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Everything posted by Elias555

  1. I can't help with a more efficient script but I'd do it in a shifty way by having a constant regen health set to 1000(so fast that the health won't go down to damage) and set the health to 1000 to ensure that any damage taken will be the equivalent to 1 pixel. What are you planning to make?
  2. I tried this but it's not adding the enchantment to the shield. Scriptname _AceTestingScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Enchantment Property MyEnchantment Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) Armor EquippedShield = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedShield() EquippedShield.SetEnchantment(MyEnchantment) EndEvent Wiki: Not sure what that means exactly. Edit: It is adding the enchantment but not the visuals for some reason. I can see the visuals in the menu or when I drop the shield but not while equipped. Edit2: The enchantment effect isn't working either, just the visuals when on the ground and in the inventory. Thanks for that, it'll come in handy for something else.
  3. Enhance weapon applies an enchantment to a weapon for the duration of the spell or until sheathed. My application will be for a shield and I want to have that same control, including the visual changes that comes with an enchantment. That sounds interesting. How did you do that exactly?
  4. Is there a way to use the enhance weapon magic effect but only apply it to shields/armour? If not, is there a workaround method of getting it done? I saw the SKSE function SetEnchantment but I think that's permanent. I guess I could listen for unequipping/moving containers but I'm hoping there's a better method. Editing this post so you don't have to read the whole thread to get up to date. I'm making an enhance shield spell but I've run into some trouble. This script applies the enchantment to the current equipped shield. It's in the magic effect. Problems: Doesn't re-equip the shield once the spell runs out. Enchantment shader only plays while in an inventory or on the floor. This magic effect is responsible for removing the enhanced shield effect if the player decides to unequip the shield before the spell ends. Problems: Switching to a spell or dropping the weapon doesn't count as unequipping It has a while loop.
  5. Huh? The post above yours shows how I scripted it in the end. It all worked out. You just place an activator above the actor and force the actor to fire to it/have an activator fire to it.
  6. How do you control the size of a ward? I want to be able to cover actors behind the PC too.
  7. That had the same problem as the updated script from page one but I appreciate the effort. The script above(comment 15) works well with 1 exception. When the player is standing in the way of the fake activator it doesn't get swapped with the real activator. Not sure how to fix that other than preventing the player from moving which I don't want to do.
  8. So it communicates the position to TranslateRef? I see. I tried your code above and once again nothing was visible. Edit: Made a few changes and this placed it and moved correctly but once again the 'activator' was in the position of moveto and not with the nif. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference EndPoint = akCaster.Placeatme(xMarkerActivator) EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() - 50.0, true) ObjectReference MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(MyActivator) MyStew.SetPosition(120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0, true) Utility.Wait(0.5) MyStew.TranslateToRef(EndPoint, 45) EndEvent
  9. I did try something like that during my testing but using setposition didn't place anything as far as I could see. I tried using getposXYZ and that didn't work either. But here's what worked. Hopefully someone will find this useful one day. Scriptname _AceTestScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Activator Property MyActivator Auto Activator Property xMarkerActivator Auto Activator Property RealStew Auto Explosion Property MyExplosion Auto ObjectReference EndPoint ObjectReference MyStew ObjectReference NewStew Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) EndPoint = akCaster.Placeatme(xMarkerActivator) EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() - 50.0) EndPoint.SetAngle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(MyActivator) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0) MyStew.SetAngle(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Utility.Wait(0.5) MyStew.TranslateToRef(EndPoint, 165) RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.3) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If MyStew.GetPositionZ() == EndPoint.GetPositionZ() NewStew = EndPoint.Placeatme(RealStew) Utility.Wait(0.5) MyStew.Disable() MyStew.Delete() EndPoint.Disable() EndPoint.Delete() ElseIf MyStew.GetPositionZ() != EndPoint.GetPositionZ() RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.3) EndIf EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) NewStew.PlaceAtMe(MyExplosion) Utility.Wait(0.2) NewStew.Disable() NewStew.Delete() MyStew.Disable() MyStew.Delete() EndPoint.Disable() EndPoint.Delete() EndEvent Sometimes MyStew doesn't get disabled and NewStew isn't created. Not sure why though. Everything else is fine.
  10. Not sure what you mean. This is my entire code. I still have to clean things up at the end. Activator Property MyActivator Auto Activator Property xMarkerActivator Auto Potion Property Stew Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference EndPoint = akCaster.Placeatme(xMarkerActivator) EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() - 50.0, true) ObjectReference MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(MyActivator) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0, true) Utility.Wait(0.5) MyStew.TranslateToRef(EndPoint, 45) EndEvent Can I use Event OnTranslationComplete() to make a MoveTo or something from another event?
  11. I do though. It needs to be activateable at any point in the descent. Even if I make a swap when it gets to the position, that will cause the orientation(I did add true at the end ofEndPoint) to change and the swap will be visible. Edit:Something strange is going on. I CAN activate the object but the activation is not where it was placed or ends up, it's in the initial MoveTo position.
  12. I need it to be an activator so I can add code to it.
  13. That's fine, it's not needed for this. I made the object static using MO_QUAL_INVALID, I got an error when selecting it and ignored it. Moves fine now but I can't activate it.
  14. I tried checking the BSXflags to mimic the nif that worked but all that did was make it freeze in place. I trimmed my code down to this. I didn't understand why that while loop was needed and it turns out it works without it. Activator Property MyActivator Auto Activator Property xMarkerActivator Auto Potion Property Stew Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(MyActivator) ObjectReference EndPoint = akCaster.Placeatme(xMarkerActivator) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0) EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() - 50.0) MyStew.TranslateToRef(EndPoint, 45) EndEvent How do I make it static correctly?
  15. Did you fill the properties? Post a pic of the activator.
  16. Try this and tell me what happens. Scriptname MMFTDruidSpellTreeDome extends MagicEffect activator Property akActivator auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference Tree1 = akCaster.PlaceAtMe(akActivator) ObjectReference Tree2 = akCaster.PlaceAtMe(akActivator) ObjectReference Tree3 = akCaster.PlaceAtMe(akActivator) ObjectReference Tree4 = akCaster.PlaceatMe(akActivator) Tree1.MoveTo(akCaster, 50, 50, 0) Tree2.MoveTo(akCaster, 50, -50, 0) Tree3.MoveTo(akCaster, -50, 50, 0) Tree4.MoveTo(akCaster, -50, -50, 0) EndEvent
  17. They're probably art objects.
  18. I couldn't get it to the position I want using setposition so I used moveto. Activator Property MyActivator Auto Activator Property xMarkerActivator Auto Potion Property Stew Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(Stew) ObjectReference EndPoint = akCaster.Placeatme(xMarkerActivator) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0) EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 20.0) MyStew.TranslateToRef(EndPoint, 5) While(MyStew.GetPositionZ() !=(akCaster.GetHeight() + 20.0)) Utility.Wait(2.0) EndWhile EndPoint.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 20.0) EndEvent Same thing happens, the stew is moved to the position and then plummets down. Does it have something to do with the nif? Edit:I just did a test with an item that doesn't have havok and it seems to work. I'll have to make a fake stew and test it out to know if it works with 100% certainty. Looks like the test nif did have havok checked in the nif but still floats when added into the game. I unchecked the stew nif and used the same activator but now it just floats in the air and doesn't move like with the test nif.
  19. Trying to pass an activator and a potion through PathToReference but I'm not sure how to do it. To clear things up: Potion Property Stew Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ObjectReference MyStew = akCaster.Placeatme(Stew) MyStew.MoveTo(akCaster, 120.0 * Math.Sin(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), 120.0 * Math.Cos(akCaster.GetAngleZ()), akCaster.GetHeight() + 335.0) akCaster.PathToReference(MyStew, 0.5);akCaster needs to be replaced with an activator EndEvent Right now the stew is created above the caster and then plummits down by gravity. I want to be able to control the descent.
  20. How often(is seconds) are conditions checked in a perk or ability?
  21. You haven't posted any. You have no leverage either. Not sure how you thought this was going to go down. Post some of your brilliant ideas and maybe you'll catch some fish. My suggestion would be to start with a few new powers and spells to gauge your unique and creative thinking.
  22. Nice idea with the globals. Neither putting the conditions in the magic effect nor the spell/ability seem to work. My conditions are GetGlobalValue >= 19 and GetGlobalValue <= 5 Edit: Got it. Smaller value needs to be first and the first conditions needs to be OR. Thanks FF!
  23. How do I use GetCurrentTime for an ability? I checked that moon enchantment and just copied it to the magic effect of my ability but I don't see the menu no matter the time.
  24. If you know how to edit mods look up how to make a spell togglable. That will fix the issue and make it exactly as you wanted.
  25. Found this. It might do what you want. >Flash-Forward: Use magicka to accelerate the flow of time. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91688
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