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Everything posted by Morticia01

  1. Welle:Erdball - Arbeit adelt Paralysed Age -Evelyne The 69 Eyes - Aloha from Hell
  2. Rotersand Electronic World Transmision + Eyes of the Nightmare Jungle -Shadowdance
  3. The 69 Eyes - Wasting the Dawn Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
  4. Doesn't look like a GPU failure more like an aesthetic abomination for my taste,. which i would like to change.
  5. I'm using firefox there is a another thread in this subfora about your problem.
  6. I can confirm you can change your avatar with the Nexus Mods avatar
  7. 1. I'm missing the friendlist , which should only be removed from the mod page, but should stay in the forum. 2. I wasn't active in the forum since 2018, as i First came because of the Mods und now because i like to Show and look at screenshots on the modpage. This update is no reason to change that. Adding someone from the mod page to a adressbook of the messenger would be a Nice feature. 3. By the Love of Molag Bal how can i Change the profile background? It first starts pink and then get in some patch work patterns. Horrible.
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