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Everything posted by AnkhAscendant

  1. Obviously you normally can't do it, but say you have mods that let you. Should I kill, say Balgruuf, what happens politically? Does the alternate civil war person take over as Jarl? Does the throne sit empty? I'm going to assume the 'lazy gamemaking' path and guess that absolutely nothing happens and there just isn't a Jarl, but one can always hope for a little more depth...
  2. It's actually not feeding, it's killing people with the drain life spellcaster form ability or the fangs attack.
  3. I would assume that the default 'max level' for everything is 100, but I don't actually know. Sorry. I don't have anything to do with the mod, I just knew it did what you wanted ^^;
  4. I did think about your Jobs, but I wasn't sure if I should link / push it, since it's a WIP ^^; I didn't want it to feel like pressure or anything.
  5. With the Uncapper mod you can actually continuing leveling past 100 on your skills (so you can keep leveling up), and you can change how many perks you gain per level. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1175
  6. So I have ICMN and Frostfall - Hypothermia, as well as a couple of the SkyRealism mods. I am considering the Professions mod (with ICMN, I'd probably end up a hunter or a cook :P). Basically I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for anything else along these lines, wherein you perform some sort of action to maintain some sort of stat. A cleanliness or bathing stat would be superb, since Skyrim is such a dirty place. Or some sort of stress stat where you do relaxing activities to reduce it. A piousness mod that gives you bonuses/minuses for maintaining or neglecting your religious duties? Something that gives me a job or business that I actually have to attend to every so often. Anything that makes me visit my owned houses every so often to maintain them/pay for them/not have them repossessed... something, besides buy them and walk away. -On that note, anything that makes me return to holds to maintain my Thaneship there. --Similarly, anything that requires me to return to the College / Sanctuary / Jorvaskr / Imperial castle, etc. for my faction ranks to be maintained. Really, I'd like the game to force immersion on me. I could do all of those things now, make myself return to the college once a month to keep my job as Archmage and go visit all my houses to make sure they haven't fallen into disrepair, and I can dunk myself into every lake I find to pretend like I'm bathing, but... there's no reason to, and you don't lose anything by not doing it, so it's pretty empty. (Also, since you've read this far, any mods that add more animals or wildlife would be appreciated too. :P Save myself making another post.) Don't need that anymore, unless there's something besides Real Wildlife, SkyTest, and Hunting in Skyrim.
  7. I have one basic opinion on followers: do not want. I actually kept Lydia after she was assigned to me originally because I wasn't sure what would happen if I sent her away ( ^^; ), and she died a lot (because I'm a mage and she makes an excellent wall... .-.). When she died while fighting to get to the Wolf Queen I left her there, her soul to roam forevermore under the earth around Solitude... with about 300 pounds of my stuff. Oops. Really the problem was I found them pretty immersion-breaking. Forget them never paying attention to what we were doing, no one else seemed to notice or care that I had an entourage. The followers were never acknowledged as existing by anyone else, it's like they're some loot-carrying summon only I can see. One who isn't even nice to me. Come on, do you really have to have an attitude, housecarl? I could have you beheaded... Well, yeah, and the fact that they never seem to notice or care if you're taking them along into the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon or to eat some priest or visiting the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary is kind of a problem...
  8. Dark. I likes dark. :] I would not like my character to have to say some of the things exactly as you have them phrased ^^; Perhaps some non-tongue-in-cheek options. Twist ending is good. (Although there are some people who would be unreasonably angry at having a quest they couldn't clear out of their journal. Ignore them :P ) I also approve of anything that adds plot and grisly things for me to do. I can't really help, but I just wanted to say that the Daedrachosen Dovahkiin approves of this mod request. :thumbsup:
  9. I haven't played through Dawngurd yet, but you'd need something to disenchant... I assume you can't disenchant Auriel's bow, and I further assume it's a unique enchantment, so you'd have to find a mod for it. There may already be a mod for it, but I find searching the site for something specific to be very frustrating ^^; Of course if either of my assumptions is wrong then you can disenchant Auriel's bow, or something else in the game that has the enchantment, and enchant it onto a new weapon. (Useless answer is useless.)
  10. I'm a fan of LotR, but all I could think when I saw your request was that elephants make even less sense than mammoths, since elephants don't normally live in cold areas. ^^; LotR oliphaunts came from the hot Southron area, and mammoths are (were) real cold-weather elephants... I think that it would be kind of cool to see the massive scary oliphaunts, but billing it as a realism improvement is maybe a bad idea. That might be part of why no one said anything.
  11. I didn't have the Companions go nuts at me, but I did have Tasgar or whatever his name is... I was walking past the western watchtower, then suddenly there was a meteor storm(!) and the guards started fighting something, and when I went to see what it was it was our friendly wandering bard. I was very very confused... Then I reloaded and Tasgar didn't spawn, so he didn't die :P I wouldn't mind some crazy Companions, then I could slaughter their stupid meatheads with a clear conscience. ^-^
  12. I don't generally play werewolves, but I sympathise since I had the same problem with vampires. Never was really inconvenienced by it. I have to say that I really like all of your ideas; they would be a lot more dynamic, I think. I agree that human-form werewolves should have night-eye and their enhanced nose, enhanced strength, et cetera... Your character should change when s/he becomes a werewolf. I also really like your stages with their bonuses/penalties, especially the forced frenzy. I would tweak some of them, though, such as making the Insatiable stage not actually damage health, since werewolves don't classically drop dead, they go crazy and get killed for being dangerous. If you want to go crazy and be a feral werewolf, you should be able to play your game that way. It seems like it would be fun to play a ravenous transformed werewolf who lives in cave and mauls passersby. ^^ Add more hunters in that stage instead, since word has gotten around that there's a dangerous werewolf and a Jarl has put a bounty on your fuzzy head? Of course the hunters would have to actually be dangerous then. I'd also make the cannibalism bounty higher, like double or more, to make it seem that much worse than just murder, but that's just nitpicking. Of course I can't make your suggestions come true, but I do like the ideas and wanted to say that.
  13. You know, I haven't actually tested the alchemical ingredients in useful Remains, I just assumed that human flesh and hearts would work like before. I've been too interested in making the bones into decorative items and making food ^^;
  14. From a game perspective you have a good point about things like asking for weapons to be reforged or a different reward, but from an in-game perspective, trying to argue with what the Daedra offer you is rarely a good idea. ^^; Meridia, while arguably good, is haughty as all get-out and has no tolerance for foolishness. Ask for her holy sword to become a bow and she'd take it away and possibly smite you for hubris. Peryite would probably give you his blessing (which I do think should be an option), but he sure as heck wouldn't cure it. If you wanted a power from Sheogorath he might give you that, but he'd also drive you mad, so your Speech skill would be stuck at 0 for the rest of the game and you wouldn't be in full control of your Sneak / walk / run mode and you'd equip / unequip / unsheath / resheath your spells and weapons, and armor, randomly. (I actually like that idea. :P) Daedra don't really care if you don't like their artifacts... lore says they have enough adventurers seeking them out that they can choose to be picky (even if what we see in the game disagrees). I have actually wanted to revamp and expand the Deadra quests to be more like Daedra factions, and I was planning to start a topic about the same. I would be interested in hearing any more ideas you have if I ever start it. (This thread is already being dragged away from its intended purpose...)
  15. You pretty much have it down, actually. If your character would't do it even to save his own life, then die. (Really I mean pretend that Molag Bal kills you, since the quest won't actually do that.) That Dovahkiin dies a saint. And then reload and don't do the quest, since you kind of can't continue the game with a dead Dovahkiin. Personally I think that having the quest still there and avoiding it makes the character more saintly, since it's easy to be good when there's no choice to be otherwise, but if disabling him so that the quest won't get into your journal for you to have to ignore is better for you I don't begrudge it. I just don't think that there should be a moral way to complete the quest, because again, Molag Bal is straight up evil, and evil doesn't play fair.
  16. I was going to mention the Speech Tree mod for yielding enemies, you beat me to it. :) Anything to give some nonviolent alternatives... I play a character who is, uh... tragically insane... so most of the morally reprehensible things I can stomach just fine with him with any flimsy excuse. (For example, the priest of Arkay whom you eat eagerly accepts bribes. This makes him corrupt and therefor unworthy of living.) The biggest time I remember feeling like I was being forced to play against character was at the end of the DB questline. I hate hate hate Astrid s.o. m.u.c.h. ...I was always on Cicero's side. (Especially having read his journals. I'm a sucker for tragic.) Yet I had to chase him down into the new sanctuary, following his blood trail... In my mind, my character (who had made a point of choosing "remain silent" in every single dialogue related to the Dark Brotherhood) was yelling "Wait, Cicero, it's okay! I'm your friend!" I thought the game was going to make me kill him, and I was still kind of annoyed that I had to be 'talked into' siding with him... Also, I wish I didn't have to kill Falmers and Afflicted and vampires who are just minding their own business when I walk into their cave. Dang it, I am a vampire, why are they so hostile? And then I feel bad for them (while I loot their corpses. Delicious vampire dust). But anyway, you know the real "What have I done" moment? Escaping Helgen. I went with the Stormcloak the first time, and he was all like "Imperials! We have to get them!" so I murdered some Imperial soldier. Then when I eventually started a new character just to play a thief for a little bit and I went with the Imperial and he was all "Stormcloaks! Maybe we can reason with them [and get out of here together]!" I realized my first character had murdered some innocent reasonable Imperial soldiers, and I felt a little sickly about it...
  17. I actually kind of want to defend the Molag Bal quest. I think you can do it even as a holy good saintly character, and I think you can do it while still RPing, because you're not really forced to choose against character. I think this because you as the player aren't being forced to murder, the character is. It's not lazy game work in this quest's case, it's how it shoulder be. Noble person goes into a house to cleanse it of evil. Evil god takes over the house, locks the door, and gets inside noble person's head, and gives them the option of killing or dying. Noble person does what he has to do to live and then lives with that on their conscience. Molag Bal is evil. Why would he really give you a choice? ^^ I would think it was more unrealistic if the PC actually could resist him or defy him. The only way I'd improve the quest myself would be to make it so that you actually do tart to lose health/magicka/stamina after a little while of refusing to murder the vigilant... Of course, if you don't want your saintly character to have to make such a hard choice and suffer, you should probably avoid it. :P
  18. so is this going to be fixed ? I don't know if it was intentional or if it was a bug that Dawnguard caused, but I can see why it would be intentional, since half of Dawnguard is about playing as a vampire. Maybe they wanted to make it more appealing to people so they took out the NPC hostility. And if it was a bug it wasn't fixed last week, the last time I played, so it'll probably hang around.
  19. I found one yesterday that may improve your thieving/assassinating experience - Sneak Tools. skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447 The ability to knock people out, douse light sources, and grappling hook arrows for climbing... I haven't actually played since I downloaded it, so I can't promise it's as awesome as it looks, but I hope it is. Oh, and edit to add the alternate start mod - Live Another Life: skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9557
  20. No, that's frostfalls hypothermia. For IMP's, three books are automatically added to your inventory. They are to configure the settings and activate the mod. If you remove the books, 2 more will be added soon after. But by the way the op describes his situation, I have to say... Make sure the esp is check marked. Shoot, you're right, my dumb... I activated them at the same time and got them mixed up. I was going to mention the items too but thought it was just for configuring ^^; La la la... Have you got it working, OP?
  21. I have about eight mods I would like to ask about, not specifics but just wondering if they exist, but I'll restrain myself... I'll just ask a couple that probably have simple answers. A) Is there a mod with craftable candles? Searching for 'candles' on the nexus didn't come up with anything, but I was wondering if anyone knew of one. B) Cigarettes, tobacco, smoking...? C) The ability to place Thief Guild shadowmarks, Dark Brotherhood handprints, or (and I would be ecstatic) Daedra markings out in the world? I thought I had found one for shadowmarks, but I think it just added the 'I am a guild member' one to buyable homes, which makes me disappointed.
  22. I did think of two reasons why you might be 'forced' to enjoy the inns and bards - stress, and cleanliness. I could see both of those reasons in a sort of ICMN addendum... have a stress bar that builds up in combat and on quests, and have listening to bards, cooking, eating, reading, and things like that reduce the stress bar, and doing any of those things in your own home or in an inn double the benefit. For cleanliness, if there's a mod that adds baths to the inns, have a hygiene bar that deteriorates, and give a morale bonus for being clean. ^^ Not that I'm capable of making either of those things happen, but they would be good reasons to make you go into inns.
  23. They already made this, it's called Dawnguard :P Joking aside (that was a joke, not being a jerk!), you only get attacked by townspeople at day 4+ without feeding, and after installing Dawnguard you still get the day 4 message about you being "hated and feared by all", but no one turns hostile to you. That is, unless that was a bug they have since fixed.
  24. I found this mod, Sneak Tools, yesterday while I was looking for a way to strangle people. skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447 It seems like a very good start, since it allows you to knock people out (unfortunately automatically, not based on any kind of skill except your ability to sneak close enough to activate them), and as a bonus has grappling hook / rope arrows for climbing, and the ability to extinguish and relight light sources. I still stand by my original ideas, but I highly recommend this in the meantime ;)
  25. I hate to add to the chorus of chirping crickets, but I don't have time to open Skyrim until the weekends either, so I can't really help test. I was thinking that I could try to fix the Argonian who thrusts Unfathomable Depths upon you. I didn't think it would be so hard to add a decline option, especially since she's crazy and can just repeat her opening line ;) Of course,I haven't actually tried to mod anything since Morrowind, which is why I chose a really simple one, pretty far away from the beginning area so I won't get in the way if you;re working from the front onward. I also think I remembered another that started on rumor. The Temple of Kynareth one about the Gildergreen has a rumor in Whiterun.
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