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About DaedalusMachina007

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United States
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Contributor (5/14)
I admire and commend the sheer fortitude and tenacity of modders (nay, outright game devs) collaborating in a team to produce such an amazing piece of gaming history to preserve it for posterity. Flipping awesome <3
Donation Points Stats and No Ads for Mod Authors
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #74126918. #74127723 is also a reply to the same post. Just saw this reply, tyvm for checking. My personal belief is that modding and modders in general are modifying copyrighted material, so monetization of any of that is always a very tricky balancing act. Unlike other people I'm super happy to have an alternative to PayPal links due to my severe dislike of PayPal as a company that tends to scam creators. I greatly appreciate Nexus hosting our mods on a much better site than the alternatives. I also greatly appreciate Nexus being more than just 'the place with Bethesda mods' especially in light of the continuing dumpster-fire that is Fallout 76 & the associated hemisphere around it.. The bad PR that Bethesda gets does not seem to have detrimentally affected the mods here. I would only like to strongly request ONE feature be added to the site if it isn't here already: Please provide a prominent notification if a mod has been deleted rather than having the page just redirect to main site or 404 or something. The notification page can remain for like 10 seconds before it auto redirects to the main home page if you like. If this is already in place then that's awesome. Best way to reach me btw is via the Nexus Mods discord. I don't login to the main site as often ;) -
Donation Points Stats and No Ads for Mod Authors
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
My 'Daedalus Mega ModPak' is approaching ~4000 combined total downloads but I received no such ad-free notification. Oh whelp. :P -
Seconds from Silence - Abstract Era Entertainment
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #71853463. #71867218, #72106313 are all replies on the same post. If this game is another Epic Store exclusive, I guarantee it will flop and flop HARD; I sincerely hope they aren't tempted by the dirty laundered-money that Tencent/Epic have been bribing developers with. I feel that this entire project is incredibly risky and I wonder how funding is going to be done and the business model being aimed for. I also have significant concerns in using Unreal Engine to develop an MMORPG (something that has had significant performance issues with lots of players at the same time) rather than an in-house engine or one more suited for the genre. -
Screenshot Community Event: The Final Presentation
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #69425069. #69429485, #69431661, #69478412, #69482452, #69488052 are all replies on the same post. To use a photography term, these are not 'screenshots'. They are 'compositions'. They are composed, edited, tweaked, altered, and otherwise significantly and materially different from the originals. Each and every single 'composition' here falls under that category. A 'screenshot' is just that. You hit Print Screen (or equivalent) on the keyboard and save a copy to your local hard drive then upload that picture. No post-processing or other alterations. That's what a screenshot is. I guess I'll repeat myself: When Nexus wants to do actual screenshot contests instead of 'composition' contests then I'll gladly participate. It will open up such activities to a much wider audience when the barrier to entry is far lower. EDIT: Using in-game photo tools like the ones in BDO and other games is ok. I'm referring to external/3rd party tools that people may not have the training/time/inclination to use. People seem to forget that Photoshop/GIMP/Blender require a specific skill set. -
Screenshot Community Event: The Final Presentation
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
I'm not an artist but I am a modder (still feel that I'm an amateur but hey it counts). I enjoy the screenshot contests that have specific detailed rules on what is and is not permitted. I feel that a screenshot contest should be based on in-game screenshots and nothing else. No mods, no post-processing via Photoshop/GIMP, no Blender manipulation, none of it. Just the game and your own raw skills as a photographer (and a gamer) to get the shot you want the way you want. But that's just me. The others on this site have spoken on how they want things; so be it. If we ever get an actual 'screenshots without the fluff' style of contest for more than just certain very-specific games then I'll be happy to participate. For those who won the gift cards, enjoy em. -
Screenshot Community Event: Coming Soon
DaedalusMachina007 replied to BigBizkit's topic in Site Updates
Don't own any of those so...unfortunately I won't be able to participate. Bummer :( -
In response to post #67937096. #67941336, #67941861, #67942656, #67944211, #67955146, #67968296, #68010096, #68052361, #68058036 are all replies on the same post. Well to toot my own horn: Daedalus Mega ModPak Created March of 2018. So Nexus, where's my royalty cheque? ;) I'm ok with any/all of my 'ModPak' mods being included in other mod packs. I believe that a true modder should be ok with the open spirit of collaboration, communication, SHARING code/data/assets, and realizing that none of us can really exist without stuff to mod. I do find it a bit hypocritical that mod authors actually have the gall to claim 'copyright' on their mods in such a way that prevents free redistribution/sharing. That said, I get that I'm in the minority in my feelings on this. It has happened with the various 'karters' that make ample money from unauthorized plagiarized reselling of translated games in cartridge form. It seems to continue with those who have an unabashed disgusting habit of open and willfull plagiarism. Did none of these dorks ever hear of 'proper attribution' at all? Mod authors (IMHO) should be far less concerned with redistribution/modification/alteration of their mods and more concerned with proper attribution/credit for the work they've done. I feel that those on Nexus (and elsewhere) who violate the basic 'give credit you dork' rule should be blacklisted by the modding community itself. I still feel the DP (Donation Points) system that Nexus hyped up for so long has been nothing more than a way for scammers/VPNers/etc to use bot networks to passively download files and artificially boost DP to purchase Steam keys to resell on the grey market (and thus enable money laundering and all the filth that accompanies it). Few systems are foolproof but I feel that Patreon links (for those who want to include them) would've been a better idea than DP. I am happy for the charitable contribution aspect of DP but I feel it is a band-aid more than an actual solution.
More games in Donation Points store and minor changes
DaedalusMachina007 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
You know, Humble Bundles/Monthly/etc exists and it is a thing....just grab those bundles and use those for your store/giveaways/etc :P True mod authors do it for the love of the game, otherwise they'd be doing something else (usually more productive). The DP stuff has always been just a slight bonus for the top 0.0000001% of irreplaceable standardized 'essential' mods and utilities for the most popular games here. I could literally do Twitch streams and/or YT videos detailing what my mods do and how they work with some actual gameplay involved; set up a Patreon to make more than I'd ever make from DP. I don't dare to speak for every mod author but I'm confident in saying the overwhelming majority of us doing this line of work aren't in it for money/rewards. The love and praise of our fans is enough :) -
In response to post #67632416. #67634251, #67635721, #67635836, #67636566, #67637641, #67638186, #67638486, #67639486 are all replies on the same post. I'd like to chime in here. While I'm privacy-conscious, I'm also aware of how to respectfully and politely ask questions about privacy rather than accuse the Nexus Staff of any nefarious deeds. If you're super-concerned about privacy, you will probably be accessing this website via a VPN and using a throwaway/temporary account to post that you change up every month or more often depending on your level of paranoia. You'll also want to purchase an unlocked Android phone, create a custom mod for it (or use an existing one that you compiled from source code yourself) with an open-source location service (no google apps) and alternative storefronts like F-Droid instead of Google Play. Also be sure if you get a Samsung phone (which you should) to use the alternative open-source firmware that removes all the hidden root commands to remotely enable your microphone/camera and other creepy bits that are present in the default firmware that comes with every Samsung phone. That's why modern phones have non-removeable batteries as removing the battery is the only way to disable this functionality for normal non-techy users. And I hope you're using a Linux-based OS on your computer. Be sure you use Gentoo and compile EVERYTHING manually from source code with verified hashes and certificate pinning to make sure you're getting only the legit source code from the legit sources! Give it a good week or so of compiling depending on your CPU speed. ^_^ The ultimate in privacy is to run everything off of a USB key from a thinshell client computer at a library or something. The legality of this varies depending on your country (please don't be a jerk, ask the library staff first) but there are entire linux-based operating systems designed around being as minimal and private as possible. And if you're still reading all this then maybe you understand that in the modern era if you want 100% privacy (or even above-normal privacy) then you'll have to give up several conveniences inherant to modern life. Good luck with that. I've analyzed the data from Nexus Mod Manager and Vortex via WireShark and other network-debugging tools on my home network. Nothing abnormal that I've seen. You should be more worried about any games that use that Denuvo-malware that they call 'DRM'. What a joke. That trash phones home to Russian-based activation servers and Denuvo themselves are overseen by Russian-based state actors masquerading as security researchers. Keep your private online personas and your public IRL persona separated as much as possible. That's what I do. VPN is also great to use. Other than that if you own a mobile phone at all you're giving up some privacy for convenience since you will be location-located at any time for any reason or no reason (primarily 911/emergency and law enforcement felony-capture reasons). That's the tradeoff of being able to call anyone from anywhere at any time. That's the tradeoff of using the government-owned and government-maintained and government-funded infrastructure of the Global Positioning System. But yeah, throw up the alarm over what Nexus does. Lol. Do what ya want ^_^
Daedalus FF12 FOV Changer Unblock Request
DaedalusMachina007 replied to DaedalusMachina007's topic in Site Support
I haven't been getting notifications of your replies in this thread. Apologies for the late response. I have reuploaded the file that is the exact file from my MEGA mirror and from the previous (removed) upload that prompted this thread. I greatly appreciate the whitelisting. Thanks! I know it may be a bit much to ask but for the sake of other modders, maybe Nexus can make an official statement about Cheat Engine Tables and Cheat Engine-based EXE files? I feel it would be useful for others who may want to make similar utilities using Cheat Engine. I've gone ahead and submitted it to two well-known online malware analysis websites and linked to the reports below. The Jotti VirusScanner tends to be a bit more neutral than VirusTotal and utilizes Linux-based scanner utilities to do their scans My favorite online scanner is Hybrid Analysis because it has a great deal of wonderful features to analyze programs in an online VM environment; fully scanning for things like network access or other potentially-malicious behavior. I read through that report myself and I can see why most AV vendors mark these files as suspicious. That said though, I may ask the CE authors to consider creating a version that doesn't use certain features to minimize the potential mis-labeling of CE EXE files as malware. If the admins/mods here want me to make a simple Cheat Engine Table file that my EXE was based off of then I can do that as well. Feel free to let me know. My other mods were mostly smaller files because I just like to tweak things for a game that gets so little love. I'm going to contact one of the main Cheat Engine devs about 'decompiling' my utility into source code so the Nexus admins can have that on hand for those who may wonder about the whitelisting. I'll send you a PM when I get those source files. I used the built-in EXE creation functionality of Cheat Engine so I'm not sure how to decompile it myself. Yeah they weren't much help. The initial person who was offering it was doing so over 3 years ago and I neglected to check the date. Whoops. I'm likely going to also just upload the plain-text Cheat Engine Table file for those who don't want/need the self-contained EXE file functionality. It won't have hotkey functionality if run in Cheat Engine so they'll have to alt-tab back and forth while playing the game. The primary reason I created an EXE is so that hotkeys can be used while playing the game to dynamically update the FOV in-game. EDIT: Updated URL for Hybrid Analysis report. When I have another day off from work I'll look into uploading the actual Cheat Engine table. -
Daedalus FF12 FOV Changer Unblock Request
DaedalusMachina007 replied to DaedalusMachina007's topic in Site Support
Hello BigBizkit; please grab the file from my MEGA mirror. I've removed it from the Nexus upload since it flagged my entire Daedalus Mega ModPak as potentially malicious because of the recent FOV changer being falsely-flagged with the cheat engine file. Many people who rely on me to remain 'clean' were concerned so I have removed it from the Nexus end for now. I'll re-upload it once I receive confirmation that it will be whitelisted. Since Cheat Engine itself is 100% open source, the EXE creation function it uses merely converts a Cheat Engine Table and adds in some basic GUI elements. The entire thing can also be saved as a fully-readable text file but that text file would require Cheat Engine. I created the standalone EXE version because it doesn't require that the end-user has Cheat Engine since using Cheat Engine itself saves some bits in the Windows Registry. Using my utility doesn't save anything in the Windows registry (to the best of my knowledge). If the staff have any questions about the utility, I believe I can ask a friend to decompile it if you want the raw bits to examine. It is a Cheat Engine table that modifies the FOV address for FF12 Zodiac Age. My utility uses some pre-configured hotkeys to modify the value while the game is running. Everything is packed and XOR-encrypted automatically by the Cheat Engine EXE creation utility to mitigate 'leechers' that take work done by others and modify credits to claim credit for the work of others. Another user on the Cheat Engine forums has a private utility that can decompile these Cheat Engine EXE files and obtain the component files in various pieces. Thank you for the response. It is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need anything from me. EDIT: Clarified the Windows registry thing. I believe one single preferences-based registry key is created by Cheat Engine, however I have no control over that. Also edited to remove the bits about decompiling since the person made that offer over 3 years ago. -
In response to post #67112626. #67115681 is also a reply to the same post. Just read up on this: https://adage.com/article/digital/defy-media-programmatic-business-exit-publishers-unpaid/313754/ Holy schtako...what a flipping cow of a mess! =O I hope each and every executive at Ziff Davis Media and Defy Media get raked through the coals for the trash they've inflicted upon so many people not being paid for work they did :(
I am Daedalus of the Daedalus Mega ModPak for FF12 Zodiac Age: https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy12/mods/37?tab=files I created a utility for changing the FOV within the game using the built-in executable creation functionality of the Cheat Engine software. Unfortunately, many antiviruses are false-flagging it as a Trojan/BackDoor/whatever crap they want to make up. I'd like to request a manual whitelisting of that specific file so that others can download it from the Nexus file hosting services. The file's name is: Daedalus FF12 TZA FOV Changer I am the author of the file and worked quite a bit on making it run well and look decent. It has zero malicious functionality and it exclusively works ONLY with Zodiac Age; it won't have any effect on any other games or processes. Because of how the EXE creation process works, Cheat Engine actually XOR-encrypts the file with some simple obfustication to prevent others from easily editing it and taking credit for creating it. Thank you for your time and attention.
As a modder myself, I always do my best to keep a private backup of ALL my mods and work that I do even if I host them elsewhere. The issue arises when people can no longer get in touch with the original modder due to e-mail/username changes or other issues like the jerkoff admins of RomHacking.net trying to act like they can dictate what 'allowable speech' is. I'm thankful that Nexus here has quite a bit more leeway and doesn't instantly ban people because special snowflakes demand it to be so. Or maybe I haven't irritated the site admin that much ;) I feel that multiple redundant backups are useful for modders and players alike. If you love mods then make your own backups as well just in case the original goes poof. I appreciate that Nexus Mods seeks to preserve mod history and help save them from poofing off the internet. Kudos :)