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About nilay913

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  1. What about if it were to be from another elder scrolls game, such as oblivion and was a sword?
  2. All I know is that the actual sword and the flames are all part of the 'bound sword fx' effect since I tried having a weapon with this effect to make a green bound sword for green lantern like character but all i ended up with was a green elven sword but it had half a daedric sword stickin out of it with blue flames.
  3. sorry m8 i cant find anyone who's able to, ive attempted and have succeeded in changing the actual weapon used but not the effects, and it was a while ago so i cant remember :D
  4. there are quite a lot bugs with them, i sided with the imperials and at the end, hadvars still following me and hes glitched but he wont leave, and goes to riverwood, until i go 2 whiterun then he comes running on in with his sword raised, its a shame cuz i like whiterun so i went under the bridge where the water is, set him to non-essential and slit his stupid-ass throat, i liked him, but i must say it was very fun... :D
  5. are any of u any good at animations, there is a mod called Nature of the Beast II and the author could use some help with making a bite or tail whip-like animation with attack for the were-lizard form in the mod, please PM me if u think u can do this :D
  6. its alrite, i gt skse anyways
  7. wat happened to ur wereshark mod cuz it looked pretty awsome.
  8. ino it wudnt be tht well without skse, but what im sayin is 2 make one without skse stuff, and then after add skse aspects to it and upload both of them
  9. kwl but make one wthout SKSE aswell if u can cuz i dont like skse, cuz it takes ages to load up everytime
  10. bur on a serious note, thts a gd sound, and heres another one. | V
  11. cheers, and that roar is proper gd, but nowhere near as gd as this, sorry m8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwLLH9EZiqc
  12. This looks AWESOME, the only issue i would have with this is that it needs to go wif a race and if someone can make good races or has had experience with it, I have a concept idea for it, http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/031/f/d/Sharkman_Redesign_by_qBATMANp.jpg
  13. here are the concept art ideas i have in mind - For The Fishman except mor skyrimified kinda thing http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/031/f/d/Sharkman_Redesign_by_qBATMANp.jpg For The WereShark, I think someone is working on one already- WereShark For The WereCroc http://jpegshare.net/images/01/b2/01b2673ae5919ddd94c827c8b1ec2f6d.jpg And Something I think is the BEST IDEA EVER!!!!!!! http://d2oadd98wnjs7n.cloudfront.net/medias/519081/pictures/full/20121102021531-Solo-Were-crocodile.png?1351847741 WERECROC IN SUIT!!!!!! CROCSUIT UP!
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