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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Aaaand the CK broke my mod's LOD. Again. I'm not fixing it. I'm done. Finished. Fuggedaboutit.
  2. I think all these armors are fantastic - especially the first one, it's my favorite. I so want a giant floppy hat! I do hope you'll keep working on them. If you want a guide on how to get them into skyrim: http://wiki.tesnexus..._Skyrim._Part_1
  3. Undoing accidental edits is part of learning how to work with the CK - it's pretty easy to accidentally move something and have a cell marked as changed. This is a post showing you how to revert edits from within the CK itself using the file > open and then Details dialogue. This the general article on the CK wiki describing the same process but using tes5edit and going into more detail. It also has Gopher's "cleaning with TES5edit" video embedded in the page. I generally prefer tes5edit because of the ease of use, but the CK details button will allow you to undo small accidents just as well. Your follower story is a little unclear - any actor in the game is by definition found in the CK when you have your mod loaded - perhaps you're just not using the right search terms or looking in the right place. Use the filter box on top of the object window to enter part of the name (editor ID) and then in the box on the left-hand side scroll all the way down and select "all".
  4. Awesome guys! Cheers! I just know you've made a lot of mod authors happy right now.
  5. I'll just leave this here, should sort you out.
  6. *adds half the effects here intentionally because AWESOME* Thanks for writing this up Steve - I agree it should be stickied lest it disappears in the maelstrom of the Nexus.
  7. @omeletter, if you're going to do this, there is already a modder's resource which adds a ton of fruit, veggies, and other assorted food which you may be able to adapt to your needs.
  8. I've gotta say, a vanilla skyrim (updated to the latest over steam) for me always has been a fairly stable experience. It's only when I started wantonly modding that things went pear-shaped :thumbsup: The latest skyrim versions are already LAA aware so the 4 GB mod is obsolete anyway, and 3 GB of RAM - OS and other running programs = not a lot of breathing room for skyrim (although I've rarely seen it go over the 2GB mark on my rig, even with lots of mods). What's more crucial is plenty of video ram - especially when you've installed texture packs/mods. On lower-end systems tweaking the game quality settings to more moderate standards also helps.
  9. Happy New Year nexus folks!
    1. Risibisi


      Yep, to you too! :)
  10. My new year's resolution: lolcat mods fer Skyrim. Happy new year everyone, may all your lolcat wishes come true. The other ones too I suppose.
  11. Howdy Slains, hope you survived the holiday excesses relatively intact :) Maybe this modder's resource will aid your quest to place stuff? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28062 Unless that's the mod you found, but it still seems like it should be adaptable to whatever decorating needs you have. Or you could considering turning the miscobjects (with collision and the famous skyrim bounce-around-the-house) into statics and using scripts to place them; there is a candles and lanterns modders resource somewhere out there with a placing script you could adapt. Not big on decorating myself, but I know a lot of people seem to enjoy doing it.
  12. Every single sawmill in Skyrim has a waterwheel attached? Most confusing request ever.
  13. I'm guessing that last part should be "function TryActivate()" and you were hitting the eggnog last night ;) (I know I was) What is preferable in terms of speed/efficiency, one script using registerforsingleupdate() or three scripts but without updates? Because I would tend to go for the single script option, so I was wondering.
  14. Well, for starters, you've declared a function which is fine (but rather useless if you're not going to reuse it and it contains only one statement) but you never call on it. So the update loop never gets started, I think. Instead of Function StartChain() RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; Give us a single update in one second EndFunction try Event OnCellAttach() RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndEvent Also note this extra "a": Bool bKeepUpadating = False Generally, if a script doesn't work as expected I add lots of debug.notification("we're in stage X now") statements to see what is happening. (on that note, you don't need to import debug if you then go on to call debug.somedebugstatement <- the debug. part calls on the debug script) Finally, I'm not sure if this script will act as you expect even with proper event calls, but get that sorted first :)
  15. http://www.creationk...sh#Navmesh_Data
  16. Believe me, if "generate" bugged out on you, you would know it because you'd have missing/floating/otherwise messed up landscape all over the place. But most likely it failed to run/complete because you ticked some boxes at random and didn't have the source object textures in TGA format and/or landscape source DDS textures in the proper places. This post should help you get an idea of how to reliably generate object LOD. Which leads to my second tip: whenever you're going to start working on a mod, make a manual backup. When you're done, make a manual backup. If you find you've been working for 4 hours straight, save and make a backup.
  17. I'd recommend staying away from CK's LOD generator altogether (or if you do use it - do NOT NOT NOT EVER save your mod after that. Close CK, reopen, reload). Oscape will do what you want but like I said, it comes with its own quirks and usage guide. Perhaps an underground mall? Or mall-in-a-mountain? Or find a bit of open space and build there.
  18. What you're seeing is the default tamriel LOD mesh for that part of the terrain, essentially what you would see if you were far away, and there are multiple levels of LOD (typically 4,8,16,32 in skyrim, each higher level having less detail/polygons to render quicker at a further distance and the highest level -32- being used to generate the world map). Normally Skyrim will switch more or less seamlessly between levels as you approach, but since you've altered level 1 radically, it probably doesn't know what to do so presents the closest LOD mesh it has. Since you've altered the terrain, you should generate new LOD files. The CK LOD generator is pretty buggy though (it works fine for object LOD, but not so good for landscape LOD), and many people use tools like Oscape to work around that. You can use this to generate a new Tamriel worldspace LOD. How to properly use Oscape is a chapter of text in itself, so I will just refer you to one of the many tutorials out there. (the one I'm pointing at is somewhat out of date but the general practice is sound - no need to duplicate every texture used though) However, if you do that, your mod will become automatically incompatible with other mods which also alter Tamriel and have their own LOD set for that worldspace (and by incompatible I do not mean "will crash their game" but "will cause unpredictable visual artifacts like you're having right now"). I don't know of a way to generate partial LOD for, say, just a cell. Ideally, we want a tool like Oblivion's tes4lodgen, which would enable an end-user to install a bunch of terrain-altering mods, run tes4lodgen, and so generate proper LOD for their own custom worldspace. Not sure if anyone is working on that though. So taking all the above into account, I can't really recommend radically altering vanilla Tamriel cell terrain right now. Well that or generate your own terrain and just say to hell with compatibility.
  19. Yay! Glad you decided to post these for all to enjoy :)
  20. Follow this guide closely, and everything will work - it's the best guide I have found on the subject.
  21. Also, on a global internetwork, your timezone is not necessarily my timezone. In fact, I'm sure it isn't :thumbsup:
  22. If the script is declared on the player alias inside the quest, stopping the quest will remove the alias and stop the script from running. Use stop/start because it's the easiest and reliable.
  23. The onequipped and onunequipped events should still fire - they do every time an item is equipped or unequipped. After that the item is considered to be inside a container and so (if a script is attached to it) can't call any member functions (unless it's a persistent ref I think). For a start/stop script attached to the item, make sure your quest is declared as a property (quest property questname auto - and fill in that property to point to your quest), after that you should be able to call questname.stop() and questname.start() Alternatively, I think it's fairly safe to let the quest just run, however, if you don't want your script (which IIRC has many many checks for certain item types in the player inventory) to eat processor cycles you'll probably have to move to using states, one state to do a quick check if one of your bows is equipped (perhaps use a keyword on the bows so you can just do one check) and if it is, move to the second state where you start doing checks on inventory etc. until the item is unequipped again, at which point you move to the initial state. http://www.creationk...s_%28Papyrus%29 I usually provide the user with a config book/spell which allows for manual control over the quest for upgrade/uninstall purposes via a menu. You can also cut down on script processor intensity by replacing the game.getplayer() calls (which asks the game engine "hey, which guy is the player again" every single time) by either referring to the quest player alias (which you have declared) or declaring an Actor Property PlayerRef Auto and then referring to PlayerRef. See alsothis interesting best practices thread. I'm not sure if repeated If-Endifs are less efficient than If-ElseIf-ElseIf-EndIf statements though.
  24. Actually now that I've mulled it over for a bit, depending on your drive manufacturer, there may be a disk analysis tool available to you. Check the manufacturer's site for details.
  25. Getting bluescreens and boot failures are serious indications that yes, your HD could in fact be dying. Trying to troubleshoot software issues when it may in fact be hardware issues is fairly pointless. Back up your precious data, and do a full disk check including bad sectors. (link for vista/7)
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