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Everything posted by diggydug

  1. I've not read through this thread at all, but I felt I'd just add it was this post that tipped me to engage more with this community outside of enjoying the mods. I think it's very important to support independent mod development and supporting the mod authors extensively and I appreciate that those responsible for this site truly are engaged with the community they've built and care about modding as a whole.
  2. That's pretty cool. Both the change dumping and meeting your wife in an arcade.
  3. Right on DaddyDirection! I'm hoping for the best and that Bethesda and the community can get this sorted together for the benefit of all. Longterm, the main hurdle I can see remaining is the differences in community. While the PC community has its share of annoying and disrespectful gamers I feel that there are factors that contribute to the PC community being a lot more mature in general. Consoles by design are easy, quick, and quick to satisfy with minimal troubleshooting which is great, but it does attract those who expect things to work just because that's the way things are. What I'm getting at is that the console community is inherently more immature and I imagine less willing to fumble with extensive modding or the woes that erupt from playing with your game. Saves will be ruined and mod authors will be blamed. Load orders will be improper and mod authors will be blamed. Mods will be incompatible and mod authors will be blamed. I don't see that ending even when everything else is smoothed over. Console gamers may be ecstatic to have mods made available to them, but they haven't considered the hours of tutorials, tips and tricks, and youtube videos that I'm sure most PC modders have gone through to get their game where they want it. While this may not be so bad due to console limitations, it is still going to be part of the experience, particularly as more mods are made available to the console community and as a result more avenues for frustration. That is something I feel will always divide the community and if this is all smoothed out will be the next big hurdle to cross. ____________ I'd like to note that the main obstacle my friends have found with modding, even with simple mods and the conveniences Nexus offers, is the knowledge needed to get that amazing version of Skyrim or Oblivion. Even Fallout 4, with all the modern conveniences that are available, my friends don't know that load order is going to be an issue. Or that even though a mod says NPCs will spawn with this item, they won't because another mod promises the same and takes precedence. They're not dumb, they just don't know and the frustration pushes them away to the point where mods remain viewed through Youtube and screenshots. EDIT: Sorry for the long post, I got a bit carried away but I feel that community is an often overlooked piece to gaming.
  4. Is this unique to Morrowind or, as you hint, happening on every Bethesda game? Which ones? Do other games work fine? Does your computer run slow or the game itself? What version of Morrowind? Like I said I'm not knowledgeable on Morrowind as I've never played it, I'm just starting actually, but I will help best I can with generic troubleshooting.
  5. I know next to nothing about this particular mod as I've yet to get into seriously modding Oblivion but is it possible that the save relies on a script from this mod? Try loading up a save from before the mod was installed.
  6. diggydug


    I've been keeping my eye on it. Looks like plenty of fun but I avoid Early Access games now. I can't support how the bad eggs can get away with never fulfilling their end. Even while Factorio looks great, it's just principle at this point. Any idea when it will be off of Early Access?
  7. I'm still surprised the same demographic can have the wool pulled over their eyes year after year. I get that younger gamers are easily bought with shock and awe but even working adults I know seem to put a pre-order down for a game 20 years away based off of a cinematic trailer. I want the new Mass Effect to be an RPG but I don't expect it to be, I still haven't played Mass Effect 3 and at this point I don't really have a huge desire to. My excitement comes from Dishonored 2 and Mount and Blade: Bannerlord.
  8. Super Mario World is where I started spending the days on games as a kid, but it was Super Mario Bros on the NES that got me there so...Mario. Mario is at fault for my main hobby and it's set me on a good path.
  9. I'd hope you intend to participate more than just to share your videos, but I will say I liked it. I've never given much thought to Tamriel's advancements, I figured it was simply stagnant technologically due to magical advancements. Even the great technology that is around relies in some form on magic, outside of some grand dwemer creations. Even their existing automatons rely on magic though, otherwise they would have crumbled centuries ago.
  10. It depends entirely on the game and how I intend to play. I always make a character that represents me on a first playthrough, so male first. Beyond that I usually go through again as a female and different build. With Skyrim I'm usually a female character now since more mods tend to cater to females and attire is more fun for me in RPGs than it should be. I've never enjoyed the skimpy mods, though and male mods are usually not much better. In Fallout however I feel everything is more oriented toward male characters and most female mods aim for revealing or otherwise sexual attire right now which doesn't quite fit the theme of post-apocalyptia so I avoid it there. This goes for Fallout 3, NV and 4.
  11. A failed attempt at trying to gain interest in Fallout 4 has led me to turn to a game I've heard tons of praise for and have owned for years. Obviously that's Morrowind, which I've only spun up once in 2012 and for some reason didn't stick with it. The point of this thread is simple: Should I do a purely Vanilla playthrough in this day and age or are there a few mods that maintain the vanilla vibe but are a "necessity"? I'm not looking to go crazy on a first playthrough as I believe it's important to get a feel for the base game, however looking at Skyrim and Oblivion, there are some tweaks and "must-haves" looking back. Especially Skyrim and it's terrible UI. If you do think I should get certain mods, are there any tricks & tips unique to Morrowind modding due to its age or is the NMM compatible/recommended with all Morrowind mods hosted on Nexus?
  12. It doesn't matter if they profit or not, it is their work. Free because they choose to share it. It is their gift to the community and it's as simple as that. They may not want their work on another platform for any reason, and that reason doesn't matter because again, it's their work. I can't fathom the notion that it's somehow okay to steal someone's work because it's on the internet. It's fantastic that mods are making their way to consoles. It's a foot in the door to another world in gaming and possibly sets a huge precedent in the gaming industry; pissing off those who make it possible is not how you foster moving forward, however.
  13. My main issue with console mods is the conundrum it creates with stolen mods and the general community for consoles is far more critical and demanding. On PC people who mod a lot tend to be a bit more patient and understanding of the hard work that goes into game mods. It's new territory for most console gamers I'd imagine and they don't seem to quite understand this new community that's been opened to them and I worry their abrasiveness may hurt the Bethesda modding arena. I think it's a great idea in concept, it just needs refinement and, if you ask me, less restrictions. If they want to break their game that should be up to them, I'm sure many of us have modded it until we broke it even with high end systems in Skyrim's early years.
  14. I don't feel like making an entire thread to it right now as it's just a kind remark. I don't use these forums much so I'm kind of assuming it's okay to just post in this particular thread. I'd just like to share I've always appreciated the "service" Nexus offers and the support they offer for the community. I'm sure it's largely appreciated in silence, much like an amazing mod that will be downloaded and most are content to endorse and move on. All in all, this is just a quick "Thank you" to Nexus for that and with events unfolding as they are I hope the support remains as strong as ever. So to the Nexus team, keep it up you're awesome!
  15. This is from Florida, USA. It just stops, at a point, and stops working. It's unusuable currently. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proxy detected: none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diagnosing http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/1/3/512MB-1-0-1.rar?ttl=2147483647&setec=792982e520d8eb07494f998a61f777d4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100 Connection: Keep-Alive X-HW: 1428619688.dop005.at1.t,1428619688.cds008.at1.c Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="512MB-1-0-1.rar" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 536870912 Cache-Control: max-age=29372835 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2015 22:48:08 GMT ETag: "1413036562" Last-Modified: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:09:22 GMT Status Description: OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average speed: 22.1 KB/s for 132.6 KB. Total: 132.6 KB. Average speed: 19.8 KB/s for 52.8 KB. Total: 185.4 KB. Average speed: 9.9 KB/s for 131.0 B. Total: 185.5 KB. Average speed: 5.6 KB/s for 3.6 KB. Total: 189.1 KB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected size was: 512.0 MB. Downloaded 189.1 KB in 81 seconds. Calculated speed: 2.3 KB/s. Maximum instant speed reached: 44.2 KB/s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.speedtest.net/result/4278046027.png
  16. A friend recently bought Skyrim on Steam and I told him to set up a Nexus account for modding goodness. He attempts account creation and it goes to a page that reads, "not permitted to register a user account with this community" I looked up a possible solution to no avail, the best I got was a post by Dark0ne regarding blacklisted IPs. Source We're both on the same network, as we're at the same place using the same internet and there's no alternative currently until maybe next weekend. Is this a known issue or is it considered a success in the system due to the chance that this IP is simply blocked?
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