do, but seems I was wrong. Thanks for the link, be nice to be able to play as a lord without all the ...badly thought out restrictions. l get not being able to talk to npcs (at least outside your followers) but seriously, not being able to loot et al just ticked me off. Oh. Side note: l did figure out whats causing the save issue. It's not a bug per se - rather l'm unable to save for several seconds after transforming to or from lord form. the save option is greyed out and f5 doesn'[t do anything. After 20 or so seconds it returrns to normal and l can save as usual. Odd, but makes sense l suppose.
I'll check that out, thanks. Looked at a couple of the vampire overhaul mods, but l want one that just enables looting, harvesting and maybe talking to followers. Some of hte other ones l looked at scaled damage and stuff, so thanks for the recommendation. :) Yeah, it was a weird bug. Seems better now, though my game was a bit glitchy overall tonight. i wonder why Bethesda went the route they did in terms of the more...function-oriented disadvantages, though? I mean - i can completely understand not being able to talk to npcs etc, but if I'm a vampire I suddenly forget how to bend over and rifle someone's pockets? The shirt may get a bit ripped, yeah, but l should still be *able* to do it. lol. Wonder if they've ever given a reason or theory for it?
So... l'm a vampire lord, but can't save my game while in that form? Is that seriously how it's meant to be? l get that the inability to loot or perform any action is intended (although it seems incredibly stupid) but... I have to admit l'm...very...disappointed with this aspect of dawnguard. the form is fun, but why would beth purposely PUT annoyances into using the form? ie being forced to switch out every time you want to loot or harvest, etc? l'm not even talking about interacting with npcs or anything, but the utility aspect of things seems really...poorly thought out, tbh. I did a fairly extensive search on google, but uesp doesn't mention being unable to save - the menu option's greyed out btw - and google just mentiond the ones l'm already aware of. edit - that seems like a glitch thankfully.
Alright, so l need some advice. Just became a vampire lord etc, did the short tutorial and got the order to talk to the next quest giver. The problem is mentioned in uesp, as well as the workaround of waiting 24 hours, but l've tried that - both IN the keep, and outside BEFORE i entered it. I can't figure out how to get past the glitch. Will disable mods if that's an issue, although uesp didn't mention it being a mod conflict. Could really use any advice here, kind of getting annoyed. Thanks. oh - i've also tried the usual reloads, restart the game etc, that has no effect. I've also overpowered my sneak (with BYOG) but at 31 sneak it's not enough to get me past the npcs. I've already tried invisiblity potions, same issue - they attack weather l'm in vampire lord form or not as well. if i hang back and listen to the conversation he'll walk over to the blood chalice, but then my only way of getting *to* it is by using tcl - if l go the legit route they see and attack, but going near the chalice at all triggers it as well. Help?
Just wondering - where dyou get yours, if at all? I have this thing about having tonnes of alchemy ingredients in a chest, even if i never need any of them. i tend to spend ages running up and down the rivers now adn then for dragonflies and fish, but now l have to try and haunt waterfalls too. Dyou have a favorite spot for any of the somewhat limited alchemy ingredients? the river between riften and ivarstead is my favorite for bugs & slaughterfish eggs. Lol.
Yeha, l know what you mean. I've thought about adding unique items, but at the same time l don't want this to be something where the player gets in & suddenly their character is much more powerful. Also, l'm - trying - to stick to stuff that would be natural to have in Markarths' vault - things that're local to the region, including enemies. Ie they're a dwarven-based city, so it makes complete sense for dwarven artifacts to be found, especially with them being on top of a mostly un-plundered series of ruins. Same with the other stuff l added, the jarl currently asks you to go against the very enemies whos' armor l've placed. I'll have to think about it, though - l want this to be fun, but balanced. Lol. Edit - just did the patrol idles, going to have to test them out ingame for a day or two. l've made considerable progress on it, though. Gonna have to test out how the columns work for providing line of sight obstacles for stealth, too.
Would it be possible to remove them from the list of mods entirely, then? i know a few times l've ran across mods that belonged to banned users, but were still listed under one category or another. I actually reported one, b/c there was no file associated (thought the user was using it as a placeholder) only to find out the user had been banned months ago. it's kind of confusing finding empty mods when we search for them.
l posted that 12 hours ago. it's working now tho - thats why l asked if the site was having trouble today. thanks tho. Edit - just tried to download it and got a corrupt archive when ltried to open it.
Starting over; Playing Skyrim my way. Also: mod suggestions!
slainia replied to Aristocrap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Janus - I thought about removing the ability to fast travel for myself, but it came down to 2 things for me. 1, I hate load screens, especially the "hey, go through the city gate, wait wait wait, hop on a carriage wait wait wait" thing, so decided I would allow myself to fast travel to the city's stables IF i was in the city. 2. fast travel can be useful for fixing glitches with followers, or finding them again. The same with your horse. not entirely necessary with follower tweak mods, but still gets me out of annoying glitches sometimes. anyway - my suggestions for making the game harder and in the end much more rewarding? I have most of the mods i'd suggestin my signature, but i'll post a few of the others I use to make the game drastically more interesting for myself: Camping mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11074 i think frostfall probably does it better, but it's an idea if you just want the camping part. Travelers of Skyrim - just adds npcs traveling back and forth from various cities. Several are merchants - apothecaries (they'll even cure diseases for you), alchemists, general merchants. There are also mercenaries for hire. Piratelords' Loot overhaul - by itself it could probably be overpowering the economy (it allows you to loot any vanilla static barrel) because he added a lot more content to the barrel leveled lists, but if you combine it with a mod to make the economy tougher it's WELL worth it. a lot more interesting, too. You'll find scrolls, dwemer and nord coins, ore or leather and so on. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17930 the next ones l think l do have in my sig, so i'll just mention them briefly. Ankh's racial tweaks mod is frickin awesome. It basically adjusts the height of the races so they make sense, overhauls carry weight limits for the races, and a few other things. one of the results is that it somewhat fixes the first person staring at npcs crotch thing. Hardcore lockpicking - you want a challenge? Take this. Locks will be hard, you will have to put perks into it, buy lots of picks, and sometimes maybe even train it. Worth it though. -
Jesus, Acid. I knew it was going to be great from the screen you sent, but... this is amazing. Sooo looking forward to checking it out. I can't even begin to guess how many hours you've logged in it. The landscaping alone....
Yes it is. I chose to add a 2nd for a couple reasons - the original is very focused on the silverblood family; l wanted something that would be based around the Jarl and the (theoretical) keeps previous residents - ie the previous jarl & so on. I kind of cluttered it with the background idea that some of the stuff was found by adventurers doing favors for the jarls over the years and bringing stuff back for one reason or another. Ie - the armor there l was imagining might be used for the guards to understand how better to defeat the - enemies, to not give spoilers. Lol. Plus, the original vault has really poor security & layout - i wanted somethingg that felt like it was part of the keep and had been re purposed over the years to server the current needs. With how Bethesda set up the guard patrols for the area, it seems to fit in well - you have to get past the vanilla guards to even get in, then once l get it finished you have to deal with the extra patrols. However - if people think it would be better to use the vanilla vault, l could. It would be a hellofa lot more complicated, but l could, maybe. Will have to see what people think. I did some work on it last night, updated the navmesh and finalized it, adjusted some lighting and so on. need to work on the patrols today. Tried, but couldn't target the idle markers and was too tired to figure out why last night.