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Everything posted by LarannKiar

  1. So the plugin is loaded but the scripts are not? That's interesting.. I think more information is needed to answer this..
  2. Well, that's something you don't see everyday..:)
  3. Saturday, according to calculator.net and timeanddate.com too..
  4. The RE quests will start eventually.. but yes, these quest are not "timed".. They are truly "random". It can take (ingame) months to see them again at certain places..
  5. I don't think it's possible.. or even if it is somehow, the weapon animation can become buggy..
  6. I'm not sure but isn't the collision tied to the human's mesh? If so, then changing the collision can't be changed with a script. Usually, the developers replaced the meshes with duplicated variants to "change" the collision of objects (so they disabled the old and enabled the new). The different meshes had different collisions..
  7. You should take a look at this. And this one too. They will answer these questions: 1. AI Data: will the NPC help one of their friend or ally in combat? Or ignore it? Will this NPC attack anyone who's not their friend or ally? (Most likely that's why your NPC gets attacked. Some NPCs will attack anyone but their allies like Sentry Bots: AI Data on Very Agressive). 2. Factions: who are the NPC's buddies? Are they friends or allies, enemies? Faction ranks are only useful at very specific conditions. And yes, companion affinity is totally different from factions.
  8. It depends on what NPC we're talking about. Are they? 1. Created during gameplay (their RefID starts with FF). If so, then are they a ReferenceAlias? If so, are they flagged as "temporary" or not? Or spawned by a script with the "PlaceAtMe()" function? 2. Vanilla or mod added objects. In short, most NPCs despawn (like Raiders after a Settlement attacks). But some of them aren't.. (like the feral ghouls in Sunshine Tidings co-op). In the console, you can click on them and type "disable". If NPCs like random generic Raiders (not the settlement attackers) run into one of your settlement and die there, they will respawn (not in your settlement). As I said, it depends on a lot of things..
  9. The Object Reference of the Workshop Workbench (like: GraygardenWorkshopRef, FormID: 0009B18F) has a script called "workshopscipt". In its properties, you could see the "Building Budget" group. (Changing them is risky though..).
  10. Well, it's true that removing these one by one is not a great idea.. Making their textures invisible is a better option but in this case you wouldn't see any rubble.
  11. I'd open FO4Edit and see what plugin overwrites the player's carry weight. And hopefully, it's not a script.. would be harder to find that.
  12. The dialogue system is buggy unfortunately.. There are some "dialogue and eyetrack bugs" related to Power Armors so entering and then exiting is always worth giving a try.. Broken (interrupted/not properly closed) quest scenes are the other main sources of this bug.
  13. Yes, that's it. Unfortunately this is a "game engine issue". Usually, I refrain from using the term "game engine bug" but this really is one. Huge Save files, lot of Save files in the "Saves" folder can even catalyze this problem.. But it can happen anytime. I may be wrong but I think there no "deathless" save game. Eventually, all of them will grow too big for the game engine to handle. Of course, DLCs and certain mods will fill up saves more quickly.
  14. It depends on what kind of object it is. If it's created in your save game (their RefID starts with FF), then it will be deleted immediatelly. (You'll get some raw resources like "Steel" or "Aluminium" but that's totally different). Base objects are added by mods or in the vanilla game (their RefID starts with the first two number of the .esm/.esp/.esl file in your load order). As far as I know, after scrapping them these objects will act like if they were not exist. The game won't load them. They can't be actually "deleted" though.. they are in a plugin or in Fallout4.esm and not in your save. The game writes in your save that these objects are no longer needed. Scrapping can be harmful.. but it depends on the circumstances (the actual object, attached scripts..). Please correct me if I'm wrong..
  15. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a tool like that.. (It would be really useful). You can also try Creation Kit to see if it's better for you. I think FO4Edit is faster though..
  16. I'd use Face Ripper.. using the console on Curie to change her appearance is a very bad idea. With Face Ripper, you can save the preset you created into an .esp file. An .esp or .esl plugin is the best method to change the appearance of an NPC.
  17. I don't think so.. but you can draw the tattoo on the texture of the player character. If you switch character, replace the texture files.
  18. Even companions can't move too well when they're in an elevator (that moves actually). In fact, when you step into an elevator your companions will walk at you (and bump in you..). Dialogues would break too (the dialogue camera exits frequently in an elevator too). Locations, Cells can't move. Otherwise, they couldn't be loaded normally by the game engine.
  19. I may be wrong but I don't think there are "easy ways" for this.. it can be done but it would be very complicated.
  20. It happens rarely.. haven't seen any fix for that yet. Best to not press the "left" and "right" button in the same time.
  21. It doesn't exist.. I think the closest one is the Six Flags New England. As far as I know, the parks in Nuka World are purely fictional.
  22. It exists..:) Far Harbor is a based on Bar Harbor. It's in Maine. Maine is too big to Far Harbor's map though..
  23. That's right. I used this in some of my mods: AudioCategoryUI "Menus" [sNCT:00064451]. Output model: SOMUIDefault [sOPM:000B75FB]. Pip-Boy mode is First Person only so this should be fine.
  24. Create a "Sound Descriptor" with your voice line. Play it with a script: Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const Sound Property MySound Auto Const Function PlayAudio() MySound.play(PlayerRef) EndFunction Your character's lips won't move though.. As far as I know, in the Terminal menu the player can talk. However, in the Pip Boy menu, they can't..
  25. If you'd like to use the game's default method to set an NPC a follower, you could use a Quest Fragment. This is for a "primary" companion. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Stage_0000_Item_00 Function Fragment_Stage_0000_Item_00() ;BEGIN CODE FollowersScript.GetScript().SetCompanion(Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorReference()) ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ReferenceAlias Property Alias_YOURCOMPANION Auto Const ;For Dismiss FollowersScript.GetScript().DismissCompanion(Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorReference()) For creating a temporary follower, aka "secondary" companion, a Quest script is the best method I think. ReferenceAlias Property Alias_YOURCOMPANION Auto Const Int Property Status Auto conditional ;this property can be used for the follower AI package. Don't forget to flag the script as "Conditional" too { 0 = home, 1 = follow} Faction Property CurrentCompanionFaction Auto Const Quest Property Followers Auto mandatory Function PickUp() Actor Companion = Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorRef() Status = 1 Companion.SetPlayerTeammate(True, True, False) Companion.AddToFaction(CurrentCompanionFaction) Companion.EvaluatePackage() Utility.Wait(1.0) If Companion.HasKeyword(PlayerCanStimpak) == 0 ;So you can use a stimpak on them Companion.AddKeyword(PlayerCanStimpak) EndIf EndFunction ;For Dismiss Function SendHome() Actor Companion = Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorRef() Status = 0 Companion.SetPlayerTeammate(False, True, False) Companion.RemoveFromFaction(CurrentCompanionFaction) Companion.EvaluatePackage() Utility.Wait(1.0) If Companion.HasKeyword(PlayerCanStimpak) == 1 Companion.RemoveKeyword(PlayerCanStimpak) EndIf EndFunction Faction ranks aren't necessary. (CurrentCompanionFaction is 1 or 0). "If" and the actual condition (like "If Companion.IsInFaction(CurrentCompanionFaction) == 1" have to be in the same line. You can also use: If Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorRef().IsInFaction(CurrentCompanionFaction) == 1 EndIf ;This is also OK: Actor Companion = Alias_YOURCOMPANION.GetActorRef() If Companion.IsInFaction(CurrentCompanionFaction) == 1 EndIf If you use the "primary" companion method, you don't have to create scripts for vertibird travel, etc.. The Followers quest handles that.
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