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Everything posted by Bloodlord739

  1. In response to post #64826366. Well my laptop sucks so guess that means im gonna have to use the old one. XD Seriously though helpful comment. I would have spent ages deciding which one to get.
  2. You should come back now. Theres a new Patch that just came out PVE oriented. And new ships and weapons too. Very cool. Also I am looking for a nice friendly corp as well. And IMO you shouldnt take CEO duties so seriously dude. You will burn yourself out. Anyways check my post for the new patch notes and my char name: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6706172-playing-eve-in-2018-a-great-time-to-get-back-in/ o7 Pilot. :)
  3. o7 Fellow Capsuleers. I am getting back into EVE again but this time I can stay forever. The new F2P alpha clone system is great! There has never been a cooler time to jump back in guys! Check out this super cool new patch info: https://www.eveonline.com/article/p9aexk/patch-notes-for-eve-online-into-the-abyss If you wanna hit me up my main is called Blood Ravager. I am currently looking for a active friendly, polite, PVE corp with industry/mining on the side but MAINLY PVE focused. And to anyone new out there EVE online is the ULTIMATE MMO! It boasts ABSOLUTE freedom of choice. Wanna kill pirates? check Wanna be a pirate? check Pve? Pvp? Mining? Crafting? Marketing at its MMO finest? All check. I could never recommend any other game to someone as strongly as EVE. If you start it and give it time. You will love it I promise you. And PLEASE anyone new or old wanting to make a new Character click this Recruit a Friend link: http://secure.eveonline.com/signup/?invc=4ffa8fd2-e785-4dd5-977f-7a3bdc909cf0&action=buddy It gives you bonus skill points and if you eventually end up paying for a month it will give me a free month as well. TYVM Cant wait to see you out there! FLY SAFE o7
  4. Eve Online. An awesome MMO check it out: http://secure.eveonline.com/signup/?invc=4ffa8fd2-e785-4dd5-977f-7a3bdc909cf0&action=buddy
  5. I know how you feel. Give EVE online a try and you will have a game that you will play for years to come. Its an amazing game I couldn't possibly recommended anything better. Check it out: http://secure.eveonline.com/signup/?invc=4ffa8fd2-e785-4dd5-977f-7a3bdc909cf0&action=buddy Hit me up on my main Blood Ravager. I'd be happy to help you start. :)
  6. FalseEmperor You need some serious help dude. Only without God without faith does life become meaningless. If I was an atheist I would surely have killed myself by now. It is HE who gives us strength and purpose. Without the Almighty we are nothing! May God show you the light dear poor soul.
  7. Bright with Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. A phenomenal movie. One of the best I have ever seen. Gave me that elusive "edge of your seat" experience. A must watch. Now I am off to watch a LOTR Extended marathon.
  8. Update: Well after contacting the Embassy and waiting 26 hours for a reply. They gave me very robotic bland advice. Basically they say that since I am 20 I am not a minor under Dutch law and I can go request my self a new passport by myself. (where do i get the money to get a new passport and how the hell am I supposed to sneak out of the house and get a taxi with no money?) And they say that I should file a police report for my stolen passport. Which I don't see how that could possibly help. And that If I want I can contact the Kuwait Child Protection service. Which have a defunct website and I think they have no power or authority whats so ever. Probably just a Kuwaiti scam to keep the UN happy. All Kuwaitis beat the crap out of there kids. There was even this one time i saw a father carry his toddler son and light a lighter under his feet as punishment... His wife was there and they both LAUGHED! They thought it was funny! So no thanks there. Child protection service my ass. So...... Having tried the Embassy. And plus the fact that I have ZERO faith in Kuwait or their Police. I have only my next best option... I will try to run away with my brother and try to save my sisters from the outside.. I really dont feel like I have any other choice. So I will go with him and prepare for the nuclear fallout and national spectacle that is sure to follow. Wish me Luck and Please pray for me and my family. It helps more than you all know. Thank you.
  9. Update! I finally due to the answers on my Demons Poll summed up the courage to E-mail the Embassy and ask for help. Whether they help me or not I thank you all for giving me the courage to try. <3
  10. Well you have deduced my situation and a few of my options spot on! As for what you have said yes fear has consumed the PERSON who if you really want to know who it is she is my Mother. It makes me sad to think about it but I have tried so hard to help her but her problem is that since she is a narcissist and has a big God complex she wont admit to herself that she is broken..... So I guess that in some sick way she feels that if she cant live then no one will. Even though she could if she would be brave enough to try. And I'm not cut off from my family in the way you think. We all live in the same apartment. Its just that mentally they don't have the courage to fight back and that disgusts me about them... About "Destroying everything" she doesn't care. In fact she wants that. She very often prays for God to make us all sick and handicapped so that she can just stay by our side taking care of us until we die. So I have told her that (don't destroy us etc...) before when I tried to go work with my brother. She flipped out and cursed me non stop and said "God willing you will all be in your graves before you have a life" and other horrible things of the same meaning. So reasoning with her about us and our happiness wont work since she doesn't give a damn about our well being. This hurts alot because shouldn't a mothers highest priority be her children's happiness? What is she afraid off? Like you said to be influenced. To be influenced by the outside world that is. I used to be her Number one Slave and supporter until she made the mistake (in her eyes) of letting me work with my brother for a few weeks a year or so ago. When I did start working with him it was terrible at first. I was VERY SHY of people at first. He had to shake that fear out of me which was very hard. But after he did I started to feel something I never felt before in my whole life.... I felt Pride and true Happiness. I felt that for once there is something more to life. I started wanting things I never wanted before like my own money, shampoo, new clothes, games, electronics, friends and work. And most of all I began longing for Freedom... It was a very scary time for me filled with conflicting emotions. After my mother went crazy and forced me to stop due to the fact that she saw I was waking up to the real world and started to disbelief in her paranoia that Armageddon is near (yes she actually believes that) and that life was Normal and OK! Anyways after I stopped working I started having horrible panic and anxiety attacks which took me a long time to understand why they were happening. It was the scariest moment of my life and Ill never forget it... After a long time thinking really hard about why it happened it hit me! I was for the first time depressed. I was sad that I could no longer talk to other people or play games or eat nice food like hamburgers and pizza. I was upset that I couldn't work any more and actually do something that I could be proud of! So In essence i was sad that I was forced to stop living all because a mad woman said so. About moving around outside Kuwait. My memories are hazy around that time since i was a child then so I cant remember all the details but the basics of it is that she and my father broke up and that is really what started this all. He was from what I'm told by my sisters Satan himself. I however think that he was just your typical a-hole. Since as a man he had a right to divorce my mom but he did NOT have a right to abandon us to her! (maybe she stole us from him I really don't know the truth) In any case after they broke up for whatever was the real reason (apparently he wanted to kill her and sell us to his evil friends or something like that) she took us on the run to a bunch of countries. First to Vienna where she had a flat in my fathers name which she lost when he stopped paying for it. Then to Syria to visit her sisters (She is Syrian and my dad is Dutch). Then to Egypt also were she had another flat which my father also stopped paying for. And then lastly to the UAE for 2 years. Which we lived in various hotels the whole time (She went there because she thought it was the best place to hide us). That whole journey lasted from when i was 9 until almost 13. After which we came back once she found out from old friends that he left Kuwait and went back to Holland. (He has since returned but she has health issues now which scare her from using planes anymore). Well that is pretty much the story of my whole life. Anything from before i was 9 were generally very happy days.... About living with my brother he has already offered me that but like you said the PERSON (mom) is so messed up that I am scared about what she would do to us if we did that. But that is currently my easiest out of the BIG options. And lastly about it "not lasting long" well you are right and wrong about that. I will last long enough to do un fixable damage. It may already lasted to long. For instance my eldest sister is over 30 and it would be very hard for her to get married at that age.... And one of my sisters tragically ran away back in 2012. The last time we heard about her was in 2013 and that she is living in London (I wish i knew anyone in London and could send them to check on her that would be a great comfort). All of my family hate her for running away and while I agree that most of what she did was wrong. I honestly cant blame her for running away from this prisonlike life.... how could i blame her for that? The only thing that hurts me is that she doesn't contact me or any of us.... Even secretly on Facebook or something. But I guess shes too afraid of my mom and my other siblings to try to.... I would forgive her in a heartbeat. Thats a statement which would get me whipped (figuratively) if anyone in my family read it. But I would. She should still try to talk to me though. But since I was like 14 when she left she probably assumes that I am still brainwashed. Again I cant blame her for that.... About Religion she is definitely an extremist and twists it to make everything she does justifiable and holy in her head. But you cant blame the Religion for that. My religion is perfect and my faith in God is unshakable (after all where else do I get hope from if not the Almighty?) so I blame her twisting of it to her insanity. I don't blame my Religion one bit. She is evil and broken, not my Religion. (I discovered the truth about my religion from scholars) And lastly lastly I wouldn't do well on my own. Because my heart couldn't handle abandoning my siblings. Even if they don't all want Freedom for themselves I still want it for them... So for now I just keep waiting for the day that she dies of old age so that I can slowly start to pick up the pieces of my shattered life. I wish could contact the Messed up Family Organization in your country but obviously they wouldn't help here. And I seriously doubt that theres a local version here. Maybe In the Netherlands there is but thats a longshot at best. And I really don't know about the embassy... They might try to contact my dad which I don't want so IDK about the embassy. Still worried that they wouldn't believe me. And lastly lastly lastly (last one :D ) The one thing that holds me back from doing anything is that I am scared that if I did anything that my mother would have a heart attack and die and then have my family blame me for it... I couldn't handle that on my conscience. No matter how EVIL she is I still wish her well (I am a idiot right? lol).................... Thank you so much for your reply it really meant the world to me <3 Really made me feel not alone! God bless you.
  11. Original topic link: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6521031-demons/
  12. Well whats your guys opinion? What would you due in my place?
  13. Update: Sorry It took so long to reply to everyone but the laptop was confiscated because my brother asked me to get a roast chicken for us to share and enjoy and I out of fear said no at first (even though I really wanted to) but said yes after he kept insisting and because I a puny mortal in the PERSON'S eyes wanted to eat something nice. I was punished... Unbelievable! So I have sneaked out the laptop from the PERSON's room and am secretly using it at night (its 3 am now) when IT is sleeping. Just cuz I mentally cannot stay all day staring at the ceiling anymore! For far to many years Ive been forced to do just that by that monster. If I am discovered it would go very badly no doubt. But I am so fed up that I honestly don't care at this point. As to why I wanted chicken (although I shouldnt have to explain that I will anyway) its because we eat mainly rice with tomato paste and on rare occasions get to have a few vegetables with it and EXTREMELY rarely chicken. Other than that we eat alot of flat bread with vineager and sunflower oil. Except for my brother whos eats whatever fast food he wants outside the house when hes working. Let me explain why he doesn't get food for the house. It is due partly to the fact that he has been trying to force the PERSON to wake up and let me and my sisters work with him and have a life! So he refuses to get food until the PERSON gives us some freedom. I due agree with him on this. If they want to get nicer food and have access to accessories that the PERSON rarely if ever provides (shampoo soap clothes and other basic things) then they have to STAND UP to the DEMON. (It is important to note that I also have very limited access to these things except for when I rarely get the chance to meet my brother and he gives me some) Well desperate time call for desperate measures... they choose to bow to the PERSON's will and go beg borrow and steal for food when they could just STAND UP FOR ONCE and work together as a family for a better life. But alas they wont..... So thats why I am secretly using the laptop to communicate with you guys and maybe play a game or watch a movie to forget the pain for a little while... Anyways thank you all for your prayers!
  14. Firstly Thank you for your prayers :) And to answer your question I was born here but raised in a few different countries, so no we have only left Kuwait a few times but eventually came back once the PERSON thought it was "safe". There was never any danger just simply put the PERSON was too proud to go back there due to a fear that we would be taken away from the PERSON (I WISH WE WERE). That was many years ago now... we came back in the end of 2010. It has been hell ever since. And yes I do think that the embassy would help but I'm afraid that they would not believe me. Especially due to my poor sisters brainwashing. They would probably argue against me and my brother with lies and deceit.... So thats why I haven't contacted the embassy yet. But I am getting so desperate that I might do that anyways and screw the consequences. Whatever they may be it cant possibly be worse than this life... can it?
  15. From Kuwait? No not necessarily. Just really trying to escape from this way of life..
  16. Indeed the very definition of narcissist and on top of that an extreme god complex.
  17. Kuwait why? If you were in the states, there are actually resources for folks in your position.... No clue about Kuwait though...... Ya.... I wish I was in the states, or anywhere else but here really. The natives here don't care about anyone but themselves. And the fact that none of them understand english doesnt help either. If you want to help the best thing you can do is send a prayer my way! Or just wish me luck! (ALOT OF IT) Have a nice day!
  18. Just finished replaying Warcraft 3. Gonna go play Oblivion next.
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