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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Odd, normally the LOD files for tamriel are read from skyrim-meshes.bsa and skyrim-textures.bsa After reinstalling, did you continue with your same save or did you start fresh? Does the issue happen with a fresh game? (just start the game, at the title screen open the console and coc whiterun - is LOD working properly now?) If yes, there's something borked in your savegame. If not, let's try a workaround hack Try grabbing a copy of bsa browser. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1395 From skyrim-meshes.bsa select and extract (action > extract) - tamriel.lod from path LODsettings - everything in path meshes\lod From skyrim-textures.bsa select and extract - everything in path textures\LOD - tamriel.objects.dds and tamriel.objects_n.DDS from path \textures\terrain\tamriel\objects After this you should see a folder \lodsettings and \meshes\lod\xxx and \textures\terrain\lod\xxx in your data folder. Launch the game again, see if this fixes it.
  2. Sounds like an admirable (if huge) project. To make your life a little easier, you could ask the tes5edit team if there is any chance of adding an export function (like "take all the edited/deleted vanilla records and dump them in a csv format"). There is another program tes5dump which will dump ALL records of a given plugin (it's a commandline tool) which you can write to a text file but then you just have this massive text file; you'd have to build your own excel (or whatever) tool to compare records to vanilla.
  3. If your CK was recently updated along with the rest of us, this thread may shed some light and present a somewhat annoying workaround http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/825486-ck-issue-with-new-meshes/
  4. Did you remove any remaining folders after uninstalling? Because if there were some changes made/files added, the uninstall wouldn't have touched them.
  5. I can't find the forum thread now (it wasn't on the nexus) but some people were making rather big changes to skyrim itself, they needed an ini file to override the skyrim one, and I think they said the changes wouldn't apply unless they stuck the ini inside the BSA file. Which didn't make sense to me, and it was a pretty old thread, but it seemed to work for them. I do hope you get it working again, it's such a lovely map.
  6. Yes, tes5edit will tell you, at least for the cells and objects and worldspace. Scripts, I'd have to check a completely vanilla install but I think that folder starts out pretty much empty except for the source directory. Depending on how many mods you're examining, this may take AGES, even with TES5edit's filtering ability. And it will only be valid for that particular version of a mod you're examining, if an author updates their mod and adds/changes stuff...
  7. Creating a new worldspace is as easy as going to world menu > world spaces, right-click in the editorID list > new. http://www.creationkit.com/Worldspace Bam. New world. Actually adding content to your new world can be quite a challenge, given that some of CKs tools are... a little broken. Even Bethesa doesn't use the CK heightmap editor anymore for world generation. ( http://www.creationk...ightmap_Editing )Here is a tutorial for something that will work. http://hoddminir.blo...-in-skyrim.html It's quite involved, but don't get discouraged. You can also edit the worldspace directly with the landscaping tools, but you'll be going at it for a long time. http://www.creationkit.com/Landscape Linking up your worldspace to Tamriel can be done in a variety of ways, for example, put a boat near a jetty, put in a ship's wheel, put a triggerbox in front of the wheel. When the player enters the triggerbox, have a script ask him if he wants to travel, if yes, use fast travel to move him him and his party to the new world where you've placed a boat and an xheadingmarker. Setting up triggers http://www.creationk...e_Player_Enters Scripted fast travel Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(TargetLocation) Like I said, you can do it any number of ways, teleportspells, magic carpets, cave entrances with autoload doors, your call. The nexus is littered with abandoned land mass mods, so I think you'll need something more if you want to draw people in.
  8. Haven't tried it but I assume you'd change an actorvalue via script http://www.creationkit.com/Actor_Value_List like so Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("SpeedMult", 1.5)
  9. A sailing ship is just a flying ship at sea level (or vice versa for sky). Problem is all the flying ship mods I've seen tend to fly through everything. So do boat mods. You'd have to program in a lot of boundary conditions somehow. Not a small task. Unless you don't care about that, then it would be just a matter of taking a flying ship mod and lowering it to ground level.
  10. so \textures\textures\landscape? Yeah, that's not going to do much as is...
  11. I could be mistaken, but I think shields just raise your armor rating.
  12. No idea, sorry. Don't know what mods you've been installing and pulling over time (as you're noticing, removing a mod may not remove all the effects and/or files and definitely not everything stored in your save games), I've borked my skyrim twice, and it's always been easier for me to just remove all of skyrim and reinstall clean, then add only the mods I definitely want, keeping it stable for an entire playthrough before adding new exciting stuff.
  13. I really hope there will be, but 2 one-second shots may also mean another scripted dragon ride like the one to Skuldafn. I still hope so though.
  14. RCRN dumps a lot of files in the skyrim folder which may not go away when disabled. The official uninstall docs say to remove injFX_Settings.h shader.fx d3d9.dll injFX_Shaders (the whole folder) rcrnShaders.esp (located in "Data" folder) RCRNvolumetric.bsa (located in "Data" folder) RCRNvolumetric.esp (located in "Data" folder) sun.dds (located in "Data/textures/sky" folder) sunglare.dds (located in "Data/textures/sky" folder) snow01.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) snow02.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) snow01_n.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) snow02_n.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) grasssnow01.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) dirtsnowpath01.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape" folder) road01snow01.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape/roads" folder) road01snow01_n.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape/roads" folder) treepineforestbranchcompsnow.dds (located in "Data/textures/landscape/trees" folder) ALL THE FILES LOCATED IN "Data/textures/terrain/tamriel" (ONLY the ones located in the main one, DO NOT TOUCH subfolders!) fxsnowflakesblur01RCRN.dds (located in "Data/textures/effects" folder) rcrn_DynamicInteriorFix.pex (located in "Data/scripts" folder) rcrn_DynamicInteriorFix.psc (located in "Data/scripts/source" folder) ...which may or may not mess with other mod's additions. You may want to manually remove them and reinstall ENB.
  15. @Veltoss - thats what i was thinking. However, if you're going to remove it, do it in a small cell, wait 30 days, the entire clean save procedure because it may cause lots of ctds otherwise. @maid - no idea, sorry. I'd say one of your armor mods, obviously. I dont think its in the hothtrooper compilation, maybe the song general, i dont know that one (or any bear armor)
  16. What's next, troll marriage? This is a slippery slope here people! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/hurr.gif
  17. Your guess is as good as mine. You asked what mod this was a part of.<br>As a side note, I've had nothing but trouble with crimson tide. Just fyi.
  18. Well for werewolf problems the first place I'd look is werewolf mods... For the lights, does it look normal when you disable ENB?
  19. Properties for interior cell > music type. (right-click the cell in the cell view window > edit) http://www.creationk.../Interior_Cells Music only in certain areas > top menu buttons > create an acoustic space (looks like a cube with a little speaker) http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Toolbar#Sound_Design_Buttons
  20. Lol I tried bool but kept trying to set it to "1" instead of "true" so eventually I said "sod it" and made it an int :wallbash: Ah well, learning. Cheers Steve :thumbsup:
  21. Okay, I figured it out now that I have CK running again. If you generate object LODs in CK and you have the textures checkboxes checked, CK will screw up and you will get what I had. If you leave them unchecked, everything is fine. :wallbash:
  22. Works for me - but all my mods are slaved to skyrim.esm only. People with mods linked to DLC (heartfire, Dawnguard) are reporting crashes.
  23. Am not but holy s*** that's a great resource - at least the trees and stuff - the tutorial doesn't tell me anything new and my source textures were/are fine. It's just the end result that gets messed up. But thanks for the find, I know just where to use it... at least, when CK is back. http://i46.tinypic.com/mtksqh.jpg
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