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Everything posted by beeblebub

  1. I am inclined to feel it seems to be mostly the younger generations (going by forums) that tend to get themselves twisted up in knots over this sort of thing...I think as we get older, we get over it...though I can't recall getting twisted up about such things myself, so I guess there's more to it, but I do believe age helps. You know, why they fight naked and also known to fight erect too, could make for an interesting discussion...I guess it's all about who's got the bigger set of b*lls figuratively speaking...show no fear, etc... stay frosty my son!!
  2. i'll buy it when USA football team wins the world cup haha
  3. yeah, pc master race will have to wait while the kids enjoy beta testing.
  4. lesson learned, nextime. install a decent mod from a known modder.
  5. it doesnt really bother me, im not gonna use these hentai stuff. its not for me, but others can, its a choice...
  6. its fairly obvious, oblivion was just better. beth are taking a step back with each game it seems... :teehee:
  7. because beth$oft dont have a date yet. they're too busy playing skyrim on their 360's.
  8. sniping noob thalmor in morthal bogs. easy targets those idiots. stood at top of staircase at dungeon, thalmor nugget over other side of lake, boom headSHOTTTTTTTTTT.
  9. this could very well happen, oh well. mod quests it is!!!!
  10. uh, thanks a lot i guess... also, excuse my noobiness, but bloated save games? does that mean my save game gained weight??
  11. my preparation will be praying atleast 4 times a day, a cold bath, then i will probably have some roast potatoes and then i will be ready for dawnguard, after praying seven more times.
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