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  1. There's a chance you might have items outside the havok bounds which can cause problems. Good practice to keep your dungeon close to 0,0,0 of the cell. The havok boundary is huge but there's always a chance you could have items outside it. Maybe you have an item in the cell with no collision under it preventing it from falling when the cell loads which might also cause havok problems.
  2. I've found I can get crashing from time to time loading up exterior cells directly. If I load up an interior cell first then use door teleport marker to load up the exterior it doesn't crash.
  3. The combat animations for characters work in groups like 1hp, 2hr, 2hl, 2hh, etc. for example 1hp is one hand pistol animation group and covers the playable pistol weapons. All these animations are specific to the human skeleton and will not work properly on anything else. The vast majority of creatures don't use playable weapons and have embedded weapons usually with no nif. They do however use the same attack group animation system but each set is again specific to each creatures skeleton and designed to work with the embedded weapons only. So you can't make use of the Lakelurk animations, copying them into the character _male folder will replace an existing playable weapon animation and break that whole group badly possibly their AI also. You would have to create new special idle animations or find an existing vanilla one that comes close to what you want and via scripting force the NPCs to play it while spawning a dummy weapon activator to fire the projectile from.
  4. I suggest if you're building a WS from scratch then use TESAnnwyn ( http://www.oceanlightwave.com/morrowind/TESAnnwyn.html ) and generate your world using a heightmap image. His readme is a little bit lacking and you can find extra info here ( https://forum.openmw.org/viewtopic.php?t=1055 ). Getting your heightmap right is difficult and often results in tearing, TrickyVein has a tutorial here ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/517230-tutorial-converting-a-dem-to-a-heightmap/ ). There are a couple of worldspace creation programs specifically designed for creating hightmaps for games and you could try searching for some, a word of warning but you want greater than 8 bit channel depth in the image or your generated map will look a little minecraft. I myself splurged and have been using the pro version of World Machine (it is expensive) to produce custom worlds exported in 32 bit real raw's that TESAnnwyn accepts. Other programs (cheaper / free) might provide adequate results that you're after. I'm not often on Nexus much any more but you can find me on the TTW or Frontier discord regularly if you need more help.
  5. You might get sudden position jumping when you alter the fequency of a movement animation kf. I've attempted it in the past and found it easier to just re-export from 3DS with the adjustment. @Pixlehate, how's the Rattle snake going? You know you can catch me on Discord if you have creature questions.
  6. @CrusaderTheFirst, It is completely possible to do in FONV. Custom made creatures can have multiple projectile nodes with various weapons either embedded or playable, they can also engage in hand to hand combat. It requires a good quality mesh and texture for starters then a custom skeleton / ragdoll and a lot of animations to be created. I can do all of this but it's very unlikely with all the Frontier work I'm doing ATM, when that's done I have a lot of my own creatures and mods to work on as well as other projects so I really can't see myself getting the time.
  7. If you want to make completely new custom creatures for FO3 and FONV forget about Havok animation there is no mechanic there in the game for it, you have Havok physics but NO Havok animation. Also you wouldn't want Havok animation in NV anyway it adds a lot more complexity to creature animation creation and implemenation. NV uses Gamebryo and even though I really need to update this cause somethings aren't right and other parts need updating you can look through my tutorial if you're really interested. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60497/ I'd take the time update it but I'm busy making a crap tonne of new creatures for The Frontier.
  8. If you still want to modify a mesh that's a whole piece then you will have to head into a 3D editor like Blender or 3DS Max instead.
  9. I'm on a break ATM and won't be back at my computer for a week to check but I'm pretty sure I've used bezier controllers in 3DS without any issues. Bezier controllers are just one form of bone / armature controllers that Blender / 3DS use internally and aren't used by the game at all, they dictate the form and type of keys that get written in the .kf . If you are importing vanilla animations to work from you have to be careful since the 3D editors often have a default controller assigned to bones / armatures that doesn't always match the imported animation and can break it.
  10. The SF_Skinned shader flag is not checked. @uhmattbravo, You script an invisible collision / activator to to move around with the creature.
  11. You can make it so that you can walk under flying creatures, it requires a dummy invisible collision nif and some scripting.
  12. You will find the human skeleton.nif under meshes\characters\_male\
  13. I had an issue with Nifskope when I installed on a replacement computer running Win 10 and dual monitors, the monitors were different resolutions and moving it from one to the other wrecked it. Re-installing is not enough to fix it and you may need to head into registry and remove the entries for it there. There should be info / readme provided with it on how to do this.
  14. Think I was hyped for about 2 days when FO4 was announced, I didn't like the idea of the voiced player, the restrictive back story, the derp dialogue wheel, etc. I'm a very cynical consumer these days (been around a few years) and a product has to earn my money, in my eyes FO4 was not a good purchase at full price. I even turned down gift copies of it from 2 people because I didn't want them supporting Bethesda for a product like that. I may get it in the future when it's dirt cheap on Steam but for the time being I'm happy modding my little black heart out for FONV, maybe modders can save FO4 in a few years, maybe not.
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