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Everything posted by Elias555

  1. You did less than nothing. Clearly I did a lot, you took half of what I said and used it:
  2. Looks like I helped you get there. You're welcome.
  3. What are you stuck with? Your question needs more depth, otherwise this is a sufficient answer: 1. Make a static object 2. Place said object somewhere 3. Done
  4. Use GetTargetActor instead, I'd say. Thanks. What about for this? MagicEffect Property MyCurrentEffect Auto Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked ) ;What I've tried GetTargetActor().MyCurrentEffect.Dispel() MyCurrentEffect.Dispel() GetTargetActor(MyCurrentEffect.Dispel()) EndEvent Edit: Nevermind.. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=DispelSpell_-_Actor
  5. If the centre of the nif is moved 100 units to the side and make that the anchor point, would the object rotating on itself now rotate from the centre anchor point? I think that will give the same effect and still make use of your script. By the way, is the script resource heavy?
  6. Nice script! Under TranslateTo, would adding an object/actors angle(eg. Bob.GetAngleZ) make the object rotate around the object/actor instead?
  7. Scriptname AceScriptCheckIfHit extends activemagiceffect Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \ bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) Actor TheActor = Self as Actor ;What's the correct syntax for this? Debug.Notification(TheActor +" was hit") EndEvent
  8. I think I get you now. After the first time you go into a building and realise it's larger on the inside, you kind of understand that it's following pokemon logic and ignore things of that nature.
  9. I have an activator casting a spell, the spell fires a projectile and the projectile has an explosion attached to it. During my testing I've noticed that the explosion only plays when the PC is at least 7 metres away. Why is that and how can I make it play everytime?
  10. Are you under the impression that a window will allow you to see what's outside?
  11. Seems like the ctd usually happens when I hover the cursor over the titles, race, face, mouth etc. Could it be that my HDD isn't able to handle the game?
  12. Just trying to figure out why my game keeps crashing. It's a COC character, I just want to mess around in race menu and design a character. Not intending to play the game so I only have 25 or so mods. Looks like it's uslep Active Mod Files: Log: Edit: Alright, I unchecked almost all the mods I have except SkyUI and Racemenu. I also tried unchecking the DLCs too. Same problem occurs.
  13. How does one create a weakness to a spell in the most efficient way? Is it keywords? How do I amplify the damage? Another, possibly related question. Can I check for a keyword like MagicDamageFire through a script if the spell damage isn't being done to the player? eg The spell firebolt has the keyword and I make a script that checks for it using OnSpellCast, will the script detect when the spell is used?
  14. I want to check if the PC has any disease via script and I found this exact example and thought it would fit perfectly. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=HasMagicEffectWithKeyword_-_Actor I copied it, went to fill the property and I don't see any keyword that matches. What gives? Is there another way to do it? Edit: Found a work around by using a spell and having the GetDisease() condition in there. I have another question regarding having explosions with enchantments. I pretty much copied an existing enchantment that works on an explosion. I changed a few visuals(hit shader) and resistance with my copy, thought nothing of it and assumed it was working but it turns out it isn't. Is there some strange setting that must be present for the enchant effect to work?
  15. You mean in the naming of the explosion? Yeah, explosion is in the name and I'm using my own meshes but I've also tried changing the mesh with other possibilities. Yep, in Explosion as a prefix in the naming -- not that the actual name matters at all, but there seems to be a difference in how the vanilla explosions with and without this prefix works when using PlaceAtMe, so I'd guess there's some setting somewhere in either the CK or in the nif file itself that generally differs between those with and without the Explosion prefix. Try looking into it. But first, let's figure out if this is even relevant to your specific issue. Try, for instance, changing your explosion property to point at one of the vanilla explosions with this prefix and see if it works in-game. Brilliant feature. Thanks for the help.
  16. You mean in the naming of the explosion? Yeah, explosion is in the name and I'm using my own meshes but I've also tried changing the mesh with other possibilities.
  17. Why the hell isn't this working!! I did it before my HDD self destructed but now I can't recreate the effect. I just want to place an explosion centred on the PC via a script. FF, Self. The explosion is also filled in the visual effect but I don't think that matters. Scriptname AceScriptPlaceExplosion extends ActiveMagicEffect Explosion Property VampirismExplosion Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;tried both of these ;ObjectReference ExplosionRef = akCaster.PlaceAtMe(VampirismExplosion, 1, false, false) akCaster.PlaceAtMe(VampirismExplosion) EndEvent The property is filled.
  18. Use GetFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction) == 1 (or it might be 0, I'm not sure). Thanks! Check this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5422690-move-actor-to-location/
  19. How do you make life detect work through walls? I want to use only one magic effect that detects life indiscriminately. I removed the IsInterior condition and didn't use IsHostileTo condtion. I don't think I altered much else outside of how it looks. Edit:I could have sworn I checked the Ignore Area Effect LOS under spells. New question. What's the condition to check if an actor is currently a follower? I found IsInFriendStateWithPlayer, not sure what else that'll cover.
  20. It's the properties that I couldn't edit, which needed the pex files. It's all good now.
  21. I see, I have no recollection of extracting the misc.bsa file. I'll do that now, thanks.
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