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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. *deleted post, never mind, ghosu already answered it*
  2. As far as I know each item in the game has its own base value, you'll have to edit an awful lot of items.This value is modified by speech skill and barter perks.
  3. Perhaps it could work well for a dungeon crawler where each participant takes a cell and ends with the teleportmarker to the next empty cell for the next guy. For larger scale mods, a lot of the issues already pointed out would crop up really quickly.
  4. Ah - it cut off my line where it said "and go into offline mode" (curse you, late night typing) but this is an interesting find, thanks. Anyway, moot point, my skyrim was updated even with offline mode. Or it didn't stick. Guess I'll just have to play the game for a bit. That's just nonsense. I'm as much against piracy against anyone here - actually, that may not be true, I'm fairly indifferent to it - but the latest update is all over torrent sites everywhere and has been since the day it has been released. I'm not condoning piracy, I'm stating a fact.
  5. Interesting notion, but unfortunately it doesn't bear out. I wrote the below code to test and placed a Triggerbox in Tamriel/Whiterun pointing to the fast travel exit point in SolitudeLighthouseExterior. GameHour and GameDaysPassed ended up being exactly the same, whether I fast traveled by selecting the map and going to the lighthouse, or entering the triggerbox and going to the lighthouse. If you think you've noticed a time difference, that was probably time passing between (you setting timescale and closing the console) + (you opening the map and traveling) and (cell being loaded) + (you reacting). Scriptname SuperDuperFastTravel extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property PlayerRef Auto ObjectReference Property TravelMarker Auto GlobalVariable Property TimeScale Auto Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == PlayerREF float oldtimescale = TimeScale.GetValue() TimeScale.SetValue(5000) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(TravelMarker) TimeScale.SetValue(oldtimescale) EndIf EndEvent Too bad though, it would have been nice if this worked.
  6. Not the biggest fan of steampunk ever but that "schematic" on the table with the rifles is a fantastic little detail. Looking forward to this! I did a quick google for sound effects, I never realised there were so many dubious "for pay" sites selling them :(
  7. (pseudocode) On triggerboxenter() set timescale to 100 moveto.newcell set timescale to 20 ...not a lot of time will have passed, and certainly not the ~two weeks I require. Even with timescale set to higher levels, the load will kick in almost immediately.
  8. Because in this mod I am building the travel is done via a triggerbox + script and takes you to a different worldspace not parented to Tamriel. See also the first post :)
  9. For future reference: 1. Go to Steam 2. Go to your Game Library. 3. Right click the game and go to properties. 4. Go to Updates 5. Select "Do Not Update Automatically" Second, unless you have a very good reason for it, don't make your mod dependent on update.esm Given all of the attention Beth is paying to console users at this time, I think you may be overestimating that number, whatever it is.
  10. ...thankfully precomputing occlusion for complex files takes a long time so I had some time to fiddle with this. The following code will set the date for X days of travel (will break if you set it for longer than a month but I didn't need that), unfortunately I can't seem to do anything about the gamedayspassed variable, but at least the calendar will be properly updated. I leave it here in case someone else finds some use for it. I have no idea how this will affect people running "needs" mods, depending on what variables they look at, you may starve to death :whistling: May also break any number of other game thingies dependent on these global variables, so use with caution, I'm not responsible for any breakage, yada yada yada. GlobalVariable Property GameYear Auto GlobalVariable Property GameDay Auto GlobalVariable Property GameHour Auto GlobalVariable Property GameMonth Auto ;amount of travel time, with fixed component and random element added, change as you see fit ;this will break for really big values, you should add checks if you're traveling longer than a month int traveldays = 14 + Utility.RandomInt(-3, 3) int currentday = gameday.GetValue() as int int currentmonth = gamemonth.GetValue() as int int currentyear = gameyear.GetValue() as int ;define array with number of days in each month int[] montharray = new int[12] montharray[0] = 31 montharray[1] = 28 montharray[2] = 31 montharray[3] = 30 montharray[4] = 31 montharray[5] = 30 montharray[6] = 31 montharray[7] = 31 montharray[8] = 30 montharray[9] = 31 montharray[10] = 30 montharray[11] = 31 ;how many days in current month int currentmonthdays = montharray[currentmonth] ; add travel days to current date int dayaftertravel = (currentday + traveldays) ;check if we've passed over into the next month if dayaftertravel > currentmonthdays dayaftertravel = (dayaftertravel - currentmonthdays) currentmonth = (currentmonth + 1) ;check if we've passed over into the next year if currentmonth > 11 currentmonth = 0 gameyear.setvalue(currentyear+1) endif endif ; set the month gamemonth.setvalue(currentmonth) ; and set the new date gameday.setvalue(dayaftertravel) ; set the game hour to a random number because why not gamehour.setvalue(Utility.RandomInt(0, 23)) Debug.Notification("You have been at sea for " + traveldays + " days") ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Acid Zebra learns "array"! :dance:
  11. In general I would say you have to learn to walk before you can run. What you want is certainly feasible, but would require experience with creation kit, 3d modeling programs, conversion tools, and any number of other tools. It's going to take you months to just learn all that stuff, and then months again to make what you want. I don't mean to discourage you, just trying to be realistic. Start small. I mean really small. Make a house mod. Run through the CK wiki tutorials. For modelling, Ghosu up there has some excellent ones (and he does the best Arnie impression ever too - the conscious one I mean).
  12. It's a valid player choice, isn't it? Screw talking, kill this guy. I would not appreciate being forced to read through dialogue I'm not interested in. I know since you're the one putting a lot of effort in it, that may seem thankless, nevertheless, you have to look at it from a player's perspective. It's hard looking at your carefully-crafted content with a dispassionate eye, but forcing the player is - I think - not a good solution. The player may also break off conversation halfway through.
  13. Since Beth in their infinite wisdom do not give us any information other than General memory and stability improvementsFixed rare crash when using vampiric gripFixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently lockedFixed issue related to duplicate NPCsFixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly I don't think there is a way. Unless they start some kind of dialogue with the modding community and say "look guys, we're changing this and that and that", there's really only trial and error and a ton of complaints on the mod comment page as indicators. That said, if I look at the changes, I don't think they actually changed all that much. I love how vague "General memory and stability improvements" sounds.And I love how they put this patch out there without simultaneously updating the CK. :facepalm: But hey, at least the army of matrix-like Mr. Smith/Louis Letrush clones at Whiterun Stables might be fixed. That's good, right?
  14. http://www.creationk...tCombat_-_Actor StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) Always check the CK wiki to see if you're using valid syntax. Especially when people give you a general example, not specific code. Note also it is part of the actor script.
  15. It doesn't actually log you out, it just means there is a glitch or server overload preventing authentication. I have this too sometimes, pressing F5 to refresh reloads the page and usually lets you get on with downloading. Unless it's seriously overloaded, then hammering F5 isn't going to do anything except overload it more. If that happens, be patient and try again in a couple of minutes. End of the day, it's a popular site, and sometimes it creaks a little.
  16. Wait, so you had problems with skyrim and the mods you were running, so you reinstalled skyrim and the mods you were running? :armscrossed: Aside from that, your reinstall probably bumped skyrim to 1.8, and I imagine many mod authors are just now seeing compatibility issues and are working on updates and fixes. You'd be better off running BOSS, checking the logs (and acting on any warnings and errors), making adjustments, and try things like disabling one half of your mods, test for changes (did it fix your issue?), if not, disable the other half, test for changes, and slowly pin down which mods are actually causing these issues.
  17. Sounds like you may be better off with claralux to adjust the night sky to your liking and imaginator to adjust the saturation/contrast of the whole thing. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17605 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049 All ENBs will have impact, it's the nature of the beast.
  18. Yeah, so it's a magic boat and travel doesn't take time :) (I suck at simple math) Cheers for the suggestions - at least I have an idea of what _will_ work - read the current date variables (time, day, month, year), do some arcane conversion, add my desired travel time, make sure values don't go out of bounds, convert the whole thing back, then write the variables. Which really is beyond the scope of what I'd hoped it would be: SetTheDamnDateForMe() Probably easier to just script a couple of really long fast travel jumps. People love long load times, right? ;)
  19. 365 in a year, yup, according to this one, with a short 2nd month and the rest either 30 or 31 days. http://www.uesp.net/...Skyrim_Calendar This latest iteration DOES adjust the gameyear value, but the rest (hour, day, week, month) as reflected by the pause menu or wait (t-key) function - you know, Mornsday, 17th of Last Seed 8:01 or something - are unaffected. Looks like they're separate variables tracked separately. Joy. And gamedayspassed refuses to be changed, looks like that is some kind of read-only variable.
  20. @slainia: interesting suggestion. I've played the quest but not sure if it moves time forward. Did find this line in the MS10 quest though: lol @Steve, I tried something like that after Janus set me on the right track, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Even stranger, if you go to the console and change the global variable gamedayspassed (say "set gamedayspassed to 20"), close the console, reopen it, then read back the variable "show gamedayspassed", it won't have changed from the previous value (except by what time the game thinks has passed), ignoring whatever you set it to. If you do it from script, no dice either.
  21. I just had a look at the mod in question and it DOES have an esp file, and an esm file, and a bunch of subfolders - inside a RAR archive. The whole thing should be extracted and end up in whatever is your data folder. You will still have to add the esm and esp file to the plugin.txt file as Janus outlined. It's a rar archive. If you can't see folders and files inside, your download may be corrupted and you should try downloading again. Alternatively, I have no idea how macs handle .rar archives but I'm sure there is some software to be found somewhere. Something like this, I suppose. http://www.unrarx.com/
  22. Re; updates, keep an eye on the Bethesda blog. They'll post when they go into beta and when they release. As for SD, haven't had an issue with any of the 1.7 releases. Which, I think weren't that many. Back to your main topic, I understand what you're getting at, but since you asked for viewpoints - I never leave 1st person view. It's ME I'm projecting onto the avatar. Whether I play Khajit, Argonian, or Nord, I don't want to have some alien face breaking the spell/suspension that it's me doing all this stuff. That's just me though.
  23. Ah, okay. I've kept my steam offline and my skyrim not updated for quite some time now. It's not broken, and I didn't care for an update which only stated "general fixes" (marketing speak for "we didn't do much") so yeah. Also see the number of people very upset with their CK not working anymore after the 1.8 update - all the more reason to not let your games auto-update/ ...also, the 1.8 update has just been released - 1st of November so script dragon can't really be that out of date. A personal feeling, perhaps?
  24. Be sure to let Bethesda know how you feel (in polite terms, because it's a moderated comment section) http://www.bethblog.com/2012/11/01/now-on-steam-skyrim-1-8-beta-update/#comments Also, stay in offline mode to prevent future fun little outings like this.
  25. ...but it still works fine so I'm not sure I see the issue.
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