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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. never opened? please tell me someone cleans the interior blink.gif


    ok, now i feel stupid as i was too afraind to lose the insurrency or whatever is it on the pc. It was 2 years so i guess now i should open it anyway. The only thing i did was hover the dust from the outer fan.

    But anyway, would too much dust in the pc cause overheating? As we disocvered overheating isn't the problem here.

  2. My GC is about 2 years old, aswell as all other components. I've never opened it let alone touched the GC. I'm having a feeling that you're right. Now it's not even itunes has problems displaying the artwork of the albums, but only after playing a game.

    Unfortunatly right now i can't follow your advice of buying a new one, as i'm spending a lot of money on driving lessons (it's realy pricey down here) and becouse i'll have to buy a new better computer next year as i will start studing CG (hopefuly).


    Well, anyway thank you for your help, kudos were given. ;)

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