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Posts posted by ScorpionHunter

  1. It looks like you're a fan of accusing people of misunderstanding you, and then never posting in the topic again.

    For example, this was in response to someone who helped you find armor mods:

    "If you read the thread topic again you might understand what I mean, even in 3 seconds."



    Go work to Bethesda.

  2. And who are you exatcly to tell what I mean in my sentences? It's not others fault if you don't get what I mean... Look obviously you need to grow a bit, for I suggest you leave this ok...
  3. Vanilla female bodies are fat and ugly looking, when you add to that, that Lydia has for some weird reason, male animations, makes me sick - I have received a confirmation, why Bethesda's games are always WIP, when they are released..... they have so much to do along their work buddys............


    So... UNP is really welcome, besides it's beautiful.

  4. AMD Drivers - Update to latest drivers and enjoy the game and remember to KIIIILLLL!


    1) Uninstall AMD Software, DO NOT REBOOT

    2) Use or download and use Driver Sweeper (AMD Display drivers -> Clean) - then reboot when it asks

    3) Install or download and install latest AMD vid card Drivers

    4) reboot

    5) Start Skyrim

    6) Wait

    7) Wait some more

    8) Load your save game

    9) Load your other save game because you chose wrong one

    10) Wait

    11) Play

    12) Move somewhere

    13) Find someone

    14) Talk to him/her

    15) Kill Him

    16) Enjoy non-pixelated screen

    17) Quit game - HAH I got you NEVER DO THAT!

  5. Did any1 have this quicksave CTD - I quicksave and it goes to Win desktop, but I can still load the quicksave and continue - or is it some of mods fault?


    hsung - that's why always back up your My Docs - Skyrim folder



    All updates this far have worked almost perfectly with my case, but after this 1.5 24 patch - I have seen many something like "Activate H2 Marker" don't remember the name exatcly, when I'm running or walking any road - but it doesn't bother me, but sure looks it's from the patch.


    This patch (1.5.24) improved my Skyrim very much I got like +20 FPS - overall smoother gameplay - also I had just a couple of mods after initial release and got much more CTDs than now with ~100 mods :)

    Don't believe everything you hear in this forum, truth is, if here's about 10 posts about patch is shet - what are other half a million people doing? answer: playing with new patch and not posting because there's nothing wrong with the patch.


    Sorry to post this to here, this is about 1.5.26 - but anyway I think I try to patch my game too to 1.5.26, maybe those h2 marker activate thingys disappear....

  6. He mentioned "over-imagination" , good term - this really isn't that - truth is (as you prolly know) that most games ai cheat, whether game makers intended to make game harder (cause every nerd play thru it so fast), or they are just stupid enough not to realize there are people playing the game, and AI cheating = they are cheating = not fair against players - like you can imagine I hate cheating games. say example NHL xxxx, I'm leading 5-0. Suddenly it's 5-5 in just 5 mins.... wee yes of course.... but why Bethesda would go that low? Well ask yourself a question; how many times have you read people write here, that game is too easy? There's your answer - BUT the way Bethseda does the cheating is so lame, it's so obvious, I mean did they even try to hide it? I personally wonder if someone disagrees with me, just because it's so obvious, and there are lots and lots of players, who have played 10x more than me, I mean I'm nub with this compared to them, maybe they just don't care, maybe I take this too seriously, maybe I should look "thru-fingers" this time and say yea yea it cheats so what; console kill

    now it's fair. This is isn't just some frustration thread, like I said still playing and enjoying, most of the moments, but when it starts again (cheating, looks like some script which activates :D), it kinda ruins the game. Also to the guy who said that maybe I should choose easier level (btw very nice post thank you) I only have Adept level, tho I'm using Unlevelled World - which further confirmes that when I said; some matches are already decided before battle starts. Think about it me hiding at trees as archer lv2 against lv 40 warrior - doable as long as you hide after the shot, but some wicked reason - ptruu ain't gonna happen, probability that he sees you is immediately +500% + script that says lv2 can't win lv40. Also some two talked about hitboxes, and reach I agree with both you, it's true that weapons reach is way over in Skyrim as it was in oblivion, I made mod with realistic weapon reaches to Oblivion, but haven't figured out yet how to do it in Skyrim (cause they are grayed out when I try to change stock weapon data). As for hitboxes, I was fighting with one Forsworn *beep* and opened console and decided to watch, she was like very low level (I took light armor skill - cheating? definately :P) So she was hitting me and I checked the camera where I could clearly see the "hit box" - the blood effect was like 0.5 meter of me when she hit (compared to my char it's like half a meter), so the "hitboxes" are pretty *beep* up, if only I could change weapon reach data, that would help too, tho not to that cheating thingy. One must wonder why Bethseda make a game, I'd say game of the year, or couple or years ;) but still put these incredible stupid things in game, I mean it's like building a mansion and then burn it down. One more thing, to that one reply... if you're sentence "I used to be one of those people that always thought the AI was cheating... when I was a kid." was intended to describe you as younger person, I'd say yeah many others like that, pretty common, if that sentence was meant for me as with hidden insult, I suggest you take a look at my profile and then you can rethink ... you know.. about kid thingy. dot.


    If you are reading this too, thanks for reading this and letting me share my experience with the game ... like I said love & hate relationship - I guess Jarl wants me now - I guess I should go and kill some dudes. Peace to all of you.

  7. Forgot to mention, when you are killing higher level enemies, if you have their health low enough sometimes your hits or arrows miracularry start to have no effect, they "miss", that leads to "load game" Oh, and infinite mana for npc mages cool! Betheseda yes it truly adds realism... 298 hrs and still playing, must be something in this game, I have nice love & hate relationship with game lol
  8. not necessary archer I'm talking about, also I mean non-essential enemies, which with some miracle stop receiving damaga, once their health is very low, game seems to check players lv and enemy level - and it's already decided who wins before fight starts, I have like 280 hrs of gameplay, and if someone sees AI cheating - it's me. too bad about every game has this issue. But protecting NPCs? Bethseda jeez!
  9. why, enemies are always as fast as you? why they hit you out of weapon range? why game freezes their health when it's low and comes and kill you? why you sometimes, well often get killed when no one's not even shooting you but enemy's health is low?


  10. @Atreyuu2003


    I don't know what have you done with your game, but I know those things you mentioned - total crap. 1.5 patch works perfectly. None of the issues which you have is patches fault - obviously you yourself have screwed your game up - that doesn't give you the right to come here giving this and blame patch. Sure it's easier than blame yourself - if those arguments were correct - then why my game with around 100 mods, works better than ever, like 20 fps increase, smoother performance overall? I'm sure that there are bugs in game here and there, but your arguments are just silly - you said you uninstalled the game... then you have nice time updating your vid drivers and perhaps next time you'll know to look for some help for example in forums and such before making these statements.


    Sure free speech, no problem - I have nothing against your opinion, but in this case it isn't true.

  11. My framerate improved with 1.5 patch also game runs much smoother now, even I can max all settings now with 6950 with fps 40-90, had 3 CTD's earlier, but they were probably from mods - I haven't had any problems of any kind with the patch. I have around 100 mods all working better than ever. Now game has even better graphics too. So that's my experience about this broken game patch.
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