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Everything posted by Wolfmod

  1. Thanks both of you. Drone, you brought out a chuckle in me. You're right, 9 isn't mad and I had over 190 in Skyrim. However, given the total cluster^^^^ that is Witcher 3 modding like "overwrite the file you just overwrote with your last mod, run this bat file and pray to god" I thought 9 was quite adventurous. The discrepancy between what NMM shows and what I've downloaded (also remembering that I downloaded one or two from other web sites as well) is due mostly to the fact that few mods back then could be installed by NMM or were even recognised by NMM. As an aside, in preparation for the launch of Fallout 4, I bought Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, modded them and have been playing them with the aid of LOOT, GECK, FOEdit, FNVEdit and other mod authoring/troubleshooting and organising tools that didn't come with the promise that Redkit made... shame on you Redkit. I'll try deleting the ini files along with "Content" and then do a repair. I live in Australia and we have a limited monthly download allowance and its not that fast either. And pray.
  2. I'm returning to the Witcher 3 after a break doing other things and haven't played since version 1.04 (I think). Back then I went mod mad installing quite a few mods. My download history at Nexus tells me I've downloaded 9 mods but when I installed a new version of NMM it told me I had 3 (now deactivated). This was to be expected since despite Redkit's claims, The Witcher 3 was never mod friendly with a dozen and one ways to install mods and certain folders and files getting overwritten leaving no record of what you have. So, I have two questions: Will Gog's Verify/Repair return my game to its original vanila state so that I may start again with mods that work with version 1.11? And, has any headway been made (or is there a tool available) to order and list the active mods in my game. This "overwrite content0" and similar methods has spots on it and it is very clear that not all mods use NMM. Any clarification here will be truly appreciated.
  3. I'm looking for advise here too. I installed mods for the game just before 1.03 came out. I tried again after 1.03, reinstalled again after 1.04 and again after 1.05 until I wrote a post in the comment section of one of them that I would wait until something other than "dump a whole bunch of unidentifiable files into a games file folder, run the bat file and pray" came out. Only one mod actually works in my game and that is a weight modifying mod that simply alters the .ini file. This reduces the weight of everything I carry by a factor of 10 which solves many problems but the majority of mods ask you to extract files into the "content/patch0/bundles" folder or the "content/content0/bundles" folder and none of these mods have ever worked in my game in spite of the fact that I keep on downloading the newer versions of each mod as the patches come out to try to see some kind of success. I really welcome feedback here.
  4. I understand the author's rationale for not maintaining a SKSE page with a link within the mod pages of Nexus but as the topic starter stated it does make it difficult for newbies to find it and after all isn't Nexus the center for all things modding? Couldn't a page be set up at Nexus with no more than the description and link to 'silverlock' where the more experienced modders/players could field the questions in the comments section? I too looked for the Nexus site page because "silverlock" has no feedback mechanism and what I need to know wasn't addressed by Gopher in his most helpful video. At least half of all SKSE users at one time are forced to operate the game and to make a save from the Steam launcher for a variety of reasons and far more common than that is the need to "verify integrity of game cache" to fix corrupt and missing files. What does this do to a SKSE installation? The buzz is that it messes it up. Must I download and reinstall SKSE from scratch or is it just a matter of one or two steps to repair it? There are a lot of guides, ENBs and other non-mods in the Nexus mod site for similar reasons.
  5. My save files range from 10 to 12mb which is understandable given the number of mods I am running and the game functions normally. However, the moment I enter the Karthspire area to battle Forsworn with Delphine and Esbern in the Main Quest line the saves start to hit the 30-40mb size bringing lag freezes with it. This I could battle through but unfortunately Esbern isn't behaving well. He fails in some of his dialogue and walks over the tile trap. However, the real problem is that while I get the prompt "E: Activate Blood Seal" pounding the E key does nothing. I have been running "the Paarthurnax Dilemma" since character creation which I won't really need at this stage of the quest but the idea that this could be causing this issue or the idea of deactivating mods wily-nily when no else is coming up with this problem troubles me somewhat. Any ideas? The Paarthurnax mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18465/?
  6. Reboot your machine to get the resident error out of memory.
  7. This is crazy. In all my bashed patching, running TESedit, running Boss, and all the other stuff I did... I fixed it. I just didn't know it because whatever the problem was, was still in my memory. The fix was as elegant as it was simple. After many hours I simply rebooted my machine.
  8. I'm finishing the quest "A Night to Remember." I zone into Misty Grove, have the dialogue with Sanguine, get the 'Sanguine Rose' but when he sends me back I crash to desktop leaving me with saves before entering Misty Grove and an Autosave when I enter. I am so sick of this dialogue. All my mods are recognised by Boss. TESEdit has no problems with my mods or my load order. Wyre Bash is happy with my saves and while I have 133 mods there aren't any that are out of date and I have no missing or out of order masters... Apparantly my game is great by all the tools I have it's just that I can't get out of Misty Grove with a completed quest. Any insights?
  9. Could you please be more specific? Did you use Nexus Mod manager to install these mods you are using?
  10. She is wearing a couple of mods. One is the remoddled version of Dragon Plate from "Remodeled Armour for CBBE Bodyslide and BBP" - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25259/? The fur around the shoulders looks like "Grimoas Scarf and Gugel" - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17401/?
  11. Any non-vanila companion that exceeds the level 50 cap is going to be stronger than the vanila followers later in game. Vilja does have bonuses where you can direct her to not fight, to heal only, to only use ranged fire, and you can control the damage she does by equipping her with better or inferior gear. What you claim is true of Vilja is true of all non-vanila companions. However, with Vilja and a few of the other advanced companions, you do have some control over what they do. Whatever you do, do not use any other mod to control Vilja's behaviour. Using any mod to control another mod is not generally a good idea and in Vilja's case it will break your game.
  12. Skyrim hit top sales heights because it presented a game that was just so realistic. It was head and shoulders above any other game but unfortunately it was shipped unfinished. And, the biggest failing was in the way the player character was treated. The game gave me all of these quests to achieve greatness only to discover that it didn't. I am Thane of every city in Skyrim and Arch-Mage of Winterhold. I am dragonborn and I have done things and been to places that the Jarls of this land can only dream about but while news of the smallest criminal infraction spreads like wildfire even if only a friend or ally of mine witnesses it, knowledge of my achievements seems to be limited to me. "Ulric has the right of it" but what a despicable man whose interest in the Nord people ends with his own sense of glory. Surely, I follow in the footsteps of Talos and the story dictates I should be emperor or at least High King. And while a mod is out there to make this happen it will not alter the attitudes of NPCs to one of respect. What is missing from this game is NPC involvement. Followers... Really? This tacked on addition failed on all fronts. Who came up with Lydia's "I'm sworn to carry your burdens"? Did the developers think the player base would like that? Would it have broken the bank to include an animation where NPCs nodded in agreement and smiled? How about a few follower lines like, "Dragon Born, Arch-mage of Winterhold and Thane of every city in Skyrim... Are you Talos?" or something. Marriage... What did they think players wanted? They wanted some recognition from the game that the player was there. But marriage, like followers, children and pets are just empty promises without substance and they really needed that substance. So I want Skyrim 2. A game that takes Skyrim and finishes it to the best standards that current technology can take it. A game where the savings on cheaping out on voice actor lines is nullified by the realisation of what modders could do during the game's lifetime. I know it is not going to happen but the longer you play this game the more annoyed you get by the unnecessary failings. And don't get me started on the economy... Sorry, I just had to post this.
  13. The title says it all. One mod after another calls to replace the same XML files and I can find nothing that would allow me to merge them. I lack the knowledge to just mix and match the different lines of code and It sort of stifles modding completely.
  14. One of the problems you are going to run into is that gamers come and go. This month it is all this game; next month it could be something entirely different and so getting permissions is often going to be difficult.
  15. What I am after is simple while possibly not simple to execute. I found "My Home is Your Home" which was complex and missed the single function I wanted. That is, I own a lot of homes so when I enter one, I want my followers to think of it as their home and I want the option in a "settings" panel to allow followers to 'relax' and go into their relaxing, sleeping, crafting activities the moment I enter one of my homes and to refollow me when I leave that home. Why must only one of my homes be theirs?
  16. One of my criticisms of this game is that there is a disconnect between the original story ideas and the coded execution. Think of the things you do in the main quest line that top whatever any previous dragonborn may have done and yet this glory is robbed from you by a non-existant response from the gameworld. It strikes me that every Dragonborn throughout history ended up being Skyrim's High KIng and yet Skyrim must put up with either a dictatorial foreign government (the Imperials) who tell the people who they can and cannot worship and even con Nords into fighting Nords to maintain this dictatorship or a just cause (to rid Skyrim of Imperial rule) led by a complete fraud, Ulfric, who doesn't care about Skyrim's people, rules the ugliest gutter city in the game, tolerates the persecution of minorities in his city and is quite prepared to sacrifice Nords in either Stormcloak or imperial uniform as long as he gets to wear the crown. We've got to have him as High King? At least Balgruf of Whiterun genuinely cares for his people... It's a crappy choice. This farce is continued if you take up the Stormcloak side because regardless of the "I don't want Elowhen in the room" rhetoric by Ulfric he'll bend the knee to the Thalmor if they let him have his crown. Why can't the Dragonborn be High King? Why can't he call Ulfric out as Ulfric called Torigg out... "Ulfric did not murder the High King; he challenged him as is our custom." Well? When do I get a turn? And, once I've killed Ulfric and his side-kick, say i get challenged by the Thalmor that they won't stand for it... blah blah blah. What if the ideas in the "Parthanax dillemma" mod were incorporated so that I, the mages from Winterhold, the Companions, the Thieves Guild, and the guards from every city where I am Thane wiped out the Thalmor while Parthanax and his dragon buddies were given free reign to "dominate" the Thalmor Embassy. The Imperials would be happy with a trading co-operative Skyrim if they didn't have to deal with the Thalmor and regardless of the "Thalmor Might" fighting against an army backed by Dragons would be a fitting end. You could even have the option of accepting the crown in order to command your single kingly act: that Rolf and the Queen marry and that Rolf become High King before you abdicate... or some choice like that. I mean, there you are with Dragons giving faelty (or they could), an elder scroll, and the allegiance and command of every organisation in Skyrim and you get "I'm busy" from everyone... Well that sucked. And would it be too much to rebuild Winterhold with an indoor market and traders opened with a festival of fireworks, illusions, and 'magic tricks' from Winterhold to improve their image or are sparklers out of the budget? And the burning of Kink Olaf... It was like one of those parties that was so bad you are almost too embarrased to leave... quickly... almost. LOL
  17. LOL... I'm not really shaking in my boots... that's just Bethsida's ambience loops... Esp-ify Hearthfires.esm... This lack of confidence on my part is due to the fact that very little is straightforward and works by the book due to the fact that in the modding world no two setups are the same. It may be premature for me to alter the structure of one of my master files when I should be able to load more than one master without incident. The fact that Creation KIt crashes when I do suggests that something isn't right and changing the file structure of a master under those circumstances maybe foolhardy in the extreme.
  18. This question shows my inexperience but I was going through the wiki tutorials and noticed that they explain how to create a new NPC but what I want to do is to change an NPC already in the game. I noticed that there were already hundreds of 'new face and body for Lydia" mods and even 'turn Argis and Calder into women' mods but what I wanted was a mod to change the sex and looks of the three new Hearthfire housecarls. I don't want to change any other characteristics they may have - just their sex, their face, and their bodies. I was most suprised to find not a single mod to change Valdimar and Grigor into women on Nexus. Is it because Hearthfires is blocked in some way? The problem for me was that neither Validimar nor Gregor are listed in either 'NPC Editor' or CK under actors and it was clear that this was because they are in Hearthfire rather than Skyrim.esm. When I loaded the data file in CK and tried to get the Hearthfire ESM to load I was told I could not have more than one master. I saw the 'SkyrimEditor.ini edit' post to allow more than one master to be loaded on about page 3 (or close to it) of this thread but trying to load Hearthfires.esm brings up some empty string error that crashes CK. Am I missing something really obvious? Or is the lack of Valdimar and Grigor mods an indicator of extreme difficulty? I am not looking for a fast fix but I figured that the best way to learn the CK was to work on a mod I was interested in. The basic problem with any learning is that it is very difficult to focus on something you aren't interested in. While making a rock talk may teach some principle, making something you want to happen actually happen is the best way to teach that principle.
  19. I'll do it myself if someone could just tell me how you load an existing NPC into the creation kit. There is heaps in the tutorials about how to create a new NPC but nothing on changing the physical appearance of already existing NPCs. Can anyone tell me what the trick is to loading the housecarl, Valdimar, for example, into the Creation Kit or at least direct me to the literature where this is explained? I can't find it anywhere.
  20. I'm amazed by the 1001 variations of Lydia and yet no modders out there have even attempted to give us female versions of Valdimar or Gregor... Man, they are creepy... Is there a way to make them like... I dunno... Leave? can I get them to patrol the beach against maurauders or something? Something out of sight? Common guys... Lydia is good enough...
  21. I solved it by going back to a save where I had only done three of the tasks. By helping two more citizens I was able to get the 5/5 and the Jarl made me Thane. Strange actually because while I had the 'help citizens 5/5' by telling her I had helped the citizens as requested she gave me the quest to help the citizens. I then spoke with her again telling her again that I had helped her citizens and she made me Thane. Thanks Zog.
  22. Oh Boy, it worked but didn't solve the problem at all. "setstage favorjarlsmakefriends 30" gave me the quest and completed it since I had spent so much time helping out the people of Solitude... But the Jarl still didn't give me any options or acknowledgement of the quest's completion. What a pain! And I went back two game days of play and got to the same point and still no options to become thane. I could start a fresh game and find myself in exactly the same position. It is more than annoying.
  23. Unfortunately Mighty Zog, this doesn't help. I can use setstage to move me through a quest but not to initiate it. I have the house and so one would think that "favor252 10" had been completed. If I had "help the citizens of Solitude 0/5" then "setstage favor252 20" would work. Unfortunately, I don't have that so I cannot finish something I don't have. I read somewhere that certain actions can make you a foe regardless of the polite and friendly dialogue. Can someone confirm this to give me some idea of how far back in my saves I have to go or to give me a means to change it?
  24. I'm sneaking through a dungeon and the dark dungeon music is playing softly in the background accompanied by soft out of beat bongos much like the sound of someone tapping their fingers on a tables without the sharp nail contact sounds. My sound system is great. Is it my installation, my mods, or is it something in the game itself? Do others hear this? Or is it something wrong at my end?
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