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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. The map is the map. You can edit any cell on it, adding and removing as you like. If you add structures, the internal cell of the structure is not tied to the external map in any way. You can add new worldspaces. In short, want you want is both impossible and imho unnessesary.
  2. So you got it running? Nice one :) It would be nice for other users trying to do the same thing if you documented what you did to make it work - helps for future questions :thumbsup:
  3. a) it's not your content. You didn't create it. And that, to you as a consumer, is all that matters. b) appeal to tradition is (1) a fallacy, (2) not supported in any way by anything resembling a fact and (3) directly contradicted by the mod permission section right here on the nexus. c) Blizzard said "you will not be modding diablo", so that has zero bearing on this. And Bethesda HAS a pretty clear policy on CK use (and again, the owner of the content is not you), and looking at what happened on the steam site with the unauthorized open cities copy, DOES care. If I decide to go on hiatus, it's still my mod. If I decide to never update it again, it's still my mod. That I personally decide to relinquish my rights in the event that I go AWOL, doesn't mean any mod automatically becomes community property, and people like you make me rethink my community-friendly stance.
  4. Like I (late-)edited in my former post, your script will now have to extend RefererenceAlias instead of ObjectReference. when you did that sqv command, did you see the player listed as an alias?
  5. That's okay, unless your quest makes quest entries, you won't see it. You can check the quest status from the console with the command sqv QUESTNAME check if it actually is running. Now, since your script is running on a player alias inside a quest, it will have to extend referencealias, not objectreference. So change that.
  6. Just make a quest and leave it at its default setting (which is "game start enabled" - so will start & run always), and like I said add a player alias (tab quest aliases, make new reference alias, alias name player, fill type = specific reference with "forced reference" set to cell (any) and ref set to playerref, then attach the script to that alias. This is also a requirement of "onplayerbowshot", since the CK wiki page states that
  7. Yeah, no, it's not as clear-cut as that. Yes, all the Dwemer disappeared, no, it's not in any way clear what happened - there is only conjecture. Yours is based on a quote from a book which itself quotes Dagoth Ur, who was neither all-knowing nor particularly reliable. Direct quote from said book: See also Calcelmo's work on the topic, as well as a number of other sources.
  8. Congrats on your first script :) ...what is this script attached to? Because if it's the bow, equipped objects are essentially treated as being inside a container, and as per this page, objects inside containers are outside of the reach of your script-fu. Attaching scripts directly to the player is bad form, but what you could try is creating a quest with just an empty startup stage, an alias pointing to the player, and attach the script to that alias.Of course, if you only want the script to react to a specific bow, you'll have to build in a check for that.
  9. I think the problem in your first (now binned) script stems from this: From the CK wiki. So the moment you equip your item, it fires the onequipped event, after that for all intents and purposes it is inside a container. In defense of papyrus, while it has frequently infuriated me, 100% of those issues were caused by my lack of knowledge on the subject, and if used correctly it seems to be pretty reliable. Of course, using it correctly has often been beyond me :tongue: But the context is very important :)
  10. I will repeat The type of changes (big, small, fix, whatever) are completely irrelevant to the permissions.
  11. Upload permission (to other sites), conversion permission (to other games), modification permission (making changes), asset use permission (taking bits and pieces). These are the permissions which get set on a mod, and they default to no, no, not without permission, not without permission. They are set like that for a reason. If a modder chooses to change those, that is his or her prerogative. If those permissions are left as the default, you are free to fix or alter whatever mod to your heart's content for personal use, but you can't plonk it on the nexus, end of story. I'm all for the nexus adding some kind of "modder's will/abandon contingency" option, but that should not be a default setting, and that should not retroactively apply to all mods made before it was put in place.
  12. Permissions are not "yes unless explicitly no", permissions are "no unless explicitly yes". It sucks that a mod is broken, but you have to respect the rights of modders, few as they are. I'm adding this blurb to the permission notes of every mod of mine, just in case I ever lose interest in Skyrim or move on or whatever: Not that my mods are impressive enough that I think people will want to update them after I go (which will happen eventually) but it's nice to have such a thing in place just in case. But unless something like that is in place and the default permission is set on the mod (which is "you have to ask before...") - no reply means no.
  13. If I don't open them directly in gimp with the DDS plugin I often use nconvert for batch convert operations.
  14. Not sure what you're trying to do, Jalynn. That file comes with 1 (one) mesh exactly, a morrowind-style urn. The rest are retextured vanilla objects. You should be able to work out what is what by looking at the esp that was supplied with the archive. And of course it's a modder's resource, not something you "make work" in an ongoing game. Dropping it in your load order isn't going to do anything at all, unless you coc to tfmwclutterzone where it's all on display. You can extract the nifs from the vanilla game BSAs by using any kind of BSA browser/extractor like this one.
  15. ...the TOTAL 4gb memory restriction. Of your entire machine. I am not talking about 64 bit games. I don't know why you keep going on about that. My entire point is, and has been for this thread, is that if you're going to share your total of <4GB RAM with a game addressing up to 2 OR 4 GB (LAA, which many newer games are), your performance is going to be hurt by RAM restrictions. And its very possible to drive windows into swapping, you see it in his dx log. As for win7 x64 costing $100, you don't need super-ultimate final edition or whatever. In fact, THAT (much like his current ultimate edition) is a waste of money. Home premium provides everything most people need, and can be had for around $70. A generic stick of 4 GB RAM can be had for around 40, putting him around his $100 price target. That is, assuming he has slots free - which I already mentioned earlier.
  16. I'll join the others in saying "learn to walk before you try to run". Actually run through the tutorials instead of just watching, build a quest, build a dungeon, then try your hand at some small projects like a home, and by then you'll have a decent ideas of all the triggers and other stuff found in cities. And there are lots of them.
  17. In cell view, rightclick the name of your cell > edit, go to the tab "lighting", tick the box "show sky" and choose an appropriate sky from the dropdown.
  18. Yes, it's really odd that the author of an ENB CONFIG has turned off the nexus download manager feature for something which can't be handled by NMM in the first place because get this, it is not a mod. :rolleyes:
  19. Don't see why "you gotta" but okay, it's your mod :biggrin: And no, cell borders are cell borders. You'll have to draw your triangles up to the border, continue on the other side, and finalize your cells at the end to link the two cells. Like I said in my edit, exit navmesh mode, press B to display cell borders, see if this is the issue.
  20. If you're doing exterior navmeshing, it's possible that you're trying to draw triangles across cell borders (ie 1 or 2 vertices are in one cell, the other is in another cell). That's really the only thing I can think of. Also, first dropping 3 vertices, then selecting them, then pressing A is a horribly inefficient way of making a navmesh, it's much quicker to start with nothing selected, hold CTRL, and rightclick three times at various points, this will automatically create a triangle for you and select 2 vertices for your next triangle - as long as you keep holding ctrl each new right-click will create a new triangle. And if you release CTRL, then press TAB a different set of vertices will be selected (because while the CK is quite smart it won't always know which edge to select). Then hold CTRL again, press right-click, and like magic - another new triangle. One additional bonus of this method is that in exterior cells it will never refuse to go over cell borders, instead it will draw the last vertex as close to the cell border as possible. You may also want to press B (in regular editing mode, not navmeshing mode) to make cell borders visible.
  21. What 64 bits does for games is get rid of the 4 (actually less) Gb memory restriction - 4 GB which is also lessened by running windows, background processes, and shared video memory (if any). Swapping = incredibly decreased performance. Plus, going forward, you can move that OS to your new rig. A new CPU on an old mobo will just sit idling most of the time anyway (like in all likelihood his old CPU was), most recent CPUs are not being taxed by games; the focus there is on video cards and available RAM. A CPU on that mobo is just not a good investment, I think. YMMV. There is a reason Beth patched Skyrim to be LAA, and memory requirements for future games will only increase. Memory which on a 32-bit rig you'll be sharing with windows and any running processes and services. 32-bit just doesn't cut it anymore. That said, I don't know that mobo so if you don't have any slots available or can't source ram for cheap, my advice is worthless. If that is the case, I would actually stash my money in a bank account, save up some more, and upgrade mobo+cpu+ram at some future point. Run your game, keep performance monitor running in the background, and keep an eye on your CPU. I doubt you will see it redline at any point.
  22. Worldspace Tamriel in cell view, name brokenlimbcamp (27,-4) http://i49.tinypic.com/1e7txt.jpg I also have a little modder's mod which will tell you what cell you're currently in while playing.
  23. I would probably sink it into a 64-bit copy of win and a 4/8 Gig stick of ram.
  24. Try reinstalling the Nvidia drivers or better yet, grabbing the most current ones from the Fujitsu site. http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/Index.asp?LNG=com
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