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Everything posted by dra6o0n

  1. Obsidian made their point when they developed this game: "War... War never changes..." Maybe that's what it refers to, the fact that you as a courier can't change EVERYTHING in the game, it just happen, or will happen, eventually, in some way or form.
  2. So instead of blazing hot weather, you have icy cold conditions that requires actual clothing that keeps you warm? Lost Planet: Fallout Edition? I just thought up something awesome! Survival not in a wasteland, but a Winter Wasteland! Ghouls are turned into Abominable Snow Ghouls, etc.
  3. New Vegas was kind of disappointing with the Workbench crafted weapons... Sure people would import the legacy and FO3 weapons but the idea is that Obsidian never bothered to balance out weapon creations... They just made new guns and throw it on shops and npcs for players to find. I mean, out of the entire game, in Vanilla... There's only TWO weapon blueprints you can find... The Powder Charge is one of those new unique weapons to NV, but it's the only one... They added the Rock-It launcher blue print, but I hear it's been broken in this game... Seriously?! Loads of weapons yes, loads of unique or customizable weapons? Not exactly. So for this topic I suggest: 1) Mods that adds additional weapon abilities/effects to guns (Assault Carbine being able to attach a Grenade Launcher or Shotgun addon). 2) Unique weapons that doesn't just "point and shoot". Dart Gun in FO3 is unique because it deals specific damage to the enemy's movements. 3) Tranquilizer Dart Gun, I mean really, there isn't one? I know there are melee weapons and ammo that does KO, but they don't do it instantly like a Tranquilizer Gun. 4) AoE Guns, like grenade launchers being able to shoot Gas Rounds to damage your enemies' internal organs. Heck, a energy weapon that's capable of throwing Plasma Storms (damages enemies within a radius and turns them to ashes on death) is good too.
  4. Or make NPCS work in two modes, the caution and danger modes you see from other enemies... When your companion notices enemies far away, he'll aim himself with the best possible weapon, but obviously he'll keep them holstered if you aren't armed and is sneaking. Needs a lot of variables to know what conditions and what not.
  5. How about adjusting it so as you level up, the level of enemies in a region will change, as a alternative to the system that "freezes" the region's level when you get there for the first time. This allows new enemies to spawn into the region... Might be handy, like if you rush to new vegas at a low level, at some point you won't find much challenge in the world... A "Smart" level-cap in my opinion, is a controlled yet variable level cap. Controlled, because there is a end to the levels... Variable, because there's many different options that is given from leveling up. Maybe... Change it so you can "save" your skillpoints and perk points (PP) from the start to finish on lv1 to 30? This means at the level up menu, you can "cancel" the level up, and keep your points. You then are able to use a item in the aid menu to activate the level up menu, but only if your skillpoints/PP are over 0. A NPC or feature that allows you to transfer skill points from one skill to another?
  6. Inventory space? Fallout uses weight, not inventory space. Heck, if fallout went STALKER and added a gridlike inventory system, so much for carrying a bunch of misc items...
  7. Right, unless you got 100 Gun stats with a Anti-Materiel Rifle or High energy weapons with a Gauss Rifle. Even then I can't 1 hit everything... Deathclaw's DT prevents me from one hitting them, and it's obvious on why they don't create perks for other guns that allows you to nullify some kind of DT, you'd end up sniping everything. Only the Shotgun and Melee weapons gets the -DT perks.
  8. You do realize they nerfed VATS even more in NV than in Fallout 3 right? I tried seeing the "best possible" accuracy if I use VATS from long range... And I get like 0.3%? At 15~30ft, my VATS are at 95%, then double that distance, 55%... So anything more than 70~90ft away are sorta impossible to hit with VATS, thus turning this system into a "cheap stealthy critical system".
  9. It makes more sense that if you are "slippery", your enemy attacks should miss you more often (with the exception of melee attacks). Greatly lowers enemy's ranged accuracy. Maybe about -25% enemy accuracy?
  10. Well I don't know about you, but the sniper perk doesn't make it any better when your target is THAT far away. Headshots at close range with super weapons is another matter. Stealth makes it much easier to score headshots but if your going to ambush someone (with vats), you'd do it close up for the best accuracy. My character has two-handed and sniper perks, and 100 gun skills, but using a anti-materiel rifle 100+ft (I think about half a grid on your world map?) away with vats is not possible (doesn't let you turn it on).
  11. Is this cannon comparable to a railgun's effect? Where this cannon seems to take down even a deathclaw in one shot, a railgun (electromagnetic powered rifle) should be able to match it to some extent. Using electromagnetic technology, the rifle is able to hit even the toughest enemies, since the railgun is basically super super fast bullet (about 10x the bullet speed of a normal gun?). The only problem with railguns is the bullet size to the speed of the shot... Obviously if you use larger rounds, the speed will fall considerably... But if you somehow have a small but solid ammunition for such a gun, size won't matter when it moves so fast it pierces through a line of targets. Railguns are seen as large bulky weapons, maybe like Telsa Cannon bulky... And it sure is inaccurate as hell if you want to fire this over your shoulder... You need to mount it in order to even shoot. Now, if you take a railgun and replace the fatman's launching mechanism with it... You'd have a weapon that far surpass a metal gear's ability to launch nukes... Sure in theory the metal gear can launch a nuke from anywhere, but it's a big heap of metal compared to a portable sniping nuke gun.
  12. I managed to create new "items" for the game that's basically duplicated versions of other weapon mod kits, except it's not suppose to be visual. Marksman Carbine Mod Kits: 1) Extended Magazine - Increases capacity by +10 2) Laser Sight - Decreases spread (0.5) 3) Firing Mechanism - Adds burst fire capability Light Bolt - Increases rate of fire (0.5) It's #3 that I have issues with, since burst fire is determined from the base gun... I wonder if it's possible to modify the gun's attributes when you install Mod #3 onto the gun. So far I can tell I gotta create a new game effect that modifies a target to have burst fire on, but I also want to limit the burst to 3 rounds. UPDATE: I managed to make working mod kits, but still haven't found a way to implement different firing modes... So I substitue the Firing mechanism with Light Bolt from a SMG and used a 0.5 fire rate increase. Now if my game weren't studdering here and there, I can test out how high the fire rate is increased. I would be very interested if someone figures out how to change the gun itself, by using different ammo variants... Like for example, equipping a grenade launcher mod kit on a assault or marksman carbine, allows you to swap your gun's ammo to a 25mm, allowing you to fire explosive grenades... The animations will obviously go wonky, since the player will reload with a clip/magazine rather than load a grenade round in. But if the mod kit alters the gun so "when the ammo is equipped", it should change the gun's entire attributes into a "grenade rifle" style...
  13. I wonder if they got a Drop All button where you can drop everything from your currently filtered inventory into the container... Maybe if a mod that allows you to drop items into a container, you need a safety switch in order to use it (like pressing two buttons at once instead of 1). Heck, if there were a "lock" option for doors and such, it would bring about better gameplay... If AI on mobs are set so they can take their time to bust down said locked door that is... Like if you got a bounty on your head, and a hunter finds you, you lock the door, only to hear them banging on it.
  14. Precisely... If you're going to use a dual wielding SMG, you might as well spray and pray, since accuracy is out of the picture now. When using this item, you can't increase accuracy from crouching, and it always have a slightly wider cone of fire compared to a normal SMG. So basically a -25% accuracy from a straight shot. Add the recoil and you got yourself a nasty high DSP weapon... It would be pretty overpowered for stealth based characters who rely on silenced SMGs and such, because that means the damage output is 2x the bullets per second. Especially if they get the perk "The Professional"
  15. :O I was about to post about the nail bat, seeing how certain melee weapons should be combined in this game to produce new weapons... I mean you got boxing gloves and knives RIGHT THERE! Too bad it seriously rips off of Dead Rising 2, but what if instead of a duct tape massacre, you also use scrap metals, etc? Power Fist + Knives + Welder = Power Gutter (Bonus limb damage) (Breaks enemy DT by -2) (Lower durability capacity) Heck, a Electro Fist weapon can be created using a Power Fist, some Fission Batteries, and conductors... The first Unarmed energy weapons!
  16. First thing I thought seeing this line: Tony Stark. That gave me an idea, automotive war suits... You must have a set amount of weight to carry and equip this, and it forces you to equip the weapon it's designed to have... Like for instance: - A armor that is designed like "Samus" from Metroid - A weapon that can swap ammo to do different "attacks" With the ammo swapping system, it's possible to make a Assault Rifle being able to switch to a shotgun/grenade rounds and fire differently... I think.
  17. Instead of forcing players to start a new game in order to be a merchant, it should be a line of quest where players can ask a NPC on BECOMING a merchant, and will have to pay a good fee to start off with the basic utilities. Maybe the idea would be more oriented on "Jobs" than work. You can be a farmer, a merchant, etc. That kind of thing.
  18. Bring back the toy dart gun from FO3! And then modify it so you can add additional stuff on it! The toy dart gun doesn't use poison as a ammunition though, so maybe you'll have to modify it by removing that "container" that hangs under it, and modifying it to look more "mechanical"... I wonder if someone would want to bring back the railway steam cannon...
  19. Maybe it's better if you check or ask for "scopes" tutorials, because I think it's some kind of image file that generates that scope view.
  20. I'll try & do that for you. Give me a few to take a look. I can remove the muzzle flashes all together if that would help? I'll edit one weapon, post it her & have you try it. Tell me what you think & I'll go from there. I'll make a basic Laser Pistol & basic rifle mod... Brb.. -MRG While your at it, remove explosion flashes too! And the effects that kicks in when your body reverts back to normal after using drugs or being addicted, it flashes to white.
  21. Which means in order to make the guns fire simultaneously, you'd have to mess with every single Dual-Wielding gun's animation. Say the game only allows the right gun to fire right? What if you alter it so that "specific" gun's animation will show both of them firing instead? It's more work than a modder... Heck you need a animator and a 3d modeling expert to do this. What I am saying is that you will end up going into the core game's weapon file for the animations, and will be adding onto them with a extra animation. It doesn't need to be 2 "entities" or objects that's working together, it can be 1 item, that uses the models and animation of a dual wielding posture. Required skillsets would be: - Programmer/Scripter - Modeler - Animator
  22. Lv8? Try killing them at Lv20 with the usual Gauss Rifle, Plasma Rifle, and Riot Shotguns... It doesn't do that much damage to them. Heck, I somehow think the "Armor" system is a bit unbalanced, because the only reason I was able to kill ANYTHING with a shotgun is because of my -10 DT perk on enemies (lowering their defence) and being able to do 60 Damage per shot (200+ DPS). The bullet swapping system isn't very handy mid battle... For certain weapons it takes too long... The game lacks a lot of cover in urban areas so your kinda prone to be shot by 4~5 enemies whilst your trying to reload... And if you think that is bad, wait till you get to the part where 4 BoS ambushes you on the way out of the bunker when your lv15+... The gauss rifles being shot at your face hurts (since they stand pretty close). I'm starting to think that every 5~10 levels, the mobs stats are multiplied by 50% or something... 75 Gun stats doesn't exactly help you at this point, where most high leveled guns seems to require 100 (I balanced out between energy and guns)?
  23. You mean Duel-Wielding Handguns/SMGs? Maybe if you can revamp the equip system so you can pretend to "combine" the two guns into 1 "item", then your character would need new reload animations...
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