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Posts posted by Wyrmspleen

  1. Hi all, I am looking for a port of or a similar mod to this one for SSE:


    Skyrim NPCs Overhaul Reborn



    I like how NPCs use healing/potions (I thought they all did that in SSE but unsure now) and also that the racial abilities of NPCs (such as the orc berserker rage etc) function. Can anyone confirm they dont work for SSE?


    A mod that makes NPCs stronger without overhauling the whole perk/ability/combat system just implementing what any player character would have access to (abilities, spells, perks, potions, etc).


    Any feedback appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Hi


    Does anyone know if there is a mod that has incorporated wells into towns and cities (like Whiterun) where you can use mods such as ineed to refill water skins?


    There seems a limited amount of wells (only one in Whiterun I can think of atm) that can be used as such.


    Would it be difficult to add in wells to areas without such, perhaps somewhere out of the way where travelers could stock up on water?


    Thoughts appreciated.

  3. Its a cover-up, am pretty sure a few of Whiterun know the Companions secretly are werewolves but as they are the original protectors of Dragonsreach (anyone correct me if that lore is wrong) and do not transform within the walls of the city, by attacking them you will commit crimes. Transformed werewolves outside of the walls are open game I suppose.


    Because it is an inner circle secret perhaps the Vigilants haven't caught on yet?

  4. Is there a mod which fixes the compromised Vigilants of Stendar wearing armour with mage robes? This makes them casting Oakflesh redundant. Can the heavy armour pieces worn with the mage robes be replaced with mages gear? How difficult is that?

    While we're at it why does the silver hand only have silver swords? Sure your expect the occasoinal mace (esp with the Vigilants) or even axe.

    Behaviour wise it would be great to see Vigilants become hostile to summoned daedra, etc.


    Why does the amulet of Stendarr give a bonus to block when the Vigilants don't use shields? Maybe they should have access to shields? Or would a shield count as Heavy Armour and counter any benefit from casting Oakflesh? I am guess it would. Odd.


    Its a shame the closest cleric type class seems so poorly incorporated into the game.

    How difficult would these changes be with SSEEdit without taking things over the top (adding new quests, armours, etc etc)? I might have a go myself... is anyone interested in helping make such amendments?




  5. Hi I am trying to work out what I would need to turn the Draugr Overlord at Bleak Falls Barrow early on in the game.


    I am coming up with conflicting data saying that dual casting restoration turn undead spells do/do not affect higher undead levels. Lot of posts around but not always clear.


    I have heard only Circle of Protection gets such a bonus from dual casting - not the turning undead spells?




    "Restoration Dual Casting, affects undead 220% levels higher. These perks stack; thus the levels of undead that will be affected are:"


    Can anyone who actually knows, maybe done it themselves, comment to this? Would appreciate it.



  6. Hi I have asked the mod author of Bandoliers to reduce the huge weight carrying capacity but not sure thats going to happen and then found this Skyrim mod does exactly that:


    Bandolier - Decreased carry weight and lower prices



    How easy would it be to port this for the Bandolier mod in SSE? The same weights are still in effect years later and would be great to get the more realistic reduced weight capacity.


  7. What about a mod that allows you to exchange valuable gems for shop items (just as you would use coins).


    There are a few mods that add weight to coins for a bit more realism (after all you should feel the impact of several thousand coins being lugged around - right?). Say at 0.1 weight a thousand coins = 100 weight. Gems instead of coins relieve the huge coin luggage weight and makes collecting gems more interesting.


    So the idea of buying valuable gems (Skyrim has them already so no need to reinvent the wheel) to replace the coin weight seems like a good idea.


    The issue is only merchants cash in for gems which means getting money to purchase that magic armour worth 2000-3000 coins that you want means waiting several in game days and nights for vendors to replenish their stock and coins.


    What about a mod that allows you to directly exchange valuable gems for shop items (just as you would use coins). Merchants, Alchemists, blacksmiths, those elf sisters in Solitude...


    Let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks.





  8. I know this is an old thread but I have been considering the same thing. It almost seems unfair to utilise a spell school against NPCs that those NPCs should have access to themselves but do not. Simply because it hasn't been implemented.


    In my next playthrough I might drop Illusion altogether for this reason.


    Has anyone considered making a mod to allow the player character to be influenced by Illusion spells? (ie let AItake control of the character for the duration of the spell)? Or would be be beyond the scope of modding to do so?



  9. Hi. I am interested in any mod that removes random gold and gems on animals (wolves, bears, mudcrabs, skeevers, etc etc). Is there a mod which addresses this issue alone and nothing else? Would appreciate knowing. Thanks

  10. How long do in-game (already dead) bodies hang around after the character comes across them? Are they a permanent game fixture? For example the dead caravan merchants outside Dragon Bridge


    Some bodies seem reluctant to leave, Miraak followers or hired thugs... there was a body removal timer mod for Skyrim, just wondered if anyone knows of (or could assemble) a mod that removed decomposing dead bodies after a duration for Skyrim SE - even dragon skeletons (due to the glitches they can often create)



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