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Everything posted by Elias555

  1. Didn't know about that command. I did it and it still didn't come up. The installation only has 2 options, I can't imagine stuffing this up. Edit:Alright, I selected the option without the SkyUI Add-on and now it works. Kinda liked that add-on but this will have to do. Thanks for the help.
  2. I cleaned my save file and it still doesn't com up. Doesn't come up when I start a new game either :S
  3. I installed the wrong version of frostfall, played then realised some functions were missing. I deactivated and then uninstalled the mod and campfire. Went back into the game, saved. Installed the correct version. Campfires MCM pops up but frostfall hasn't in over an hour so I suspect there's something wrong. I can see that my armour has an area where it shows that frostfall SkyUI addon is there but frostfall isn't. I tried looking up to the moon and nothing activates. Any ideas how I can force frostfall to show up in the MCM?
  4. What's the mod called that allows you to look an npc up and teleport to them and vice versa? Edit: Finally found it. AreYouThere http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76051/?
  5. I was referring to the creation kit, not in game. How am I supposed to see what's wrong if all you're showing me is in game?
  6. Changelog 1.01 Forgot to change the health of the 'boss' character while testing Changelog 1.02 Fixed shadow reach, now it should actually work. Buffed Shadow Shift and Shadow Reach Changelog 1.03 Property Fix
  7. More new information. I can save and load COC characters without a problem. If that doesn't help I guess I have no choice but to ask if someone could please send me a new game with save file Skyrim Unbound? Non dragonborn, no shouts, no dragons. I can fix the rest.
  8. Any random guesses would be appreciated. I've gone through mods that seem to be causing a problem and removing them, one of them was usleep so I think it's not a mod issue but rather something else. Additional info: I can open the console window while the game is trying to start a new game. Not sure if that helps.
  9. As I said, every time I removed a mod that seems to be causing a problem the last mod in the list would change and the infinite load would persist. TK dodge is one of the mods at the end of the log when it's not grimyplugin and I've been using it since its release, I think something else is going on.
  10. This has very similar axes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20036/?
  11. SkyTweak allows you to set the damage multiplier to what ever you want iirc.
  12. its a 3.4 (well .1ghz less so its not a big deal imo (at least i don't want to upgrade it at the moment just to be above 3.4). so in your opinion getting 1060 + new cpu is better than going for 1070 (just to be clear even tho i am embarrassed to say it, i am using a 4 years old pc, my motherboard is from the third generation while its the seventh now, my graphic card is 660) and because I have to buy games for more than one console I can't upgrade my whole pc and this is why I wanted to go for the graphic card because i thought my problem right now is the vram. As I mentioned above I am fine with going for 2k texture if something lower than 1070 can deal with it, but the most important right now for me is the mods with scripts, I am sure 1060 or 1070 is a big improvement from my 2gb vram current card, so if you would say 1060 + processor rather than 1070 i can go for that option. I am not the person that would feel annoyed about the noise (maybe because I didn't encounter this situation, but i think if the performance is huge i can handle some noises. also a side question why did you meantion Gamebryo's engine, skyrim is using a different engine? and thanks very much for your reply If your CPU is unlocked you can easily boost your it to 4ghz. Look for a guide, it should be simple to get it to 4ghz.
  13. I'm not even sure it can be done that way. Try combining the restoration spell inventory orb onto the ring mesh with nifskope. It'll give you the effect you're looking for to some degree. There should be a way to make the ring look like it's glowing through mesh+textures but that's not something I know of.
  14. Paste a screenshot of both the MGEF and Projectiles for both spells.
  15. The visual NPC overhauls have lots of overlap but also cover a lot of other NPCs. Either way, when I'm prompt to overwrite I do so. I don't think visual changes are a big problem if I do stack a lot of them, right? I usually have this many mods installed but recently I reinstalled skyrim and tried to match my old load order with a few changes. Maybe one of the new mods is a lot heavier than I expected. ZF Primary Needs is new, I used to use RND. I tried the mod but no luck.
  16. I'm having trouble starting a new game, I get an infinite load screen every time I try even though COC characters work just fine. I'm looking at the script log and I'm removing whatever is last in the log and the problem keeps occurring, just with a different mod. I think I'm missing a file or something but I've checked a few times to make sure the problem mods have their required files installed. Load order:
  17. 1. That would explain other peoples scripts showing the error. 2. Didn't know about that, thanks. 3. Will do. That cleared things up, thanks a lot!
  18. It's from the script log, I've seen it there a few times but this time it was from my script which is why I would prefer a general answer. This script is attached to a summonable actor. Scriptname AceOnLoadDamageScript extends Actor Event OnLoad() Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("Health", 75) EndEvent
  19. Is the bound dagger spell set up differently? I changed the model like I did with the battle axe and now it's invisible.
  20. Axe/maces have a more suitable drawing animation. Give that a go and see what looks better.
  21. It's a nocturnal robes retexture. Do a search on that.
  22. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81960/? Just finished a new mod that adds my take on shadow magic to the game while trying to keep it balanced. Form Shade - Create a Shade for 45 seconds wherever the caster is pointing. The Shade drains 50 health when it kills an enemy and gives it to the player. Costs 75 health. Shadow Reach - Use your weapon through the shadows and hit foes at a distance you never could for 10 seconds. 30s cooldown.(similar to Kenshi from MK) More info on the mod page. Enjoy.
  23. Thanks for the help but it's a little too much for me. Maybe someone more advanced sees it and decides to implement what I was going for using your method.
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