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Everything posted by Elias555

  1. To see how you did it. Depends on how you've implemented it. Is detrimental ticked? Just tick hide in UI if you don't like the colour lol
  2. It needs to be in the magic effects conditions box of fortify armour rating. You're trying to tell the engine to only have the armour effect apply when DPOSazuras protection is on the player.
  3. Hmm..What's falkreathCemeteryLocation mean if not the actual cemetery? Edit:Doesn't pass in solitude and falkreath hall of the dead either.
  4. The condition checks whether the player in a location that has the LocTypeCemetery keyword. I've checked what's using it and exterior cemeteries do indeed use the keyword but the spell isn't passing in all cells with the keyword. I've tried walking all over the cemetery area in Falkreath and firing the spell but it doesn't pass the check. Any ideas?
  5. Trying to use this condition on an exterior cell but while in the location with the keyword, the condition isn't passing. How do I properly do this?
  6. Scriptname AceQuanChiTrance extends activemagiceffect Bool Switch Actor kTarget Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) if akTarget.IsHostileToActor(akCaster) && akTarget.HasKeyword(ActorTypeNPC);you don't need this Utility.Wait(0.2) Switch = true akTarget.SetRestrained(true) While Switch == True akTarget.PathToReference(akCaster,1) ;You could change this to a marker or placed activator EndWhile EndIf EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Switch = False akTarget.SetRestrained(false);Change to true to get them to stay in place when the effect ends, not necessarily when they reach the destination EndEvent Check the trance spell out if you want to see how it looks http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61913/? http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=PathToReference_-_Actor You would need a check to see if the actor is near the marker/activator/actor if you want them to stop when they get there.
  7. Takes a while to update, sometimes a day.
  8. Does that prevent equipping another head armour piece?
  9. Post screenshots of both magic effects conditions box, I want to see how you did it.
  10. Add an additional effect to the power and give it the condition HasMagicEffect YourMagicEffect. Another way is to add a perk and check that too. Depends how you want to go about it.
  11. If i change them to just modify the base skill by adding points instead of a %, how do i cap it so it wont go over 100 of the base skill? I still need an answer to this if anyone knows. Cannot figure out how to cap a skill. If I understood correctly it would be something like...If greater than 100, set to 100. Do i need to make a condition for that? How do i do that on a magic effect? That is where i am stuck. I went through all conditions and couldn't find anything like it. Same with perk entry points, was a dead end. It would be easy to do via scripting. I'm a bit tired but here's an example of what I was saying Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;Whatever event, not sure what you're doing Float TargetsLevel = akTarget.GetActorValue("Smithing") ;Making a reference to check If TargetsLevel > 100 ;If the reference above is more than 100 akTarget.SetActorValue("Smithing", 100) ;set it to 100 EndIf EndEvent
  12. If i change them to just modify the base skill by adding points instead of a %, how do i cap it so it wont go over 100 of the base skill? I still need an answer to this if anyone knows. Cannot figure out how to cap a skill. If I understood correctly it would be something like...If greater than 100, set to 100.
  13. I can't select a certain sound as a property and I can't figure out why. The sound "MAGPowerRacialBattleCryFire2D" isn't in the property list and I can't auto fill it either. The next sound is "MAGPowerRacialBerserkerFire2D" and that comes up so I checked for conditions and differences and there's none that I can see. I tried duplicating the sound I want and that's also unselectable. Any ideas? I'm not sure about damage resist, but I've used the Value Modifier archetype before and it works well on NPCs. Definitely worth giving it a try; it's fairly straightforward and easy to test. In the end I settled for a fixed value, works fine.
  14. I accidentally made the poll public, it's private now. So vote! Just in general. If you were asked to put debuffs in a category and that was all the info you had, where would you put them?
  15. Hexes, curses, and debuffs belong in which magic category? In general.
  16. I believe that Perks must be added to NPCs in the CK for them to work (can't be added by console, spell, quest, etc); they unfortunately can't be added dynamically. Damn. I've got to find a work around then. Thanks. I came up with this. The values are for testing. Not sure what to do if the actor uses a flesh spell while the effect is active. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Float OriginalDamageResist = akTarget.GetActorValue("DamageResist") akTarget.ModActorValue("DamageResist", OriginalDamageResist/10.0) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Float CurrentDamageResist = akTarget.GetActorValue("DamageResist") akTarget.ModActorValue("DamageResist", CurrentDamageResist*10.0) EndEvent Edit:Ah..I can use value modifier and select damage resist. Could that be used to half the current value?
  17. Do perks like mod incoming damage work on npcs? I'm adding one to an actor via spell but it does nothing. Added it via console as well. I tried both perk to apply and adding the perk using a script. If it doesn't work, how can I get the same effect?
  18. Bump! Looking for a clever workaround too, doesn't have to be a fix.
  19. Interesting! How is the quest in terms of roleplaying? Do I have to be a good character? Is it assumed that my character is dragonborn? Could you go into more detail on this?
  20. Just tried that, problem still persists.
  21. My enchanting skill level keeps increasing straight to 100. I set it to 0, enchant something, now it's 100. I've done this 20+ times now and it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. I used SkyTweak to experience growth to 1 and it's still happening. I tried changing races. Used the resurrect console command. Not sure what else to do. Any ideas?
  22. Looks like it's spell/ability, I must've not pressed save the first time I tested it. I'm trying the condition MagicParalysis now but it's like the paralysis is stopping the effect itself.
  23. Can't believe I missed that. It's not working though. I tried putting the condition in the spell/ability and the magic effect but the spell didn't fire when the condition was met.
  24. Esps are generally needed. Textures, meshes, SkyProc patchers, skse functions don't require an esp if that's all they do. If CCO has bandoliers in it already, you won't need the extra mod. If it only references the textures and meshes, then it's not needed. Safest bet is to just use the esp.
  25. Do keywords get added to the actor when hit by a spell? Example; MagicDamageFire from a fire spell. I'm trying to get an ability to only activate when an actor hits with a spell containing MagicDamageFire but the condition doesn't seem to fire. I haven't been able to figure it out. I was going to go with HasMagicEffect then add every fire spell but that would exclude modded spells. Any ideas?
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