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Everything posted by beeblebub

  1. who the f*** are you pushing? eh? dick head away then!!!! i'll fight ya now ya prick!!!! away then!!!!!!! jks, chill.
  2. eh? i could've sworn the kid i ran over yesterday was almost definitely dead... hhhmmmmm.... maybe i was wrong? *shrugs* .....
  3. al capone is not welcome in solitude.
  4. i'd like to see some more quests and improved dialogue. im open for more quests whether it be in skyrim, or part of another province. i like the orsinium idea thats been kicking about...
  5. im hoping alaska, i have alaska on the brain (i have been playing metal gear solid and i watched 30 days of the night lastnight) lol i know its been done, but maybe a proper game on it, not just dlc edit; wouldnt mind NYC or some other large metropolis.
  6. you didnt mess around with uGridsToLoad or anything in the ini did you?
  7. yeah all the kids look the same anyway, so im not interested. wake me up when they release something worth looking into.
  8. tes online? what have i missed? edit: just had a look and it looks like a cartoonish mmo, nothing wrong with it, just not my cup of tea. heh, no wonder i never knew about it.
  9. lol, i hardly ever play dawnguard, i got it when they posted the 30% off on GMG. should get into it now i think about it.
  10. your pc isnt good enough, sorry. its not normal. i get 120 fps solid with 2k. btw, it is normal, i was joking.
  11. wow, that "guard" had a pretty s*** day, huh. lol. nice shot
  12. i killed belethor, under the impression he would be replaced, huge mistake, but still fun. the guy does my head in, he sounds exactly the same as the fella at riverwood. he pisses me off/
  13. i get bored for a few weeks/month, then i get back into, then i get bored again but this time it's been about 2 months since i last played, its an awesome game, but sadly i do it with everything, it depends on my mood.
  14. bethesda, free? in the same sentence..... nah..... we dont need it anyway. console would benefit though...
  15. i dont wanna adopt kids in skyrim, they all look the same and are annoying. i can already craft a home. so yeah, screw that
  16. my 5 year old son plays it kinda. now when daggerfall was out, i played it round my uncles in 97 and i was 9. i was lost and walk away after like 5 minutes. thats what my uncle keeps telling me, lol (he's a super hardcore TES fan, pretty cool)
  17. they sacrificed it to make way for ".....DRAGONS"
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